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To all those who blame's the truth..

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posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by roguetechie
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

What makes you think that you have ANY IDEA what's going on here when you aren't even from here as your user name so proudly states?

What makes you think YOU have the RIGHT to tell US what WE should accept or not accept?

Your post is shamelessly divisive and utterly devoid of anything but the usual partisan BS. So congrats on your epic fail at doing anything other than proving you know next to nothing, except what the Beeb and sky TELL YOU TO THINK, about American Politics!

Seriously though maybe you should grow up a little bit, your whole attitude is offensive and laughably naive.


Thankyou for your gracious comments... they put a smile on my face for one ...

I find your comment kind of ironic actually........... ''What makes you think YOU have the RIGHT to tell US what WE should accept or not accept?''..............from a country whose foriegn policy in the past few decades has been to stamp all over other countries and tell them what's right and wrong...........

I do NOT and never have proclaimed to know a huge amount about American politics, BUT being an OUTSIDE observer watching the Shananigans going on then I do find it quite a 'PERFORMANCE' from where i am standing...

Maybe if you and some of your fellow countrymen / women could accept a little criticism or accept that maybe America is 'Wrong' (heaven forbid) then you might see things a little differently and more clearly then you currently do...

Have a nice day

edit on 29-7-2011 by PurpleDog UK because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by jimnuggits
It is interesting to note that, with all this back and forth, no one has changed their mind.

Which, IMO, renders this thread fairly useless.

Obamanauts attack Bushies, and vice versa.

And the game goes on, without even an inkling of irony.

You want to 'fix' our problems?

Fire ALL 545 squatters and start over.

Dismantle the GOP AND the DNC.

Re-evaluate the situation, because we have not gone broke, ladies and gents, we have been robbed!

The thieves are in the temple.

This is all just a red herring, just as they wanted it to be.

Do any of you realize that the debt ceiling was raised 19 times during the Bush administration? No?

Then the GOP is doing just what they were told to do.

Do you realize that, by and large, Obama is merely continuing the trends of the previous administration? No?

Then the Dems are doing just what they were told to do.

You are all focusing on the tennis match, not realizing that the trophy is cardboard, and the referees have already stole the purse.

Fail on both 'sides.'

I completely have to agree with you here ..........

Ban party Politics and elect people to serve the people and not themselves..


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Never said I hated the guy, I just said I feel sorry for who he is, a clone and a shell.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Priceless! Someone from the UK calling Tea Party "mental". So, how did you come to this conclusion? Are we mental because we must be completely insane to recognize that if it walks like a socialist and talks like a socialist, it's a socialist? But, from your perspective i can understand that anyone who doesn't want everything done for them must be mental. Mate, isn't there a problem going on now in UK with medical rationing? See, us mental Tea Party Americans have jobs and pay taxes for over half of our country who don't. That makes us angry but not mental. It's easy for you to sit around in your nanny state and critique us, isn't it? Why don't you come over here, get a job, and see what it's like. Please come and actually see who Tea Partyers are before spouting off your derogatory remarks. Cheers.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
and I think Obama, love him or not is actually your best chance...

rofl. yeah, zbigniew is a good chance. lol.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Ellie Sagan
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

I'm just wondering why you dismissed that poster's question because he or she is Welsh. You say it doesn't matter to them, but you are in the UK. Why are you going out of your way to bash the US's past president and actually a good portion of our citizens? It shouldn't matter to you then either.

It was British Sarcasm..... he/she is welsh and they will get it..........

Of course the current mess in the USA affects everyone, it's a very serious issue.........and by reading through the thread a very dividing topic.......... the information i posted appears to have been from a left wing newspaper which may have portrayed information not to the liking of the right wing nutters......

One thing though keeps me thinking that ''are most people actually conviently short in the memory department??"

Running a country takes time and thought and many years to get right....much like a sports can buy in stars but that is a short term fixwhen compared to a nurtured and home grown team with a strong spirit.............

Trouble with politics and changing Presidents evry 4 / 8 years is that the job is only ever half done and people seem not able to ''last the distance'' because of self's actually PATHETIC.......

Also Obama inherited a ''runaway'' train of an economy...........the train will get faster before it get slower....if it had stopped dead then the entire load of passengers would have been killed in the accident.............the unfortunate thing is that in Oct 2008, Bush Jnr was at the helm in the financial crash and he started speeding the train up further to AVOID any further that train (the American Economy) will take some slowing down..


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by AuntB

You have to keep in mind that the value of the dollar has been cut almost in half since Bush left office, so really those numbers should all be cut in half (or more pending further inflation). You also have to consider the fact that money is just an imaginary game, and that the economy can't have any money in it without garnering more debt than money. That's how the monetary system works, you don't get any money at all unless you borrow it from a bank, and the bank charges interest on top of what they give you, so you will never get out of debt, only get in more debt. That's the only option, more debt or no money.
edit on 29-7-2011 by StalkingGoogle because: accidentally posted blank

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:40 PM
Only thing I have to say about Obama:
"If I were President, and I HATED America, I would be doing exactly what Obama is doing"

Traitor.. Treason..

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by TexasTea
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Priceless! Someone from the UK calling Tea Party "mental". So, how did you come to this conclusion? Are we mental because we must be completely insane to recognize that if it walks like a socialist and talks like a socialist, it's a socialist? But, from your perspective i can understand that anyone who doesn't want everything done for them must be mental. Mate, isn't there a problem going on now in UK with medical rationing? See, us mental Tea Party Americans have jobs and pay taxes for over half of our country who don't. That makes us angry but not mental. It's easy for you to sit around in your nanny state and critique us, isn't it? Why don't you come over here, get a job, and see what it's like. Please come and actually see who Tea Partyers are before spouting off your derogatory remarks. Cheers.


I gave you a star for that.............

I have heard some of the speeches and rethoric from 'Tea Party' members.......... some of it is Nationalistic and some of it is alot worse.........add your right to carry guns and all that crap and you have a seething mass of mental people....IMO

Just to re-assure you, I to work and have a job.....I employ several people in medical sales and do all right BUT I too am disillusioned with how my Taxation seems to be spent here in the little ole naany state of the UK.......oh please...!!!

I posted earlier about Apple Inc....did you see that ? That company has more money to Spend today than the Amercian Government................good on them I say BUT the system in which you mental Tea party proclaim to support has enabled a private company to have more CLOUT than the National Government.......Your system is wrong...........The world is not just about ''collecting money and building the biggest pile of it'..... it is about working together and building a better society without some of the stupid excesses currently on play IMO..........The Tea Party people I have heard and seen speaking do nothing BUT perpetuate the ''PILE BUILDING"

TT - finally......HOW MUCH TAX (as a percentage) DO YOU PAY?? Genuine question as I do not really know what the current taxation in the USA is........ I pay 40% above £40k (approx $62K) plus VAT @ 20% on goods purchased (some foods, clothing, fuels...etc). Below £40k it is around 20% give or take....


edit on 29-7-2011 by PurpleDog UK because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:47 PM
5 trillion in debt and Barry still wants to wage wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt? Does that sound right? Common really?

A. He KNOWS that the economy is going to collapse soon no matter what so hes going to use the money we have left and go on a shopping spree while they're actually still worth something.

B. Hes doing this to purposely collapse the American economy completely so NWO can be accomplished.

C. I can't think of anything else, but what ever it is, its not for the better for all middle and lower class Americans. Heck not even for the upper classes. You have to be elite to survive during whats ahead.

Maybe during the NWO, elites don't even have to worry about paying for anything. They control the military. Everyone else will be their slaves.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

and the obama defenders are forgetting the true cost of obama care and the increased entitlement spending and the rising costs of healthcare of medicare and medicaid with no way to even think about paying for it.

partisan was your post man.

Typical Conservative thought! First of all, and by all means , LOOK IT UP!!! The CBO has been looking into Social Security for decades, and they agree that Social Security , as it is today, is TOTALLY DEBT NEUTRAL!!! For all you Conservatives out there, that means that it adds NO DEBT!!! I also hate to take your favorite toy away from you when I inform you that "Obamacare" as you call it, has also been studied, and it actually saves 1 trillion dollars more than changing nothing over the next 10 years. That's right, IT SAVES A TRILLION DOLLARS. Just because Rush and Mark and Sean say something on the radio, that doesn't make it true. I don't hate conservatives, I just wish that when they argued, they based their argument in truth. Do your research, and stop spreading lies without researching them. By the way... when, in human history, has a country started a war and cut taxes at the same time. Nobody else ever has, because it's a surefire way to collapse your economy.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:50 PM
I love these inflammatory threads - good Job!

Every body looks at the graph in the OP and goes to blaming.

I know all the folks on the left say - its Bush's fault - guess what your are right.
I know all the folks on the right say - its Obama's fault - guess what you are right too.

Who's fault it is don't matter at this point.

What this graph above shows to me, is the more the government spends the worst the economy gets.

Maybe we should try the opposite.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:53 PM
Too Funny!!!

How much has Obama been spending in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan and LIbya?

Does this neat little chart include the cost of Obamacare??

Doesn't look like it because no one knows how much Obamacare will cost?

Projections through 2017 for Obama.... Seems a little odd ... he hasn't won yet

So the chart is pure crap basically and Obama is on track to clearly outspend Bush if by odd chance he ever won a second term. Don't hold your breath!!

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:55 PM
Straight from the New York Times? if so then I think this really is the best I have ever seen comparison wise in actual numbers most people have no clue of the reality, also does this take into account the missing 2.5 trillion or so Rumsfeld was going to make an announcement about or did the day before 911? or what about the bank bailouts and the policies leading up to the mortgage catastrophe, I mean the totals for Obama seem to be including a project over some years, Bush's numbers above 5 Trillion just during his 2 terms is unbelievable, and don't forget the War Bush wanted in Afghanistan was never really undertaken, he waved that in our faces only to cut to Iraq, Obama had to take the hit on that, we're spending defense monies to keep a lot of what was already there, honestly it is funny how the Republicans and the Tea Party want to make things seem like Obama is to blame for the situation we are in, both financially and also how are freedoms have been curtailed, seems like this proves that Bush is to blame and also if you list all of the legislation that are to blame for lessening of freedoms and liberty you will more than likely find that is where the tea party needs to focus on who was behind that and then you would see that the current president is not to really blame for any of their complaints or the reasoning behind the formation of their party.
I guess you have to find a scapegoat somewhere though.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:58 PM
Staff has decided this thread is closed due to sniping and insulting rhetoric.

edit on Fri Jul 29 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:58 PM
Great, just what we need, another thread for the donkeys and the elephants to bicker at each other in. These always solve America's problems.

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