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White flashes while in a meditative state?

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Last night I was laying in my bead with my eyes shut, I was half awake and half asleep. My eye lids wear closed, I noticed a light coming from the left, I opened my eyes and saw a faint light, lighting up part of my room. Then a couple seconds latter I saw a couple of bright white flashes. I remember thinking, damn men in black with their neuralizer. This has happened once before, when i was in the same state of mind. What could it be?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

Hmmmm...this interests me only because I have had similar experiences. I do not try to meditate, mind you. It typically happens while I am trying to sleep, but am not drifting off (it takes me a while to drift off to sleep typically). I will be laying in bed with my eyes shut and suddenly I see one or two bright white flashes as if someone was in my room and quickly illuminating some kind of halogen flood light a couple times.

Of course, there is no one there and I am not any closer to sleeping than I was before. I always just attributed it to some kind of brain freak out while "shutting down", so to speak. I really have no clue what it is though.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

Interesting, when I meditate I'll start to see a white light that always stays on and continues to get brighter, it will get unbearably bright at times. I'll see white flashes when I close my eyes if my or a neighbors refrigerator kicks on or anything with a similar load.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:03 PM

You're in the preliminary state of going into the light.
If you focus on the light it will eventually become you or better still you will realize you are LIGHT.

There is a meditation method to achieve this state.
1 better to sit comfortably. Lights should be low, but, not off.
2 Bend you head down as if you're looking at your lap.
3 Turn your eyes to focus at the middle, or there about, of you fore head. Your eyes will be slightly, or half way open.
4 FOCUS on that spot. If anything enters your mind, refocus to that spot.
5 Eventually a pin point , very intense light will appear. It will start moving towards you. At some point you will become
that point of light, totally.
6 You will have no sense of time and you will know yourself as the Light. You can be in this state for 2 hours and
when you awake(?) it will seem like a few minutes.
Before you start it is best to ask for guidance when you enter the light.

There is a small book named "Star Daily" that out lines this method and the experiences of the unknown author. You probably can find it on line.

Normally it takes about 30 days to achieve this state, but it seems you are on the verge so it will probably take much less time for you.

Once you experience the Light you will never forget it.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:05 PM
I too had a weird experience last night while meditating I saw a very beautiful east Indian woman and upon coming back from my meditative state I had a new word that rang in my head darshan when i looked up the meaning of the word it was blessed weird huh !

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Silverado292
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

Interesting, when I meditate I'll start to see a white light that always stays on and continues to get brighter, it will get unbearably bright at times. I'll see white flashes when I close my eyes if my or a neighbors refrigerator kicks on or anything with a similar load.

This is interesting you say that, I see these lights from time to time as described, but when you said something about the fridge kicking on and seeing a light, I've had this happen as you describe, but not always with appliances, it could be some sudden sound breaking the silence. The color I tend to see is an indigo to maroon color when the sound does it, but when i close my eyes to meditate i see the white light.

When sound breaks the silence, i can see the color with eyes open or closed
edit on 7/28/2011 by eXia7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

I'm not sure, but I often find that right when I'm in the perfect state of mind for some real constructive thinking or spiritual guidance. Some force will throw me off track, almost as if It does not want me to be thinking that way, my thought is evil forces.

Why do i say something as crazy as evil forces?

One time, when I was in deep meditation, the best meditation session I have ever had, something happened.
my mind was in a complete trance, a spirit guide was with me and I was going leaps and bounds with understanding reality and self improvement. All of a sudden, this thick, dark heavy presence wrapped over and around me like a cloak, I instantly felt miserable and upset. I tried very hard to ignore the atmosphere and maintain my previous state of mind. I then heard my dog growling (she NEVER growls, it was the first time I have ever heard her) This makes thing even more strange and worrisome so I open my eyes and notice my dog is sitting right in front of me looking over my head (where the dark presence came from) growling viciously. I instantly looked up and the feeling stopped and she stopped growling,, till this day it still gives me the chills.

I now meditate with totems placed around me, and try to burn sage to rid negative energies. since I have started that the interruptions have stopped.

~ Namaste

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

I have had similar experiences. It had started when I had just begun taking a medication to help me sleep though.. I would be laying in bed trying to get to sleep and i would see bursts of white light as if someone was taking flash photography. Even with eyes open, I would see it. I felt as though I could almost hear the flash as well...?? like I heard it in my head? I dont really know how to put it into words.. Any of you sort of "hear" these flashes as well?

Like I said, I had recently started on some meds, so that may have had something to do with it, but I have been off of them for over two years now and still occasionally experience these flashes.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by deanGI5

I know what you mean about "hearing" it. It's not necessarily a sound, per se, but rather a feeling for me. It's like, when the light flashes everything is muffled for a split second. Like something snapped in my brain and decreased my senses for a split second.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:31 PM
I don't recall ever having flashes of light when meditating, but I did have one strange experience. For a short period of time I went to a meditation class that was offered at one of our local Buddhist Monasteries. I had gone to few classes and was really just learning but one evening as I was meditating all of a sudden it was as if someone turned on the television really loud in my mind. It was like the sounds you hear when the TV is on, but you aren't paying attention to it. Just background noise, but it was IN my mind instead of something that I was hearing that originating externally. I suppose it was random thoughts and they were completely unbidden...and I admit, it sounds kind of insane, but as far as I know I am completely rational.

Anyways, I was aware of the "noise" but didn't allow it to break my meditative state. All of a sudden, it stopped. And just like I said before it was like someone turned the TV on, this time it was like they turned it off. My mind was completely silent. So silent that the complete silence ended up throwing me out of my meditative state. I had not been meditating long when that happened, so I don't know if I had finally reached that place you are seeking when you meditate or what.

Have you guys ever experienced anything like that before? It has never happened again, granted I had to stop going to the classes shortly after because of schedule conflicts.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by eXia7

Originally posted by Silverado292
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

Interesting, when I meditate I'll start to see a white light that always stays on and continues to get brighter, it will get unbearably bright at times. I'll see white flashes when I close my eyes if my or a neighbors refrigerator kicks on or anything with a similar load.

This is interesting you say that, I see these lights from time to time as described, but when you said something about the fridge kicking on and seeing a light, I've had this happen as you describe, but not always with appliances, it could be some sudden sound breaking the silence. The color I tend to see is an indigo to maroon color when the sound does it, but when i close my eyes to meditate i see the white light.

When sound breaks the silence, i can see the color with eyes open or closed
edit on 7/28/2011 by eXia7 because: (no reason given)

I forgot to mention the sounds too, it's sharp sounds but it's always a white light, maybe a light blue in it as well. It's pretty cool that yours are color coded, have you thought about using the colors to fully ID what you feel?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:27 PM

The dark forces mentioned are actually the ego trying to impose it's will on you. The ego is definitely opposed to the light.

The ego in modern terms is the devil. It is a false belief system in opposing to the Light. A book that gives very good insight to this, is "A Course In Miracles".

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Silverado292

I always see colors of different types, blues, indigos, yellows, oranges.. i always just thought it was normal.. I always just say my eyes are playing tricks on me, I never really pay much attention to it... Although this year things have been a bit more noticeable, who knows.

I'm still new in meditating and noticing what colors do what or whatever, I dunno I'm still confused about lots of things really lol
edit on 7/28/2011 by eXia7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:19 AM
Most probably what u had experienced was a stage when you start "opened" . It is something natural and you dont have to worry about it.
When you experience that again, you should try to focus on that flashing lights, till the flashing getting faster and faster like pulse, till you can see a bright steady light, really really bright, and can see some object kind like a weak shadow in that bright light.

One you get this step, now you have the extra vision and ability to explore outside in weaker form. To use this, you might need a help from someone who can guide you to know the different between seeing things or imaginating, cuz the differences is so thin.
Most people even after this stage didnt realized this ability cuz already thinking when they can see something for the first time in the lowest step, it will just like seeing real things in reality. But most people would just have a pic or film with very slow frame rate or only saw some frame in white and black.
Different with imaginating, when u saw real "things" you cant change or modified it with your mind, it stay just like that no matter how hard you try to change it in your mind.

Congrats anyway for you, and hope you will be good and have a good time.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:19 AM
Ooops sorry dopost
edit on 29-7-2011 by maung because: Double post

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by eXia7

Yes, I know what you mean about "hearing" it too. It's like a sudden loud clap or like when something breaks the sound barrier (I know what that sounds like from when I lived in Colorado Springs - jets or something from the Air Force, I think). It gets your attention and brings you to focus immediately, leaving you wondering if you actually heard it or felt it or what...

Do you also get vibration feelings when you are starting to wake up or not fully asleep? I get those too, they are a similar feeling, but more thrumming and they continue for a while, don't just thunderclap and then leave you hanging.
edit on 29-0720117-1111 by gwynnhwyfar because: Added to reply.

edit on 29-0720117-1111 by gwynnhwyfar because:

edit on 29-0720117-1111 by gwynnhwyfar because:

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy
Got the above. My first opinion is you have begun to experience the start of astral projection. Go to Robert Bruce Astral Dynamics. You should find a better idea of what you are experiencing. Good Luck!

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

Last night I was laying in my bead with my eyes shut, I was half awake and half asleep. My eye lids wear closed, I noticed a light coming from the left, I opened my eyes and saw a faint light, lighting up part of my room. Then a couple seconds latter I saw a couple of bright white flashes. I remember thinking, damn men in black with their neuralizer. This has happened once before, when i was in the same state of mind. What could it be?

OP, I have experienced similar things in my room upon going to bed. On occasion, I have seen the flashes when my eyes were open and they almost resemble something like a firefly that lights up briefly. I searched the internet when I experienced this to see if I could find some explanation, but I pretty much came up with nothing. I did, however, find a thread here on was a few years old, but it totally described this phenomenon and several people said they had had it happen to them, too. I will have to try to look for the thread.
edit on 30-7-2011 by NightGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 01:28 AM
I've seen those flashes with my eyes fully opened. I hope it is nothing to be concerned about, medically speaking.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 01:56 AM
Off to sleep or where the white flashes should be happening to me soon. Any sound might wake me up and I see white light in my head before my brain is fully using my eyes again.

I never noticed it while mediating. Tomorrow, I will try the method another poster suggested above. Or try control tonight, if I am aware enough when it starts.

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