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Are the "Gods" the cause why we want to fly so bad?

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 11:29 AM
Mods, I don't know if this is in the right place, and also please don't get it confused with other threads, this isn't a repeat of anything, it is just my opinion and stuff.

A few months ago, I started to really think why humans enjoy and/or would enjoy flying so much. No, I'm not talking about airplanes, I'm talking about taking the skies with your own self.

I was thinking, and thinking and to this day I believe there's a good reason why we do, and the reason does NOT involve thoughts like "Oh, because it's fun", or "Because we are smart enough to try it.".

First of all, it wouldn't be smart to go against your natural human self. Unless, of course, we are, in fact, not going against anything

So this is where my thoughts come in.

I will show you some photos, and thoughts right after a few of these brief sentences;

I have always thought of wanting to fly myself, I've had dreams, like most people, of flying, and I have personally never seen anyone say that they wouldn't like to fly.

Then, it all "struck" me.

If I remember correctly, there is a theory of humans being some sort of "experiment", and that we were created some long time ago by these so called "Gods". In other words, more closely to the word "aliens", or E.B.E.s (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity)

Of course we would have called them "Gods" back then, for obvious reasons.

Now, I am NOT saying I am right. But what I am right about, is that if you don't even believe this is a possibility, LEAVE this thread now, and don't waste your own, or anyone else's time. Mostly because this thread is also about open mindedness. Big open mindedness.

So here goes:

There are a few websites which show and talk about a theory which involves "Gods", (or aliens) creating us. One of the websites is this.

If these so called "Gods" really were here, and really did sort of "experiment" with us by putting together genetic material consisting of their DNA, and the "other half" of "other" DNA, wouldn't it, not only logically, but also mathematically make sense that we would have something in our genes that they did, too, making us just a little bit like them? Well, I think, of course, YES.


So, if they really did this, and they had wings, like they are sometimes portrayed, then we would also have something "similar", or something "not complete".


Now, I am not stating that the above pictures are either drawings of them, or of us. I am only giving out a couple or a few examples of what they are portrayed, and Hell, for all I know, the wings are not even meant to be real, BUT just give it a small little damn thought.

Now, this is where I kind of think really quickly, and it is a quick thought, because it doesn't take a long thought to realize that I might be up for something here. (OR completely nothing)

I remember several years ago, my grandfather went up to my brother, who was still skinny at the time, and he sort of grabbed his shoulder blades, because they were easily popping out, and said "You know, the shoulder blades are not there for a purpose, that we know of; They're just there as a form, or as a simple look."

When I remembered him saying this, I thought to myself, maybe he is right. After all, he truly does have the type of "old knowledge" which is always true.

What I mean by that, is that he is the type of person who would survive in the wild, he is the type of person who can immediately tell the smallest things that are safe or dangerous, from a forest, and he is the type of person that has a type of knowledge that is not necessarily backed up by science.

I am NOT saying he is right, and for all I know the shoulder blades DO have a true purpose, just like we recently discovered that the appendix does, when many people for many years have always said that it doesn't.

Where am I going with the whole shoulder blade thing? Well, lemme tell you. Based on MY opinion, and from what I THINK I know, I believe that our shoulder blades are actually a place where, if we had wings, they would start from.

I believe that we really could have been engineered, and I also believe we like to fly, because IT IS IN US. We just don't really know it.

Now I do know that the shoulder blade is the bone that connects the humerus (upper arm bone) with the clavicle (collar bone), but that doesn't mean that we couldn't have something attached to it, or a potential for it. Maybe if we were 100% of the "Gods" that created us, then maybe we really would have wings.





JUST give it a little thought, and don't forget to star and/or flag, if you think it deserves to.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 11:52 AM
oh dear... as a fellow ancient astronaut theorist i have to set you straight

the wings are symbolic of flight, and that is all, i suggest you look into the "wandjina", thats what the gods actually look like, they have a halo which is is actually a helmet made of gold which keeps the radiation out and a air tight space suit.

and from my own research i think that these so called gods cut a chromosome or two off and rearranged and didnt actually add anything

so ummmmmmm yeaaaaahhhh.... i am frakking crazy.. lets be crazy together!
edit on 28/7/2011 by Welshextremist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by Welshextremist
oh dear... as a fellow ancient astronaut theorist i have to set you straight

the wings are symbolic of flight, and that is all, i suggest you look into the "wandjina", thats what the gods actually look like, they have a halo which is is actually a helmet made of gold which keeps the radiation out and a air tight space suit.

and from my own research i think that these so called gods cut a chromosome or two off and rearranged and didnt actually add anything

so ummmmmmm yeaaaaahhhh.... i am frakking crazy.. lets be crazy together!
edit on 28/7/2011 by Welshextremist because: (no reason given)

I just looked up the word you mentioned and they look like the grays, IMHO.

I still think there's something to humans and wings. There was a thread in which the OP stated that he thinks we could have been brought here from a different planet, and that planet is actually "heaven". Angels have wings. Maybe so did the original human.

Like, I said, just give it a thought. If you think they did something with the chromosomes, like you stated, and there is no way of knowing FOR SURE, then I'm sure it won't be hard for you to give this a thought, too. Look outside the box.

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