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Cops Arrest 20 Teens Leaving a Movie for Curfew Violation 20 Mins before Curfew Starts

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+23 more 
posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:27 AM
Sometimes you have to wonder what officers were thinking in certain circumstances and to me this is one of those.

In the Bricktown area of Oklahoma city around 20 teens were just getting out of the movie theater about 20 mins before 11pm. Evidently the city has a 11pm curfew for teens. But, this was before curfew and many of the teens were actually with their parents or were waiting by the curb for their parents to pick them up.

It seems like no violation of curfew committed here - but that's not they way the Oklahoma City cops saw it..

Oklahoma City parents complain police wrongly rounded up teenagers in Bricktown

Oklahoma City Police Chief Bill Citty agreed Tuesday his officers made mistakes Saturday when they rounded up about 20 teenagers on curfew violations in front of the Harkins Bricktown Cinema and hauled them away in what one parent described as a “paddy wagon.”

Several parents complained about the curfew sweep at Tuesday's Oklahoma City Council meeting. Parents said officers arrested the teens at least 20 minutes before the 11 p.m. curfew began.

Some of the children arrested were waiting for rides after attending a movie, which is allowed under the city's curfew statute. Others were accompanied to the theater by adults but arrested anyway while their parents retrieved their vehicles.

You would this would be something that wouldn't have happened. Something that would be easily explained. According to the article the teens and their parents tried to point out the facts but were told to "shut up".

Peggy Hammons' daughter, Kelsea, and her friend, Brittney Campbell, both 15, attended an 8:20 p.m. showing of “Transformers” at Harkins with Brittney's mother. The movie let out just before 11, and the two teens waited in front of the theater while Brittney's mom got the car.

“A female police officer approached them, instructed them to hand over their cellphones and get over and get in that paddy wagon,” Peggy Hammons said. “My daughter and her friend were never once asked, ‘Were you there to see the movie and do you have a ticket?' They tried to explain to the police officers, and they were told to shut up and be quiet.”

Evidently some kids even pointed to their parents but to no avail. It just didn't matter - the cops arrested the kids. What's interesting is that instead of being taken to any jail or government facility. They were taken to a private security facility. They were taken to a place called Crisis Intervention Center. Evidently its a holding facility for those under 18 and its run by non-profit that contracts with the city and state.

The mess didn't get straightened out when it the kids got there either. The kids were cussed at and called liars when they presented their story. Several parents have complained of rude treatment by the staff and being made to wait until 6am to get their kids back.

So what was this? Cops on a power trip? An attempt to get the kids "in the system"? Pure stupidity? All of the above?

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Frogs
So what was this? Cops on a power trip? An attempt to get the kids "in the system"? Pure stupidity? All of the above?

All of the above.

Just blows my mind that there are places with police enforceable curfews. What the hell?

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Frogs

No, just a sign of the times my friend, just a sign of the times.

+35 more 
posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:32 AM
Hold on a minute, You have curfews for teenagers?.....In America?
So much for the land of the free.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:36 AM
Curfew? Does that exist, apparently. damn you slaves.

In the Netherlands closest we have is school police.
Looking out for kids that should be in class

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:36 AM
About a year ago i had a "nightmare" , me and my mom had moved to the USA in my nightmare. We were stuck in los angeles.

It was literally a nightmare and i woke up panicking. Things like this don't make my view of america any better.

USA is the new nazi state. It's just taking a while to come to light.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:37 AM
Yes my exact thought.
A curfew !?

This sounds like something from a world war 2 movie.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by jaamaan
Yes my exact thought.
A curfew !?

This sounds like something from a world war 2 movie.

I know, right? The kids will have to fight back with dance!

This is definitely one of those things that I just can't believe happens in America. I've lived in places where they talked about it but they've never actually instituted it.
edit on 21-7-2011 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Frogs

If they were 20 minutes from home then they had no way to make it home in time for the curfew to end. And I think Oklahoma City and the environs are a little punchy because they want to keep a close eye on the kids and the government buildings. They have some Tim Mc Veigh history there and so guess that's why. Doesn't make it right though. I'd move.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:45 AM
curfews are a pain. i got stopped once on the way home from my after school job.

the almost funny part was i had NEVER even heard that there was such a thing. i later asked my friends and THEY didn't know about it. in fact both their parents and my parents also never knew about it. now ignorance may not be an excuse, but hey don't you think people besides the cops should know about it?

what was rather dumb about it was when the cop TOLD me WHY i had been stopped. apparently since i had a light on my bike (a legal requirement on ALL bikes after dark), it was obvious i was a minor. now there is some good logic for you.

about 2 months later, i was almost mugged in the same spot. it took the cops OVER an hour to respond, i guess they were too busy nailing kids out after curfew to actually deal with crime.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by Frogs

If they were 20 minutes from home then they had no way to make it home in time for the curfew to end.
Unless their parents were picking them up and unless terribly written by terrible lawmakers, curfews shouldn't apply if the kids are in the company of their parents.

Regardless of how incredibly ridiculous legally enforceable curfews are, you cannot enforce them until after the time they go into affect; and as a publicly employed police officer there is definitely something wrong about taking your suspects to a private security center.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
If they were 20 minutes from home then they had no way to make it home in time for the curfew to end.

curfew to BEGIN**

Regardless, that is nonsense and completely irrelevant.
Where they live does not matter.
  • cops don't know where they lived.
  • even if they did know where they lived, that does not mean they were going to their own home.

    Simply being with a parent, should be more than enough to not be a violation of a ridiculous curfew ordinance.


    “You tell your daughter the police are there to protect her,” Hammons said. “What do I tell her now when it is the police doing the harm?”

    Tell her, "That's lesson #1. Do not forget it, as it is an important lesson."

    Many more lessons to come. Pay attention.

  • posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:48 AM
    Reply to post by donkeystyle

    Comparing living in america to dealing with nazis is a testament to your personal ignorance.

    While I agree that things here are not near 100% perfect (as those in lesser countries like yourself seem to expect) they are far from being compared to nazis.

    People like you who don't understand history or even modern society are the reason why ...... Never wouldn't understand.

    Posted Via ATS Mobile:

    posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:02 AM
    reply to post by newcovenant

    What does Tim McViegh have to do with a curfew on tenneagers....he was no teen. Existing laws on the books can handle vandal prone teens without curfew laws. Parents enforce curfews not the police.

    If these kids were 20 minutes from home it is still not a violation of the curfew law especially when their parents are in the parking lot retrieving their cars after attending the movie with their kids.

    This is just another example of police over steeping the boundries of their given powers...makes me wonder just how much the "non-profit" group which runs the center makes for each kid brought in and how many kickbacks are distributed amongst the TPTB and how much over time was paid for the round up operation.

    posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:08 AM
    A curfew at 11pm for teenagers?

    Police state or what?
    edit on 21-7-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: (no reason given)

    posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:09 AM
    In Indiana and a few other states, the courts ruled Curfew for minors to be unconstitutional.

    If "curfews" by the state were imposed on the people, I am assuming it was to keep kids out of trouble and what not, however, the trouble making kids I think are less likely to get caught, and less likely to follow the curfew either way.

    posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:12 AM

    Originally posted by MainLineThis
    Reply to post by donkeystyle

    Comparing living in america to dealing with nazis is a testament to your personal ignorance.

    While I agree that things here are not near 100% perfect (as those in lesser countries like yourself seem to expect) they are far from being compared to nazis.

    People like you who don't understand history or even modern society are the reason why ...... Never wouldn't understand.

    Posted Via ATS Mobile:

    I could easily consider my country to be superior to america in virtually every way. we let multiculturalism exist, we don't force our melting pot on people. we can fly without being groped and have naked pictures taken of us.

    I never suggested that america is exterminating any particular population, but they are definitely generating intentional phobias to multiple scenarios and muslims in general.

    America has it good, but look at how the police treat the populace. That is what reminds me of a police state, something the nazi regime definitely was.

    In many ways there are parrelells between the recent changes (past 10 years) in american culture and society , to germany pre ww2. False flag attack on sept 11 being just one of them. ( the arson attack on the Reichstag building).

    I could go on. But you wouldn't understand.

    Thank god i live where i live.

    So don't go calling me out as being ignorant. I may be ignorant, but in comparison with you, i would say i'm quite well informed. And honest about what i know. Also, just the fact that you commented on "those in lesser countries like yourself", seemed to be assuming i live in a "lesser country" to america, is a testament to your own ignorance. There are many countries that are wonderful to live in, and while america has many strong points, your assumption that every other country is a lesser country, just displays the typical american ignorance you yourself possess. Have a good day sir. And go read about the world if you get a chance, you might be surprised to see that america isn't the best place to live. Even before it went to hell.
    edit on 21-7-2011 by donkeystyle because: (no reason given)

    edit on 21-7-2011 by donkeystyle because: (no reason given)

    posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:13 AM
    I've had dreams about this. Authority becomes so powerful and blind.

    If they want people to be slaves then why don't they just replace the people with robots?

    Yes, that's what they'll do. They'll replace everyone with robots that never complain and rarely make mistakes. That's what they want and economy and finance rule the roost. It's predictable.

    This is a slippery slope. That's why they call it slippery. That's why we're compared to Nazi's.

    Our society is a machine. We're increasingly becoming its parts. Belt slowing down? Tighten it. Is it rattling? Tighten the screws. Is it smoking and not running smooth? Add oil. It's robotic.

    AI won't make humans obsolete. Neither will robots. That's because humans will become robots.

    If you deviate from standard specifications, you will be medicated and sent back to the factory for readjustments. If the curing procedures fail then you will be thrown to the side with the other broken parts and humpty dumptys. Sorry, folks, the economy is progressing and left you behind. Old fashioned humans are too spontaneous and emotional and absent-minded and inattentive for this new world. The new world requires more precision and discipline than in past years. We know for certain that old fashioned humans can't meet the demands and the economy cannot support them either. It's a sad state of affairs for these unfortunate ones. If they're lucky, donations from the well to do make their way to them. But many do not live for long because of illnesses, poor nutrition, accidents, and other dangers that face people as they grow older.
    edit on 21-7-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

    posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:27 AM
    I think everywhere probably has some sort of a curfew, it just varies on how strict, how well known, and how enforced it is. Here in London Canada, i never knew we had a curfew until a month ago, and it apparently has been in place since the 90s maybe earlier, but I've had confrontations with police in the later hours (2-4 am) and they never even mentioned it, none of my friends had heard of it either. it still isn't being enforced or even acknowledged but it makes me think that lawmakers and police administrations have quite a few tricks to call upon should they need too....
    edit on 21-7-2011 by stoptheinsanity2012 because: (no reason given)

    +3 more 
    posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:30 AM

    "Curfew"? Seriously?

    How do any of you Americans still manage to delude yourselves that you are free, living in the "land of the free"?

    Insanity. If you were waiting for the moment to "take your country back" and "defend liberty", you missed it. Long ago.

    You need to wake up and realize the gravity of your predicament. You're suffering from boiling frog syndrome.
    edit on 21-7-2011 by Malcram because: (no reason given)

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