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the 9mm vs .45 debate

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posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by theson

Really? I don't know about the recognition skills of the enemy/muggers/murderers/rapists/burglars in your part of the world, but in my part of the world (UK), even the police can't tell the calibre of a firearm or whether it is a real or not.

Back on topic.

I have double-tapped a bog standard Browning .9mm Hi-Power at head targets from 50 metres and have always hit what I was aiming at.

The .45 is an excellent firearm but it is a BIG brute! In close combat you want a firearm that will drop an enemy and keep him down when you change to your sidearm because that's faster than reloading.

What you don't want, is a firearm that can and will cause through and throughs and injure friends and innocents alike. This is very much the province of the .45.

The Browning 9 milly, was the standard sidearm of the UK's armed forces for over 30 years. I've used it when I had to and it never failed me once. Double tap to the head, never fails to put somebody down and keep them down.

Its all about training and becomning proficient with whatever sidearm you are issued with. Sadly, in todays climate, most technology and training is directed at assault rifles and their attachments and very little time is spent in mastering the art of pistol shooting.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:44 PM
wow can't believe seemingly intelligent people still argue about this. 9mm vs 45 vs 38 vs 10mm vs vs vs.

bottom line on most pistols, practice with what you use because none of them work when you miss the target and all of them will take down a person, if bullet placement is adhered to.

of course i have never had anyone who said this round or that round is not powerful enough, volunteer to take on in the chest and find out.

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 05:57 AM
7 months later it gets changed to a different catagory. WOW haha

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by JROCK2527

Haha! Let us change the topic to something equally opinionated.

Please select one from the following:

  1. Chocolate or Strawberry Milkshake
  2. Star Wars vs Star Trek
  3. Mac vs PC
  4. Vampire or Werewolf

All kidding aside, I hope everyone can accept the fact that it is the shooter that makes the difference, not the caliber.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by guppy

Dead easy, my friend. Choc or strawb milkshake = why not have both in the same glass? Tastes great too!
Star Wars or Star Trek = Star Trek - if only because they explored the final frontier long before space became a fashion accessory!
Mac or PC = PC for me. I don't understand Apple/Mac or the people who buy them. No disrespect intended.
Vampire or Werewolf = to be able to live forever, be invisible and feed off lesser mortals would be brilliant, if I were so inclined. On the other hand, I used to be a werewolf but I'm alright nooooooowwwww.

You are absolutely correct about the shooter. It was, is and always will be, the person who pulls the trigger who makes a difference. It also comes down to training.

The average civilian just does not have the training a serviceman goes through and therefore lacks the skill to shoot accurately in a life threatening situation - be it an attempted burgulary, robbery or whatever. A serviceman acts instinctively and will more often than not, put the enemy down for good.

Unfortunately a civilian will often hesitate because let's face it, it is not easy to shoot another human being and that hesitation may well cause he or she to become another casualty. Just my view.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by guppy
reply to post by JROCK2527

Haha! Let us change the topic to something equally opinionated.

Please select one from the following:

  1. Chocolate or Strawberry Milkshake
  2. Star Wars vs Star Trek
  3. Mac vs PC
  4. Vampire or Werewolf

All kidding aside, I hope everyone can accept the fact that it is the shooter that makes the difference, not the caliber.

Star Wars better fight scenes
Werewolf always been my favorite

on topic.

It does come down to the shooter, some people cannot handle the kick of the 45 so they prefer the 9 others the 9 is a bit too small for them. I have both and am good with both. When I work Security for a friends company I carry my Ruger SR9 because it is lighter on the belt.

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