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Leaked Footage Of UFO Following Shuttle 2011?

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Davian
No matter how obvious it is that we have witnessed something of the unexplainable, someone will always come up with some terrestrial, closeminded explanation for that which cannot be explained. It is human nature, we will say it is something, even when it is not. Even when its right in front of their face, there will always be the ignorant ones who will refuse to accept the majestic event that had come to pass, preferring to live on in their ignorant, closeminded, comatose world.

Sorry, just two posts above yours i posted CLEARLY what it is, a simple google of "atmospheric neutral density experiment" would not only give you all the information you need, but also pics and more which clearly shows the alleged "UFO".

What is more amazing, that the human's minds seems to work selectively since this is not the first time i posted a clear explanation of an alleged "UFO"....but people simply ignore it and continue saying "...its obvious we have witnessed something of the unexplainable"

---> Even if i would not have posted a picture of the ANDE (atmospheric neutral density experiment) STILL would not be "obvious" that it shows "something of the unexplainable".

Some people have a problem discerning between "something i don't know and is unknown to me" and deducing it must be "something unexplainable" simply because they personally DONT KNOW what it is.

You would also be surprised that 99,99% of "things" can indeed be explained...and its not "us" (the sceptics) closed-minded but indeed the people who initially dont know what something is - and therefore automatically conclude it is something "unexplainable". THAT is closed-mindedness.


Furthermore, you might maybe want to lookup the definition of "ignorance".

Ignorance is a state of being uninformed / lack of knowledge.

Then you might find out WHO is actually the one being ignorant and who is not

edit on 22-7-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by flexy123

Originally posted by Davian
No matter how obvious it is that we have witnessed something of the unexplainable, someone will always come up with some terrestrial, closeminded explanation for that which cannot be explained. It is human nature, we will say it is something, even when it is not. Even when its right in front of their face, there will always be the ignorant ones who will refuse to accept the majestic event that had come to pass, preferring to live on in their ignorant, closeminded, comatose world.

Sorry, just two posts above yours i posted CLEARLY what it is, a simple google of "atmospheric neutral density experiment" would not only give you all the information you need, but also pics and more which clearly shows the alleged "UFO".

What is more amazing, that the human's minds seems to work selectively since this is not the first time i posted a clear explanation of an alleged "UFO"....but people simply ignore it and continue saying "...its obvious we have witnessed something of the unexplainable"

---> Even if i would not have posted a picture of the ANDE (atmospheric neutral density experiment) STILL would not be "obvious" that it shows "something of the unexplainable".

Some people have a problem discerning between "something i don't know and is unknown to me" and deducing it must be "something unexplainable" simply because they personally DONT KNOW what it is.

You would also be surprised that 99,99% of "things" can indeed be explained...and its not "us" (the sceptics) closed-minded but indeed the people who initially dont know what something is - and therefore automatically conclude it is something "unexplainable". THAT is closed-mindedness.


Furthermore, you might maybe want to lookup the definition of "ignorance".

Ignorance is a state of being uninformed / lack of knowledge.

Then you might find out WHO is actually the one being ignorant and who is not

edit on 22-7-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

Well said.

He might also do well to look up the words:
* "Obvious,"
* "Unexplainable," and
* "Closed-minded."

After which he might wish to actually READ THE THREAD!

(by the way, has any one noticed that the OP's video has been deleted? that must mean something! )

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 09:19 AM
"Open Mindedness" is not only a characteristics of UFO believers, and "Close Mindedness" is not only a characteristic of UFO skeptics.

I think in this case, some UFO skeptics were open minded enough to wonder if there was a non-UFO explanation for the object in this video, and actually read the thread to see if anyone had an explanation (that explanation was on page 2, by the way).

To me, the people who watched the video in the OP and immediately post "OMG! That looks like something that can't be explained!" are the ones with the closed minds. Their minds are too closed to even consider that there might be a perfectly reasonable non-UFO explanation for this.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by heineken

wish the video was working

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by flexy123
Sorry, just two posts above yours i posted CLEARLY what it is, a simple google of "atmospheric neutral density experiment" would not only give you all the information you need, but also pics and more which clearly shows the alleged "UFO".

Nice work, flexy123, but I waited for somebody to sink your boat -- and it still needs to be done.

The videos of both deploys, on STS-116 and STS-127, are available on youtube at


and you can see there is a 35-40 sec delay from deploy to separate. By that time, the objects are far enough from the shuttle that the shuttle structure is totally out of the field of view of the camera. Also, the objects are ALWAYS in a group of objects, never solo as in the OP's video,.

The OP's video is the AERCam because the actual aircam video shows exactly the same field of view perspective -- earth background, shuttle tail and other structure. The scenes are not just 'similar', they are 'identical'.

Good try, though. Stay around, your investigative skills will be needed again.

Meanwhile, your combative rhetoric is helpful because in comparison, it makes ME look mild mannered and modest.

Seriouslly -- you're WAY ahead of most buffs on these threads in digging out useful background info, and your skills and interests will make powerfully useful contributions yet.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by RavenFaust

wish the video was working


posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 04:46 PM
Perhaps it's one of those expanding space modules Bigelow makes...unexpanded of course.

Just more speculation from me...

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 01:27 AM
looks like some kind of space rock or debri

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by Tharsis

The Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment (ANDE) Risk Reduction Mission consists of two spherical spacecraft fitted with retro-reflectors for satellite laser ranging (SLR). Scientific objectives of the ANDE missions include monitoring total neutral density along the orbit for improved orbit determination of space objects, monitoring the spin rate and orientation of the spacecraft to better understand in-orbit dynamics, and to provide a test object for polarimetry studies. The mission will provide objects in low Earth orbit with well-determined ballistic coefficients and radar cross-sections for comprehensive atmospheric modeling. Each mission will include a passive and an active spherical spacecraft in a lead-trail orbit configuration. The passive sphere will be tracked with the Space Surveillance Network (SSN) and SLR to study atmospheric drag and in-track total density. The active sphere will have on-board instrumentation to measure atmospheric density and composition. The active sphere will monitor its position relative to the passive sphere to study drag models. The active satellites will communicate on-board data through a system of modulated retro-reflectors (MRR). Mission Objectives:

Provide Total Atmospheric Density for Orbit
Determination and Collision Avoidance
Space to Ground Optical Communication Demo
Validate Fundamental Theories on the Calculation of the Drag Coefficient Provide Calibration Object for Radar Fence Upgrade Establish a Method to Validate Neutral Density and Composition Derived from DMSP Sensors.

Active Sphere Instrumentation:
Modulating Retro-Reflector (MRR) Array
Final layout analysis in progress
One hemisphere densely populated
One hemisphere with single MRR
Thermal Control System (± 5 C)
Thermal Monitoring System (TMS) ( ≤ 1C)
Global Positioning Sensor (GPS)
Wind and Temperature Spectrometer (WATS) (1-46 amu)
Backup Communications System
Photovoltaic Arrays
Lithium Ion Batteries

Passive Sphere Instrumentation:
Retro-Reflector Array

21st December 2006

Science & Technology


edit on 7/29/11 by awcgs because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/29/11 by awcgs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by scottfever2006
looks like some kind of space rock or debri

You rock heads are just too funny... you look at a floating camera module and all you see is 'rock or debris'?
so much for your powers of deduction


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by RUSSO

And you are here not to seek the truth and deny ignorance

Be careful what you say next mate.

This has been proven to NOT a UFO.

Hoax forum awaits!

How is something HOAXED if and when it was just misunderstood????

A hoax is a purposeful contrived event or gag.

People like me don't have NASA savvy to know what they're doing and what they're doing it with!!!

So please Chad. This is not a hoax where someone set out to fool us. So what that the You Tuber embellished in his description?
Give us a break man! You seem to set out to make people look foolish, hoaxers or out to be liars. It's not that cut and dry m'friend. There's whole bunch of innocent people who are just.....not in the 'loop'.
Stop mistaking uninformed for calculated.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

post by Human_Alien
How is something HOAXED if and when it was just misunderstood????

Leaked Footage Of UFO ....
Ticks all the box's for a Hoax in my book , its not leaked footage nor is it a UFO .

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
The object is a remote controlled camera.
This is what Jim Oberg is telling you.

Yeah how about that NASA eh? People seeing orbs in NASA videos... so NASA makes a camera orb... so from now on any NASA UFO... the skeptics can just say "Pfffttt its just a camera orb..."


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by gortex
reply to post by Human_Alien

post by Human_Alien
How is something HOAXED if and when it was just misunderstood????

Leaked Footage Of UFO ....
Ticks all the box's for a Hoax in my book , its not leaked footage nor is it a UFO .


To claim that the video was "leaked" when it is actually very much publicly available makes me tend to believe the YouTube uploader had less-than-honest intent.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:37 PM
That looks like a droplet of water on the inside of the glass to me (the second vid) 2.22
edit on 21-10-2011 by MeNmyW33d because: wanted to clarify which vid i was talking about

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:34 PM
I skipped ahead from page 4 but the question I wanna know is if the video was not a NASA video, then they would not complain so WHO is DirtyMJR or whatever his name is. He's the guy who got the video taken down, so He knows something...

We should investigate HIM.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 03:23 AM
deja vu

edit on 25-10-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Chadwickus
The object is a remote controlled camera.
This is what Jim Oberg is telling you.

Yeah how about that NASA eh? People seeing orbs in NASA videos... so NASA makes a camera orb... so from now on any NASA UFO... the skeptics can just say "Pfffttt its just a camera orb..."


Zorg, you're getting more and more delusional in your old age, imagining
that anybody at NASA with control over program funding even knows,
much less cares, what you think.

Seriously -- there are clinical terms for people who project
non-existent ego-gratifying motives into the actions of
others, or even into natural phenomena. -- to solidify their
comforting self-image of being the center of attention of the universe.

Resist such urges.

We know you can do it.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:22 AM
It's really weird clip, but it may be something stuck on the window that make the appearance of it moving. UFO-hunters did a really good episode on NASA-videos testing the "window-hypothesis ". You should check it out even if you don't like the show.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by JimOberg


At the risk of having the mods chastise me for talking about an ATS member rather than the topic, I sometimes think that Zorgon simply enjoys stirring the pot, and doesn't truly believe half of the stuff he says.

There's nothing wrong with stirring the pot; heavens knows the ATS pot needs stirring once in a while. I think TPTB at ATS enjoys it when Zorgon stirs things up with his sometimes crazy posts. In the past, Zorgon has single-handedly resurrected dead and dying threads.

In fact, my own wild conspiracy theory (which I don't truly believe myself) is that ATS pays Zorgon to stir up things with those posts of his -- sort of their own version of an 'agent provocateur'

To be clear, I'm not criticizing Zorgon. His posts are sometimes 'out there', and I often don't agree with him, but he's always civil. He is usually a fun member to debate.

edit on 10/25/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

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