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An opinion on why disclosure is dangerous

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posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by radkrish

There is no doubt a big lie that can't be told.
But I do not think we should go back too far to find what the lie is about.

Yes disclosure is very ill advised for those who hold the secret to UFO propulsion.
So guess at it like we all do.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by GonzoSinister

First of all...I have no clue what bible you have read.."clearly not mine" but aliens have been mentioned on several occasions and how likely is it for the pope to outright say that there are aliens out there? GOD is at the center of my life and without him nothing is possible. If aliens outright said that they created us someone who is unable to think for themselves would believe that. I have a mind of my own and only a logical person can conclude that there is a creator of all and that we have been lied to about our ancient history for years...Line up history...

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:19 AM
If we want to talk about disclosure....were getting portions of it through these documentaries, its just not in the form of our government outright talking about it. We need the WORLD to disclose whats going on not the the US government. Clearly Russians are the pioneers so when they disclosed that they are reverse engineering UFO technology what more do you want? We are wrapped up in a big lie starting with our political system and monetary your eyes...STOCK MARKET IS THE EASIEST LIE TO CRACK...Once you start with that...keep going and you will see more lies that are controlling our everyday lives.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by theieguy

Definitely believe it's dangerous, for me people can't deal with the IDEA of it let alone the actual existence. Some Eastern religions may find it difficult to understand when they are trying to battle Atheists in the name of god, let alone ET's.

Dangerous for us until we are globalized and everyone or the majority of the world has the same ideas in order to prevent mass hysteria.

We're getting there though.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:45 AM
As far as the talk about aliens go, its all talk.
The people making up life forms were Nazis according to Lyne in "Pentagon Aliens".
The Tesla ship technology radicals are pushing that story for all its worth and
it is worthless, a loser and not true.
So there will be no disclosure about aliens doing anything.
Which does not mean they exist or are in control.
So what is the danger in telling the world Tesla energy from the environment
created the worlds best transportation vehicle.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

LMAO, you can answer that yourself...$$$$$$$$$

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by VraxUK
reply to post by theieguy

Definitely believe it's dangerous, for me people can't deal with the IDEA of it let alone the actual existence. Some Eastern religions may find it difficult to understand when they are trying to battle Atheists in the name of god, let alone ET's.

Dangerous for us until we are globalized and everyone or the majority of the world has the same ideas in order to prevent mass hysteria.

We're getting there though.

Hopefully it happens in my lifetime!! geez whats taking so long

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 12:53 PM
I think we should plan ahead and get some of the $$$$$$$$.

Submit patents using this Tesla ship.
We know of the ships as Tesla knew of motors when designing the power system.
Only now we know of his ship and we can patent operations using the power
of the environment to revolutionize airport operations.
I saw one ATS post saying the ship takes you on board right from your house.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
As far as the talk about aliens go, its all talk.
The people making up life forms were Nazis according to Lyne in "Pentagon Aliens".
The Tesla ship technology radicals are pushing that story for all its worth and
it is worthless, a loser and not true.
So there will be no disclosure about aliens doing anything.
Which does not mean they exist or are in control.
So what is the danger in telling the world Tesla energy from the environment
created the worlds best transportation vehicle.

All the talks about ufos being the result of Nazi Germany's arsenal is ridiculous. Sure they may have back-engineered and tested some captured/crashed crafts but they are in no way hiding somewhere and playing with saucer technology. I watched a video about a Russian general saying that no one on Earth is capable of demonstrating the saucer tech. I think the video is UFOs Out of the blue.
edit on 30-7-2011 by radkrish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Tiger5
One day some of you will be shocked as to how littel the Government actaully know. A good example is how little they anticpated the big banking crash.

Frankly I believe there is nothing to disclose.


Then what happens in Area 51 and other secret installations? What is there to hide and test with? If at all they are 'experimenting', what are they supposed to do with such arms and weapons? Bomb the sh** out of the Joe who visit such facility?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 12:55 AM
notice how most if not all, The E.T movies are appeared as if E.T are enemies and the U.S defeats them at the end? It's a psychological factor that the ignorant sheep will also perceive them as enemies. When a disclosure happens, they will immediately think they will be bad, therefore hatred and anger and portrayed.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by radkrish

This is a video on German saucers:

Google Video Link

One 1/2 hour in all I got was 24 subs with neutron bombs documented in
WWII papers found in the LBJ library, some how presidential papers did
not have security screening. Oops but now any papers past LBJ's are
probably worthless.

I'm sure the saucer work must be discussed further in.
In any case after WWII, US and Russia had the Tesla flying machine or saucer or UFOs
from ETs if you think that way which is hidden from us in any case. Why not mention
the infinite energy from the environment Tesla said was possible cause that is what
we see in the super flying machines he made possible. Too much to understand perhaps
so we are handed stories to keep us occupied instead of educated.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by fixer1967
reply to post by MollyStewart

You, yourself may be more than ready for any disclosure there may or may not be. For all that I know you could be the perfect one for this. But you and I both know that the human race as a whole is not ready at all not one little bit. For you it may mean very little if aliens showed up for you have not problem with it. But the sad truth is probably 90% of the planet would go crazy over the idea. The park bench scene from MEN IN BLACK says it better than I can.


Maybe the planet needs to go crazy to exposed truths. At least then they would have a genuine reason for metal disturbance. Then maybe humanity can claw back some sanity that is based on a foundation of truth.

I happen to think that a good portion of the world's population would take on board the information, mull it over, disseminate, evaluate the evidence and come to an informed conclusion. But then i still have faith in my fellow man and our ability to think. If there was a threat from an alien presence, one would think that governments would float the information publicly to garner support, collate information, inject ideas that might be outside the military or scientific sphere of interest and experience.

Since that has not happened in any official capacity and is not likely to I can only guess as to why. My favorite hypothesis is that there is no alien presence and everything from abduction to sightings is just screen memories planted to cover the fact that our shadow government's military is experimenting with new aircraft, alternate realities, nanotechnology, frequency weapons, em weapons, alternative energy sources and it's own citizens. Apart from outright theft of taxpayer dollars, it does explain the black hole where trillions of dollars disappear into. It has been said that for every year civilian technology advances the military technology jumps 40 years ahead and that compounds exponentially every year.

Sounds a lot more plausible than aliens from the Pleiades or wherever subversively plotting to overthrow humanity since 1947. I guess until people stop blindly trusting, the fantastical sounds more preferable.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

Check out at the very end.
Hitler and Eva alive in 1967 Hemisphere Fair grounds Texas looking
at his paintings. The arts are where its at.
Tesla tech developed in Germany can't be disclosed as much as
Hitler being given a golden parachute for having made Foos without
us making a fuss.

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