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This is how to deal with terrorists....

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posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Whats Happening?
The world works because of "people like me"- Let me ask anyone if someone said 10 guys are planning on killing your family would you not take action? Terroism is the same concept and don't give me this bull about well there people too...obviously

Listen wars are fought people die but the beat goes on...

But noone in Iraq has ever threatened your family.
In your metaphore, the action you would be taking if you were doing what we are doing now is to kill people who are not part of that group of ten! I don't care how strange your thought processes might be, that should still sound like a stupid course of action to you.


posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Warpspeed
Yes, war WILL come to American soil, that is inevitable now.

Lets see how laser guided bombs hitting crowded supermarkets in America, or helicopter gunships raking kindergartens with mini-gun fire, or seeing Americans raped and tortured in POW camps in the USA ? Should make great images for the rest of the world to watch on TV eh ?

You're right, Einstein. It will happen if we let it happen. It happened in 1992; it happened on 9/11 and it will happen again if we let it happen.

And that's the point. We're taking the war to the enemy so we don't have to fight it here. The world owes its behind to America, but America doesn't need the world to save its own.

While you're pointing the finger at us, why don't you tell us what happened to your right to keep and bear arms and your right to self-protection.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by shoo
You guys liked it? You should watch this one then:

That was just sweet! This is our holy war and needs to be fought like a war!
Nuff stupid stuff said!

[edit on 14-8-2004 by shoo]

Holy War?
Are you some kind of fanatic?

I guess it is a way of the world that like elements from different extremes, such as yourself and Islamic fundamentalists, seek each other out and neutralize each other. Try not to harm too many innocent people in the process, is all I have to say.

And if you see an Iraqi 6 year old torn limb to limb by the explosion of an American bomb, with your own eyes, and realize the folly of your pursuit, come tell us about it on ATS.


posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by cargo
Saddam was still a brutal dictator 14 years ago during the 1st Gulf War but all of a sudden now it's of importance?

Yet North Korea continues to develop the range of it's ICBMs and continues to develop its number of nuclear warheads.

The UN resolution prevented GHW Bush from taking out Saddam. As far as N. Korea is concerned, the timetable is ours to make, not yours.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Fitzpatrick
People need to get past this feeling that we are right and they are wrong.

You need to wake up and realize that we are right and they are wrong. We are right because we were attacked. Saddam was wrong because he resisted the UN resolution and postured in such a way to convince the world community including the UN that he had WMDs. Big mistake.

You can ignore that festering ingrown toenail only so long before you have to breakout the clippers, bear up against the pain and take it out.

[edit on 04/8/14 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 08:10 PM
What did April Galaspy say to Saddam? Oh, she is dead and she never would talk to any news agency. You can't be so gun ho as to think that everything our leaders have done was for the cause of a New World Order? Well, I guess free trade with the enemy works well. It's not like the whole world is going Euro. All Nations are Guilty. Don't take pride in killing each other. Just shoot straight like you have been there before. No need to spike the ball and do a dance.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
As someone who has killed in combat, let me just say that what joy one derives from this act is not so much in the killing (at least, for me), it is in a mission acccomplished and the effect that those who have given their lives for their cause will not have the opportunity to see that I die for mine.

If those you killed in combat were truly our enemy, and were not provoked into being our enemy by our own actions, then I respect you for your service to your country. However, seeing how limited your perspective is on the Iraq invasion, I doubt you have the political ken to be able to distinguish between a real enemy, and someone your chain of command has decided is the enemy for misguided and self-serving reasons.

Let us remember that those whose lives were snuffed out in that instant were not a troop of Brownie Scouts on a field trip. Those were insurgents hell-bent on denying Iraq a chance at democratic self-rule and in the process killing Americans and Iraqis.

Yes, perhaps that's true. What is your point?

Have you considered that perhaps democracy is not the right shoe for Iraq at this stage? Its a different culture and it has not developed democracy of its own accord.
Even if bringing democracy to Iraq was the real reason for the invasion (which it certainly was not), what gives you the right to invade another land to impose upon it your idea of good government? Do you you often tear off people's jeans and force them to put on ones two sizes above at gun point? Do you often force Buddhists at gun point to sing psalms from the Bible? No... That would be crazy, wouldn't it?

If an alien civilization came to America and forced upon us what it believed to be a superior form of government: one which was particularly culturally incompatible with our ways, you would be the first to fight them. Think about it.

I have little patience with those who distort the issues in Iraq and paint these insurgents as "freedom fighters." They were killers on their way to kill.

Well then I suggest you grow some patience because you might just learn something. Look at your own sentence! You seem to believe that the fact that they were killers on their way to kill makes it impossible for them to be freedom fighters. So what is it? Freedom fighters don't kill now? They fight with flower arrangements and fairy wands? The reality is they ARE freedom fighters And killers.
It is a alliance of concepts you should understand well. Is it not true that you perceive yourself as simultaneously a force of good and a killer?

That's the chance every combatant takes.

That's right: the same chance you take when you go to battle. So because you took that chance, we should not feel loss when you get killed?
That's the reasoning you are trying to apply to these Iraqi insurgents who want you to get the hell out of their country and let them rule themselves in THEIR way, not yours.

We call them the enemy because that what they are. If they were our friends, we wouldn't be killing them.

Have you ever heard of circular logic? If you haven't, you must simply be a natural master of it. What you just said is the same as saying: "the sky is green because that is what it is - we wouldn't call it green if it wasn't green". A worthless and laughable way to make a point.
The fact is, in your line of work you are CONDITIONED to 'think' that way (if you can call it thinking). Someone else decides who the enemy is, and you MUST follow this decision unquestioningly. Obviously, from the above statement you made, the conditioning has worked beautifully with you.

It's easy to be saintly from the safety your living room or your bedroom.

Noone is being saintly here, but some of us are being rational.

In the real world, it is often kill or be killed.

Yes, often it is. Can you demonstrate how that applies to this situation please?

If you love freedom, you should be very glad that men such as that pilot are out there putting their lives on the line for you.

Nonsense. I love freedom, so I despise that that pilot is out there opposing Iraqi self-determination, and perpetuating a vicious cycle of spiralling into more terrorism, which in turn erodes our freedoms at home.


posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
You need to wake up and realize that we are right and they are wrong. We are right because we were attacked. Saddam was wrong because he resisted the UN resolution and postured in such a way to convince the world community including the UN that he had WMDs. Big mistake.

Wow, slow down there.
We are right because we were attacked? By who? By Saddam?

But that doesn't matter does it? Because we were attacked - and who cares who the attacker really was - we now are right to invade any nation we see fit to ?

Saddam did not convince the world community he had WMD. Bush's administration did everything in its power to convince us he did.
Saddam's behaviour can be rationally explained as being unwilling to subject itself to the humiliation and intelligence security breaches that inspections involved. From Saddam's perspective, the chain of events that led to these inspections are incredibly unfair. When he invaded Kuweit, he had been led to believe by our own ambassador that the USA would not retaliate. Not only did we unleash the world's most powerful military machine on him, but we carried out bombing campaigns throughout the ten years folowing the so-called end to that war of betrayal, taking out military installations.
I don't like Saddam: I see himfor what he is. But you are completely deluded about WMDs: we used his reticence to open up his military programs to our prying eyes as a means to foist a lie on the world - that he was secretly devising doomsday weapons that would threaten the world. What a load of hooey.

You can ignore that festering ingrown toenail only so long before you have to breakout the clippers, bear up against the pain and take it out.
[edit on 04/8/14 by GradyPhilpott]

Completely inadequate analogy. We deliberately grew this particular 'ingrown toenail'. It is what we wanted.

And talking about bearing up against the pain of taking it out is particularly devious of you: you aren't bearing the brunt of that pain. The Iraqi people are.
They were victims of our foreign policy when we supported Saddam, and they are victims of our foreign policy now that we have decided to remove Saddam by invading his entire country, securing the oil fields and administrating them, and installing puppet leadership. They are the ones bearing up against the pain, and from every single shred of evidence we have to date, that 'ingrown toenail' was not a threat to the world.

Now if you really want to be brave and heroic, why don't you devise a plan to deal with North Korea? They really do have WMD, and a bona fide array of nuclear warheads.


posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 08:58 PM
Thank u america , for the freedom in the world it is sad that people must die from all nations, i hope peace will come soon to the world . It wont.god bless your whole nation.And most of all your armed forces'

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 09:39 PM
The central issue here has not been addressed. What you people are running circles around is this:

At what point do you stop letting things develop as they would without interfering, and at what point do you declare those things a threat?

The bush admin has pushed the threat part to cover almost anything under the sun, which obviously is very wrong.

And I can tell you why N Korea has not been adressed--read this:

N Korea does not have the potential to become part of a vaster, unified, religious-centric empire as does the mid-east. IMO, bush's reason for invading Iraq was to try and establish a "legit" military presence in the mideast should anything happen, as well as establish a democratic roadblock in Al Qeada's plans. Unfortuneatly, that is not going as planned. Also, I think we were better off with Saddam in power. He was a SECULAR dictator, which automatically should have nixed any arguments about him funding Al Qeada or any other religious-based terrorist group. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH HIS INTERESTS.

I will expand more later.

[edit on 8/14/04 by NothingMakesSense]

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by upuaut
Now if you really want to be brave and heroic, why don't you devise a plan to deal with North Korea? They really do have WMD, and a bona fide array of nuclear warheads.

Now if you're so smart why don't you study up on the subjects you pontificate on and quit making it all up to suit your delusional construct. Now, isn't it time to take your meds and go to bed.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 10:12 PM
With dumb statements like that. You can shoot and kill and run drugs and justify it by calling it tatical, I call it criminal. Like a Contra Opp, I'will pardon you, Marine.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Deadallready
With dumb statements like that. You can shoot and kill and run drugs and justify it by calling it tatical, I call it criminal. Like a Contra Opp, I'will pardon you, Marine.

Okay, if I am your enemy, then you are my enemy. Thanks for the warning. I have done my killing in the cause of the freedom that allows you to sit in the comfort of your home protected by those like me. I would just as soon be your friend, but that is your choice. It hardly matters, though. The internet lends itself to the sound and fury of cowards. What have you done to secure the freedom of anyone? I certainly don't need the pardon of the likes of you. Now, go to bed before your mother revokes your internet privileges.

[edit on 04/8/14 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by upuaut
Now if you really want to be brave and heroic, why don't you devise a plan to deal with North Korea? They really do have WMD, and a bona fide array of nuclear warheads.

Now if you're so smart why don't you study up on the subjects you pontificate on and quit making it all up to suit your delusional construct. Now, isn't it time to take your meds and go to bed.

I don't know how smart I am in any absolute sense, but I'm obviously too smart for you since you couldn't address any of my points and instead saw fit to make an inane comment about medication...

If I have gone astray somewhere in my post, be my guest and correct me, and tell me where I am on target. Or is debate about foolish attempts at mockery for you?


posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
You need to wake up and realize that we are right and they are wrong. We are right because we were attacked. Saddam was wrong because he resisted the UN resolution and postured in such a way to convince the world community including the UN that he had WMDs. Big mistake.

You can ignore that festering ingrown toenail only so long before you have to breakout the clippers, bear up against the pain and take it out.

You seem to accept whatever your government dictates to you as gospel. I remember nothing of the 911 terrorists being Iraqi. The US national commission examining the 911 attacks found no credible evidence that Iraq helped al-Qaeda carry it out. Yet, being the good little brainwashed citizen that you are, continue to spout party line. Even worse, are willing to be sent anywhere the admin wants to do their killing. Not for the safety of the American people, although that is what you are led to believe.

So now Saddam postured enough to "convince" the world he had WMDs. Funny how the party line is slowly morphing amongst the party supporters. Originally it was that he had WMDS! Then it was all about how the WMDs were hidden and that we must find them, but find them we will! Now it is that he "convinced" us that he had WMDs, but he was a bad man and we had to take him out for the good people of Iraq! But in the end, you were wrong. Wrong in your assumptions and wrong in your actions.

I think the reality is that your fear of NK is far more pertinent, and so it should be. NK is a much bigger dog than that puppy Saddam ever was, NK also shares the block with a Doberman called China. While attempting to cure your little toe, the big toe you ignored has become gangrenous and is about to spread to your foot..

Get your priorities straight. That's my advice.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Now, go to bed before your mother revokes your internet privileges.

[edit on 04/8/14 by GradyPhilpott]

Yes it would seem you are here more to troll and mock than to debate the topic seriously. Prove me wrong and stop ducking the challenges to your position.


posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by upuaut
I don't know how smart I am in any absolute sense, but I'm obviously too smart for you since you couldn't address any of my points and instead saw fit to make an inane comment about medication...

My Dear Friend

In an absolute sense, only 1% of the population is smarter than me, but that is immaterial since smarts in the absolute sense is not what gets us through life. Your problem is that your facts are all wrong and you haven't yet seen enough of life. I simply can't spend all my time beating a dead horse.

I haven't learned all I need to learn and life has much in store for me. If you are lucky, when you are my age, you will be able to say the same thing. If you do reach my age, it will, in all likelihood, be because of the likes of me.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense

N Korea does not have the potential to become part of a vaster, unified, religious-centric empire as does the mid-east. IMO, bush's reason for invading Iraq was to try and establish a "legit" military presence in the mideast should anything happen, as well as establish a democratic roadblock in Al Qeada's plans.

This makes sense.

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
If you do reach my age, it will, in all likelihood, be because of the likes of me.

I imagine many people in this world will not reach your age, in all likelihood, because of the likes of you.

[edit on 14-8-2004 by cargo]

posted on Aug, 14 2004 @ 11:13 PM
I have served in the Army and I have was part of the first TSA screeners at Regan National Airport where I was rated as the Top screener for stopping bombs and prohibited items. Most of the bombs were fake but, every time you are on a machine you will see one or more. I once caught a blasting cap in a bag. It was live and that is very hard to spot. I was also raised a military Brat and during Vietnam I lived in Japan among other posts. I come from a family that has two recentlty retired Generals with 5 stars among them. What have you done, Punk!

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