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Roswell debris tested - - Not from Earth

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Thestargateisreal

Wow, I have not checked the debate over the debris in a while. All very interesting notes and speculations.
The second analysis is still pending. Why? Because there are a number of people that want to help and it is finding the absolute best analysis that can be done and that will standup to the scientific world....that is really important. Here is a photo that should peak a little interest. It is an oblique laser light shot of AH-1 under magnification. It shows the microstructure of the aluminum alloy. I'm clueless and I have no idea even what it may or may not show.

Also here is the picture of the layered areas that has sparked a little debate as well.
I thought it might be scratches on the surface, or roller marks from the milling process?
Note that the structures outside the layers looks like the structures in the laser shot, just not as clear.

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 08:52 PM
Thank you, Mr. Kimbler, for touching bases with us here. Here's hoping that it will be possible to select the best testing situation soon, and that results will follow soon after. Looking at the first microscope photo of AH 1, in the Openminds article, I notice that the layers seem to exist at various depths on the object, not merely on the outermost parts of its irregular surface. This might argue against their being traces of the milling process. Of course we don't know how the object was twisted or deformed after manufacture, so nothing is certain here. The lines seem remarkably consistent in spacing and direction to be accidental scratches. The new laser light image gives a much different impression. The very short lines seen, seem to extend and connect in all directions. Ross

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 12:09 AM
Layered metal may be key to understanding alien technology. This layered metal was obtained from David Shoemaker from a site in New Mexico in 1996..more info link..

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 09:59 PM
The necessary wait until the results of the scientific work on the Roswell metal is available is surely a test of our mettle, too!
patience is a virtue... Ross

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Ross 54

The description of the original explosion heard by the farmer at Roswell sound strikingly similar to the sound heard in the lake county alien abduction video, which I found real. Thus, I think that's the noise of U.F.Os coming out of warp drive.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by smallcheese
reply to post by jritzmann

That in a nutshell is what can stifle serious research in my opinion

I am in no way disrespecting the OP but it appears that this has become a jumping off point for a personal speculation fest.

Totally with you there. It's the sensational nonsense that makes serious science look the other way. This is the clique of UFOlogy: if it's not over the top sensational, overstated and paradigm shattering - who cares.

When in all reality, it's a subtle things involved in this field that hold the most interest from a critical study into the issue.

But these days, it's all about ratings for some people.

I'm glad Mr. Kimbler made it clear that the reporting of this issue was overstated and great liberties were taken with how certain people reported on it. He shows great integrity for making that abundantly clear.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 01:57 PM
The tone of the Openminds article and interview with Frank Kimbler were largely reasonable in tone. The chief problem was apparently with the title. It implied that the issue of the terrestrial or extraterrestrial nature of the metal debris had already been settled. This was, of course, premature. It is this very issue that Mr. Kimbler is now engaged in trying to scientifically resolve. Everyone makes errors from time to time. Let us grant that the title should have had a question mark after it. 'Roswell Debris Tested - - Not From Earth'? Ross

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:00 AM
We have some new information, not about the Roswell metal itself, but about the area of the alleged UFO crash site. Massimiliano Benvenuti, an expert in image processing has gone over the image that Frank Kimbler used to pinpoint the site, with particular attention to the apparently disturbed area of soil. He reports finding evidence of a sudden impact, such as a crashing object of considerable size would cause. I doubt that this can be written off as a meteorite, as there is no trace of a crater. Something appears to have come in at a low angle, and at a comparatively low speed. The article is in Italian. For English translation click the Union Jack at the upper left.
edit on 18-8-2011 by Ross 54 because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-8-2011 by Ross 54 because: corrected link address

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 01:57 PM
So when will we find out if this of alien origin? I keep looking I keep waiting?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:05 AM
Mr. Kimbler reports that he is taking the time necessary to find the best possible testing situation for the Roswell metal, so as to receive the best and most convincing results. This is apparently not something that can be accomplished quickly. He relates that he is confronted with many options; many persons offering help. It seems reasonable to expect that a decision will be reached in the near future, if it has not been already, and the tests made. Ross

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 09:16 AM
Mr. Benvenuti's article at seems to help define the nature of any possible crash at this site. The lack of a crater indicates a low speed impact. The kinetic energy of a high speed impact would have created a crater, even at a low angle of approach, so would a large explosion. Assuming that something falling to Earth made the long, almost rectangular area of apparently disturbed soil, it didn't so much impact, as slide along, plowing up the ground, and heaping it up ahead of itself. Ross

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:33 PM
It was speculated that breaking the metal up into small fragments and leaving some with tiny holes shot through it, as Mr. Kimbler reports, could have been caused by explosion. If so, this would presumably have been a relatively small explosion. A larger one would probably have left some traces of a crater. Ross

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:43 PM
It's probably worth speculating about a possible explosion within the supposed craft. This could have happened accidently, but this is not altogether certain. It's tempting to think that accidents like this would be largely avoidable in a sufficiently advanced technology. This could have been the working of a self-destruct mechanism.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by locololo
reply to post by Ross 54

if you do not have evidence all you will accomplish is the angering of the staff of ATS, by repeat posting of the same thread after it is removed. Please show us the evidence to this

I can tell you with certainty that NO ONE....besides the people at wright Patterson....have ANY access to ANYTHING....involved with this event. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by Ross 54

Perhaps we should find out what this metal is first before we begin speculating on how an alleged explosion and crash of a craft may have deposited the metal.

I do have a question about that Italian website's analysis of the crash site, though:
Are their findings about the site itself consistent with the official story of "Project Mogul". Could a crash of the man-made Project Mogul equipment have caused the site to appear the way it does today?

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:26 PM
You folks are looking at things that are not there. Very Advanced techniques of processing and developing Alluminum Alloys were an ongoing think back in the day. Ask yourself this.....Why in the world would an Alien Race....that is at such a high technological level....and having the ability of interstellar travel by either folding space or warping a gravitic drive technique that by it's nature....using and directing massive amounts of concentrated energy to represent a large mass that creates a singularity.....thus that nature means absolute control of all aspects of Matter/Energy Interchange.....

Thus being capable to arrange individual particles and subparticles of any element or mass into any specific arranging Carbon Atoms....the atoms that makeup Diamonds....and used by us in ultralight super strong Carbon Fiber constructs...that are stronger and lighter than any steel...alluminum....magnesium....etc....and ARRANGE THEM INTO BUCKY BALL TYPE CARBON MATRIXES....that are not only INDESTRUCTIBLE....but light and very useful in any energy conduction....WHY WOULD E.T. use ALLUMINUM?

They WOULDN'T! This stuff is MAN MADE. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

First of all, I think there is no good evidence that the sample of material in question is anything other than an Earth-made aluminum alloy. I'm open to more testing, but based on what we know so far, it seems like a normal man-made aluminum alloy.

However, and having said that, why would you think that an alien race would NOT use an aluminum alloy (aluminum mixed with other elements)?

I mean, all of the matter probably used by aliens is made of the same elements that we know about. It's not like there are other stable elements other than the 92 natural ones that we know about. What other elements would they use if it isn't one of the ones that we know are stable in nature -- and that means stable in all of nature, no matter what part of our known universe you come from.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
reply to post by Ross 54

Perhaps we should find out what this metal is first before we begin speculating on how an alleged explosion and crash of a craft may have deposited the metal.

I do have a question about that Italian website's analysis of the crash site, though:
Are their findings about the site itself consistent with the official story of "Project Mogul". Could a crash of the man-made Project Mogul equipment have caused the site to appear the way it does today?

Mr. Benvenuti's work does not contain any reference to Project Mogul. If the metallic debris found by Frank Kimbler turn out to be terrestrial in nature, there will plenty of opportunity to sort out its specific mundane source, should one be inclined to do so. Should the results indicate a non-terrestrial origin, the balloon hypothesis can be discarded. Ross
edit on 22-8-2011 by Ross 54 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
You folks are looking at things that are not there. Very Advanced techniques of processing and developing Alluminum Alloys were an ongoing think back in the day. Ask yourself this.....Why in the world would an Alien Race....that is at such a high technological level....and having the ability of interstellar travel by either folding space or warping a gravitic drive technique that by it's nature....using and directing massive amounts of concentrated energy to represent a large mass that creates a singularity.....thus that nature means absolute control of all aspects of Matter/Energy Interchange.....

Thus being capable to arrange individual particles and subparticles of any element or mass into any specific arranging Carbon Atoms....the atoms that makeup Diamonds....and used by us in ultralight super strong Carbon Fiber constructs...that are stronger and lighter than any steel...alluminum....magnesium....etc....and ARRANGE THEM INTO BUCKY BALL TYPE CARBON MATRIXES....that are not only INDESTRUCTIBLE....but light and very useful in any energy conduction....WHY WOULD E.T. use ALLUMINUM?

They WOULDN'T! This stuff is MAN MADE. Split Infinity
The Roswell metal may indeed be man-made. Frank Kimbler has said as much from the very start. The unfortunate title for the Openminds article that started this conversation misleadingly implied that the metal was already known to be extraterrestrial. We know nothing, really, about any supposed extraterrestrial technology. They may use aluminum in some novel way, which makes it a good choice of materials. In any case, we do not know what part of a supposed space vehicle this very small amount of metal might be from. The assumption that it is from the hull or other stress-bearing part of a craft are unwarranted at this time. Ross

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Ross 54Mr. Benvenuti's work does not contain any reference to Project Mogul. If the metallic debris found by Frank Kimbler turn out to be terrestrial in nature, there will plenty of opportunity to sort out its specific mundane source, should one be inclined to do so...

Ignoring the aluminum samples for a second, I'm only asking about the analysis of the disturbance around the alleged crash site.

Mr. Benvenuti analyzed a site that is alleged to be the site of the Roswell crash and found soil disturbances (the scarring of the landscape) that he says are consistent with some sort of crash. I was just wondering if the official story of Project Mogul fits Mr. Benvenuti's description of that landscape disturbance.

Mr. Benvenuti is asserting that something crashed there. If he hasn't done so yet, he should check to see if the official government story of Project Mogul fits the characteristics of that crash site. Mr. Kimbler's aluminum pieces should be irrelevant in that analysis, because (and correct me if I'm wrong) Mr. Benvenuti didn't use Mr. Kimbler's aluminum samples in his analysis when he originally said "something" seems to have scarred the landscape.

We have yet to determine if the aluminum is from any crash at all -- Alien crash or Project Mogul crash. The aluminum could be there for a reason directly unrelated to the 1947 incident (whatever that incident was).

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