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The effect of mass hysteria and it's induction in the individual.

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posted on Jul, 10 2011 @ 09:26 AM
This is going to be highly subjective as I am the individual in the title. I will be posting of my attempts to understand biology especially nuerology as well as science, taken from my perspective and informations gleaned at that time as well as intimations made to me throughout my life. Misconceptions are/were unavoidable, that holds true for all of us throughout our lives. So this will contain elements that I may have changed opinion on however I should write chronologically so obviously much of what I write will be open to criticism. Good, criticism can be a great facillitator of perspective. I've put it in the religous section because what I am discussing is the physiological and psychological basis of all Abrahamic religions and their assault on humanity and identity. It may take a while to get there but that is the intent.
Before I go any further MK Ultra is or was a government program fact.
This gives rise to the idea of distance viewing, subjective speculative and open to interptetation, however we can state with a fair amount of certainty that all religions are based on some concept of distant viewing whether it is saints devils or gods impressing teachings or temptation upon oneself.
From hereon I am going to presume myself what you refer to as a distant viewer. Only that term is new to me so we will set it aside a moment and what I am going to relate I will try fit in how I percieved things at the time.
My childhood had I felt but few differences to any others growing up on a rough English housing estate in the rather austere 50's, after all rationing had just finally ended the year I was born. However a couple of things did stand out and that was being told certain things over and over viz my appearance and my intelligence, these were bolstered in a rather clinical way rather than in any loving way. This was to create a rather brittle self image they would later destroy. Also I was kept out of tribal disputes I did fight but only on a personal level. I would be friends with a gang who were fighting another gang who were also friends of mine. All in all a rather ready acceptance that I found puzzling at the time.
Just prior to the first Gulf War I found in myself what I believed to be an innate sensitivity. This was especially relevant to being able to percieve what was happening within the female para sympathetic nervous system especially as it related to what i began to refer to as the pyscho-sexual system ie: as the neurological system pertains to the reproductive system. I was also made to believe that in what you now call distant viewing I was being listened to. These are some of the things I arrived at in the time leading up to the Gulf war.
I found an active area around the coccyx that I presumed para thyrodic glands and felt an interchange between the mothers glands and the foetus' were what created the onset of partum.
I felt I found neurological links from the ovaries to the lymph glands under the arms, I also percieved that these links were not fully formed unless the woman was of a certain age and I percieved this by discovering disruptions in women of the correct age and these tended to be women with problems.
I posited that leaving the infant connected to the placenta for a short while after the birth would help the ductus arteriosis 'melt' rather than tear and perhaps lead to less pulmonary thrombosis and other heart problems in later life. Many years later there was an article on either the BBC's or ITV's teletext service that stated leaving that attachment led to less aneamia. However I don't think the idea was adopted and they may have been feeding me dis-info again.
Whenever I felt myself close neurologically to a woman I found a spot that seemed to trouble me greatly. This would correlate to the top of the womb, the roof if you will and of course this is likely to be fibrinoided tissue, and the medical proffession knew about fibrinoided tissue but at that time seemed to be largely ignoring it especially it's prevalence in one locale.
I found a scar in women's right breast that was also almost universal. Almost certain that a number of ancient texts mention this as making better warriors of them. Better with the bow apparently but have been unable to come up with the correct search term.
I found damage to the Cervix and Urethra that I tentatively linked to heiroglyphs and, especially in the case of the Cervix and other damages to the vaginal canal were likely to, and introduced for, causing distress during birth. Religion likes nothing better than seperating children from parents. They are predators and as such follow the rules of predators the world over.
I read on a fairly respected Atheist web site (unfortunately with no links), that the phallocentricity of Islam can be traced back to various ritual practices involving in the first instance the ritual on the penis and in the second instance the whole family gathers round to kiss and caress the infant male's genitallia.
Jewish Rabbis suck the blood from the boy's penis after circumcision.
The last two are mentioned because I've never been much of a distant viewer in regards males. Too subjective. Although they do attempt to bring pressure to bear on me.
So under the guise of religion our self identity, sexuality and immune systems are being compromised and that could be seen as the basis of creating hysteria. For perhaps a case could be made for circumcision being the base to a castration complex. I haven't the figures and it would take me too far of topic but the figures may correlate between an acceptance of circumcision as standard and America's rising imperialism. Itself perhaps a paranoic hysteria over identity. A pattern is beginning to emerge therefore. Damage the child whilst maintaining control and they'll damage whoever and whatever you want. Hence the emotional appeal to news, it could be stated with a certain amount of surety that the emotional scars last after the physical pains have gone. I've found that in their manipulations of me. It seems to be my emotions they want to break more than anything else because of course a hysteria is a very emotional experience.
Onto the Gulf War and what I was led to believe.
I have to admit I agreed with the First Gulf a primae faciae case of a dangerous aggressor. I was also led to believe that I was a major part of it and this is where I discovered more of the things in the female para sypathetic nervous system and a solution tied to religious symbolism and the expectation that I would help create a religous hysteria. I have already stated the basis for OT religious hysteria, arguably one may add.
So as to the beginnings of your present religions and what I was encouraged to believe. Slayer has a good thread up at the moment.

I was led to believe, or garnered from what was said that perhaps it's beginnings were a place referred to as Sulumor which I was led to believe was a small village somewhere east of the Tigris, which led in turn to Sumer which is where our more regular history comes in. Then I noticed that inverted it gives us Romulus and Remus which would mean that the Semitics of the area founded Rome. So I began to look as deep as I could at the time.
In my Oxford short dictionary, now lost, it stated that the Saros cycle was a cycle of around 3,900 yrs. I cannot remember exactly the effect of that cycle but if we look around 3,900 yrs back we arrive about the time of Tut. The only grave not robbed by the priests. They are getting hysterical about the Jesus figure arising at this time which gives us a cycle and I'm wondering if it is some form of evolutionary cycle that is inherent in our species. This would take the Moses and Deluge stories back to around 7,800 in a first instance Sumer and around 11,700 in the second instance Sulumor.
Something else fed to me at the time via a television programme was the fact that Hebrews ie: blue eyed Caucasians had been traced to the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates and the Semitics ethno roots are at the outlets of the two rivers. Imparts something different to the Moses story and indicates true Hebrews were and maybe still are slaves of a Semitic peoples. I have tried to follow this up rather than just believe what they fed me to no avail so far. However that is what I was fed by the mainstream at the time.
It led me to believe as many others that we merely continue to repeat a narrow cycle of history.
So we have the physical abuse of our bodies leading to damage of our sexuality, self identity, immune system and very important for their manipulations our emotional intelligence. We have the basis for individual and mass hysteria.
How to bring about a mass hysteria. What if the expected Jesus figure would be a remote viewer like we've never seen before? Now dismantle physically by torture the body and mind of such a viewer and a large part of the populous is going to feel that pain and anguish. Imagine if you felt you were being torn to death as such a man was being torn to death. Beyond your worst nightmares, taking part in the viewers death till you feel you're dying yourself. All you have to do to stop it is aquiesce to their belief system. We know that in the past they must have agreed and I feel that is why the notion of seeking redemption through anothers pain and suffering came about.
Speculative I know, however keep in mind that mass hysterias are not an uncommon occurence I am merely propounding that religous mutilation of infants is one of the base systems for bringing this about and that such abuses and attendant hysterias are a fact and a facet of all Abrahamic religions throughout their existence.

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