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Possible Dulce creatures leaked?

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posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:46 PM
Genetic mutations in nature are very common and happen for a verity of reasons. Some of which even effect humans. They are what fuel evolution, but in some instances these mutations take on extreme forms as seen in some of the photos on the site you linked. However, due to the fact that these poor animals were mostly found in foreign countries, I think you would be hard pressed to link them to botch experiments at Dulce.

As well, some of those photos are simple exaggeration or miss interpretations of other creatures such as the whale carcass or the hairless mistreated bear. The “hell fish” however, I will call photoshop on.

While I don’t doubt that Dulce actually exists or that genetic experimentations actually take place, I don’t feel that any evidence you’ve provide offers definitive proof, but a good topic none the less.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy

Originally posted by ObvTruth
Does that monkey have utters?

But defiantly Photoshopped

Hahaha bloody spell checker.....make sure it adds the right word.....

"defiantly" was that supposed to be definitely

At first I thought you meant his grammatically incorrect spelling of "udders"....

But yeah, fake pics, can't say much more than that. Photoshopped beyond belief apart from the Isopod.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 06:32 PM
Last one on the top is either a wrinkle-faced bat or a specimen of Cymotha exigua, the tongue louse (you wouldn't guess it, but they look incredibly similar).First two are definitely bad photoshops, that monkey appears to be a chimp with alopecia universalis (yes, that's as ugly as it sounds). Squidman is *definitely* photoshopped. The first on the second row is from the art exhibition already mentioned, and the third looks to be a black male with snakes on his face or something. Or possibly an octopus. As for the last one, it's a giant isopod, the horrible deep-sea cousin to the usual woodlouse.

Bald ape for reference:

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by amaster

Yes but there is a difference between mutation and genetic engineering:

Mutations usually don't produce a completely different species, do they? Most cases they are: extra arms, fingers, 2 heads. more legs like on one of the links a sheep with 7 legs.

Genetic Engineering produces species that are a mixture of more than one type, this can't happen with mutation! Something like a fish with bull horns, a creature that is hariless and has head of some other animal, look at the monkey with pig face - it has pig legs, pig face but its body remains monkey. This is clearly mixing species, not mutation.

And there is no reason to exclude the possibility that somewhere (Dulce or another facility) they are mixing species.

The possibility for experiments remains but see what I just found, the last picture, the same. To Debunk It Further: All of the pics are on FOLDED PAGE, the same Page, i.e looks like Photoshop or other program made. And sorry for wasting your and my time. I wanted to know if these are true and with the help of the guy who linked the Chimaera and now seeing these, I can now be sure all these are fake. Still im curious. maybe all pictures can be found somewhere.

edit on 7-7-2011 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Imtor

I see a goat in a bib.

Pretty sure it must be some sort of hybrid goat/human for it to care about getting its coat messy whilst eating spag bol!

Would be crazy if it was real, looks a little fake though.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by VraxUK

I was still curious to find the other pictures over the internet but I couldn't. The Chimeara is now found, the Isopod is also found I posted it on the upper post. Maybe the goat is just an ordinary goat dressed with a pullover

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:16 AM
wow that Patrica Piccinini is a genius.
some real nice pieces of work there and they look so lifelike yet alien?
good find

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Imtor
reply to post by VraxUK

Maybe the goat is just an ordinary goat dressed with a pullover

Yeah I would agree with that, I wouldn't say the goat with a cloak on is any sort of "funny business". Although it is hilarious to think people would believe that it was some kind of human goat man because its head is poking out of a hospital bed sheet or something.

Easily faked. Blurry small pictures. Numbers to make it look "official".

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Imtor

While I don't typically like to link to someone's blog, I think this one is interesting in the photographic evidence it presents to show the horriffic mutations which can occur. I found particular interest in the Harlequin Baby.

WARNING! Some photos my be disturbing.

Wiki page for Harlequin Baby

Again, I don't doubt for one second that genetic experimentations occur all around the world, but I would have think that nature would put an end to these creatures shortly after birth. Concidering the ethical outcry of such experiments, any surviving creation would be highly guarded and not allowed into the wild. It makes me think of that movie SPLICE

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by amaster

Harlequin suffers occur around the world, its a natural defect and quite a few people suffer from it, in fact I know of two that have had quite a lot of media attention around my area. They're around 16/17 I think, and all it is is the skin growing too fast and drying out or something.

EDIT: Didn't read your post properly, damn my impatience!

But I agree, maybe scientists can emphasize certain defects and what not?
edit on 7-7-2011 by VraxUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by VraxUK

Yes, I'm aware that Harlequin is in fact a rare and legit medical condition as is Mermaid Syndrome, Epidermodysplasia (or Tree Man) and parasitic conjoined twins. I am simply trying to illustrate various forms of physical mutations which occur in nature. As is the case with two headed cows, seven legged lambs, or human faced sheep, not ever instance is the result of failed experimentation.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Imtor

Thanks for linking to those pics, OP.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 01:36 PM
Screenshots taken from Google Earth yesterday of

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Imtor

I guarantee this is a hoax.

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 05:25 PM
CANARD POSTS☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆
I have to say that viewing these pictures made me shudder, I was in the bathroom reading and had to put back on clothes I had goosebumps so bad...

people say it is a hoax, no, it is merely a representation, the concepts are there and are true; however, using these pictures just substitute the actual things, it's not hard evidence, it just gives you an idea

what this Presence in the new Mexican mountains means is that aliens are not benevolent, they wish to harvest our Essence, or the human Genome.

the human Genome project may be extraterrestrially motivated
CANARD POSTS☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: lecanard
CANARD POSTS☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆

people say it is a hoax, no, it is merely a representation, the concepts are there and are true; however, using these pictures just substitute the actual things, it's not hard evidence, it just gives you an idea

Oh it's a hoax alright. It's just not a hoax from you or me. If you click on the link in the OP you will be taken to a website that is actually trying to pass at least some of the pictures off as legit. How is that not attempting to hoax the viewer?

posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: lecanard
CANARD POSTS☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆ ส☆
I have to say that viewing these pictures made me shudder, I was in the bathroom reading and had to put back on clothes I had goosebumps so bad...

Sorry if I am confused but... you're in the bathroom, naked, and viewing the pictures in the OP with what, your laptop?
Somehow I am not believing that's what you were looking at.

people say it is a hoax, no, it is merely a representation, the concepts are there and are true; however, using these pictures just substitute the actual things, it's not hard evidence, it just gives you an idea

So if I post a picture of the moon, with a sign that says 100% cheddar, it's not a hoax just a representation of the true concept the moon is made of cheese. Only word I can think of is GULLIBLE.

what this Presence in the new Mexican mountains means is that aliens are not benevolent, they wish to harvest our Essence, or the human Genome.

Yeah I got some Essence they can harvest... it was chili night last night.
edit on 10-6-2014 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: FosterVS

Can a man not enjoy himself while in his chamber, his tomb? I bring my mobile device into my lavatory to read ATS, the lack of clothing is a personal choice. in this instance i was excited to read this thread but had gotten goosebumps, ergo i put back on my shirt and pants, which i remove so i do not dirty them

So if I post a picture of the moon, with a sign that says 100% cheddar, it's not a hoax just a representation of the true concept the moon is made of cheese. Only word I can think of is GULLIBLE.

What I am saying is that they are only putting out these pictures as a sort of visual aid or diagram to get one to see the underlying concepts, which are true

Yeah I got some Essence they can harvest... it was chili night last night.

Why do you take extraterrestrial tampering of human genetics so lightly?

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: lecanard

DId you just say you take your shirt off to drop a deuce?

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 08:54 PM
Sounds like stuff from the laboratory of Dr. Alphonse Mephesto.

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