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New discipline policy at LAPD results in some officers avoiding punishment

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posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:14 AM

A growing number of Los Angeles police officers who have used excessive force, driven while intoxicated, falsely imprisoned people or committed other serious misconduct are being let off without punishment as part of a new, controversial approach to discipline at the LAPD.

Well, what will be the next severe penalty on the 2nd offense?

Instead of handing down suspensions without pay, as was the norm for such offenses, police officials increasingly are putting officers on notice that another gaffe of the same sort will bring a severe penalty and possible termination.

Possible termination.....I guess that means a 50% chance of being fired?

"The way it's being handled minimizes the seriousness of these situations," Commissioner Alan Skobin told Deputy Chief Mark Perez, who oversees discipline. "If an officer commits a criminal act — the two good examples are DUIs and domestic violence — there is some real angst … when, basically, in the department the worst thing that happens is that they're being told, 'The next time you do that it's going to be serious.' "

So they're basically getting a get out of jail free time use....not saying they already have those cards.

Perez, who runs the department's Professional Standards Bureau, is the architect of the LAPD's new take on how to deal with troublesome officers. Under Chief Charlie Beck and his predecessor, William Bratton, the 29-year LAPD veteran began working to design a system that, as he often says, emphasizes "strategy over penalty."

Strategy over penalty?

Similar to the way prison sentences are used to deter and punish criminals, this strategy assumes that the threat of punishment will keep officers from stepping out of line.

I have an idea....How about the officers get charged the same way the average citizen does, instead of implementing new policies and changing rules? Wouldnt that be more effective and time saving?

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by buni11687

Dear buni11687,

What isn't mentioned is that at a time when Los Angeles is laying off city workers and saying that they can't pay for the civilian pensions or to keep libraries open, they just gave the LAPD a pay raise and took cuts from everyone else. Maybe this is why the politicians aren't in jail, they pay off the cops and do it legally.

By the way, my father was in both the LAPD and the County Sheriffs and he was as honest and decent a man as I have ever known. My father also did not believe that police should be in unions and he didn't think they should be allowed to strike. The Rampart Scandal has shown what has happened to the LAPD. For a time they were the best police force in the United States and during the 80s they changed. The people who will dislike this rule the absolute most and the honest and hardworking members of the LAPD, the ones who want to see the department made better and see the bad cops leave. And no, I am not a police officer; but, I know a lot of people in law enforcement.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:32 AM
Aha: "...the threat of punishment will keep officers from stepping out of line."

Ingeniously, this will obviate the need for actual punishment to keep the officers from stepping out of line.Yes, well--it's perfectly clear now....

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:33 AM
Where was the get out of jail free card to the overwhelming number of minor drug offenders who are overcrowding our prisons, allowing rapists and murderers to continue roaming American streets? Where was the get out of jail free card for me when I got a first-offense DUI, and was sentenced a $1200 fine, one year probation, five drug and alcohol classes, six months AA, and 16 weeks intensive outpatient therapy (three hours a day, three days a week) that ultimately resulted in my expulsion from college and the loss of my job? I'm losing it, here... what an outrage...

This is no longer America, folks.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 12:57 AM
High five LA! There's nothing like setting the bar, especially if its on the floor....

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 01:28 AM
I work for a police department and find this rather sickening. When an officer gets in trouble he should be punished in court just like any other person. He should also face consequences at work for violating his duty to uphold the law and serve as an example.

I got dinged on my review and 1 "driver point" for getting a seat belt ticket off duty. I would hate to think what would happen if one of our guys or gals gut a DUI. You have to drive for the job and a license is a requirement to get hired. Get a DUI and lose your license you would most likely lose your job.

If you get convicted of domestic abuse you can no longer carry your gun. That means you lose your job. It sounds to me like the LAPD hasn't changed.
edit on 6-7-2011 by MikeNice81 because: (no reason given)

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