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3 students die after being hypnotized by principal

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:10 PM
kind of a bizarre story to me. But you
judge for yourself.

Three Florida high school students are dead after being hypnotized by their school principal in Sarasota County, one in a car accident and two by suicide. Principal George Kenney is believed to have hypnotized up to 75 people, including students, members of the school staff and their children. Sarasota County School District officials repeatedly warned Kenney to stop the practice, which the principal insists was only done in the interest of helping students to be motivated and focused on school work and sports.

So can somebody please explain to me why
a principal needs to hypnotize 75 people ???
Maybe to erase memories of what he did to them ??
Is this a common practice for school admin these
days ???

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:13 PM
bizarre...just shows how powerful the subconscious mind seems as if he was misusing it though...I think hypnotism if used properly can have magnificent results but obviously he didn't know what he was doing...the car crash could have been coincidental but 2 suicides? how odd...

although I doubt hypnotism was really a cause of their deaths...people die all the time...I highly doubt these students who committed suicide didn't have problems already and left a note blaming it all on the principal's hypnotizing them...
edit on 30-6-2011 by here4awhile because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

So can somebody please explain to me why
a principal needs to hypnotize 75 people ???
Maybe to erase memories of what he did to them ??
Is this a common practice for school admin these
days ???

No, not to erase memories. I had a well-regarded teacher in high school who regularly hypnotized students, a practice I always found somewhat dangerous and improper. I think it just gives these people a sense of control and empowerment to be able to manipulate students under their care.

I hope this principal gets kicked out of his position of authority for this egregious behavior. There is no excuse for this sort of shenanigans. Yeah, it's fun and games for a while, but it is just too dangerous!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:20 PM
why would motivational hypnotism be responsible for any deaths?
but i dont think a principal should be hypnotising school kids.

maybe to erase what he did to them???

wth? seems like you've allready got an agenda here, where did that come from?

but anyway, just a coincidence, people tend to die quite often.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by czygyny

I think it just gives these people a sense of control and empowerment to be able to manipulate students under their care.

Well put. If he really did this to help he'd have told students it was a bunch of hogwash after any kind of improvement.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:22 PM
It's a high school.

Kids kill themselves and die in car accidents.

Hypnosis is a false science, I truly doubt this caused any deaths.

At my high school, we had 5 members of our wrestling team die in 3 separate freak accidents.

Wrestling did not cause these deaths...

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:22 PM
I would not just jump to the conclusion that the hypnotism was a direct cause of the deaths, car crashes happen often especially to the young. One of the suicides could be linked to the crash, say a boyfriend or a close friend not wanting to go on without them and the other suicide just chance. If there was another say 4 deaths then maybe buy really this is just yellow journalism at its best

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I graduated from High School in 2008 (I'm currently attending college). I have never heard of anything like this; it truly is bizarre.

I'm reading various articles from other sources to try to get a better understanding of the situation. Very odd, indeed. Great find!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:26 PM
I have never heard of a principal hypnotizing students
and school staff members before. It never occurred at
any of the schools I attended.

And also, wouldn't this be a conflict of interest for
the same one doing the hypnotizing to also admin
the students in school. Why not do this as an out-source
to a therapist ???

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by here4awhile

And who's to say the three that died weren't under the control of some other force... and was covering up his/her tracks.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Someone placed in a very high position of trust, that being the education and well being of our children while in his care has a history of hypnotizing, as well as warnings to stop and now 3 people wind up dead? Sounds to me like more are to blame here than just the principal.

His excuse for doing it doesn't really fly with me either, something tells me it wasn't in his job description to hypnotize people.


posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

So can somebody please explain to me why
a principal needs to hypnotize 75 people ???

Why would a principal need to hypnotize even 1 person, let alone 75..?

Grade: F

And I think every one of the 75 still alive (holy rhyme!) should get to use the paddle on him for an hour straight...

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

it does not say how close the deaths's not uncommon for kids to do a suicide pact...and the car can simply be a coincidence...

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

That is really interesting. I admit, I don't put too much stock in hypnotism, but I do know people who have sworn by it.

I think, if anything, the kid who died in the car wreck, was just a coincidence.

Really, I imagine all three are.... But who knows.

I mean, if you are hypnotizing people to do better at school, what about that would make you want to kill yourself?

I guess it is a subjective thing. They say you can say things on purpose or on accident and it can influence the hypnotism.... I just don't know enough about it to say much....

Just... Yikes.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I don't think they can link the cause of those deaths to the principal hypnotizing them. The deaths are tragic yes, but where is the real proof that, that was the cause?

They said he did this to 75 people and they are still alive and well aren't they? Unless there is more edivence to this that they are leaving out I just don't see how the principal could be responsible for this.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by shushu
reply to post by here4awhile

And who's to say the three that died weren't under the control of some other force... and was covering up his/her tracks.

what other force? mind control? what is this MK ULTRA via high school principal? I don't think so...

maybe if more of those 75 started dropping like flies I'd be suspicious...only licensed therapists should be practicing hypnotism for any purpose anyways in my opinion...

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
I have never heard of a principal hypnotizing students
and school staff members before. It never occurred at
any of the schools I attended.

And also, wouldn't this be a conflict of interest for
the same one doing the hypnotizing to also admin
the students in school. Why not do this as an out-source
to a therapist ???

Not only did we have this teacher who liked to hypnotize his whole class (I never allowed myself to succumb, but my best friend was under unusually easy control of his!) but we had an assembly where a traveling hypnotist put a pre-chosen group of students under and made them do some interesting and amusing, but also disturbing (to me) antics.

It is an activity I hope is put to an end, permanently, very soon.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
I mean, if you are hypnotizing people to do better at school, what about that would make you want to kill yourself?

you can be programmed to do bad things
just as easy as programmed to do good things.
Just depends on the hypnotist's intent.

which is why I made the comment,
maybe programmed to commit suicide
to cover up something else more sinister.

Something is not right with this story as it is
being told. It does not add up IMO.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I'm willing to bet it's nothing that sinister...these kids probably had problems before being hypnotized...perhaps as to why maybe the principal hypnotized them to motivate them in the first place (kids with problems tend to end up in the principals office)...I still think hypnotizing them isn't a principals job, but a licensed therapist's job if it were needed...

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:49 PM
a psychopath doing his work ...

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