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What's up with Fox News?

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:30 PM
They were acting really weird today, more so than usual. The Daily Show was really critical of them last night. Could that be it? But the thing is, they did what the Daily Show called them out on, but times ten. It was weird. Like every story was about how the left has some big conspiracy against them. They kept mentioning how they always tell the truth and how they are fair and balanced. I know it's their slogan, but they kept saying it without giving any examples. And then they went on to be even more critical of Obama and the left. And then they would say some more paranoid things. The paranoia was intense, today.
Maybe, I just noticed more of the paranoid delusions because the Daily Show pointed it out...but I dunno. I've noticed it every once in a while, but today they seemed to throw out a lot more paranoid delusions.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

Fox News is in the pockets of the far right conservative lobbyists. This is (or rather should be) obvious to anyone who watches even 15 minutes of their "news" programs.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:33 PM
Yeah, Jon Stewart bashed them last night. He was right IMO. If anyone hasn't seen it they should watch it...was really good.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:33 PM
I quit watching Fox news along time ago.

I suggest you do the same....For your sanities sake.....

They are obviously far from "fair and Balanced."

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

They kept mentioning how they always tell the truth and how they are fair and balanced. I know it's their slogan, but they kept saying it without giving any examples.

Every time they mention their slogan they're supposed to give examples to back it up?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

They know that alternative media is winning, they know their credibility is slipping, its a sad cry for a false sense of integrity and truth. Many people are waking up.. good luck to the propaganda spewing fox... not.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

To begin with you are talking about FAUX (Fox) News. The ones that make it up as they go. Maybe its beginning to get hot on them and people are getting critical of their lack or fictious news. When people are getting nailed they tend to be defensive. What I thought was interesting today was MSNBC when they kept openly telling that the entire government is pay to play. That congress has been bought by the bankers. That the condition the country is in is due to people in power buy their way in and therefore most of them don't knwo what they are doing. I was thinking what was up with that.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

Every time they mention their slogan they're supposed to give examples to back it up?

Maybe they have no examples to back the slogan with.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by Ghost375

They kept mentioning how they always tell the truth and how they are fair and balanced. I know it's their slogan, but they kept saying it without giving any examples.

Every time they mention their slogan they're supposed to give examples to back it up?

That's not what I meant. I'm talking about when they used synonyms for fair or balanced. Or any expression that would imply they are "fair and balanced." They would do it and then immediately bash Obama and the liberals.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:40 PM
I think some people at Fox actually believe that giving half truths at best is fair because everybody else does it. In a sick and twisted way it probably does bring a sort of balance. But you have to believe in the propaganda machine to think that is a good thing.

And even though I don't watch Fox news anymore, I think they have every right to bash Obama, I do all the time, the difference is that I also bash Bush for most of the same reasons.
edit on 28-6-2011 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:40 PM
Sounds like the BBC last year when they were called out publicly by various media outlets for being biased and extremely critical of everything other than whatever the Labour party did, making out like everythin Labour did was great for the country and everybody else was wrong.

BBC soon had to publicly apologise and promise to be more impartial but I have yet to see any evidence they stuck to that promise so far.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
I quit watching Fox news along time ago.

I suggest you do the same....For your sanities sake.....

They are obviously far from "fair and Balanced."

But I watch it to see for myself stuff like this.
I try to be unbiased and I usually agree on at least one thing Fox News says, but today they were acting completely insane.
edit on 28-6-2011 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-6-2011 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

Don't forget their previous slogan:

"All the news you NEED to know"... LOL!!!!

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:45 PM
I watch all my news online usually RT but ill just look up the country I want to know about and just go to there website. Also Drudge report is the best most honest site I know of imo

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:46 PM
im pretty sure every day on MSNBC they talk about fox. go to media matters webisite everything on the page is about fox! fox isnt the devil its a new source with a different perspective than most media sources these days because most media outlets are leaning left. im pretty sure when the say fair and balanced they mean there balancing things out so every topic isnt one sided. im niether a dem. or a rep. but i sure like listening to both sides and fox provides that for me. grow up people.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by David9176

Maybe they have no examples to back the slogan with.

I think that kind of goes without saying, doesn't it? LOL

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:54 PM
fox has been that way for a long time... i have had a turn off fox news bumper sticker on my truck for 2 years...but only because i couldn't find one that said MSM they all suck... the daily show at least makes ya laugh and doesn't pretend be unbiased. gotta love bill maher too...

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by coastlinekid

"All the news you NEED to know"... LOL!!!!

THAT was their previous slogan? Jeez....they need a new marketing rep.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:59 PM
I usually watch two news shows each night almost religiously. To try and get both sides of the story from the left and right of American politics I watch Countdown with Keith Olbermann and Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano at 8pm. Add to that most of my news that I read comes from online sources I think it gives me an idea of both sides opinion plus what neither side wants to or is allowed to discuss.

Fox News and Fox Business are two completely different news networks in regards to viewpoints. Fox is the Neocon outlet, Fox Business is the Libertarian outlet. MSNBC and CNN are complete jokes. I think it is healthy to hear both mainstream sides of the story and especially get your news offline to make your own decisions.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by tyson45
im pretty sure every day on MSNBC they talk about fox. go to media matters webisite everything on the page is about fox! fox isnt the devil its a new source with a different perspective than most media sources these days because most media outlets are leaning left. im pretty sure when the say fair and balanced they mean there balancing things out so every topic isnt one sided. im niether a dem. or a rep. but i sure like listening to both sides and fox provides that for me. grow up people.

But NBC isn't* telling its viewers that Fox News is out to get them.
*As far as I know, I rarely watch MSNBC.

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