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Fluoride in the tap water

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:24 AM

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:25 AM


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:26 AM


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by Jepic

Unless you acquire your tap water from a spring directly from a mountain or a river, i highly doubt your water is unfloridated.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:29 AM


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by Vanishr

Jepic is from UK, unlike the US it's less fluoridated. Unless he/she reveals exact location it will be uncertain.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by Jepic

Well if you're going to take being called an idiot that badly, then i do apoligize, I was merely trying to highlight the ignorance on your part for stating 'they do not add flouride to the water' you even stated that you believe thats what most uninitiated use to demonize 'conspiricy nuts' I cant say i agree with that either but hey thats irrelevant.
I would also like to state i only responded in an appropriate manner to the post you made, it came off to me as if you were being rash and as if you were shouting others down, trying to impose your incorrect views on others.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by jjjtir

Only 10% of the UK (mainly the West Midlands and North East) receives fluoridated water. Areas with very high tooth decay rates which need fluoridation include the North West, Merseyside, Yorkshire, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland and some socially deprived communities in the South (e.g. Inner London)."

British Dental Association 2001, 10% of the UK in 2001, 10years later, it wouldnt surprise me if it was at least 80%

Then again, unless you've done the survey yourself you can never trust the results, so for all we know it was 99% in 2001, you see my point, the point is they do it, and on a very large scale, i dont doubt the US is inevitably worse for water flouridation, but the US is alot more of a visible police state than the UK.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:39 AM
So... are things going to remain civil and on topic henceforth?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by shadowreborn89
Recently,i heard that the main ingredient in prozac is fluoride. and the nazis where the first to put prozac in there tap water,why idk? but if the main ingredient of prozac is fluoride,how come its used in the u.s in the tap water?

You can blame Project Paperclip for it.

When Congress established the National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR) in 1948, Dean was appointed its director, a position he held until retiring in 1953.(11) In his post at the NIDR, he was to oversee the first clinical trial of fluoridation in an American city, Grand Rapids Michigan.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by masqua

One would hope so sir !

I guess Jepic's mood was just to 'Fierce' for this thread.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:18 PM
seemed like he had alot of deleted replies >< geez didnt know it would start so much controversy.these links have helped.ill give em a go and check them out

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by starchild10

Please take your rudeness elsewhere or, take a chill pill, maybe a few Prozac.

Fluoride is in drinking water, I've actually called my local treatment plant an confirmed this. I was on 80mg a day of Prozac for a good while. Once I found out it contained fluoride I became furious! I don't take it anymore and don't take anything for that matter. I am no longer depressed and sleep like a baby now. Go figure.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:46 PM
yeah no drama please... yeah just goes to show you what stupid stuff ppl put in water... ive seen a link to where it says the amount of fluoride is double of the safe amount per day is... imagine that.. stupid ppl.. ( not ppl talking in this thread)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by FrenchOsage

There is no fluoride in our tap water. This "conspiracy" is the most paranoid I have ever heard. If there is an example of why people call conspiracy theorists nutjobs it's because of this one. They use this as an example.

Ugh, ever considered reading before spouting off?
Some water districts can't avoid naturally occurring fluoride, others intentionally add fluoride.
The use of Fluoride has never been debated. Risk vs benefit has long been a controversial topic.

The water where I live in Maine has flouride and chlorine, and since we live across the street from a health clinic and Alzheimers center, probably a lot of medication in the water. Since unfortunately they still do things the old way and flush them down the toilet, and a lot of those medications are highly addictive. To the person who thinks there is nothing in the water please do some research, it has been proven that there is something in the drinking water. It also not good for you in the least. Also, since we found out chlorine is in our drinking water my husband bought a Berkey water Filtration system, and yes it takes everything out. Now we have a filter on our shower head, yes our skin is softer and so is our hair. who ever is in control of the water is sick, sick, sick!

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 03:21 PM
I'm from the UK, south east. I asked our local water supplier if they added fluoride to the water. Luckily they don't, apart from naturally occurring fluoride that is. Although you can't fully escape from it. It's most likely used in food stuffs containing water and probably in the beer supply as well!

Is it used quite alot in the US then?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 03:35 PM
Yes its put in all the u,s tap water from what i am aware of... why dental care? idk bout that

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 04:05 PM
fluoride conspiracy is crap.

i drink at least 3 liters of tap water a day which is heavily fluoridated and brush my theeth 3x a day that gets another
amount of fluoride in me.

And stil i'm rebellious against system as much as i can be.

sheep stays sheep with or without fluoride.

or maybe it's something with me?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 04:33 PM
fluoride is not a conspiracy its fact... and there is proven results thats its bad for you if you have too much...
nazis gave them prozac in the tap water.. why does the u.s put the main ingriedient of prozac in the tap water.. if it already has it?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by shadowreborn89

again i will say : sheep stays sheep with prozac, with fluoride or without

we always had fluoride, well as long as i remember and i don't recall seeing prozac nation here.
even worse we are very rebelious and nervous so not a trace of prozac behaviour

so i say conspiracy and not fact

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