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Awesome comic ellaborating the truth about freemasonry

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by B.Morrison
"read your bible (KJV) every day to get to know Jesus better"

why the KJV? that IMHO would be the most edited & inaccurate....
Shhh.... Don't tell Jack, but King James may have been a Mason himself...

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 01:17 AM
Definitely a trippy cartoon, feels like Christian propaganda against another group, but assuming there is a God, I would think his (or her) ability to look into a person's heart is what counts. Plenty of people claim to be good Christians and aren't, and that goes for every religion. Muslims murdering innocent people in a suicide bombing can't exactly please a loving Allah, I would think, and if a person is a good Christian, believes he is following that path, but is also a Mason and might be unaware of something like this cartoon suggests (true or not), how could he be blamed if it wasn't what was in his heart? You can't change a person's faith by using trickery in words, if a person's being Christian means he believes he is saved by faith in Jesus, and he is tricked into a subtle renouncement that isn't really what is in his heart, then I don't think he stops being a Christian, just didn't pay attention to some of the rites. Acts are good. Intentions are good. Masons do good acts and as far as I can tell, have good intentions as well, as can be seen in Shriners Hospitals for children. It's in ones heart that matters I believe. There are plenty of people that lie from the pulpit.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

Shhh.... Don't tell Jack, but King James may have been a Mason himself...

Man, double shhh, Jack would be quite upset to know that, at the very least, King James was most likely bi-sexual.

One area of the life of King James that for many years remained clouded in controversy was allegations that James was homosexual. As James did father several children by Anne of Denmark, it is actually more accurate to say that he was allegedly a bi-sexual. While his close relationships with a number of men were noted, earlier historians questioned their sexual nature, however, few modern historians cast any doubt on the King's bisexuality and the fact that his sexuality and choice of male partners both as King of Scotland then later in London as King of England were the subject of gossip from the city taverns to the Privy Council. His relationship as a teenager with fellow teenager Esmé Stuart, Earl of Lennox was criticized by Scottish Church leaders, who were part of a conspiracy to keep the young King and the young French courtier apart, as the relationship was improper to say the least. Lennox, facing threats of death, was forced to leave Scotland.

In the 1580s, King James openly kissed Francis Stewart Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell. Contemporary sources clearly hinted their relationship was a sexual one. When James inherited the English throne from Queen Elizabeth I in 1603, it was openly joked of the new English monarch in London that “Elizabeth was King: now James is Queen!” If there is still any doubt, it should be noted that George Villiers, also held an intimate relationship with King James, about which King James himself was quite open. King James called Villiers his “wife” and called himself Villiers' “husband”! King James died in 1625 of gout and senility. He is buried in the Henry VII chapel in Westminster Abbey, with one of his favorite male suitors on his right, and another on his left.


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by Forevever
Mostly I took exception to their idea that Paganism is satantic. It might be "antichrist" in the literal sense (but then so is Judaism right?), but its definitely not satanism.

Yes, I agree. Many Christians have NO idea and believe if it isn't Jesus, it's from the devil.
That's just ignorance and fear.

Originally posted by JoshNorton
I live in a Muslim country & all the Muslims I know believe that God, Allah, & Yahweh are the same thing.
And I would agree with you. But the author of these comics is a fundamentalist Christian who thinks that EVERYTHING is evil.

Wow. Why am I not surprised.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 03:03 AM
That crap cartoon strip has been passed around and left under windscreen wipers at the more public Masonic meetings for decades!

I must admit I was more expecting to see Alan Moore's "From Hell".

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
reply to post by JoshNorton

Shhh.... Don't tell Jack, but King James may have been a Mason himself...

Man, double shhh, Jack would be quite upset to know that, at the very least, King James was most likely bi-sexual.

and whatever happens do not under any circumstance tell Jack that its possible that when the bible speaks of the 'divine balance of male & female energy" could very well be referring to is close to godliness....

edit on 28/6/11 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:41 AM
A ChickTract...
On ATS? Really?


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by Forevever
I don't know how to express my feelings about this comic...

first it was very entertaining - S&F for sharing it!

Without getting into my own beliefs..
I'm wondering WHY it always has to be Satanic or Christian, why never a third option...

Because when all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Such is the quandary for the Chicks of the world: they don't do grey

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by JoshNorton

Wouldn't surprise me, King William IV was a Mason and that was right after the UGLE was founded, I would hazard a good guess that his father was probably a member, maybe not as far back as James, but James was eccentric.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:40 AM
I have to agree, the comic was a good read and thanks for posting it up. I didn't have time to read the all the posts on here but I wanted to post this before I forget. well, I've always known about the Masons because my father is a well known person in my country and he had tapes on the Masons that I would hide to watch. I knew they were evil in which ever way you could think of... one thing that really scared me was the 'blood in the skull' ritual. I was raised Catholic but after doing my research on religion especially on Catholicism, I came to find out that we are, in one way or another related to the Masons... I am not trying to say that I don't believe on God, that Catholics are evil, or that Jesus wasn't or isn't real, I even might be wrong... all I am trying to say is that sometimes, KNOWLEDGE REALLY IS THE ENEMY OF FAITH. I'd rather understand what I believe in than follow on blindly.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by starlover
... one thing that really scared me was the 'blood in the skull' ritual.

Please explain further as I am curious to what you claim to have read/viewed.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Cobra.EXE
i came across a short comic regarding baphomet and teachings of freemasonry.

The Chick tract falsely claims that Baphomet is a demon god worshiped by Freemasons. The fact of the matter is, Baphomet is never mentioned in Freemasonry.

One of the charges that the Catholic Church brought against the Knights Templar was that they worshiped a head or idol that called Baphomet. The charges were untrue, and most historians believe "Baphomet" was a corruption of "Mahomet", the French rendering of Muhammed. Thus, the Catholic Church seemed to be accusing the Templars of converting to Islam, thus cavorting with the enemy.

Others have pointed out that "Baphomet" may have been a secret password of the Templars, taken from the Greek "Bapho Metis", meaning "baptism of wisdom". Personally, I think this is likely.

The image "Baphomet" found in that tract (which the Christian guy in that tract laughably just happened to have in his car) was actually a drawing by a French artist and author named Eliphas Levi, and was meant to be a modern symbolic rendering of the Greek nature god, Pan. While interesting, it doesn't have anything to do with Freemasonry.

Furthermore, the Chick tract gives the fake Pike quote about "Lucifer is God", (Pike never said it, and it was exposed as a hoax), among other make believe items (there was never any slaughter of Christians in Fez, Morocco, for example).

Simply put, the comic was written by someone who didn't know his ass from ice cream.
edit on 30-6-2011 by Masonic Light because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 03:40 PM

The Chick tract falsely claims that Baphomet is a demon god worshiped by Freemasons. The fact of the matter is, Baphomet is never mentioned in Freemasonry.

One of the charges that the Catholic Church brought against the Knights Templar was that they worshiped a head or idol that called Baphomet. The charges were untrue, and most historians believe "Baphomet" was a corruption of "Mahomet", the French rendering of Muhammed. Thus, the Catholic Church seemed to be accusing the Templars of converting to Islam, thus cavorting with the enemy.

From what I know Goat means head, From Capricorn that is asembled from capri, and corn capri/cap meaning head and corn meaning horn, henche the word capricorn.(the goat)

Cap, caput
Sometimes a Classical Latin word appears in a Romance language alongside the equivalent Vulgar Latin word: classical caput, "head", and vulgar testa (originally "pot") in Italian, French and Catalan.


In Romanian cap means 'head' in the anatomical sense, but ţeastă means skull or carapace,[2] while ţest means "pot" or "lid".[3] Southern Italian dialects preserve capo as the normal word for "head".


Spanish and Portuguese have cabeza/cabeça, derived from *capetia, a modified form of caput, but in Portuguese testa is the word for "forehead".

All from the goat, goat means head, from word like CAPRA=GOAT.

So it's why they say they worshiped a HEAD or a GOAT, because it's the same thing, people go maybe it was a head maybe it was a goat not knowing it means the same thing, because the head is the goat, meaning the story can be acurate and that the templars did worship the goat. This would be an adition to why Levi made that drawing, because it may be very true.

edit on 30-6-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by pepsi78

Perhaps the problem is with the word worship. Freemason is more a practice of science than a worship of a God and are proliferate with symbols showing as such. The goat being a symbol and not something to worship. Ironic that religions are so worried about people worshiping pagan gods and false idles yet this is exactly what they all do.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Devino

We were talking about the templars ?

They name officialy was called "The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon", they later came to be Knights Templar without the "poor fellow soldier" refering to them as strictly to the solomon temple.

They found something there, a goat head. Solomon went wrong in the end, and got consumed by demons. It's what happened to him after he had control of such things.
The Gnostic Apocalypse of Adam, which may date to the 1st or 2nd century, refers to a legend in which Solomon sends out an army of demons to seek a virgin who had fled from him, perhaps the earliest surviving mention of the later common tale that Solomon controlled demons and made them his slaves. This tradition of Solomon's control over demons appears fully elaborated in the early pseudographical work called the Testament of Solomon with its elaborate and grotesque demonology.[20]

So it is not so far fetched that they found a symbol resembling a goat/head there, something did happen to the templars. Lot's and lots of facts point to the fact that is was a goat head or something related to a goat/head.

Remember masons have incorporated the malta cross into their symbols and are very proud of the templars, you can see pictures with them dressed in templars, here they go by the names like traveling templar.

edit on 30-6-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78
From what I know Goat means head, From Capricorn that is asembled from capri, and corn capri/cap meaning head and corn meaning horn, henche the word capricorn.(the goat)

Cap, caput
Sometimes a Classical Latin word appears in a Romance language alongside the equivalent Vulgar Latin word: classical caput, "head", and vulgar testa (originally "pot") in Italian, French and Catalan.

All from the goat, goat means head, from word like CAPRA=GOAT.

Your Latin sucks and you should stop trying to teach it to others.

Capricorn is literal for 'horned goat' as in a male goat (which the proper term is 'caper'). A 'capra' is a she-goat and the root word is 'capr-' not 'cap-' which means to 'take or hold'. 'Capit' is the root word of 'caput' (the Proto Indo European word is 'kauput') and means head. Get a copy of Cassell's Latin Dictionary before you screw up further.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Capricorn is literal for 'horned goat' as in a male goat (which the proper term is 'caper'). A 'capra' is a she-goat and the root word is 'capr-' not 'cap-' which means to 'take or hold'. 'Capit' is the root word of 'caput' (the Proto Indo European word is 'kauput') and means head. Get a copy of Cassell's Latin Dictionary before you screw up further.

Were not talking about proto ie, the story of the templars is much younger and it dates to Latin, cap means head. From Capra and capricorn.

From Latin cappo.

From italian capo(head) Romanian cap (head)

Capricorn comes from CAP the head and corn the horn. It's simple Capra is the goat.

Get a copy of Cassell's Latin Dictionary before you screw up further.

I think you are fabulating, you have no feeling to Latin, so you post what you find.

For capri.
Hedgehogs are known for their spiky, spiny coats. The Italian capriccio is a combination of capo, "head" and riccio, "hedgehog", and its original meaning was "hedgehog head", a description of someone so frightened or astonished that the hair on his, or her, head "stood on end".

Capricious comes, via French, from Italian capriccio, a shivering, a shudder, finally (influenced by Italian capra, goat) a whim, from capo, head (from Latin caput) + riccio, hedgehog (from Latin ericius). The basic idea is that of a head with hair standing on end, like the spines of a hedgehog.

Now for corn.
1375–1425; late Middle English corne < Anglo-French, Middle French < Latin cornū horn, hence a horny hardening of the cuticle. See cornu

So you got the word capri-corn. It means more Horned headed but it also means horned goat.
(looks like augustus masonicus is wrong.)

edit on 30-6-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by pepsi78

Sorry, I must have gotten confused when you made the claim that Freemasons might worship a goat head. I don't know if they do or do not, just following logic here.

Now as far as King Solomon being possessed by and/or in control of got me there. Sounds like a fantastic story for sure.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Devino
reply to post by pepsi78

Sorry, I must have gotten confused when you made the claim that Freemasons might worship a goat head. I don't know if they do or do not, just following logic here.

But they do pose as templars, we got pictures, and the malta cross incorporated into masonry. I have a feeling you are a mason.

Now as far as King Solomon being possessed by and/or in control of got me there. Sounds like a fantastic story for sure.

What story it's how it came to be, Solomon stepped away from god in the end.
Solomon in the Kabbalah

Early adherents of the Kabbalah portray Solomon as having sailed through the air on a throne of light placed on an eagle, which brought him near the heavenly gates as well as to the dark mountains behind which the fallen angels Uzza and Azzael were chained; the eagle would rest on the chains, and Solomon, using the magic ring, would compel the two angels to reveal every mystery he desired to know. Solomon is also portrayed as forcing demons to take Solomon's friends, including Hiram, on day return trips to hell.
I will not hearken to you, except you worship my gods." So I departed from her. But after a little, she sent me five locusts by the hand of a messenger, saying, "Take these five locusts and crush them in the name of the god Moloch, and I will be your wife." And I did so. And forthwith my glory departed from me, and I forgot my wisdom, and became weak and foolish in my mind; and the heathen woman compelled me to build temples to the false gods, to Baal, and Remphan, and Moloch; and my spirit was darkened within me, and I became a byword among men and demons.

It's why they found what they found in the temple, it was something regarding this. A goat/head would fit in just fine, or a representation of a head/goat by some other symbol.

edit on 30-6-2011 by pepsi78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by pepsi78

But they do pose as templars, we got pictures, and the malta cross incorporated into masonry.
I didn't know the Knights Templar was so bad. To be honest I don't really know that much about them other than the stories I have heard, read and seen in the movies. Maybe they were very nasty people and it is good to distance yourself from them but my first guess would be that this is not true.

I have a feeling you are a mason.
I already stated that I was not. And again I am just following logic here.

What story it's how it came to be, Solomon stepped away from god in the end.
So you're telling me you believe in demons? Would that make you a good God fearing Christian then? When it comes to these old stories, and Wikipedia, I take them with a grain of salt.

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