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Libya: What will Happen When the First American Dies???

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 02:21 AM
Hi all,

I think this situation is a ticking time-bomb that could blow in our faces at any time now:


What happens then?

I mean, you take a quick look at the whole political situation of Libya, and it seems a lot of the political support is coming from the fact that NATO has been invincible up to the present moment- they have been bombing and shooting at Gaddafi's Thugs for 3 months now without any casualties at all.

I think that NATO's free ride with air-power is going to come to an end pretty quick.

Well, let me say that I think with those billions of dollars he somehow has, Gadaffi is going to get some pretty bad-a$$ hardware and is gonna buy some pretty bad-A$$ mercenaries to use it. I don't know how many of you ever read read or played Tom Clancy books/games, but Gaddafi seems like the perfect crazy-dictator to fit most of the villain characters in those stories.

Watch the video at the top of this page (don't know how to embed it):

For those of you who were too lazy to click on a link (I know you are out their), They have found some pretty heavy anti-aircraft weapons right at the main Benghazi airport- the heart of the rebel stronghold. The Benghazi airport is pretty the much the way of entrance for all western people of importance at the moment. Its lifeline-like status is reflected by the eerie confidence expressed by the Rebel soldiers, who seem to claim that surface-to-air missiles found by an airport is not even the slightest of threats (TSA would agree; young children and elderly lady are much more of a threat).

If those weapons hadn't been found, a plane full of American/Western soldiers or even diplomats and politicians could have been killed.

Then what would of happened?

I think an event such as this is bound to happen sometime before the mission ends- probably sooner rather than later as Gadaffi is probably starting to turn to increasingly desperate measures at the moment- guerrilla warfare will probably be funded by the billions this guy has.

Such an act would be a political nightmare for any leader of the NATO mission. Such incidents have the potential to be a tipping point for this war (It wouldn't be any stretch of the imagination to picture another False-Flag event).

Obama's excuse for the war in Libya so far has been (as outlined by Ron Paul),this.
The US is not TECHNICALLY at war with Libya as no ground troops are involved, and there is no direct "Engagement" with the Gaddafi forces.

So I guess according to Obama, bombing the Tripoli in a rain of Aircraft-Fire and shooting Gaddafi thugs from the air is not "war". I don't think Obama has ever read the dictionary definition of war. Though I haven't either (I encourage anyone to correct me if I'm wrong), but doesn't it involve one country physically engaging itself in another to complete a certain objective?

This will blow up in Obama's face when it happens. People and presidential hopefuls like Ron Paul are already suing Obama over Libya (see above link), and when the first American dies, these people are going to be all over Obama like a pack of wolves who have been waiting for the perfect kill/meal. This issue could turn into one of, if the not main issues of the next election (except the economy, maybe), and it could open up the door for people like Ron Paul to get his message to people fed up with war (especially if Ground Troops step in).

As soon as an American dies, Obama will be in the biggest political quagmire of his career- he started another war in which Americans have died. He will be tied at 2 with W (He "lengthened" and intensified the Afghanistan mission- a war if there ever was one).

Could this soon-to-be-event push the US into another full-blown take-out-the-regime war?

Could it be the tipping point for another economic crisis, or maybe occur right at the start of one, especially seeing as how many countries in the NATO-filled European Union seem to be worried about Greece's situation spreading?

Could this be the turning point for Politicians who have any last shreds of decency to end the blatant corruption and evil that has taken over the US political system and government?

Or could it be the final eye-opener the average American needs to wake-up to reality? (I highly doubt this one, as I think beer, TV and food are still a little more important that the blatant psychopaths who are running their country) ?

I think it will be at least a little bit everything, but not too much of one.

Kind of like cooking up your own little regular, typical day-of-geo-political-chaos-on-earth-meal. A little of dash of everything makes the most interesting dish, but not too much of one, or the entire dish will be spoiled.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by Monts

I'm not entirely sure if the media would report it. If the NWO exists then we will never hear of any causalities, if partisan politics are real then we can count on Fox News. By the way, Qaddafi might be the most amazing bad guy ever. If you disagree with me then look at a picture of him! He's like a rapper turned dictator, and check out this amazing line "NATO cannot come and kill me where I am. For I live in the hearts of millions," -Qaddafi

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Monts

When American blood spills on Libyan sands in a public way, it's become real beyond what we can easily pull out of. I've been screaming from the rooftops since this insanity began..END THIS BEFORE...we lose an American there.

At American that can be proven as having died there. Truth be known...we're beyond that right now, but I'll happily settle for the party line, just this once. Get OUT before it's an official fact. Gaddafi isn't worth ONE SINGLE American life. Not ONE. Just end it..before we can't anymore.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Completely agree. Was listening to a local talk show today and found out that the US is *gasp* funding 75% or so of the NATO costs to fight this war that we arent fighting. We're broke, losing too many of our boys already and I just am sick and tired of seeing my tax dollars and beloved Americans getting lost so that we can police the world. Let someone else do it on their dime, with their citizens for once.

We have a very bad track record of saving countries. We quit too soon, and create new enemies we don't need all the while losing our most precious resources; brave men and women.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by Monts

1. Nothing special will happen. Obama will continue flying his sorties over Libya and enforcing his will on the Libyan government, bombing them into submission.


For those of you who were too lazy to click on a link (I know you are out their),

Insulting your reader base is not the best way to initiate an intelligent debate. Especially when you can't even use the correct form of a word to carry out your insult.


posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 05:40 AM
Since we are only involved in airstrikes and will not put boots on the ground the likelyhood of one of our birds getitng targeted is kind of nill.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 05:47 AM
If they keep spreading the American forces thinner and thinner with conflicts
in multiple countries the draft will start up again.

There is no way the current force numbers can support all these conflicts.

Young people in America should get proactive now before it is too late.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Version100

If they keep spreading the American forces thinner and thinner with conflicts
in multiple countries the draft will start up again.

There is no way the current force numbers can support all these conflicts.

Young people in America should get proactive now before it is too late.

We've got what, like 2 or 3 aircraft carriers near there which are what? like 500 soldiers. How is that stretching us thin?

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:25 AM
I don't know but was it the same back in November that a North Korean shell killed about two South Korean marines and nothing was taken? Either way for Libya, i hope we will quit and let the European do the job. But it won't change the fact we fund 75% of NATO operation, that money could have been spend on home.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
We've got what, like 2 or 3 aircraft carriers near there which are what? like 500 soldiers. How is that stretching us thin?

I only used a knife tip of peanut butter on that slice, it's all I had left... I'm not stretching it thin.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Monts

The banksters will make some money on the death derivatives ???

Of course that happens when any American dies, so...not applicable just to Libya.

edit on 18-6-2011 by Ex_MislTech because: context

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by BrianC
reply to post by Monts

I'm not entirely sure if the media would report it. If the NWO exists then we will never hear of any causalities, if partisan politics are real then we can count on Fox News. By the way, Qaddafi might be the most amazing bad guy ever. If you disagree with me then look at a picture of him! He's like a rapper turned dictator, and check out this amazing line "NATO cannot come and kill me where I am. For I live in the hearts of millions," -Qaddafi

They will report it, they need the ppl to revolt so they can crack down and call the
ppl domestic terrorists.

They need to be able to call us the bad guys, so they can ACT like the good guys.

Its been their modus operandi for a lot of these wars, acting like they are their to help democracy, etc.

The patriot act isn't for the muslims, it is for US citizens.

The MIAC report reported ppl with ron paul stickers as a threat, lol.

I like it when they are stupid obvious with their tyranny, I don't have to guess then.

So I'd say you can count on 24 x 7 x 365 coverage of dead Americans hoping that will
be the event that triggers unrest so they can "restore the peace" ROFLMAO.

Saying the NWO restoring peace just cracks me up due to them having 700+ bases in 130+
countries and trillions of dollars spent blowing the # out of many nations.

As for the idiots that think they can win here, you will just get to fight a never ending stream
of blue helmets from the many nations that hate us due to the 700+ bases in 130+ nations.

Guess Nostradamus should have said blue helmet versus blue turban.

Goebbels would be so proud, LOL.

edit on 18-6-2011 by Ex_MislTech because: content

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

Originally posted by Version100

If they keep spreading the American forces thinner and thinner with conflicts
in multiple countries the draft will start up again.

There is no way the current force numbers can support all these conflicts.

Young people in America should get proactive now before it is too late.

We've got what, like 2 or 3 aircraft carriers near there which are what? like 500 soldiers. How is that stretching us thin?

We have a lot of troop ships, carriers can carry several thousand.

We have LST's, '___''s, LHA's, and many other ships and aircraft.

Anyone of the hundreds of ships can carry troops and or aircraft can
drop troops from anyone of our 700+ bases in 130+ nations.

List of US ships

As a former member of the navy I can assure you a ship can carry alot more than
500 troops for a short jaunt across the Mediterranean.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 12:32 PM
NOTHING...They allready have

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 01:03 PM
I really am disappointed with all this and I have always known one thing, that Politics in the U.S has NEVER been clean and transparent. It's such a bad state.

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