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How will you react if Bush wins big in November?

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posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Truth_Hunter_1976
Ah another Natalie Mains Alec Baldwin Type....puleaseeeeeeeee you you are thinking about leaving the country because you do not get your way for president. All I can Say is Bush is better than that Flip Flopping War Criminal

War criminal? At least he had the balls to go to war, I would rather he be in office than a piss-in-the-pants little rich boy who's daddy got him past the waiting list for the TX national guard so he could protect TX from the onslaught of the VC army, AND he didn't even show up to most of the time. And he calls himself a "wartime" president as he sends young men who's daddys couldn't get them out of it to die. I guess you're gonna believe the BS from this group of "vets" the Bush administration sends after any opponent who actually fought in the war (remember, the same group of "vets" went after Mccain in the primaries, coincidence? I think not). I don't believe any of it for a second.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 11:18 PM
First off, LOOK at you two. You sound like a bunch of kids argueing about who's dad is tougher, or makes more money.

Quit the Bull#, and recognize that if you care at all about your views, then serious work needs be done.

A free exchange is a great step to change from our current slavery. Why muddle it with childishness?

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Truth_Hunter_1976

Originally posted by LadyV

I was just livid when he won last time...or elbowed his way....if he wins this time...I'll be absolutely pissed! My youngest is moving to Canada in Sept. I have seriously been thinking about it. I am NA and this our home...we have no other home land.....bush irks me to no end! For me to be thinking of leaving my country say a lot about what I think of him.

Ah another Natalie Mains Alec Baldwin Type....puleaseeeeeeeee you you are thinking about leaving the country because you do not get your way for president. All I can Say is Bush is better than that Flip Flopping War Criminal

[edit on 17-8-2004 by Truth_Hunter_1976]

[edit on 17-8-2004 by Truth_Hunter_1976]

Well, war itself is a crime, but at least Kerry had the sack to go instead of begging daddy to get him into the Guard.

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