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Jew Hatred - My Perspective

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by solid007
reply to post by confreak

did you say crocodile tears?

edit on 17-6-2011 by solid007 because: (no reason given)

Good man ! the world needs more Jewish people like the good man in that video rather than the crocodile tear sort who come online playing the persecution card while conveniently omitting the facts that 100x more NON-Jewish people have been persecuted and murdered during World History than Jewish people.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by reeferman
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

I would rather flee to Israel than be rounded up in Nazi fashion and sent to a camp (wouldn’t you in similar circumstances).

translated ...

"I would rather round up Palestinian people in Nazi Fashion and send them to camps so I can escape the same fate..(wouldn't you? please agree)

I never met any nasty or unfriendly families and could never understand the typical stereotype of ‘stingy’ Jews???

but then..

I have in my life (over the last 10 years)in business met two New York Jews who did typify the Jewish stereotype who would sell their own mothers for a profit and would not bat an eyelid in ripping you off and had greed written all over them.

Another thing I hate on ATS is the often referred to argument that Ashkenasi Jews are not ‘real’ Jews but fake Khazar Jews. Now I have read arguments on both sides as to whether the Ashkenasi Jews were Khazars who converted or not and to be honest I don’t personally care, except when the term ‘fake’ or ‘not real’ Jews is termed because it is basically a stupid, pathetic argument that has double standards, why?

It matters to the Talmud.

Sanhedrin 59a To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

then we have the... "Gee you got it all wrong" statement..

..lend money because they were the ones needing the wealth and when they had to pay it back, then resorted to stealing what was left and kicking the Jews out of their countries????

Usury extracts a toll far greater than the principle by design.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156 If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.


Love is the way forward not hate, we are all ‘souls’ born into humanity whatever race, creed or religion, love and understanding is the way forward for us all! *

* Except Palestinian's. Remember the sacred teachings...

Zohar, Vayshlah 177b That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful. That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general. A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.

Its very easy to take things out of context and then imply your own version
I was talking at different periods of my life, obviously like a few other haters you NEVER understood or bothered to read what was actually written, only what YOU want to translate!

Putting words and translations into my mouth are NOT my words or thoughts, but YOURS! Because in your mind every Jew wants to treat Palestinians like sub-humans, it does not mean its true! I am English NOT Israeli and NOT inhuman.

I do not read or even understand the Talmud, what has that got to do with me or this thread???

I do not know if your translations of the Talmud, that you found on the internet, are true, only a scholar who speaks ancient Hebrew could tel us that? Anyone can post crap on the internet and my guess is you found that on a hate site? If the translation of the Talmud is true, which I very much doubt, it is disgusting and to be condemmed. However, it has nothing to do with me or this thread, just YOUR hate!

Take your hate elsewhere!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

sounds like an excerpt from the protocols of the elders of zion, a frequently debated and highly questionable document.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by 123AZ

although he may have a few good points, i don't think his reaction to other jews is overall, a good thing, particularly in light of the history of the jews in russia and germany. it's much worse than the numbers depicted for hitler's genocides. it's only been in the last few years, that the files of stalin have been opened and the full extent of jewish and christian deaths has been revealed, as well. the numbers of christians killed in russia, were thru the roof, BUT, after hitler's "supposed" failure at capturing moscow, his buddy stalin got busy and started his own genocide of jews. by the way, whoever heard of germans that couldn't fight in snow? lol that part doesn't make any sense at all.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by undo

Nothing much of the past does make much sense, as we all know, truth is very often stranger than fiction.

Communism as you will know if you have been researching for long enough is a Jewish creation. Robert Wilton, a long time Russia correspondent for the London Times, said in his book The Last Days of the Romanovs

"According to the data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State there were in 1918-1919: 17 Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Lets, 15 Germans, 1 Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 2 Poles, 2 Finns, 1 Karaim and 457 Jews.

The American Hebrew September 10, 1920: "The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction, and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world."

These are undisputed facts easily researched today by anyone interested in truth.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by 123AZ

if you read my larger post on the previous page, you'd realize that the jews in question, killed, allowed to be killed, and betrayed, their own people in russia and germany (i think hitler and stalin were on the same page, and just approached the topic from different perspectives. communist socialism and fascist socialism). so it isn't a jewish thing, particularly. it's a human problem.

edit on 17-6-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by 123AZ

Whilst I am not a communist or socialist in any way, shape, or form as I run a fairly successful business based on capitalist principles, I don't deny that some of the ideas of socialism are not that bad in general.

In fact, would you dispute that in todays world its a great thing that we cannot provide basic food and health to many people who are unable to help themselves? We can feed the world but so much gets wasted and so many go hungry, is that a good thing?

Now Communism, in principle, is a good idea if everyone lived in a 5 bedroom pool villa with all the mod cons and drove a Bentley or Rolls Royce unfortunately, it doesn't work that way and then who would manage the office work and who would sweep the streets? I honestly think there has to be a better way or a balance between Capitalism and Socialism.

Facism and hate is certainly not the answer!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

the way communism worked was, they went out and forcibly took other people's stuff, often killing the entire family while they were at it. they even took people's memoribilia, the things passed down from generation to generation,, like family heirlooms, photo albums, and etc. in one such example, they took all the crops of the farmers and used them to feed the cities. this left the farmers without food to feed themselves. then they cordoned off the farmlands, and took their seeds, so they couldn't plant any more crops. without a way to escape and no food, they all died of starvation in one huge "concentration camp". and then the communists just used slave labor to work on communal farms they controlled.

this was all kept out of the purvey of people for the last 40 years, so that we had plenty of time to build up a good head of steam against hitler, while neglecting to mention that stalin made hitler look like a child playing with army tanks, by comparison. stalin killed an estimated 50,000,000 of his own people. that doesn't count the revolution that preceeded his reign.

edit on 17-6-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:36 PM

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Let's be logical here.
I myself am not a "jew hater", It seems I may end up the Father in law of a wonderful little jewish girl.
Just so you know where I'm at on that issue.

Now for the logic part, it seems the world at large despises the jewish race and it would also seem the world at large would love to see the nation of israel burn.
Why is it that way?
Have these people done something that has eternally stained them to most folks opinion, or is this the worlds biggest smear campaign to keep the jewish people down?
If it is an ages old conspiracy, then how are there several jewish folk or any in positions of wealth and power?
There must be an answer out there.
I have my own reasons to despise israel, but that's another thread.
I just cannot buy the victim angle.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:58 PM
Interesting exchanges in this thread.

From one member, "Love is the way forward."

Response from the OP: "Take your hate elsewhere."


Well, I do still have to compliment the OP on refusing to stoop as low as misusing the old smear, "anti-Semite". But, it's clear there is some emotion lingering, no doubt from unpleasant experiences, as related in the OP.

It could be that people who have unpleasant info regarding some of our ancestors are not necessarily "haters". (By the way, I see a lot of people who like to misuse the word "hate".)

SO, if some of my ancestors were Apache, or performed human sacrifice on pyramids, or enslaved Africans, or were Nazis, or did any number of terrible things people did to people in the past, why would that make me feel "defensive"?

But this is exactly the issue with many Jews! Sure, they get some unjustified "hate" shoved their way, but don't most of us?

Jews seem overly defensive. I don't know if "love" is the way forward, but none of us can consider ourselves mentally healthy if we constantly feel like we are surrounded by "enemies".

Some people might really just be trying to "deny ignorance", and enlighten others, regardless of where the chips fall. Doesn't mean they hate you.

This is something Jews need to own-up to. I agree with others posting here, the "victim" mentality is getting old.


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by g146541

well, watch this

those killed and everything they owned taken from them, were christians and jews. so even though the leaders of the revolution were jewish, the people they attacked were just people who believed in capitalism and/or religion. lenin was just as bad as stalin.
edit on 17-6-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

I don't need your sympathy, I haven't seen one person this thread claim that they are in fact a victim. As far as i know I am the only Jewish person posting on this thread and yet it is the people who respond who play the 'victim' card not me! In no way am I a victim, I have stated facts and the only stupid response I get is oh here's the victim mentality again, what utter BS!

Again, I reiterate that my only agenda is to try and enlighten people who have no first hand experience of Jewish people that we are not all the way we are portrayed on ATS! We are not all bankers and media moghuls, nor are we all members of the Illuminati. Most of us are just normal humans, just like you!

Israel is another topic, I have not once brought up the holocaust, which btw I totally agree that millions more others were murdered not just Jews. So where is this claim of victim mentality coming from?

I do not condone the actions of Israel or Hamas, I don't hate Palestinians or any other Arabic people, but yet my words get twisted into what other people would like or imagine them to mean.

Yes I promote love over hate, yes I think it is the way forward as hate, war, hunger and slaughter is certainly NOT the way and yes i will tell people to take their hate elsewhere! Sorry if I offended you in any way but I am always straight to the point.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

As far as i know I am the only Jewish person posting on this thread and yet it is the people who respond who play the 'victim' card not me! In no way am I a victim, I have stated facts and the only stupid response I get is oh here's the victim mentality again, what utter BS!

Hongkongphooey, sounds like a whole lot of righteous indignation in that rant!

Page, after page in your thread, people have shared their perception that your thread seems to be playing the same old tired "victim" card.

You deny the obvious, and are so frustrated, you strike back, saying they are all "stupid responses"?

May I suggest that your defensiveness isn't merely because the majority of members responding in your thread have noticed the obvious?

Look, your thread is about your perspective on "Jew Hatred" (actually, for those who haven't noticed, this is a rather provocative way to put it, and would likely not be tolerated if the OP had not self-identified as a Jew). As another member put it, you're clearly upset that Jews are seemingly so often attacked on ATS.

Some members have refuted your allegation, saying that they haven't noticed Jews attacked anymore than others, Christians, Muslims, etc.

Your "tactic" in the OP is to do the "Hey look, I'm a regular guy here, I'm nice! You can relate to me, right?", with the objective being, "Please stop hating us Jews!"

Fair enough. But why pretend that you are not the defensive one? Why suggest that the majority is so "stupid" for repeating, over and over, that you are pandering to the traditional "victim" card? It's kinda obvious!

As you said, "Sorry if I offended you in any way, but I am always straight to the point."

I second that "emotion".


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

i dunno. i think she's justified in being concerned. any time you see people using broad bush strokes to define one another, it should concern you. for example, not all men are violent even though some are. not all white people belong to the kkk, although some do, and not all jews are bankers, although some are. not all black people eat chitlins and not all catholic priests are pedophiles. this goes on and on and on.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by JR MacBeth

i dunno. i think she's justified in being concerned. any time you see people using broad bush strokes to define one another, it should concern you. for example, not all men are violent even though some are. not all white people belong to the kkk, although some do, and not all jews are bankers, although some are. not all black people eat chitlins and not all catholic priests are pedophiles. this goes on and on and on.

Personally, i don't disagree, however, the OP has attempted to smear as "Jew-haters" any and all ATS members who post truths and facts regarding criminal ar/and inhumane activities that are backed up with links/sources about individuals or groups if those truths and facts happen to identify individuals or groups that are Jewish.Calling people "Jew-haters", "holocaust deniers", "Nazi", "anti semitic," etc whenever truths and facts are highlighted regarding criminal or/and inhumane activities connected with any Jewish persons is a well known Anti-Defamation League (ADL) smear tactic. The ADL is an organization that has and has had many criminal members specialising in all sorts of frauds and deceptions during its history.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by 123AZ

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by JR MacBeth

i dunno. i think she's justified in being concerned. any time you see people using broad bush strokes to define one another, it should concern you. for example, not all men are violent even though some are. not all white people belong to the kkk, although some do, and not all jews are bankers, although some are. not all black people eat chitlins and not all catholic priests are pedophiles. this goes on and on and on.

Personally, i don't disagree, however, the OP has attempted to smear as "Jew-haters" any and all ATS members who post truths and facts regarding criminal ar/and inhumane activities that are backed up with links/sources about individuals or groups if those truths and facts happen to identify individuals or groups that are Jewish.Calling people "Jew-haters", "holocaust deniers", "Nazi", "anti semitic," etc whenever truths and facts are highlighted regarding criminal or/and inhumane activities connected with any Jewish persons is a well known Anti-Defamation League (ADL) smear tactic. The ADL is an organization that has and has had many criminal members specialising in all sorts of frauds and deceptions during its history.

On this point you are very wrong, I have no affiliation with any organisation. I am simply me (and a he not she lol)

No I have not tried to defend against any wrongdoings by Jewish people, if they do wrong they should be punished (and I don't mean that because one or two Jewish families control huge amounts of funds that all Jews should be wiped out). If a Jew breaks the law they should go to jail or whatever the punishment required is, the same if a black, white, asian of any religious on non religious following should, no exception.

However, what I do dispute is that a whole people should be punished because the Rothschilds are Jewish and people hate the Rothschilds. I have tried to point out the true reasons Jews were kicked out of many countries in Europe rather than listen to snide remarks that don't offer any reasons or proof.

I also will state a hate crime against anyone be they white, black, Asian, Jew, Muslim or Aborigine is wrong and Jews are not more special than anyone else. Whether there is more hate against Jews over any others on ATS is disputable, I was just pointing out in the OP that it has increased significantly since I first started reading ATS.
edit on 18/6/11 by Hongkongphooey because: missing words

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

No I have not tried to defend against any wrongdoings by Jewish people, if they do wrong they should be punished...
However, what I do dispute is that a whole people should be punished because the Rothschilds are Jewish and people hate the Rothschilds. I have tried to point out the true reasons Jews were kicked out of many countries in Europe rather than listen to snide remarks that don't offer any reasons or proof.

A few things going on here.

First, I'm sure everyone is with you on wanting wrong-doers to be punished, regardless of their ethnic backgrounds.

The trouble is that most of us prefer not to see wrongdoing when it comes to our preconceived notions, which are often based on things as flimsy as our ethnic backgrounds.

For example, in the English-speaking world, we all suffer from a default Anglo-centric paradigm that we inherited, much of it passed down through history books, written in the victorious aftermath of a British Empire that spanned the globe. How much of it is true? If were had the ability to speak and read another language, isn't it likely we would encounter very different versions of history?

This is very much the case I have seen with Jews, who not surprisingly subscribe to versions of history quite favorable to themselves. This doesn't mean these "versions" are automatically "wrong", but they should be considered at least "suspect", wouldn't you think? And no, I'm not even going to get into the "holocaust", and what really might have happened, even though many might point to this rather recent example, which could easily help make my point.

I've noticed that in several of your posts you prop up the Rothschilds straw man. Of course, everyone agrees they're "bad", but over and over people share that they do NOT in fact hold a "whole people" guilty of one family's iniquity. Perhaps you just do not believe a person when they tell you that they don't hate Jews, "but"...and then go on to share something they think is worthwhile considering. But they might be telling the truth. Maybe they honestly don't hate Jews at all!

Is it wise to cling to only Jewish sanctioned explanations of "why" Jews have been so constantly and almost globally considered pariahs? From page one...

When a local church was asked to repay a debt in Leeds, the local clergy started attacking the Jews and accused them of kidnapping innocent blonde haired, blue eyed christian children and eating their flesh as a Jewish custom, which anyone who was not brainwashed would realise is rubbish, but it worked and many Jews were slaughtered and the church was relieved of having to repay its debt! Money lenders are great when you need their help desperately but they are so evil when they want to be repayed!

Christians just sound awful in this "version" of why Jews are so mistreated! Could it be an exaggeration?

Let's consider an alternative here! In the interests of "truth", we simply must be able to honestly consider alternatives.

Here's a more recent example of what I speak of. Most members of ATS subscribe to the general notion that the Vatican, Pope, etc., are involved in various levels of skulduggery. I'm not here to "defend" them, I'm not a religionist, but I want to focus on a particularly "extreme" example of a recently "revised" history.

Most people seem to believe that the Vatican helped the Nazis during WW2. When the war was ending, they even helped smuggle out Nazis that would have been brought to justice otherwise.

OK. Seems plausible, reasonable even. Personally, I think they probably did do such things.

SO, what did the Vatican do to / for the Jews? Did they secretly sell them out? OR, did they help Jews, perhaps hiding many within the Vatican?

"Who" exactly should we turn to for the "truth"? Obviously, this isn't exactly ancient history, perhaps we should be able to get to the bottom of it. But can we? Who will we believe?

One controversial figure emerges, and yet, he is seldom spoken of. Israel Zolli, Chief Rabbi of Rome during WW2. Here's a person in a position to know, better than most. Can we "trust" him though?

Jews say "No", you can't trust him! Why? Because the guy is at odds with "official" Jewish history, and worse, he actually did the unthinkable, he "converted" to Catholicism, even going so far as to take Pope Pius XII's first name "Eugenio" as his new Christian name at baptism.

Zolli saw a very different Vatican, one working overtime to SAVE as many Jews as possible! How could such a thing be? Did he "sell out"? Why? If so, why would the Mossad allow him to live to age 75, some 11 years after the end of the War? Something seems "off" here...

I won't presume to "decide" the reality behind something none of us were there to witness, but I do see "cracks" in official versions of history that might give us pause.

What is with some Jews (nice vids posted in this thread BTW), who go against their tribe, in favor of a "truth" that doesn't fit well with the usual sanitized versions? What do they have to gain? Why do their own, fellow Jews, so easily dismiss them, and dare I say, "hate" them?

What is it about the "average" Jew that makes them cling so desperately to what I and others have called a "victim mentality"? Could it be that someone "benefits" from keeping a people in such a frame of mind? What could be the implications if this were true?


posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 01:08 PM
certainly willful lying and deception is hate, love enjoys the truth

He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule -Daniel8

“ Who committed no sin,Nor was deceit found in His mouth” -1Peter2

For “ He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit. -3

[love] does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth -1Corinthians13

Originally posted by Rustami
did Jesus hate the Jews? there is obviously more to study on that translated word than first meets the eye

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” -

Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. -Matthew21

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. -Revelation3

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. -Roman2

For WE ARE the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more -Philippians3

But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” -Matthew15

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me -John10

called by a new name -Isaiah 62,65,Revelation3

And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. -Acts11

[in Christ] There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female -Galatian3

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. -1John2

interesting article on the subject-

As translated, it is referring to one of the tribes of Israel (Yisrael) named after one of the 12 sons of Jacob. The word Jews, the plural of the word Jew, is incorrectly translated most often from the word Hebrew Yahudi, descendants of the tribe named after Yahudah. It must be noted, that the letter 'J' was not in general use until after the 16th century as is now used in many English Bibles to form the incorrect Biblical word 'Jew.' In some English Bibles we have received from the translators, the word Juda. This is also an error in translation because the word derives from the Greek Iudaios, which in the English would be Judaios. Judaios was none other then a Greek pagan diety (see W.H. Roscher's lexicon of mythology).

Within Jewish Circles, there are two other official ways one can become a Jew. One can be born from a mother who calls herself a Jew, or one can 'convert' to become a Jew. (A convert is called a Ger which literally means stranger). Being born a Jew is pretty simple. If one's mother is Jewish (of the Jew-ism religion) then he/she is considered a Jew, if one's mother is not of the Jew-ism religion, then neither is the child officially a Jew. (It doesn't matter what race the father is).

They want the convert but the convert must be 100% committed to being a Jew. Discouraging conversion helps to filter out those 'lacking the proper degree' of commitment. Jew-ism is strongly Anti-Christian.

The term 'Jew', has come to be used synonymous with the term 'Israel, or Israelite', however, this is error. Scriptural "Yisraelites," the collective descendants of the 12 tribes of Jacob/Israel (the Northern Kingdom) were never called Jews. Modern Jews are not of the tribe of Yahudah, and are not a part of the Yisraelites of the Scriptures. They take the name Jew because the name is in the name of their religion i.e. Jew-ism. Jews have deceived may Christians into thinking that Jew-ism is a continuance of the Scriptural worship system of Jacob/Yisrael, but it is not.

another interesting tidbit from the article above

Present-day Modern Jew-ism, was formally formed into it's basic cultic worship form about 1,000 years ago, (according to Jewish history), when - Rabbenu Gershon a Khazar/Jew of Mainz, Germany, published a ban on bigamy for the Jews. This marks the recorded beginning of the Ashkenazi Jewish Sect, and Franco-German halachic* creativity. The word 'Ashkenazi' is not Hebrew for the word Germany, although the name has become 'associated' with Germany because many Ashkenazi Jews organized in Eastern Europe.

Modern Jew-ism as a religion began about 1000 CE, and is traced to Rabbenu Gershon of Mainz, Germany, considered the 'Father' of the Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jews constitute approximately 90% of all the worlds approximately fourteen million Jews. Modern Jew-ism is not the Scriptural worship system of the Hebrew Yahudi (of the tribe of Yahudah).

reminded me of this

And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. -Revelation20

And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. -Revelation13

Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. -John4

Even that question came up only because of some so-called Christians there—false ones, really —who were secretly brought in. They sneaked in to spy on us and take away the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. They wanted to enslave us and force us to follow their Jewish regulations. -Galatians4NLT

But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless what does the Scripture say? “Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.” -Galatians4

By Anthony Browne, Europe correspondent of the Times.

Rising nationalism and fundamentalism around the world have meant that Christianity is going back to its roots as the religion of the persecuted. There are now more than 300 million Christians who are either threatened with violence or legally discriminated against simply because of their faith — more than any other religion. Christians are no longer, as far as I am aware, thrown to the lions. But from China, North Korea and Malaysia, through India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, they are subjected to legalised discrimination, violence, imprisonment, relocation and forced conversion. Even in supposedly Christian Europe, Christianity has become the most mocked religion, its followers treated with public suspicion and derision.

But the firste is not that that is spiritual, but that that is beestlich, aftirward that that is spiritual. -1Corinthis15

Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand -Matthew12

then there's these

Although there are those who refuse to accept the teachings of our Rabbis and will continue to support the Zionist state, there are also many who are totally unaware of the history of Zionism and its contradiction to the beliefs of Torah-True Jews.

said that the non-Jews should be made aware that loyal Jews declined the offers contained in the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

Present-day Jews are a pot-pourri of every race of man, and they do not have any geneaological or racial derivation from the ancient peoples of the Holy Land.

Since “Jews” were a mixed race from the beginning, the term “Semites” applied to them, admittedly, is silly. Thus, “Anti-Semitism,” actually means “Anti-Pharisaism.”

Over time, the Bible translators arbitrarily and incorrectly shortened the word “Judean” to “Jew” and incorrectly attributed ethnicity to the word, something it NEVER has in the Bible. And thus, the supposedly “Jewish” race was concocted out of thin air. But there is no such thing as a “Jewish” race. “Jewishness” is a culture and/or a religion – the culture and the religion of the Babylonian Talmud, the “holiest” book of Judaism, a book that is the antithesis of the

The first King James version of the Bible unfortunately started to mistranslate the words Canaanite, Edomite and Hittite as “Iewe.” In subsequent versions they started to use the modern term “Jew.”

In light of this, and all the other scientific evidence, confirmed and verified, it should be enough to convince any rational person that the modern Jews are standing on very shaky ground in their racial claims to be descendants of Biblical Israel. If you don't believe me just read The Jewish Encyclopedia, remembering of course that there is nothing anti- Semitic about it. After all, the Hittites were not Semites at all. hittites.htm

certainly makes this stand out-

Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations, And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.-Ezekiel16

whoa Nelly! Oprah?

Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” Then they said to Him, “Who are You?” And Jesus said to them, “Just what I have been saying to you from the beginning. -John8

For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. -Acts3
edit on 18-6-2011 by Rustami because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

Mr. Macbeth, I assume that when choosing a name that is signicant in English Literature that you would at least have some grasp of English history. In assuming that I exagerate about the Yorkshire massacre incident, you should have at least done your homework. I did not learn of this incident from Jewish scholars or writers but it is fact part of English history if you care to check?

. . . Crusaders preparing to follow their king against the Saracens, burgesses envious of Jewish wealth, barons indebted to the Jews, the fanatical clergy, all conspired to exterminate the Jews. Several dwellings were set on fire [in addition to Benedict's house] . . . . The alarmed Jews, with their leader Joseph [Josce of York], sought shelter in the royal castle. One day the warden happened to be gone; the Jews were apprehensive lest he might hand them over to the besieging mob, and so they denied him admission. The warden called in the aid of the sheriff of the country; Richard Malebys, a noble deeply in debt to the Jews, commanded the siege. The rage of the mob was kept alive by the exhortations of a monk, who celebrated mass every morning in his white robes in front of the tower. A stone falling from the battlements killed the monk; his death infuriated the mob to a still higher degree.

The hapless Jews were short of rations; surrender spelled baptism or death by torture. In obedience to the exhortations of their religious leader, Yom Tob of Joigny, they chose to lay hands on themselves. . . . When, at daybreak, the [burning] citadel was captured, those who were still alive were put to death. . . . The mob then returned to the cathedral where the records of debts due to Jews were in safe-keeping. They compelled the guardians to turn these over to them to be burned then and there in the sanctuary. This done, the fury of the mob was spent, and the city was restored to its usual order and quiet. Similarly the mobs raged elsewhere. .


It was not to the interest of the Crown that barons and burgesses should rid themselves of payments of moneys owing to the Jews by such forcible measures. On his return to England, Richard, toward whose ransom the Jews of England were made to contribute three times as much as the whole city of London, introduced a system of registering in duplicate all debts held by Jews. Thus, the taxes due to the king were safeguarded, the profit accruing to the Crown as a silent partner in all usurious transactions. Under Richard's successors, the Jews continued to be subjected to all kinds of taxes, in the form of "tallages" on goods, chattels, and debts, of gifts, offerings, ransoms, compositions, licenses, and fines. Payment was exacted through imprisonment, confiscation of property, the seizing of women and children, and even gouging out the eyes and other cruel methods. John Lackland extorted from the Jews sixty-six thousand marks (1210). Abraham of Bristol, who refused to pay his quota of ten thousand marks, had, by the order of the king, seven of this teeth extracted, one a day, till he paid the levied amount. . . . (Margolis and Marx, pp. 387-388)

I see myself as English the nation of my birth, my mothers, fathers, grandparents, great grandparents (one from Ireland) and so on, only that our religion was Jewish. I know an awful lot about British history and very little about Jewish history per se. There have been Jewish families in the UK since the time of the 'Norman' invasion (French) who have mixed with Saxon, Viking, Celtic bloodlines to become the British mongerals we are today (no offence to any other Brits, but its true - just like the Americans too)

You want to point out what you see in Jews, perhaps you are perfect and have that right, do you?

I left the UK many years ago as I have stated and I do not live amongst Jews. I mix with Asian and Western expats a mix of Americans, Brits, Australians and others. I have met and been friends with many people in my life and not one of them have ever said to me directly or indirectly that I have a victimisation problem (or self hatred). I have even asked some of my closest friends in the past couple of days about this and they looked at me confused and with dis-belief, not one of them thought I suffer this affliction. However, I come here and tell my life story to make a point and those that really dont know me but read some part or all of my post picked up on the idea that that I suffer from being a victim. Really?

Actually. it rather tells me something about you Mr. Macbeth (and the few others that point this out) and were your thoughts start, how you think about Jewish people, you preconceived ideas, yes indeed!

If my story had been about someone who was caucasion and looked similar to all the other kids at school but got picked on because he was a Buddhist, i doubt you would have accused the writer of having a built in victim/self hatred problem? The problem is not me - its you and people like you!

BTW, just because I got picked on at school it does not mean I did not fight back, i did until I got respect and when someone called me a 'jewboy' they got punched in the face, even if the were bigger or older than me, but few were bigger than me as I was always big for my age.
edit on 18/6/11 by Hongkongphooey because: typo

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