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The Tarot - Your Card Of The Day by Woodwytch

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posted on May, 4 2014 @ 06:42 AM
a reply to: woodwytch

Hello Woody,
Could I please request a card?
I'd like it to be about my second book.I'm currently writing a cookbook, and would like to see how it will play out.

Many thanks in advance.
Have a wonderful weekend,

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 09:40 AM
Dear Woody, Can you do card reading for me please? My husband want to divorce me, will it happen in near future and how bad financially I will be hurt? I am scared of my future, I am alone in strange country with low income job, i cannot afford to pay rent by myself, I support my 2 cats the only joy of my life, I might get sick or homeless or loose my cats?? Please say the truth no matter how bad it is I want to know. Thank you so much.
edit on 16-6-2014 by Innasamson because: For Woody Witch request

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 02:10 AM
How is this working? how do we get the cards description ?

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: palermoman
How is this working? how do we get the cards description ?

Hey there palermomen ... you may not have realized but if you look back to page 1 of this thread I actually started it back in June 2011 and continued to draw requested cards for a couple of years on this thread on a daily basis.

However, it became very time consuming (as you might imagine) and besides that I suffered some quite serious health problems. As a result I never know how well I will be from one day to the other and whilst I still do Tarot Readings in the real world it takes quite a lot out of me and I don't spend as much time on ATS as I used to or indeed would still like to.

Please accept this by way of explanation ... and also for those who have also requested me to draw a card since I was last on this thread please accept my apologies for disappointing you.

With that said I will never say never ... and if my situation changes I will definitely re-open the single card readings on this thread ... I honestly loved every minute of it and met some lovely people (virtually speaking) along the way ... I miss that time.

These days when I come to ATS I tend to read rather than participate. Woody )O(

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: woodwytch

Hey there you (I refuse to call you by such a derogative name) ... but finally I get to draw a card for you,

The Card Drawn For You Is - THE LADY (empress)


You may have been struggling with something that has refused to go away ... or you may have been feeling isolated for some reason ... all that is about to change very soon.

Those feelings that you have supressed need to be released and once they have the floodgates to all kinds of positive things will start to enter your life in abundance. This could manifest itself as a new relationship or a new cycle of stability in your life. This card oozes the warm caring attributes of motherhood ... whether that is of actual children ... or ideas / relationships / projects.

Along with the happiness and healing that comes with this card there is also a high probability that you will receive news of a conception or birth because of the fertility that surounds this card ... if a family is not on your personal agenda take extra precautions to guard against it ... alternatively if you or someone close has been trying for a baby then you / they could soon receive the news they have been waiting for.


Hi there Woody.

Thank you again for the reading. I just read it after all this time. When you gave me the reading - I thought - a baby? No way. Already have my family.

Well, I'm happy to let you know that I have another beautiful child. She is just now a year old. Her conception, her pregnancy, & her birth were all a miracle!

Your reading was right on. Kinda freaky now.

Thanks again.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: woodwytch

i would be grateful for tarot card reading, when it is at your convenience of course….Thank you!

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: woodwytch

A Couple of things I know about Tarot cards:

1. There's a Tarot Spirit that appears as soon as you light the Blessed (Prayer over) Tarot Candle.
2. The Tarot Spirits chooses if the person asking questions is actually ready for an answer.
3. There are times when the Spirit is purposely lying to you, as a lot of people can't handle the truth.

All in All, Tarot Spirit feeds of the person that throws the cards for the other person, in other words, Tarot Spirit is sucking the energy of the one that does the deck layouts. If you don't feel exhausted after two Tarot sessions, most likely Tarot Spirit was not there, and all the answers was just a random choice. Answers answered with the Spirit of Tarot is sooo much more concrete, unlike without. Anyway, of course, you may chose to believe whatever you want to believe, I did Tarot for Fun with a real psychic, who can actually see all these extra dimensional entities... So it was fun, and I thanked the Spirit for my answers. No intention to infringe on other people's beliefs...
edit on 1-12-2014 by AzuriteStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 10:50 PM
I wouldn't mind someone drawing a card or three for me.. but it seems this thread went and died.

I could do it myself of course but it's always more interesting to get the perspective of someone else.

posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 06:04 AM
Hi Woody, so nice for you to make time for us. Before you pick a card for me I'll inspire you by telling you a few things about myself: I am a Christian, a Capricorn, I'm 28 years old, I don't need to know something in particular, I am just curious what advices you've got for me and if anything special appears on the card. Thanks a lot! All the best!

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