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The Killing Fields *Video* (Must see)

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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 12:57 PM
As we stand by and witness the corporations forcing people to eat GMO foods, the chance of humanity to survive as a whole begins to dwindle with each forest raped and depleted then planted with mutated seed which is causing disease, and even death to the people these measures not only harm but also displace.

In the countries this is happening to the people worst affected are not able to go to an attorney and sue for the loss, no they are the silent victims of the path to utter destruction created by the few out of unconsciousness, apathy and greed.

Please watch this video...

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:06 PM
The irresponsible actions of corporations who not only hold the market in GMO seed, but also the fertilizers needed to make them grow, the pesticides needed to keep the disease and pestilence away from the fields, have become a monotonous problem worldwide which no longer can be avoided or overlooked by anyone with half a brain or even the smallest amount of compassion or empathy for the long range effects of these toxic poisons, from field to table.

We as a global society need to take matters into our own hands and get this information out to the public because believe it or not, unless it is produced in their face, they go about their normal lives as if all is well. It is not because they do not care, they do care once discovering the truth.

The deceit and lies, the coverups need to be exposed! Don't be afraid to link this video to every source you know, link it to Facebook, twitter it, all the social networks need to create such an outcry that the sponsors of the products themselves ask for a change!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:16 PM

This is exchanging the lives of indigenous PEOPLE for European food and it is strangely reminiscent of Blood / Conflict Diamonds. Except for the fact that strongly connected global corporations, Monsanto leading the pack, are behind this. Will this food be banned? I doubt it.

Will Europeans stop buying the food that the production of it is killing these people? I doubt it.

ETA: Although this particular situation is linked to European food, I highly doubt it would be any different if linked to North American food. This has got to STOP!
edit on 12/6/2011 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

I am not convinced, I do believe wholeheartedly that if individuals and especially farmers are given the correct information and alternate choices, that the demand would over rule the insanity and corruption in agricultural practices.

Check this out:

Brussels, May 26, 2011 – The European Commission was sued today, accused of violating European transparency laws. Environmental law organisation ClientEarth, Friends of the Earth Europe, FERN and Corporate Europe Observatory filed the lawsuit following the Commission’s refusal to provide access to information in decisions relating to the sustainability of Europe’s biofuels policy.

Some great info on this site.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

I am not convinced, I do believe wholeheartedly that if individuals and especially farmers are given the correct information and alternate choices, that the demand would over rule the insanity and corruption in agricultural practices.

How do you propose getting the correct information to people? Labeling each food product with the origin of the feed used to produce the product? How would you ensure the labeling is sufficient/correct? By piling on even more regulations/laws?

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Well now that you mention it, there are regulations in the works which would require that labels allow people know if the food has been genetically modified, that's a good start, but anytime you try to educate the public about anything it has to be flooding them for them to get it.

More documentaries made would also be another good starting point, Youtube is a great way to put info out for the computer generation, but even those steps are weak if along with the documentaries and video's you don't offer real concrete solutions, the more simple the better.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:37 PM
Just a short time ago people spoke out against the use of cloned meats, and even though they did not have all the information as to it's benefits verses the complications, it became a moral issue more so than anything and this is also a moral issue but there is not enough discussion throughout the msm to catch their attention.

This is why it is critical to let the flood gates open to the effects this practice is having on not just their bodies and those of their children's, but the people it is affecting right now and in dramatically tragic ways.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Furthermore it is a real battle to keep the safety of our foods and environment from these toxic and contaminated practices, this was a bit ago but an interesting read nonetheless:

Mute Schimpf food campaigner for Friends of the Earth Europe said: “The European Commission is bowing to the scaremongering tactics of the biotech industry, and as a result, opening Europe’s markets to unauthorised GM food and feed. Europe’s laws on genetically modified foods are there for a reason – to protect the public and the environment.

The right of the public to say no to GM foods and feeds must be respected. Member states should reject this proposal and maintain Europe's position on zero tolerance.”

In parallel, China recently rejected a shipment contaminated with illegal GM maize at its border. [4]

The biotech industry claims that the zero-tolerance policy could bring about a crisis in the feed sector, and farmers might have to slaughter animals rather than let them starve. This is based upon the false argument that international trade is severely disrupted when shipments of feed containing unauthorised GM feed are rejected. But, in 2010 no shipment from any feed importing country (US, Argentina or Brazil) was rejected at any European harbour.

Friends of the Earth Europe is campaigning for the EU to become less dependent on animal feeds grown outside of the EU. The growing of soy in Latin America to supply factory farms in Europe is a major contributor of deforestation, social conflict and increase in intensive farming. Much of the soy is GM.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Well now that you mention it, there are regulations in the works which would require that labels allow people know if the food has been genetically modified, that's a good start, but anytime you try to educate the public about anything it has to be flooding them for them to get it.

More documentaries made would also be another good starting point, Youtube is a great way to put info out for the computer generation, but even those steps are weak if along with the documentaries and video's you don't offer real concrete solutions, the more simple the better.

I'm not sure that this soy would be considered food as it is being produced for feed for cattle. As you know, companies will get around the intent of a law if they can.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

No kidding that's the truth. As far as it being used for feed and fuel, it really comes down to the same thing as we drink the contaminated waters and then eat the meat of the toxic animals. This must have serious implications on the fish and fowl as well and with all of the die-offs in the past few years there is seemingly no end to it. Yet they refuse to take responsibility so its up to the consumer to get first fully informed and then to take their choices to the advertiser, to the heart of the bottom line.
edit on 12-6-2011 by antar because: Really

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Just bumping this back out as it is something which needs attention and solutions asap!

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 09:36 AM
MY 11 yro just watched this video and his comment is "Sad".

Would you like to take 10 minutes out of your day to learn something important? Please watch this video.

My son then said one solution to the S.American problem for the indigenous peoples:

"Give them the jobs of working in the fields to grow non gmo foods."

"We need a Global community which protects all people and respects their cultures, even those who have lived thousands of years in the jungles, let them!"

Share this video with "your" children, talk to them help educate them to the world they live in and will one day become the keepers of. Please take some time to teach by example how to be a loving, responsible Stewart for your Global community and show your children how to as well.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by antar

Why not just let them live their lives the way they were brought up to live? Why do we have to witness another Trail of Tears. Here we go again with the Europeans coming in with their selfish ideas and killing machines

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