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H.P. Lovecraft, Mathematician. Exotic Spheres May Reveal The Lair of Yog Sothoth.

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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Your wish is my command..
dont fall off the edge.. its along way down to the bottom of infinity.

this onw gets interseting about 1 min in.. it should be called alice in fractal land. and remeber its turtles all the way down

you will have to go to youtube for this one to get 3d working as its not available in emmebed versios yet :
just use the 3d settings on the bottom right of the video bar to set it up for red/blue glasses etc.
or go here to set your 3d

edit on 12-6-2011 by sprocket2cog because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-6-2011 by sprocket2cog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by sprocket2cog

Thank you so much, Sprocket2Cog. I have really been enjoying these.

Since this is all about maths and strange attractors and The Ultimate Destruction of Reality by Ancient Alien Gods and all that I would like to put up some links to a couple of fun math toys so they can be enjoyed before His inevitable return...

Visions of Chaos, which I bet you already have, Sprocket2Cog, but others will dig it, too. You can use it to model fractals and cellular automata. I highly rec the Belousov-Zhabotinsky. It's a good vint...

And 5CA which is a cellular automata generator. I would rec the Belousov-Zhabotinsky here as well...
Download for free at the lower left.

Thanks again for such a kind contribution to our combined insanity.

I assume everyone knows what they are getting into with the fractal videos.

OK. Fzzzt

edit on 12-6-2011 by Frater210 because: Ia! Ia!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:11 AM

Okey Dokey,

Now for the gooey icing on the tentacle cake...

I know that we all want to keep the dream alive. Many here have expressed as much in so many different ways.

I am so proud to be a part of ATS. This thread is literally dripping with Essential Oil of Geek. I am proud to stand amongst my Geeky Fraters and Sorors.

I should get to this first...

Now, I am sorry that Professor Elwes hasn't been by. He is either busy or has opted out. Which is totally cool either way but in the meanwhile consider this...

Before Exotic Math and Apparently Contacting The Realm of Yog Sothoth

After Exotic Math and Apparently Contacting The Realm of Yog Sothoth

Of course I am just ribbing the good Professor for thought...if it can do that to him....just sayin'

Now, The icing...

Have you heard of this guy?

That's Charles Stross. And he carries the torch for all things Cthulhu and Computers. His work could possibly be considered 'Cthulhupunk'.

He has a series of novels called the 'Laundry Novels' that concern a branch of British Intelligence that deals with the supernatural and thank the tentacled firmament that 'supernatural' to C. Stross means H.P. Lovecraft.

In these books you will find high adventure involving plenty of Eldritch Terror, Cthulhu and Linux.

This is an image from the novel, The Atrocity Archives...

So we are all in luck because this guy is writing great original stuff in a Lovercraft vein that is more than worth reading. His straight up Sci Fi is, frankly, even better. Some is available for free on his website...

Thanks again to everyone for making this a great thread so far. I hope you will all hang out and keep the Impossible Dread pumping.


edit on 12-6-2011 by Frater210 because: I go now to breach the Wall of Sleep. See you there.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:12 AM
I have to say that in clairvoyant dreams, there always seem to exist this spherical perception.

Have to look into this guy, didn't get the chance to read through much of the thread.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Frater210
reply to post by Upthepunx

edit on 11-6-2011 by Frater210 because: I think it needed bolding. What do you think?

Innsmouth looks like Cthulhu, no?

What will happen if some mathematician creates a formula that translates in the fractal representation of the doorway from which the Old Ones could escape? Would they be able to manifest first in the virtual world, and use the electricity of the machines to set "foot" on Earth again?

Lovecraft is the True Master of Horror. I, too, found his books when I was around 10... The feelings his stories raised in me were totally awesome, as far as feeling all kinds of fears can be called awesome!
But every time I read his books I had this feeling it was all based on something real. My deep uneasiness felt like it was triggered by something primal, like an old collective memory surfacing to ring bells of alarm...

I think I'll read his books again in the following weeks!

Is it me, or the does Elder sign looks like it has a "cup of coffee" at its center? For when the Old Ones wake, maybe?

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by NowanKenubi

Is it me, or the does Elder sign looks like it has a "cup of coffee" at its center? For when the Old Ones wake, maybe?

I am not positive, but yeah, that candle looks like a cup of coffee.

I was thinking that it is funny that our ATS stars are technically the Elder Sign as well.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Right! A candle! LOL It makes for a more "satanic" stance than a cup of coffee, but who really knows the ways of the dark realms?

I read more than a few times lately that love was the fruit of the Devil... And here we have a Lovecraft telling us about Old Dark Deities... Can you spell notacoincidence?

On another note, without knowing it, I was reading comic book adaptations of Lovecraft's work before finding his books. The one that scared me was The Music of Erich Zann” as “The Music from Beyond” by Roy Thomas and Johnny Craig.
Here's a page showing many old covers. Old Lovecraft Comics

And the movies...

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 03:42 AM
you all seem absolutely crazy IMO lol joking but seriously.

It seems that you all believe this creature exists, when modern day man thought it up (well not modern but not ancient), just seems a little bit stupid. its like me being in love with halo start worshiping Master Chief.
edit on 12-6-2011 by ShadowZion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 04:48 AM
archimonde the eredar (a demon) from world of warcraft lore, destroying a city (dalaran)

a death rift (tear in space/time/dimension that spawns undeads) in the video game, RIFT

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by stormy01399
just got finished reading dreams in the witches house im going to read another one of his books in the morning just dont know what one anyone want to give me a list of some to read i got all his books on my computer now just dont know what ones to read next if someone could give me a list preferably in a order to read that would be great thanks in advance il come back to this thread in the moring to see if there is one provided yet. sorry if i repeated my self lol kinda tiered and about to go to bed. good night ATS talk to you all tomarow.

At the Mountains of Madness Stormy, it's my fave....amazing, and rather it!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 05:53 AM
In 2005 we moved to Lovecraft's old apartment in Brooklyn Heights at 169 Clinton Street.

We didn't know at the time that it was HPL's old apartment even though we were huge fans already. Strangely enough, my wife's last boyfriend had dragged her all over Brooklyn to the HPL sites.

After about a month, of hellish nightmares, moving objects and other anomalies we were paid a visit while I was at work by the HPL Society. A member wanted to take some pics. If you have the Joshi bio, you'll know the drawing HPL had made of the apartment. The apartment where he invented the Cthulu mythos and almost starved to death.

Strangely enough, in 2007, the apartment was used (well the whole Clinton Street was used) in the Coen Bros. movie, Burn After Reading. Here's some pics from the shoot. Brad Pitt actually jumps over old HPL's back fence in the movie.

Burn After Reading Shoot on Clinton Street Photo Set

Not to be too self-promoting, but I'm a classical composer and have been recently writing pieces based around the HPL mythos, FWIW... It's very strange music, with lots of microtonal inflections.

The Song of R'lyeh for Violin Octet

Anyways, both me and my wife love this thread and very much appreciate all of the links and mathematical resources!!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:28 AM
A tube is topologically a sphere. A 4th dimension appears to the viewer to be tubular as even on a cosmic scale it has a beginning and an end, unless you allow for the possibility of a circular timeline or an infinite timeline. In which case you get a doughnut or a sock that stretches on for ever. However the 5th dimension, which is an indeterminate wave of possible time lines, can fold through the 6th dimension thereby allowing 4th dimensions to fold into various shapes depending upon their relative positions in the 5th dimension. Also natural laws such as gravity and speed of light can cause localised distortions of the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions. In the 7th dimension the 6th dimension is compressed into a single point and meets the 6th dimensions from other universes. The 6th dimensions in the 7th dimension are connected by spheres that define the differences in natural laws between universes. Like the 5th dimension the 8th dimension is an indeterminate wave of probability, but in this case its probable universes. The 9th dimension is folding of the 8th dimension thus allowing 4th dimensions to fold into various shapes depending upon their relative positions in the 8th dimension. So yes I can now see how 4th dimensions are topologically spherical while having an infinite number of various shapes.
edit on 12-6-2011 by AusiAnarchist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by ShadowZion

I gave you a star
so you too may know the elders by wearing the sign..
The drawings of cthulhu are our best guess of what he might look like... and the name is the name that comes from our human tongue..
im sure his name cant really be spoken by men just as the true name of god cant..
and if our eyes laid their gaze upon him they would surely be struck blind..

and as Nietzsche would say...
"He who fights with monsters should be careful least he thereby becomes a monster. When you stare at the abyss, the abyss stares back at you "

chaos is just as real as order, for to remove one you remove the other..
what beasts of wild imagination long lost to the fathoms of the deep are yet to be seen, and only when you dive into the darkness can you really see...

and remember...
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
"In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Frater210

its the one thing that makes me proud of new england and RI in general. narrgansett bay is nothing really just very deep. i never make it to the bottom but i gotta say there IS something down there. oh yea brown univiserty dose have a copy of the egyptian and tebitian book of the dead. so yes lovecraft wrote in half truths

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by sprocket2cog
reply to post by Frater210

I see yor 3d julia set and raise you two 3d fractal animations to the order of infinity..

Imagine having fallen into this.

Imagine, never resting, never revisiting the same spot (how would you find it again)?

A Bedouin in a psychic realm. No possessions but those you carry.

Terrible in its beauty.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by ShadowZion

Hardly. halo was created by weak minded nerds. lovecraft used lucid dreaming and the depths of his brain that you wish you could use. move along and leave the nut jobs alone

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by idealord
In 2005 we moved to Lovecraft's old apartment in Brooklyn Heights at 169 Clinton Street.

We didn't know at the time that it was HPL's old apartment even though we were huge fans already. Strangely enough, my wife's last boyfriend had dragged her all over Brooklyn to the HPL sites.

After about a month, of hellish nightmares, moving objects and other anomalies we were paid a visit while I was at work by the HPL Society. A member wanted to take some pics. If you have the Joshi bio, you'll know the drawing HPL had made of the apartment. The apartment where he invented the Cthulu mythos and almost starved to death.

Strangely enough, in 2007, the apartment was used (well the whole Clinton Street was used) in the Coen Bros. movie, Burn After Reading. Here's some pics from the shoot. Brad Pitt actually jumps over old HPL's back fence in the movie.

Burn After Reading Shoot on Clinton Street Photo Set

Not to be too self-promoting, but I'm a classical composer and have been recently writing pieces based around the HPL mythos, FWIW... It's very strange music, with lots of microtonal inflections.

The Song of R'lyeh for Violin Octet

Anyways, both me and my wife love this thread and very much appreciate all of the links and mathematical resources!!

The Song of R'lyeh for Violin Octet

Entirely too hard to describe.

Confused and orderly, stealthy but clumsy, mirthful and cruel.

Man. You nailed it!

If you can compose on this level, anything else should be a breeze!!!

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by felonius

Imagine having fallen into this.

Imagine, never resting, never revisiting the same spot (how would you find it again)?

A Bedouin in a psychic realm. No possessions but those you carry.

Terrible in its beauty.

But why would you want to return to where you started from ?
To have the chance to dive head first into the aybss and see forever.. many men would go insane.. others would enoy the ride.. and when it gets boring im sure theres a few good side shows around the place.

But in the true sense of it as it is a fractal based realm, all points are represented at all points, like a hologram the part contains the whole..
so we never really loose our way.. its always there as all points are the end and the beginning.. a bit like the centre of the universe debate

but i like you last statement, but i see the other way

Beautiful in its terror..

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by sprocket2cog

I"m a bit of a hermit at heart.

Or a hobbit?

Leave me to my chair, my books, my 12 year old bourbon, a smoke, and a good evening.

Oh yeah, and the attentions of "Mrs. Felonius"!

Last major "road trip" I took was to Albuquerque.

A bullet to the head would have been more enjoyable.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by felonius

I hear you, im much the same.
kicking back right now with green ginger wine, a smoke, and Columbian coffee ,off in my own little world
life is good, just waiting for chaos to come knocking again. lol
We are too hermits passing in the fractal void that is the here and now..
travel well

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