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China to neighbors: Stop oil search in Spratlys

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posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
China has recently been upgrading their Navy. They have purchased some aircraft carriers from Russia, and are working on their own domestic version.

China has moved its navy from brown water to green water and is pushing for blue water (coastal / regional / global).

If China does go after Vietnam, they wont need a navy since they share a border.

A few land based missiles from the Philippines will take care of the Chinese navy pretty quickly and cheaply should they assert themselves on the Spratlys.

The Spratlys are closest to the northern Philippines which backs up heir claim. The Philippines are also a close and strategically located ally of the U.S. Backing up the Taiwanese might be questionable but backing the Philippines will be a sure bet.

If the world is to remain peaceful, the Chinese should stop their imperialist claims on "greater" China. If the Chinese won't be stopped at the Spratlys, what would stop them from claiming an entire country like Vietnam?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 05:16 AM


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by armtx
One thing we know about Vietnam and that is they are not afraid to fight a low down, dirty war against anyone that tries to occupy their land. Ask the Japanese, French and US. All have taken a shot at Ho Chi Mihn and came up short.

You forgot the Chinese also tried to conquer Vietnam, happened right when the USA pulled out. China found out the hard way why the USA left....

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by korathin

That's interesting, didn't know about this.

The Sino–Vietnamese War (Vietnamese: Chiến tranh biên giới Việt-Trung), also known as the Third Indochina War, known in the PRC as 对越自卫反击战 (duì yuè zìwèi fǎnjī zhàn) (Counterattack against Vietnam in Self-Defense) and in Vietnam as Chiến tranh chống bành trướng Trung Hoa (War against Chinese expansionism) ...

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