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The Silent Witness, Mary Moorman, Finally Shares Her Story Almost 50 years After The Murder Of JFK

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posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by OneisOne

One thing I love about ATS is people really do dig hard to find the truth. This being so, thanks for your post! Starred.

I don't think she meant to imply that from the time of the shooting to buying the paper that only 20mins had elapsed.

I'm going to re-watch this interview sometime btw (I haven't watched it since posting), so maybe I'll spot something I missed before in regards to when she was talking about seeing this newspaper headline because as people have pointed out already, It simply couldn't have been on the front page a mere 20 - 30 minutes after the assassination. It just isn't plausible at all.

And I'm more inclined to believe this was but a simple mistake at this point.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Thanks Nixie..

The only question I have is how would the secret service or any other fed would of known who took pictures if no one volunteered that information?

Who knows really, presumably they just asked anyone they could - or suspected - of having some sort of footage or pictures of the events which took place. After all, as far as the people on the ground knew, the president was just shot. Therefore, anything could be helpful to them at that point so why not ask literally anyone and everyone?

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:21 PM
Thread Bump.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
Thread Bump.

bump troll

glad to see this gettin some decent attention RA

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by ronishia

bump troll

Hey, It's an important interview, so sue me.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 05:26 AM
Hi Rising Against.

Thanks for sharing these important videos of first hand witness Mary Moorman in this very well put together thread.
A well deserved S&F.

I did not have watched the videos yet, I did only read all your main talking posts.
This is what strikes me the most so far.

Originally posted by Rising Against
04:45 - Mary begins discussing for the first time when the President came into view here. She discusses how she took her famous photograph in particular.

What's fascinating about this is she claims to have "heard a sound" other than herself roughly at the same time she took the picture - this being the fatal head shot. She claims to have heard 2 more sounds after this which she thought were firecrackers - firecrackers being mistaken for previous shots by other people at this point.

I did listen to what she said there and that is indeed fascinating and could be in a way quite important in my opinion.
Important because if that sound she heard was in fact a passing bullet [the last one] and seeing the position she had towards the president, the bullet must have past her from behind.


So I wonder if it would be possible to find out with that from where that bullet roughly could have been fired from.
If that would lead to the same place as were the claimed killer Oswald would have fired his shots from.
Not that I believe that he was the killer.

I know it is quite farfetched, but do you happen to know something more about that?

edit on 11/6/11 by spacevisitor because: Made some corrections and did some adding

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 06:08 AM

I know it is quite farfetched, but do you happen to know something more about that?

I do, and first off, there is one thing of particular interest we can see in the Moorman photograph - It is of course only seen using advanced measures where we can increase the quality of the picture. Anyway, here is what we can see:


This is of course our famous Badgeman - seen much clearer in the below image:


What I've always found really fascinating is prior to the assassination, a witness actually spoke to badgeman, badgeman being whom I personally suspect of being a shooter in disguise and not a policeman at all. A theory is going around that it was a French gentleman called Lucien Sarti in fact, something I'm skeptical of, admittedly. Anyway, prior to the assassination, he spoke to a witness. Well, I say spoke when I really mean he "ordered" a witness away from the vicinity of where he was situated which was around the Grassy Knoll - particularly behind the fence. He did this twice I believe.

If we actually look at the zapriuder film also, we can clearly see, and I'll show this in a future thread more clearer and with warning tags (as It's not fair to show gruesome images like this without some sort of warning, IMO), we can see the front of the head and ever so slightly to the side was blown off - the back appears to be in tact suffering only minimal damage.

This damage being caused by 2 possible bullets, from 2 different rifles/guns - the more powerful of the 2 from the Knoll.

Most witnesses heavily suspected the Grassy Knoll as a shooting position, even Lee Bowers who was in the best position on the day spotted 2 people here (if we zoom out the image of badgeman, we can see 2 individuals here), which is where he saw a puff of smoke at the time the fatal shot was made.

Other witnesses such as Ed Hoffman for example saw this puff of smoke, as well as people on the triple overpass, and they all seem to claim this was when the fatal shot struck.

Witnesses such as Adrian Zapruder himself, as well as Bill and Gayle Newman for example (this couple we can see shielding their children on the Knoll), also claim to have heard shots coming from behind them on the Knoll. I believe all in all around 50+ witnesses back up their claims.

Now, please dont get me wrong I wouldn't rule out a shot from the TSDB or even the Dal-Tex building at this point, but IMO, this certainly was not the only shooting position, Oswald didn't fire any shots (he was seen on the 2nd floor lunchroom by witnesses anyway), and finally, the fatal bullet which flew off the Presidents head almost certainly came from the Knoll.

Anyway, I really do suggest, if you have time of course, to watch these 2 fascinating documentaries from "The men who killed Kennedy". It's a fascinating watch and it discusses Badgeman and Sarti in more detail.


The Men Who Killed Kennedy "The Forces of Darkness"

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against
Now, please dont get me wrong I wouldn't rule out a shot from the TSDB or even the Dal-Tex building at this point, but IMO, this certainly was not the only shooting position,

Why would I get you wrong, I have no reason at all for that.
I know for shore that you have so much more knowledge about this case then me, I was just thinking about it, nothing more.

Originally posted by Rising Against

the fatal bullet which flew off the Presidents head almost certainly came from the Knoll.
Anyway, I really do suggest, if you have time of course, to watch these 2 fascinating documentaries from "The men who killed Kennedy". It's a fascinating watch and it discusses Badgeman and Sarti in more detail.

Thanks for the links, what you said about that knoll looks very interesting to me so I go see them.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by spacevisitor

Oh, I just wanted to point out that I'm open to a shot from one of the 2 buildings suspected, the TSDB and the Dal-Tex building.

Personally, I think a shooting position from one of these buildings, or both, is very plausible.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:16 AM
Hi Rising Against.

I just saw part 1.
What I find very interesting and remarkable is what is said from 26:30 about the different caskets, the difference in the head wound and the missing brain tissue.
That all clearly seems to point out to an indeed earlier executed “autopsy??” before the official planned autopsy.
Obvious been done to remove/hide possible evidence for what really happened.
Then that magic bullet, it’s obvious to me that such bullets can only exist in magic Conspiracies.
I call it a magic Conspiracy not out of disrespect, but because all the evidence has magically disappeared.
But obviously not everything has magically disappeared, as for instance is to see in that picture of Mary wherein that famous Badgeman, at least one of the possible killers is clearly visible.


I cannot say other than this is really all dynamite.

Thanks again.
edit on 11/6/11 by spacevisitor because: add a picture

edit on 11/6/11 by spacevisitor because: Made some corrections and did some adding

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 12:12 PM
Hey RA great post as always. I notice that in the Moorman photo that Kennedy is leaning away from the position of Badgeman and that the motorcycle cop in the motorcade is looking almost directly at badgemans position, as if that is where he heard or saw something.

I have often wondered why, if a shot had come from the Grassy knoll, why was Jackie not hit by a round passing through Jacks head. In this photo it seems that she is in a position to have been hit by said round.

I seem to remember back some years ago seeing an enhanced photo of the area of the grassy knoll that clearly showed the shadow of a person holding what appeared to be a rifle with a flash suppressor. The shadow was on the stone wall behind the bushes. I can't recall where I saw this, but I remember it because it struck me as proof that there was more than one gunman.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by one4all
Dont bother,as I said take a ruler and a panorama picture of dealy plaza a split second before the president is struck in the head---not the throat shot,then pretend jackie is made of china and if you hit her with a bullet you die yourself----now draw lines from the presidents head before he is hit and slowly do a 360degree circle around him EXCLUDING ANY DEGREES THAT WOULD HIT JACKIE,you now have reduced the possible snipers positions by a VERY LARGE MARGIN.

In texas they dont shoot women,PERIOD.At least one shooter was homegown,one was a russian or cuban,and one was an american ex-military not named oswald.

I also thought that in Texas, they don't shoot in cahoots with commies either.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by lonegurkha

I have often wondered why, if a shot had come from the Grassy knoll, why was Jackie not hit by a round passing through Jacks head. In this photo it seems that she is in a position to have been hit by said round.

Here's frame 312 - a single frame before the fatal head shot. Actually, this frame is closer to the bullet striking the president than frame 313 when taking into consideration frames per second and of course the amount of damage suffered. So, It's save to say by the time this frame is captured, the bullet is in the air:


As you can see in the above image, Jackie isn't situated directly behind the president thus why she didn't suffer bullet damage also. Not forgetting the Moorman photo shows us the bullet didn't traverse through JFK's head.

This being the reason why Jackie was unharmed.

I seem to remember back some years ago seeing an enhanced photo of the area of the grassy knoll that clearly showed the shadow of a person holding what appeared to be a rifle with a flash suppressor.

Flash.. or Sound suppressor?

Anyway, I'd personally love to see this image for myself. If you can get a hold of it, please do post It. I've been thinking of making a "JFK research site" as well btw, so the more "evidence" that can be provided for any claim, the better.

Oh, and here's the only image I know of that sounds similar to what you said. I doubt it's the exact same from the description you gave but here it is anyway. You may find it interesting at least:


Direct your intention to the figure above and to the right. It's allegedly of a Grassy Knoll Shooter - James E. Files according to some.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

The badgemans identity is available online,there is a video of him marching through dealy plaza carrying a RIFLE in miitary marching stance,his footsteps or marching cadence are obvious and cannot be hidden,he is the only cop in the videos carrying a rifle and not a shotgun,BECAUSE NONE WERE ISSUED RIFLES.

His face is absolutely clear in the video and now that we know who he is we can track his movements with all the pictures of dealy plaza,he only remained a mystery until we discovered the marching rifleman video,WHICH IS DEFINATELY HIM,and computer programs will match the figure of the badgeman with the marching rifleman video,the internet is bringing the entire truth right out,the bullet that went past mary head came from the building beside the repository .

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by one4all

The badgemans identity is available online,there is a video of him marching through dealy plaza carrying a RIFLE in miitary marching stance,his footsteps or marching cadence are obvious and cannot be hidden,he is the only cop in the videos carrying a rifle and not a shotgun,BECAUSE NONE WERE ISSUED RIFLES.

Can you show them for us please?


Edit to add: I can't seem to be able to think of any videos or other images of this.

Edit once again:

the bullet that went past mary head came from the building beside the repository .

Which one exactly? Mary herself counts 3 and she also claims to not know where they came from thus why I ask..

And you mean the Dal-Tex building btw. I'm writing a thread on this building as we speak, It's key to understanding the Single Bullet Theory, IMO.
edit on 11-6-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

mbkennel,not in cahoots but in a paralell action,I dont believe that all teams were working in a coordinated effort with one command structure,i believe that there was an organised effort utilising CELLS similar in function to terrorist cells,each group working independantly of the other in a THIRD PARTY co-ordinated action.

I agree MOST dont shoot with commies,but in ignorance some might .

In fact if I was from texas ,I would be pissed off if someone used me like that ,in fact I would out the buzzards.

I have been trying to get people to reverse extrapolate this crime for years and no one listened until more and more pieces began to come out,no one as far as I know has put the badgemans face on the marching rifleman video.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:44 PM
Rising Against,if you are in the repository facing the president one of the shooters was to your left in the building across the street,the other was to your lower right in the sewer,all three trajectories fall to the right of the first lady and are in my amature opinion specificly designed that way to give HER the highest chance of survivability,the co-ordinator of the overall operation was given parameters by the man who gave the order and we can reverse extrapolate these parameters as well as the photographic evidence and the video evidence ,including the doctored or fraudulently altered ones like the Zapruder film.

All three trajectories were coordinated by a meticulous professional into details,but they speak to the parameters he was forced to work within.

And prove these were paralell actions by CELLS of shooters,AND THAT THERE WAS A MR BIG SEPERATE FROM ALL OTHER ACTIONS.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by one4all

Thanks for that post but I'm a little bit confused here... reason being, I asked for the video where you claimed we could see badgeman marching with a rifle. So, I'm not quite sure why you primarily started discussing Jackie and the shooting positions here.

Anyway, can you please show the video you discussed and any possible images also, I'm curious and would like to see them as I don't believe I have before. Thanks in advance.

edit on 11-6-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 04:52 PM


posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by TWILITE22

Hiya... i'm pretty new to the site, but i have to say i agree with you. I watched this interview the other day, and thought to myself that it just makes me ask more questions rather than get answers. I too got the impression that that there may have been a story to stick to.... You know when you remenise over things, you recall more detail. and the interview seemed to lack detail for me.... i know it's a long time ago.... but if i saw the presidents head get blown off before my eyes... i don't think i'd forget it. Also Mary Anne said she was "never bothered, or followed". by other agencies.... but a lot of people were discredited. I don't know the Jean Hill story, But i would like to raise the point in general that the easiest way to discredit someone is to say they have a mental health issue. So i'm alway's open minded on that one.

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