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Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalitie

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posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:23 AM

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities

Even as the veggie blame game is now under way across the EU, where a super resistant strain of e.coli is sickening patients and filling hospitals in Germany, virtually no one is talking about how e.coli could have magically become resistant to eight different classes of antibiotic drugs and then suddenly appeared in the food supply.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:23 AM

Although the actual process is more complicated than this, the upshot is that creating a strain of e.coli that's resistant to eight classes of antibiotics requires repeated, sustained expose to those antibiotics. It is virtually impossible to imagine how this could happen all by itself in the natural world. For example, if this bacteria originated in the food (as we've been told), then where did it acquire all this antibiotic resistance given the fact that antibiotics are not used in vegetables?

Not sure whether the author's theory is too far fetched, but similarly to the pig flu epidemic, I share his doubts regarding the true origin of a bacterium that is resistant to eight classes of antibiotics. He goes on to suggest that is has been bio-engineered in a laboratory and he raises the question as to how a food-originating bacteria could grow resistant to so many antibiotics, considering the fact antibiotics are not used in vegetables.

He claims it was done as following:

You first expose it to penicillin and find the surviving colonies which are resistant to penicillin. You then take those surviving colonies and expose them to tetracycline. The surviving colonies are now resistant to both penicillin and tetracycline. You then expose them to a sulfa drug and collect the surviving colonies from that, and so on.


Food as weapons of war - created by Big Pharma?

The proof that somebody bioengineered this e.coli strain is written right in the DNA of the bacteria.

That's forensic evidence, and what it reveals cannot be denied. This strain underwent repeated and prolonged exposure to eight different classes of antibiotics, and then it somehow managed to appear in the food supply. How do you get to that if not through a well-planned scheme carried out by rogue scientists? There is no such thing as "spontaneous mutation" into a strain that is resistant to the top eight classes of brand-name antibiotic drugs being sold by Big Pharma today. Such mutations have to be deliberate.

My conclusion actually makes more sense: This strain of e.coli was almost certainly engineered and then released into the food supply for a specific purpose. What would that purpose be? It's obvious, I hope.

It's all problem, reaction, solution at work here. First cause a PROBLEM (a deadly strain of e.coli in the food supply). Then wait for the public REACTION (huge outcry as the population is terrorized by e.coli). In response to that, enact your desired SOLUTION (total control over the global food supply and the outlawing of raw sprouts, raw milk and raw vegetables).

That's what this is all about, of course. The FDA relied on the same phenomenon in the USA when pushing for its recent "Food Safety Modernization Act" which essentially outlaws small family organic farms unless they lick the boots of FDA regulators. The FDA was able to crush farm freedom in America by piggybacking on the widespread fear that followed e.coli outbreaks in the U.S. food supply. When people are afraid, remember, it's not difficult to get them to agree to almost any level of regulatory tyranny. And making people afraid of their food is a simple matter... a few government press releases emailed to the mainstream media news affiliates is all it takes.
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 6-6-2011 by Mdv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:31 AM
I wouldn't pay too much attention to what is on that site.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:32 AM
it is my belief that Germany was targeted
because they refused to assist NATO with
the ME take-overs and cuz they shut down
their Nuke plants. They are apparently
trying to back peddle away from the
NWO and thusly have become
a target. Just an opinion

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:33 AM
While I believe an economic and technological conflict is being waged between the major powers and their allies (China, EU, Russia, the US) I would not be surprised is there where not other conflicts such as this also running in the background.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:48 AM
I was just thinking this OP, then i saw this thread, How can this Virus be immune to these things that in the natural environment it may never have come into contact with ? Science tells us that it cannot have done this alone, which leads to the same conclusion as this thread. Hey what do you know, Biology is easy !

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by Vanishr
I was just thinking this OP, then i saw this thread, How can this Virus be immune to these things that in the natural environment it may never have come into contact with ? Science tells us that it cannot have done this alone, which leads to the same conclusion as this thread. Hey what do you know, Biology is easy !

Deep sigh. Ever heard of fertilization? Cow manure is used for fertilizer it is full of bacteria. that bacteria has come into contact with anti biotics we pump into domestic animals.

No conspiracy needed..... time to move on. Human created mutation of bacteria by our excessive use of anti biotics.

This will get worse. The mutated E coli is guaranteed to spread despite our best efforts.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:59 AM
They didn't do a very good job then did they?
Must have been students making the virus.

If a man-made virus was designed to exterminate humans, mark my words, it would work.
A few dozen dead and hospitalised? Please.

Millions would be dying every single day, mass panic would spread across the globe almost instantly due to the shear number of deaths and the obvious seriousness of the outbreak.

Billions would be dead by now, because it would actually work.

A man-made virus would dwarf anything in nature as it would not be using humans as a host to feed off of, it would just be infecting and killing.

Believe me, you'll know when a man-made virus is released.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by manontrial

That really depends on the purpose of the virus. I am not judging this specific situation, but it's obvious to me that pig flu was a man-made creation that has lead the pharmaceutical industry to make billions of extra profit while there was no need to kill millions of people.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Vanishr

i also was thinking the same thing this very morning before i got on to ats, and wadda ya know?

its engineered alright, but im not completely sure i agree with the reasons as to why. we'll see.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by malcr
Deep sigh. Ever heard of fertilization? Cow manure is used for fertilizer it is full of bacteria. that bacteria has come into contact with anti biotics we pump into domestic animals.

No conspiracy needed..... time to move on. Human created mutation of bacteria by our excessive use of anti biotics.

This will get worse. The mutated E coli is guaranteed to spread despite our best efforts.

it would appear this article
agrees with you.

anybody remember mad cow disease
a few decades ago ???

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:19 AM
I can see this strain being man made. Make it resistant to several different antibotics. You wouldn't want or need a strain that would kill millions. All you need is a few deaths and the MSM to hype it up. Sure if they wanted to make a strain that killed millons, they could but why? That would be over kill ( no pun intended) and then they would have to worry about losing control of it. The purpose is to get regulations in place through fear, not wiping out half of Europe.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 07:07 AM
Let's not forget all of the medications we normal folks toss down the drain or in the trash, let alone the medical/pharma industry's brilliant record of proper waste disposal, as contributing factors in viral and bacterial mutations. I know studies have found antibiotics in the water supply, the water supply we humans drink, but have there been studies done on the water we give to factory farm animals or water crops with? To claim that this particular strain of e.coli is bioengineered is fear-mongering, plain and simple. I could just as easily speculate that the article used by the OP was engineered and is being spread by terrorist...but I won't because I wish to spread rational, logical thoughts not fear. Fear is the most resistant form of disease. Get yourself tested.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 07:08 AM

edit on 6/6/2011 by BishopNGreen because: removed a double post

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Firefly_
I wouldn't pay too much attention to what is on that site.

His "problem, action, solution" terms are straight out of Icke's texts.

Still, that is merely his approach, and here at ATS we can't ditch a theory because it gets tainted--so some of us would believe--with Ecke poo. Certainly, the governments will not want to publically discuss that possibility.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 08:47 AM
resistance to antibiotics - does not ACTUALLY require exposure to that antibiotic

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

True, but this is about resistance to eight different kinds. Now, you tell me how likely that is.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 09:29 AM
Increasing disease resistance to antibiotics has been known about for a long time. Over use of antibiotics in farming and medicine is shortening the effective life of antibiotic technology.

When I first heard about this outbreak, the first reaction was to blame the GMO crowd since the organic industry was getting bad headlines. The media is more about politics than facts and it is just too hard to be certain of anything these days. Maybe it was bio-engineered on purpose, maybe it was just natural selection, maybe there is no e coli outbreak or maybe there is.

This is one of the problems in getting to the truth on matters, you just don't know who to trust afterwards.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Mdv2

This bug is tame in comparison to what could be engineered to take out millions. Why make a bug without a significant kill ratio if that was the intention. If scientist were going to genetically modify anything it would be a virus. Already they have genetically modified a virus to track and kill cancer cells. Viruses last longer outside the body and antibiotics have no effect on them at all. Bacteria are large and require something to live in, whereas a virus is a particle that can be carried around by just about anything for extended periods.
There's heaps of bacteria out there that are immune to antibiotics... several you can pick up from your local hospital like Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus variants or other Staph infections carried around in the nasal passages by that person who sneezed next to you last week and all of a sudden you have some flesh eating disease.

Link... New Strain of Antibiotic resistant Staph Bacteria in cows

Although MRSA infections may be declining in the United States, they still represent a serious healthcare problem, with an estimated 90,000 new infections linked to healthcare facilities each year and about 15,000 deaths, mostly in older people or those with underlying health problems. Staph infections normally reside in the nose and are generally benign, but invasive staph infections can spread to the blood, lungs, soft tissues, bones and joints.
And this link on Are Superbugs heading to the Philippines

A serious threat to man's health, the deadly super bacteria, also known as “superbug”, has already spread to Southeast Asia, Europe and North America. There is no known cure for a superbug infection, since it is resistant to most commonly prescribed antibiotics, including the carbapenems, the most powerful antibiotics created by medical science

Its been around for a while

Superbugs with the NDM-1 mutation have already infected patients in India, Pakistan, the UK, the U.S., Australia, Japan and other Asian countries like China, Taiwan and Korea. The real number of actual deaths from NDM-1 may not be known—one health expert in Australia said, since the superbug has been around for quite some time in developing countries like India and Pakistan, there are no reliable records as to how many have actually died from the disease

Death is everywhere !

edit on 6-6-2011 by LexiconV because: added a link

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 10:41 AM
I don't trust anyone on this.
The fact is, evolution cannot produce the effects of this e.coli.
Evolution is a faceless lie. It is believed by so many supposedly wise people on the weakest of evidence and can now be used as a neat way of bioterrorism without a human culprit.
Evolution is one of the biggest lies around

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