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You have died. You are dead. You will continue to die.

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:28 PM
I should just make all the opposite decisions of what I normally do. Kind of like that Seinfeld episode. Because this reality is getting kind of boring.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:48 PM
I have not died. Version of me have.

They are not me, they are dopplegangers.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:56 PM
I think if you dont believe this in this reality, in some other reality you do.
I think that in some realities there is no universes and in some realities the thought of this has never occurred to anyone.
I think that your all assuming you are right through free choice but in another reality we all hold different views.
Life truely is what you make it.
But maybe it isnt in another reality.
You cant travel through different realities in this reality but maybe you can in another.
And so on and so on the possibilities and the argument for this is endless, its impossible to loose this argument.
Could it be possible that in another reality we have proven its nonsense.

My head seriously hurts right now.
S &F op

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:26 PM
very interesing post, nothing new here as they have shown this in some documentary.
I agree with the most of it, but does it matter?

You say that we must make good choices in this universe, yet automatically this means that the other "us" will make a bad choice since every possible universe must be created so does it really matter if i chose right or wrong if it will happen both ways anyway? So if TPTB are trying to make us depressed to make bad decisions then what do they accomplish since in an alternate universe the opposite will happen. What's the point?

How can we use this knowledge of the paralel universes?

Even if parallell universes din't exist still we try our best to make good decisions but we fail so what does it change if there are or not other realities?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:35 PM

How can we use this knowledge of the paralel universes?

well ..if that one paralels this one.. its no life to look for in or from there at all then
edit on 1-6-2011 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2011 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:53 PM
Sounds like the theory that we are in a video game such as The Sims, or anything with more lives and then GAME OVER. The sub-atom particles being equal to our monitor pixels. Quantum physics being a good way to explain what we call "soul" and such.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by isthisreallife

That could mean that maybe deja vu is some ripple from the splintered dimension of you , that bounced back in your real time space?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 05:04 PM
Have any of you ever thought that our dreams are of us in another universe? I kind of think so, because I think we are one and therefore share a connection. Whether we share the same soul or a piece of one...I dunno. There has been many times I've dreamt I still had my wife and son, in a totally different world.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 05:20 PM
Personally, I agree with what you say to an extent. It is possible, and some may say probable, that there are an infinite number of universes in some type of existence. However, I do NOT believe that an event that occurred in our universe, or did not occur in our universe, can affect or cause the outcome in any other universe.

To my understanding, there are an infinite number of universes that make up the multiverse (theoretically of course). Now, it is this in itself which dictates that all possible outcomes must happen, because there are an infinite number of possibilities. Because an alternate path was taken in some universe does not mean that it was triggered because of a branch event in our or any other universe. It happens simply because it is an inescapable mathematical certainty.

I will admit that I could be wrong, and that you may be right, but from what I understand of string theory, quantum mechanics, and M-theory, this is how I always interpreted it.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

I died as a mineral,
To become a plant,
I died as a plant to become an animal,
I died as an animal to become human,
I will die as a human to become angelic,
when by dying do I ever become less.

Not my own, but something I have always remembered. I have spent years, like many of us, and will continue to do so, seeking the truth. For me it is an evolutionary process. I spent years teaching regression and progression. After 26 years I finally learnt that I was in fact learning, not teaching.

There are many roads and side roads to God, just as streams lead into rivers and the rivers into oceans.
Even the athesist seeks a logical route, but it is still another path. Where that path leads is still unfolding, the destination unsure. It all depends on our thoughts, our energies that will create the future. A plane on automatic pilot is always changing its course depending on the winds etc., We humans fly on energy waves, which we create: Negative thoughts we start to fly low and fall ( be careful you don't crash), positive energy (vibrations) we fly high and become more. There are so many dimensions and possibilities!

Explore my friends, be curious, learn, dont try to conquer-conquer. Always become more never less, if not for you, but for your children and your fellow human beings.

In Love and Peace

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 07:37 PM
Before you get into this descision thing, you must master the origin of things. Prove to me how we exist, and prove to me what is living.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
I have not died. Version of me have.

They are not me, they are dopplegangers.

you are my doppleganger. And if not, we are both dopplegangers.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by haarvik
reply to post by SuperiorEd

Geez, never heard that argument before. Every generation claims theirs is the end times. False prophets and all. We live, we die, we cease to exist. Our matter returns to earth as a part of it, a carbon based life form to continue feeding the earth. If you must have a god, then have the real one...mother nature.

Why would we think this? All evidence points us to the same story of gaining mastery over self in righteousness. Even those who have had near death experiences verify this story. Think it through. Two become the miracle of one by union, development and birth. An acorn is simply an oak tree enfolded into information. When the seed germinates, it sends a root down into the ground and sends the shoot up. The simple essence of information unfolds into its design. Information can be saved or lost, just as the Bible says. We are baptized into the water of the Body and spirit. We are this duality. Your outer man raises the child of the self. Read John 3 carefully. Look at what Jesus is saying to Nicodemus.

He says, "You must be born again." He says that you must be born of the water. This is baptism into the womb of the garden of development. If you fail to gain union with your Self (spirit/sub conscious/ego), then you must be born again into another water body. This is called transmigration . If the water body and the spirit gain union in Atonement (At-One-Ment), then you are saved and born again into the spirit. Your body is the concrete reality and your spirit is the abstract reality of the next realm. It's simply enfolded information which gains a vehicle for the next reality of consciousness. Your body is essentially a placenta and the earth is the womb. You are tied to the earth by the silver cord. Once you die, the cord is either baptized again in the water or you gain freedom.

Every wisdom tradition says the same thing. Plato said, 'Know thy self." Buddha called it Samadhi. Christ called it Atonement. There is one factor that cannot be missed. This factor is the secret to making the transition. God, Virtue and love for others. They all must be present.

You must love God and you must love your neighbor (Luke 10:25-37). Once you do this, you have conquered your 'Self'. This is conquering pride. Apart from God, there is no other path. "Not by works, lest any man should boast." Buddha found enlightenment by this path. Only salvation can come from Christ. God will have it no other way. You must follow God to move on. Leading by your own efforts will not bring union of your spirit with God. Christ died on a cross to bridge the gap.

Ecclesiastes 12

6 Remember him—before the silver cord is severed,
and the golden bowl is broken;
before the pitcher is shattered at the spring,
and the wheel broken at the well,
7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from,
and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

edit on 1-6-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-6-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by GhostLancer

Originally posted by robbiekeane
If parallel universes exist and their is a lot of versions of you, then which version is really you.

I would answer that they are ALL YOU. This explains deja vu, intuition, gut-feelings and DREAMS. Some dreams are very outlandish yet seem completely *real.* Some involve YOU as a different YOU. Some have friends and family in different roles. In some dreams, you are single. In others, you are married to someone else. Even if you are happily and faithfully married, in some dreams you can't help but become intimate with someone else, and it doesn't seem wrong. In some dreams, you have a different job, live in a different place, possibly even on different geography (the kind that doesn't exist here because a volcano didn't dramatically alter the landscape of your current location 500,000 years ago)... You get the idea.

Dreams may be a connection into nearby (or distant) parallel universes. So, with all those "YOUs" out there, they might be dreaming of the YOU that is reading this post. Very good question.

You just blew my f%$#ing mind.....But what does it mean when you take control of your dreams? Are you finding a subconscious connection between parallel universes? Could your subconscious be becoming self aware about your parallel conscious? Or maybe its when you lose the connection and regain a slight consciousness in your own reality... Or it possibly could be that your "regular" conscious gets caught in a sort of "Limbo" and instead of having a complete recollection of yourself in a parallel universe, your own reality and the dreaming reality get "mixed" some how..Like if I have a dream tonight and during the dream I "take control" so to speak and then i will pretty much be able to do anything i want in that dream. If i wanted a shot gun to kill the zombie hord that is chasing me in my nightmare all I would have to do is think hard enough and a shotgun WOULD appear in my hands in the dream. ( For those who don't believe, Just try it what have you got to lose, all you gotta do is remember your sleeping
) But the question now would be How did the shotgun manifest itself in the parallel universe? What Im getting at is, If a dream really is recollection of a parallel version of your consciousness in an alternate universe, and you have the ability to "take control" of these recollections while you dreaming in your own reality, would it be possible to dream of YOUR reality while YOUR dreaming and then "take control" of the dream you are having of your YOUR reality and then just pretty much just imagine a new car in your drive way or a few pounds of gold on your kitchen table or better yet world peace......

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:20 AM
Perhaps these multiverses are merely hallways that your consciousness travels down.

Each decision leading to the universe that contains the parameters your 'free will' specified.

Consciousness travels easily between the universes, making them appear as just one?

Makes Quantum sense, and is an amazing design!

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

Wow, they really sold you some GOOD kool-aide! Think logically, and take off the jesus freak hat for a moment. Adam and Eve were the first humans according to the bible. Genetically it is impossible for us to exist as science has shown that inbreeding produces defects which would have killed all humans eons ago. Second, if we did all come from them, then why are there different races? And you can't use evolution or regional environment arguments because if you do then you validate evolution which invalidates the bible. Third, according to the bible the earth is only 5,000 years old. Yet in museums we have animals that are millions of years old, and humans over 100,000 years old.

You can't escape fact which is tangible. But you can debunk the bible which is fiction. End of story, case closed, Hawking is correct.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 07:49 AM
Science can only hint at the past regression of life and form. Once you understand that we are designed, you see the form life takes as an infinite pallet of possibility in the hands of an artistic creator. Examine your body. You command a universe of 50 trillion cells, all acting in unison and purpose. You are a bio-mechanical robot of sorts. All life unfolds form the essence of the information contained within the seed of its origin. The entire universe is information and programming. It is the miracle of the one thing from two. Link here for an article I put together on the subject.

All that we see in the macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm. Above and below are the same. The sun and the moon come together to produce life on earth. The sperm and the egg. The eyes. They ears. Left and right hand. Soul and mind. Two become one. This is the miracle of the one thing.

Hermes - Emerald Tablet

"It (emerald tablet / nature) contains an accurate commentary that can't be doubted. It states: What is the above is from the below and the below is from the above. The work of wonders is from one. And all things sprang from this essence through a single projection. How marvelous is its work! It is the principle part of the world and its custodian. Its father is the sun (sol) and its mother (luna) is the moon. Thus the wind bore it (solar) within it and the earth nourished it. Father of talismans (symbol) and keeper of wonders (science). Perfect in power that reveals the lights (Knowledge - Illumination). It is a fire (cycle) that became our earth. Separate the earth from the fire (evil-refiners fire) and you shall adhere more to that which is subtle (God) than that which is coarse (material), through care and wisdom (knowledge is not enough). It ascends from the earth to the heaven (rising to the source rather than away - like a river). It extracts the lights from the heights and descends to the earth containing the power of the above and the below for it is with the light of the lights. Therefore, the darkness (contrary to illumination) flees from it. The greatest power overcomes everything that is subtle and it penetrates all that is coarse. The formation of the microcosm is in accordance with the formation of the macrocosm. The scholars made this their path (Science). This is why Thrice Hermes was exalted with wisdom. This is his last book that he hid in the catacomb."

Originally posted by haarvik
reply to post by SuperiorEd

Wow, they really sold you some GOOD kool-aide! Think logically, and take off the jesus freak hat for a moment. Adam and Eve were the first humans according to the bible. Genetically it is impossible for us to exist as science has shown that inbreeding produces defects which would have killed all humans eons ago. Second, if we did all come from them, then why are there different races? And you can't use evolution or regional environment arguments because if you do then you validate evolution which invalidates the bible. Third, according to the bible the earth is only 5,000 years old. Yet in museums we have animals that are millions of years old, and humans over 100,000 years old.

You can't escape fact which is tangible. But you can debunk the bible which is fiction. End of story, case closed, Hawking is correct.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 07:53 AM
If all this is true then. wouldn't the first thing to ever exsist in the universe that had a choice to make split into different branches as soon as it made that choice and from there on, them branches split into others that make choices and so on. meaning that the first thing to ever exsist is everyone and everything?

Im not to good at explaining my thoughts about this so forgive me if that sounds confusing.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

You did not provide a valid response to my post. The fact remains that if you breed white mice with white mice you will get white mice, not red, green, blue and yellow! the same fact is true with humans. If only whites breed, you only get whites. I have proven that your bible is a lie on three accounts. But, this is off topic of the original post, so I will no longer feed your jesus freak mentality. You believe, therefore you are. I don't, therefore I am wise.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by captainKing098

Originally posted by GhostLancer

Originally posted by robbiekeane
If parallel universes exist and their is a lot of versions of you, then which version is really you.

I would answer that they are ALL YOU. This explains deja vu, intuition, gut-feelings and DREAMS. Some dreams are very outlandish yet seem completely *real.* Some involve YOU as a different YOU. Some have friends and family in different roles. In some dreams, you are single. In others, you are married to someone else. Even if you are happily and faithfully married, in some dreams you can't help but become intimate with someone else, and it doesn't seem wrong. In some dreams, you have a different job, live in a different place, possibly even on different geography (the kind that doesn't exist here because a volcano didn't dramatically alter the landscape of your current location 500,000 years ago)... You get the idea.

Dreams may be a connection into nearby (or distant) parallel universes. So, with all those "YOUs" out there, they might be dreaming of the YOU that is reading this post. Very good question.

You just blew my f%$#ing mind.....But what does it mean when you take control of your dreams? Are you finding a subconscious connection between parallel universes? Could your subconscious be becoming self aware about your parallel conscious? Or maybe its when you lose the connection and regain a slight consciousness in your own reality...

Thanks... And your thoughts generated some interesting ones! While I said that dreams might be *perceptions* of other realities, I did not think of becoming *SELF AWARE* while in a dream and being able to take control of that version of you in that dream, like so many people have attempted to do. Over my lifetime, I remember becoming aware in a handful of dreams and being able to take actions that *I* (this version of me) wanted to do instead of flowing through the dream like watching a movie.

Most people experience a dream unfolding much like a movie, incapable of taking action. You know, like sitting on the edge of your seat in a movie theater almost screaming for the person NOT to open the door! Some people take control of themselves in their dream by chance or by design. By "design" means that they have meditated and set an intention to take control of their dreams that night just before bed. And, according to many, they achieve "dream control."

The thought had not occurred to me that by achieving control of the "other you" in the dream, that you are actually TAKING CONTROL OF ANOTHER VERY **REAL** VERSION OF YOU IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. If this is the case, then the sheer power of dreams and thought and this intangible connection between universes is quite PROFOUND. Star for generating this series of thoughts. It is indeed something to ponder, and the ramifications are quite serious, --considering that IF it is not just "a simple dream" and you are actually --in a way-- possessing or taking control of the actions of an alternate (yet very real in his/her universe) version of yourself. It might be just a little (or a BIG) bit of fun for you to take control of "you" in a dream and have him have an affair with a beautiful woman. In his reality, he would not have an idea WHY he chose to destroy his marriage and break-up his family for that sexy brunette whom he knew was trouble, but he did it anyway!

Further, if we reverse the roles... Say an alternate version of you meditates and practices dream control. Say, to him, YOUR (this) Universe is quite different from his own. In his, maybe murder is a more commonplace solution to disputes. He attains DREAM CONTROL over you during a heated argument you're having with someone --in this VERY REAL LIFE. Completely out of character for this YOU, you pick up a knife and take actions that suddently and permanently change your life. You take someone's life and have no explanation for it. Then, for the alternate "you" ---he wakes up and gets on with his very normal day, haunted by such a strange dream. YOU, however, have to deal with very real consequences. If nothing else, this perhaps has the makings of a mind-twisting movie. In fact, I'd entitle it: "MINDTWISTER." Thanks for the thoughts!

You generated so many thoughts in the first part of your post that I'll have to address the (just as interesting) ones in another post so this one won't be too much to handle in a single take.

ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: During the course of a normal day, have you ever felt that you weren't yourself? --As if you were an avatar in a video game and someone else was in control? You might have wondered WHY you just said something out of character to someone, or did something out of character? You could very well be the victim of the DREAM CONTROL asserted by an alternate version of yourself in a different reality.

If you are lucky, then you are under the control of a very successful, insightful version. If unlucky, perhaps a rude, mean or diabolical version of yourself has taken control. The reverse is true as well: if you do take control of yourself in a dream, it might be a good idea to BEHAVE in your dreams, LOL.

Do realize that all of this is just theory and speculation. Do realize that it is not a "free ticket" to act like a jerk to others and do outrageous things. Do realize that YOU ARE ACTUALLY IN A REALITY, and very REAL ramifications will result from any extreme action. That was the disclaimer ahead of time for anyone who might suggest that all of this speculation is merely a cop-out to responsibility.
edit on 2-6-2011 by GhostLancer because: ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS

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