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The NWO put on hold?

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:47 PM
There have been a few threads posted on the subject of why the NWO hasn't begun, and if the NWO is really going to be put in place or not. I have an insightful theory that I think you guys/girls will agree holds some water. I think the one world government has been put on hold, while the elite plan out their next move or moves. This is why they have dragged out the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and continue to wage war on hapless rogue dictators. They are basically keeping everyone busy with these wars, while behind closed doors they are plotting and scheming as to how to institute a one world government, and what world events will have to occur to make this all possible. I believe the whole plan has been put on hold for quite some time, for whatever reason, to make sure things go as planned. These people, as we know, have infinite patience, and will wait it out just to make sure things go smooth.

What do you think?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Societalgnorance

I think they might have had some turn on them and they are regrouping and figuring out how to continue on while at the same time hide.

Now we might have two different groups trying to do the same thing by different means.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:59 PM
I don't know about all that. It appears to me that everything is proceeding rather smoothly and as planned for them. The US is a fascist police state in all but name, and we are forcing everybody else to tow the NWO line, whether we are attacking them in the middle east or just threatening them behind scenes. As long as things are getting worse and worse every day, and I am not sure how it is possible to argue to the contrary, you cannot say that anything has been put on hold.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:02 PM
And who are "they" specifically?
I ask because it's always "they are doing this, they are doing that". Maybe if people were more specific about who "they" are when speaking of these vague conspiracies, more would take it seriously.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:06 PM
The middle east has a decent amount of resources, the revolutions occuring now are going to bring "democracy" to those regions and increase trade/economic relations with the nato countries. Once the economy is infiltrated the nation will be brought in line with the rest of us and will provide much less resistance to the changeover. At least that's how it's looking to me.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." -Rothschild

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:13 PM
My personal thought is that TPTB thought that the crash of September 2008 was going to have a much, much larger impact than it did, and that they would be able to step in and take over as rescuers after the crash.

My feelings are that they are driving the Arab Spring as an alternative to the 2008 crash.

I don't think they're sitting on their laurels, I believe they are instigating takeover from a "Plan B" when their main plan wasn't as successful as they had hoped.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by illuminatitanimulli
And who are "they" specifically?
I ask because it's always "they are doing this, they are doing that". Maybe if people were more specific about who "they" are when speaking of these vague conspiracies, more would take it seriously.

Are you really suggesting that everyone who wants to discuss the NWO must first establish a list of the usual suspects (elites, bankers, organizations, etc.)? I'm pretty sure all that has been more than well covered around here, and to just attack somebody for assuming that most people on here have an idea of who "they" are is ridiculous and trollish. The fact that you don't understand acceptable pronoun usage doesn't mean that the NWO is a fiction.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Oh yes the perfect rebuttle to sceptics that ask for evidence.

NWO = Put on hold
UFO disclosure = coming soon
Rapture = Any time now
End of the world is nigh = Only God knows the true date.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Societalgnorance

There are many who would like to be the NWO. It is not one organization. These various powers that be range mostly from Business, Ideology and Religion, often using a mixture of all three. I know some will disagree but if the right NWO is put in place, it could be a good thing, it depends upon what you think is a good thing.

So, until there is a near end of life event, Aliens or God shows up, the NWO will always be on hold and continuing the way humanity has always continued.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Societalgnorance

I,don't agree with you.its going on as they want it to be.Please read my threads,Our President is doing things and the world is doing them to.God said this all will happen.I,believe in due time,we will be in trouble from within Just when you think the tide has turned,something happens.Don't let yourself get caught off guard.The book of revelation and Daniel and the other books are happening right in front of us.The key to everything is ISRAEL,watch them.God is never late,always on time.Man kind just keeps making more mistakes and not repenting for them.America is in trouble and our government and WALL STREET is pulling us down.Right now they are winning,but God wins in the end! So,everyone be on guard,its just starting to wind up.If we we aren't alert it will catch us unaware.

I,only know to trust GOD AND JESUS! Man kind word isn't worth much today.It use to be a man's word and handshake was all it took.Now its a mess,you don't know who to trust or who to believe.Just like here,we tear each others threads to pieces,for facts and truth.We have become so critical of each others values and views.We,get put down on how we believe,its said we aren't political correct.This makes me laugh.I,wish all could just get along.the world would better off.If we all just would stop and treat others the way we want to be treated.Things and the world would be better off.What happen to face values? We,don't even keep our preamble, constitution,10 commandments and basic laws.So,how do we expect our government and children to follow them.We,are the teachers,remember our parents saying practice what you preach,do you? Are you A doer or person that just sits back and complains.Are you registered to vote? I,am.When I,don't like something I,VOTE.But at the same time,I try not be judgemental.I.leave that for God,because i am far from being perfect.As for this ONE WORD ORDER,IT WILL HAPPEN.

Not all of man kind will repent from their sins,so evil will prevail.Then God will tell Jesus to come and straighten us out.He has had enough of us,not listening to him.This is my belief in Gods word.Also That Jesus died for us all,so we can be with him,if we repent.So,for this to happen,there will be a ONE WORLD ORDER ,I wish it could of been different.But we are so set in our ways and don't want to change even for God.So the 10 nations will happen.We,are a stubborn kind,so God has to deal with us.But for me i,have repented and not ashamed.I,will stand with Israel and God and Jesus.Will you? Or will you go with the ONE WORLD ORDER. Like i, said this is my view.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by HenryPatrick

Originally posted by illuminatitanimulli
And who are "they" specifically?
I ask because it's always "they are doing this, they are doing that". Maybe if people were more specific about who "they" are when speaking of these vague conspiracies, more would take it seriously.

Are you really suggesting that everyone who wants to discuss the NWO must first establish a list of the usual suspects (elites, bankers, organizations, etc.)? I'm pretty sure all that has been more than well covered around here, and to just attack somebody for assuming that most people on here have an idea of who "they" are is ridiculous and trollish. The fact that you don't understand acceptable pronoun usage doesn't mean that the NWO is a fiction.

That was no attack. More like constructive criticism. I was trying to make a point that maybe people forget who "they" really are and it is very important to dig deep and address it. Isn't that how the bigwigs got this far and are able to dismiss conspiracy theorists? Is that part of the veil that the rothschilds, kissingers, rockefellers ect. are putting before us so no one sees their faces? Now these people are nothing more than "they". I thought of different ways to word this point before I posted the above and it is difficult for me to describe. I just wanted the OP's take on what he/she thinks about who "they" are, so with all do respect, as I do respect most of what you say on this site, don't jump to label somebody as a troll who is insinuating things because you don't agree with what they say. I admit I should have originally elaborated my point like I did just now. Peace.
edit on 29-5-2011 by illuminatitanimulli because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Societalgnorance

i guess becuase more people know about them, it would be a good idea to wait and plan out the final move

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:36 PM
I believe they are terrified of making a misstep. Any populace once riled up can be pretty unpredictable. Whatever the reasons and motivations behind the revolutionary activities going on right now, it's giving us (the NWO watchers) some hope. The thought of our having enough hope to do something unpredictable must be a fearsome thing. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to ratchet it down a little....

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:09 PM
If the nwo is put on hold it is due to them making a mistake or two that could cost them everything they worked for so far. people are riled up and many are aware of the nwo and would take some action. so wait til people are calmed down and work at it again after promoting things to make them not care about the real things that matter.(over sexed up advertisements telling you to live a certain lifestyle and so on)

when people no longer care in 20-30 years they just go again.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Societalgnorance

They have not put anything on hold, things are progressing towards their goals.

This is why they have dragged out the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and continue to wage war on hapless rogue dictators.

This is a pretty easy one to see, actually.
On Afghanistan:
First the Trans-Afghan Pipeline has not been completed, the Oil Cartel still needs taxpayer protection for their interests. Why pay for protection when "We the People" will foot the bill and keep their wealth in their pockets?
Second we WILL be invading Iran, it has always been on the table (the Oil reserve below the Caspian Sea is too much to resist), with an occupied Afghanistan we have a front established on their eastern border.
On Iraq:
First Halliburton and Bechtel are still making a ton of taxpayer funded money in the form of contracts to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure.
Second we WILL be invading Iran, with an occupied Iraq they have a western front.

I believe the whole plan has been put on hold for quite some time, for whatever reason, to make sure things go as planned.

How long is "quite some time"? We have seen the largest concentration of wealth in the world in the last decade, just in the US alone, the top 2% hold 74% of the country's wealth and the top 1% hold a staggering 52% themselves. Globally the top 2% accounts for over half of the entire global wealth.

Everyday there is a new bill being proposed in some state, that either helps to concentrate wealth via privatization, installs some facist regulation (EFM in MI, No filming LEO in IL, Stripping Collective Bargaining in WI, on and on and on), or solidifies corporations as an individual with more rights and privileges then the rest of us ACTUAL individuals.

These people, as we know, have infinite patience, and will wait it out just to make sure things go smooth.

Exactly, so what on Earth makes you think anything is different? They have dealt with things on a scale of centuries and millenia, why change things when they have worked so well for them this long?

We are approaching a bit of the "endgame" scenario, but they do not have all the chess pieces in place quite yet, however they are very close.

There may be a "hiccup" here and there, an unforeseen snag now and again. The fact that the "Information Age" grows at an exponential rate, keeps them from getting ahead of it, and as a result their activity is more fully on display, more people have the information and are able to make even more people aware of the "truth".

The other factor to take into account, despite any rumors of "Reptilians" or "Inter-Dimensional" beings, they are Human, and as such have the same faults as the rest of us, however the faults of Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, and Pride, are much more pronounced in them due to their narcissistic nature.

One must only study history to see how they plot against each other just the same as they plot against the Plebs. Egyptian Pharaohs, Roman Emperors, and Merovingian Kings always fought amongst themselves for more concentrated power and wealth.

Hamlet, as well as other works from Shakespeare, give this aspect great light.

ETA: I think the 12/21/2012 mythology and hype, is part of "the Plan", they will be able to mask all sorts of tragedy under the guise of the Mayan Calendar myth. Now after that date, this could be a good question if they appear to actually be stagnant.

edit on 29-5-2011 by Hijaqd because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Societalgnorance

Ultimately, they are on the watch or are anticipating a Global event that will presumably affect all. In the meantime, by the looks of things in the middle-east and North Africa, I don't think they are holding back anything.

They are forever trying to intimidate the start of world war three and when the push-comes-the-shove they hide away in their bunkers. Then emerging in the NEW WORLD as saviors when the dust settles.

They'd probably use WW3 as an excuse to sneak away in their bunkers.

Apparently they cannot manage six billion people so a third of the worlds population presumably must be eradicated and world war 3 will be the main catalyst in achieving this.


posted on May, 30 2011 @ 07:17 AM
I believe the New World Order is waiting to make their move.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:52 AM
There are several groups in a position to seriously vye for global domination - I think that with the advent of the internet these groups and the lower level dupes that work for them have learned a great deal more about each others plans and the secret conspiratorial history of the world.

They ought to have realised by now that they are in fact all being used as pawns in something elses agenda.

Ie the Dinn, Greys, Archons, Demons,Reptilians - that do in fact control the elites behind all these 'secret societies'

What their real agenda is, is unknown

possibilities include:

Global serf state with the elites directly under their control.

Islamic Caliphate

Nuclear Armageddon.

This planet was theirs until we came along - and most of their race now seem to be banished to an in-between dimensional world.

They may in fact be seeking to incarnate directly into the physical world again, perhaps using human bodies as the means to do so.

Perhaps they just want to keep their food source from ascending out of their clutches.

Maybe they are preventing us from Borg swarming the universe due to a technological singularity.

This is all complicated by the likelyhood that we as a human race are the 'smart monkey' project of something else entirely.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

"Borg swarming" I like that term.

Can I use it in my repertoire?

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:38 PM
I appreciate all of your replies. I have been away from my computer since I created this thread, my apologies for the inactivity.

In response to illuminatitanimulli: Maybe you're new to the site, so I'll assume you haven't researched the powerful elite who control the international agenda. In short, "they", are a small group of dominant, wealthy men who control international policy through several different means. Some of these people hold a membership in groups such as but not limited to: Club of Rome, Knights of Malta, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commision, Bildeberg Group, Skull & Bones, and many many others. (These are just examples)

As far as the topic at hand, another reason that it seems that a one-world government has been put on hold is I don't think that US citizens will willingly accept a (borderless) North American Union. There's already been quite a backlash to the NAFTA super-highway. We'll see how it goes, but something tells me they may be shifting gears, and are currently in "standby mode."

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