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How To Make Something 'Happen' In ChemTrail Land.

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posted on May, 28 2011 @ 09:15 PM
Hello, ATS.

I want to briefly share my story regarding chemtrails, what I presently think of the debate and what I think we can do to at least cause some momentum to 'happen' in 'ChemTrail Land'

I was one of the people that I guess were shocked to wake up one morning in 1997 and freak out over the 'Chemtrails'. I have lived in my home state my whole life except for 4 years in the service. I was in the Infantry at Fort Bragg so I got the usual soldier's education in observing aircraft in the sky. I actually have been a sky watcher since early youth; I am just wired like that.

So there I was in '97 driving down the freeway when my windshield gets splattered with some liquid. I figure it is the sprinklers on the big berms of the freeway so I hit the wipers and this greasy goo gets spread all over to the point that I have to pull over. So like a scene out of a sci fi movie there I am on the side of the Freeway trying to wipe this crap off the windscreen and I have this dawning realization so I look up and there are the 'trails' and the aircraft that are apparently laying them down.

I guess it was fate because I then go in to overdrive and start evangelizing this to all of my friends and family. And that is my introduction to chemtrails.

So about thirteen years go by with me just utterly convinced that we are being doused with a killer cocktail of chemicals.

Then some things happened. First it was the Clifford Carnicom 'Red Wine Test'. I tried it at home and of course I freaked out. So I call my most skeptical friend hoping to challenge him with this new-found evidence. He was able to use Google to debunk the test while we were on the phone and taliking in about 3 minutes.

Well that got my attention. I don't like to be fooled by fools.

Then the Jerusalem UFO happened and I logged on to ATS and got my head straightened out on that and things have just progressed from there. Now I often find myself contributing to the debunk on stuff that would have had me jacked up just a few months ago.

Then I finally went to Contrail Science and laid out my whole bag of bulls$!t so that members there could help me sort myself out. And boy did they. I had known enough from high school Biology to take the information that they gave me and then start straightening myself out.

Here is the deal. I can't look at these things and say that they are normal. I just can't. I know that something has changed and it did so very abruptly in 1997. The kind folks from Contrail Science and the debunkers here at ATS have us in a stalemate. Face it.

It is going to take some monumental sized evidence to convince anyone any longer that these things are as we see them; aerosolized chemicals that are being intentionally sprayed in our skies for unknown reasons.

I am so sorry that it has all come down to this. I am afraid our compasses are broken. I don't ever think I have seen two groups more polarized over any issue in my life. I just don't think either side is going to get anywhere definitive by grinding the same old axes every time this comes up. It just turns in to folks spitting at one another across a mutually defined line.

So here is what I think we should do. I don't think the so-called de-bunkers will be able to join us in this endeavor but we shall see. If we do it hard enough I can't imagine that it won't effect them in some way but what we need to do is...

Create a varietal vacuum.

You see, this whole 'ChemTrail' debate has become very systematic; both sides working to make the other function.

And when we have a system we can begin to apply simple systems theory to the problem.

Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety:

If a system is to be stable the number of states of its control mechanism must be greater than or equal to the number of states in the system being controlled.".

Folks, that means that any system can be brought down or cultivated depending on how much you do or do not feed it. Or; any system can be destroyed by either underfeeding it or over feeding it.

We need to stop feeding the system. Do not reply to any thread having to do with ChemTrails at all.

Even this one if you can help it.

As you can now surmise, once we get started on this we will create a vacuum and the suction will then be further driven by the de-bunkers as they cry out for variety that is no longer there.

But we must not feed them. We must create this vacuum. Help me create this vacuum. Because when we do what fills it when it reaches the tipping point could be very, very interesting.

At the very least it should force change.

Someone is going to be eating Crow Pie at the end of this whole thing. I have mine in the freezer ready to go. How about you, Debunkers?

Do not reply to this thread with a post. It is 'Lights Out Until September 1 !!!!

Do not feed the other side. Do not feed the other side. Do not Feed The Other Side!

Create this vacuum with me brothers and Sisters. Do not be steered towards Shipwreck...

edit on 28-5-2011 by Frater210 because: Gettin' loose with Ashby.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Excellent thread. I like the idea and will support it unless something of new significance is reported.

In fact, you'll see that I haven't participated in chemtrail discussions for some time, because of exactly the dynamic you describe.

I like your proactive approach.


edit on 29-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Frater210

So you got some sort of liquid on your windshield, and looked up only to decide it was coming from trails directly above you, roughly 25,000-40,000 feet in the air?

ETA: Stalemate? No, we have shown that you have absolutely no evidence to substantiate your claims.
Debunkers: 1
Chemtrailers: 0
edit on 5/29/11 by adeclerk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Frater210

Isn't this thread OP basically the same *story* you posted, in a "chem"-trail thread???

AND.....didn't it get answered, to your satisfaction, there??

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Thanks for coming by WeedWhacker.

Yes, same post augmented.

Toldja' to look out for it. You are always so kind. Thank you for your assistance.

Back Soon.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:41 PM
So the theory is to prove that chemtrails exist by not posting about them??!!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

So the theory is to prove that chemtrails exist by not posting about them??!!

It's 'ChemTrail' PowerPoster, Aloysius The Gaul.

Is that really all that you got from that post above?

Please read it again and get back to me. Or not.

Didn't you even like the Radiohead song?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Disinfo agent here,

What happens on September 1st?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by GringoViejo

Look Up...

It's all in the post above. I do not believe I left anything out.

We know that you are not a Dis-Info agent.

And even if you were, so what?

We will not be providing anything to 'Dis' for the next 3 months while we create a vacuum.

Silence Till September 1st!. Don't feed the 'ChemTrail' Threads

Thank you for stopping by.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Frater210

Actually, you left out what happens on September 1st. Hence the question.
edit on 29-5-2011 by GringoViejo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by GringoViejo

Actually, you left out what happens on September 1st. Hence the question.

You are assuming that I meant to put 'what is going to happen' in there in the first place.

I am more interested in what Can happen. And so are many, many others.

Please put on your thinking cap and re-read the post above. Or not.

Thanks again.

God Bless.

edit on 29-5-2011 by Frater210 because: Rah. Rah!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

So the theory is to prove that chemtrails exist by not posting about them??!!

It's 'ChemTrail' PowerPoster, Aloysius The Gaul.

Is that really all that you got from that post above?


Please read it again and get back to me. Or not.

This seemed to be the only bit in it that was actually actionable:

We need to stop feeding the system. Do not reply to any thread having to do with ChemTrails at all.

Even this one if you can help it.

Hence - you're not goign to post to any "chemtrail" threads, not reply to any threads - you are proposing a total boycott of all things chemtrail by the chemtrail believer congregation.

What did I miss?

Didn't you even like the Radiohead song?

When I want to listen to Radiohead I listen to Radiohead - if you can't put your point into your own words then I'm not about to try to figure out how a song relates to your rambling.

Feel free to not reply....

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Frater210

Well whatever it is, good luck. I'll be looking forward to the "vacuum."

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Hence - you're not goign to post to any "chemtrail" threads, not reply to any threads - you are proposing a total boycott of all things chemtrail by the chemtrail believer congregation.

Thanks for re-reading. You did, indeed, get the point.

if you can't put your point into your own words

Like I said, you got the point; and the words I used seem to work just fine. Note the Stars and Flags and the position of this thread in the Geo-Engineering Thread List.

Chill, My Gallic friend.
Don't Let The Cognitive Dissonance Get To You

Thanks again for coming by.

edit on 29-5-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Frater210

Do you know what cognitive dissonance even is? Because the way you have to ignore facts, basic science, and meteorology in order to believe in the 'chemtrail' conspiracy on faith alone is pretty characteristic of cognitive dissonance.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:11 PM

reply to post by adeclerk

I didn’t want to have to do this. I could just let you sit there on the thread and provide suction for the Vacuum but I like you as I have been following your posts in ChemTrail Land. And I would like for you to have fun along with the rest of us.

Firstly you seem to have mistaken myself and this thread for others of its type maybe. When you come to my threads you do not get ‘bombarded by the retarded’ as it is said on ATS. My friends and I are smart and creative.

Now, Here is the deal. You are suffering from cognitive dissonance. But what is creating the problem for you is not my theory on ChemTrails or the lack thereof in this thread.

What is creating the cognitive dissonance for you is that I have offered as a tool to make something 'happen' nothing. Nothing.

Loss is Power.

We are going to use Nothing to create a change in the system. You know what the system is now because you read about it in the post above and at the very least can identify your part in it.

So we use Nothing. Why?

Because after fifteen years of this crap people are willing to invest anything to solve the mystery of what we see in the skies. They have been willing to invest anything so why not at this point begin to consider the possibility of using Nothing?

Nothing Weaponized

We need an actionable social tool that will help us to shift momentum somehow by our will. You have read what I propose.

We will use The Vacuum to create change in the system thus, in a sense, ‘weaponizing’ Nothing and applying it to the service of good for all.

We wanna make something happen. Just a simple change in the system. But it takes a huge amount of suction to create enough vacuum so we all must work together.

'cause after 15 years of this crap we will take change over nothing and more stupid debates that stretch the limits of human wackiness.

Under No Circumstances Should Anyone Down With Silence Till September 1st Post Anything On The Tar Baby ChemTrail Threads. We Must Starve Them For Variety!

Fight The System With Nothing. Create The Vacuum!

Debunkers, or whatever you would like to call yourselves, I have explained myself thoroughly enough.

From here on out you are on your own.

So please start suckin' if you must. We need the suction.

I hope you all can join in the fun, but as I said in the OP, I am not sure if you are going to be able to help out with this project.

God Bless, You. And goodnight. Happy Sunday, fellows.

edit on 29-5-2011 by Frater210 because: So Long And Thanks For All The Suction.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by GringoViejo

who knows ?

maybe the posting of:

Contrails do not Exist!!! Prove me wrong!
by DerepentLeStranger
A Denial of Ignorance
Wherein a contrail conspiracy is revealed
and it's proponents unmasked as pedlars of Pseudo-Science
A proposal or two for an experiment is provided,
And the IHM is short-circuited to the dismay of it's Con-trollers

"There is a principle which cannot fail but keep a man in everlasting ignorance, that priniciple is contempt prior to investigation" ~ Self-evident Truth
Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. - Richard Feynman Nobel-prize-winning physicist

reply to post by Frater210

a Star and Flag to bump this most excellent idea.

signing off.

edit on 29-5-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: fixed alignment

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 01:40 PM
Hello, Vacuum Vectors.

I would occasionally like to add text and other material to help to motivate us in our cause.

Here is one from the Father of all things 'Fortean', Charles Fort...

“Damn the particle,

but there is salvation for the aggregate

A gust of wind is wild and free,

but there are handcuffs on the storm”.

Charles Fort, 1923

What Charlie was saying here must have had to do with the power of People as Individuals; and the Power of People as the Aggregate. Or in other words, 'Us'.

We are powerful. We can create change by our collective will.

Create the Vacuum. Leave the 'ChemTrail' Threads to starve for 3 months. Force the change.

Silence Till September 1st

edit on 30-5-2011 by Frater210 because: Enjoy the wonderful weather on this fine Memorial Day.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Frater210

Sorry, I couldn't help but post. You, friend, are awesome. Point well taken. Consider it done.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:06 PM
Hello, Again.

I have been trolling in ChemTrail land.

I have discovered the same group of people levering the same old scientific evidence to try and tell us that we are not seeing or experiencing what we have been seeing and experiencing over the last 13+ years.

I have been reading a lot of Charles Fort lately and Charlie sure had a lot to say about scientists. One can Google Charles Fort Quotes and get a plethora of them.

But I found one that I haven't seen around the internet and I thought I would post it here.

In memorial to and in loving memory of, B. M. Varney.

An editorial in the New York Sun, Sept. 3, 1930:

“The public is being played upon and entirely mislead by the dreamery of the rival mathematicians, astronomers and physicists-not to mention the clerics-who are raising the game of notoriety to a fine art.
In rivalry to religious mysticism, a scientific pornography is being developed, and attracts the more because it is mysterious.”

These are the views of Professor Henry E. Armstrong, emeritus head of the department of chemistry, at City and Guilds College, South Kensington, London.

This is revolt inside. That is what develops in to revolution.

Professor Armstrong’s accusations of pornography may seem unduly stimulating: but, judging by their lecheries in other respects, one sees that all that the astronomers have to do is discover that stars have sex and they’ll have us sneaking to bookstores, for salacious “pronouncements” and “determinations” upon the latest celestial scandals. This would popularize them. And after anything becomes popular-then what?

Charles Fort, Lo! 1931

Have a lovely day.
edit on 30-5-2011 by Frater210 because: Hi

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