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HAARP Has Been Firing At Max Power (1 Billion Watts) At The New Madrid Fault Zone

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posted on May, 28 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Think about an energy director..That's how ultrasonic welding is done to combine two different pieces of plastic toghether. OR .Same Material or 2 different materials that can bond through Ultra Sonic Welding.

To do this... You have a Machine called an Ultra Sonic Welder. You take Part A and part put them
underneath the "energy director".... This machine comes in direct contact around the part..and then makes noise while it vibrates the 2 parts together. That's one way of putting 2 parts together in plastic.

Ultra Sonic Welding is an Industry.

Take the same principle with an energy director that uses vibration for end results at a higher magnitude and altittude, and I don't know who or why they let it out there without telling us. So I think there is A WHO. And WHY.

Seems like the technology hasn't beed ignored. I hate speculation.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:05 PM
My point was that a HAARP or Energy Director Machine is out there. It's a commercial technology used and sold on vibration technolgy at low frequency and vibration levels.

Crank it up?? No one's talking.

Sorry for miss spels in last post.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by niceguybob

It's a commercial technology used and sold on vibration technolgy at low frequency and vibration levels.

No. Ultrasound is not low frequency, it is high frequency, and it is not radio waves.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 11:34 PM
You are correct... by low frequency... I meant lower frequency at the levels required to vibrate 2 parts toghether.

That is a high frequency process to ultra sound 2 parts toghether.

You must reach a certain frequency vibration for the technology to work.

And it's higher then my I.Q. ok?

HARRP would/could have a very high frequency for effect.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

No need for a source, it's a totally unrelated graph.

Just a poke at people posting graphs that they have no idea what they actually mean.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by phatpackage

bet you can't prove it! Your thread should be removed to the Hoax board until proven otherwise! Disgrace! Show the proof that HAARP is anything other than what the HAARP scientists say it is! Unless proven evidence can be produced that HAARP is actually sinister this needs to end on ATS!

Bet you can't prove it or you would have.

what the HAARP scientists say it is

This is a very dangerous mentality and I am shocked to find it in evidence here on ATS, a website that asks us to question authority and experts and consider the possibility of controversial and sometimes unbelievable, alternate theories.

I notice you didn't say what HAARP actually is
and yet YOU are screaming hoax? Disgrace even?

what the HAARP scientists say it is

You don't know do you? That is part of the problem, even people who defend it don't seem to know what they are doing with the atmosphere and why?
And when a so called expert chimes in with an explanation and a raison d'etre it doesn't ever make any sense either.

what the HAARP scientists say it is

I still get a distinct impression and want to say...uh yeah...that's what they're telling YOU.

You'll have a chance to look it up and get back to me but meanwhile, HAARP remains one of the biggest conspiracies in existence and was so before it was built.

I think it is Infrasound. How do you prove it's not? You can't hear it.
I'm not going to believe a chart.

edit on 29-5-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
I think it is Infrasound. How do you prove it's not? You can't hear it.

So you disagree with niceguybob, then? He says its ULTRAsound.

Either way, it CAN be proven. Get a microphone and equipment that can pick up infra and ultrasound, and have a listen. Anywhere in the world. The idea of course of (according to people who dont believe the 'HAARP scientists') is that HAARP is so powerful it can do things on the other side of the world.
You should get an overpowering signal anywhere in the USA.

Except... nobody ever does.

There *are* devices on the market to listen to both infra and ultrasound. Do a google search and you'll see what I mean. Even the stupid "ghost detectors" do this stuff.
Here's a Bat Detector you can build at home...

And yet, none of the manufacturers of these devices are putting out messages like "Sorry our equipment doesnt work anymore, now that HAARP is putting out so much interference".
Because, it doesnt.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by alfa1

You can't hear infra-sound. There are threads on it here on ATS. It can blow apart concrete ballasts without making any noise save the explosion.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
You can't hear infra-sound.

You must have missed the bit in my reply where I spoke of microphones and other associated equipment that CAN hear infrasound.

I myself have a bit of equipment here in this room that can detect down as low as about one cycle per minute.
As can a lot of other seismometers.
Forget blowing apart concrete blocks, seismometers can detect the tiny bilsquillionth of a mico nothing.
And there isnt ever any talk on the seismometer forums about that nasty HAARP sending out very low frequency interference.
Because it isnt.

(and thats just ONE type of instrument that detects very low frequencies)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by alfa1

Originally posted by newcovenant
You can't hear infra-sound.

You must have missed the bit in my reply where I spoke of microphones and other associated equipment that CAN hear infrasound.

I myself have a bit of equipment here in this room that can detect down as low as about one cycle per minute.
As can a lot of other seismometers.
Forget blowing apart concrete blocks, seismometers can detect the tiny bilsquillionth of a mico nothing.
And there isnt ever any talk on the seismometer forums about that nasty HAARP sending out very low frequency interference.
Because it isnt.

(and thats just ONE type of instrument that detects very low frequencies)

I didn't miss it. I just don't think you are correct that the seismometers forums are by necessity going to reveal anything unusual. They could be compromised.
There may be a way to mask it or shadow it with another activity simultaneously.
The major media is complicit in many a coverup and if they can be manipulated in the name of freedom and democracy I would think any other forum of scientist can and would be complicit in a coverup as well.

I myself have a bit of equipment here in this room that can detect down as low as about one cycle per minute.

Wow that's so cool. You must be some sort of mad scientist. Pity your equipment appears to be defective because you should be detecting infra sound from a variety of sources all around you fairly regularly.
Wikis not the end all be all present company may be on the subject but seems there are many sources that generate infrasound and it would be difficult to distinguish one from another or pinpoint the original source which may be equal to a pin drop that sets off a chain reaction, like dominoes.

Infrasound sometimes results naturally from severe weather, surf, lee waves, avalanches, earthquakes, volcanoes, bolides, waterfalls, calving of icebergs, aurora, lightning and upper-atmospheric lightning. Nonlinear ocean wave interactions in ocean storms produce pervasive infrasound vibrations around 0.2 Hz, known as microbaroms.
Infrasound can also be generated by man-made processes such as sonic booms and explosions (both chemical and nuclear), by machinery such as diesel engines and older designs of down tower wind turbines and by specially designed mechanical transducers (industrial vibration tables) and large-scale subwoofer loudspeakers.
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Preparatory Commission uses infrasound as one of its monitoring technologies (along with seismic, hydroacoustic, and atmospheric radionuclide monitoring). Whales, elephants, hippopotamuses, rhinoceros, giraffes, okapi, and alligators are known to use infrasound to communicate over distances—up to hundreds of miles in the case of whales. It has also been suggested that migrating birds use naturally generated infrasound, from sources such as turbulent airflow over mountain ranges, as a navigational aid. Elephants, in particular, produce infrasound waves that travel through solid ground and are sensed by other herds using their feet, although they may be separated by hundreds of kilometres.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:15 AM
How are you monitoring HAARP, what equipment are you using specifically? If you are then what are they trying to do?
edit on 29-5-2011 by Adurna because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:37 AM
HAARP Array Generates Earthquakes Using Infrasound Resonance

Analysis Low-frequency atmospheric manipulation by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer was recorded for more than 2 days, as presented in the video above, right before the 7.0 earthquake destroyed Haiti's capital, Port-Au-Prince. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was certainly one of the most vocal world leaders to publicly state what is well-known to many in the scientific community, that the devastation of Haiti was not natural disaster, but an atrocity committed by US government 'special forces'. This was accomplished by a combination of land-based HAARP antennae in conjunction with sea-based Naval vessels using inaudible infrasound resonance technology developed from designs of Nikola Tesla that had been stolen by George Scherf Sr., 'Curious' George Scherf Jr., Otto Skorzeny and Reinhardt Gehlen. Otto Skorzeny made a deathbed confession admitting as much, and gave an account of his participation in the assassination of Tesla in 1943, which became published in a book called "The Bush Connection" in 2003, and detailed in Veil of Invisibility, by this author.

Some familiar posters from this thread on another ATS thread defending HAARP.
HAARP and Severe Weather: The Physics of HAARP, Scalar Weaponry, and Hurricane Katrina

Though there are more than a few "experts" on what HAARP doesn't do -
very few of them will tell you what it does.

edit on 29-5-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:55 AM
fear monger...never thought i would say but i need a link or a video something to make me truly interested in this topic that was supposed to have had an earthquake ever since 2004 or wutever...

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
I just don't think you are correct that the seismometers forums are by necessity going to reveal anything unusual. They could be compromised. The major media is complicit in many a coverup and if they can be manipulated in the name of freedom and democracy I would think any other forum of scientist can and would be complicit in a coverup as well.

You misunderstand. "Scientists" are not involved here. "The Major media" are not involved here.
Its a "hobby" thing, that YOU can build at home. Like I did. At home, in the spare room. As hobbyists do.
As I urge others to do. Build one yourself, its an interesting thing, and will prove to yourself that no coverup is possible.
Many plans are available on many websites.

Originally posted by newcovenant
Pity your equipment appears to be defective because you should be detecting infra sound from a variety of sources all around you fairly regularly.

Yep. Lots of them. Lots of the ones you list.
But remember, according to YOUR theory, the strength of these killer destructive HAARP signals is such that it causes a magnitude 9 earthquake *on the other side of the planet*. We're not talking background noise here, as in the items you listed.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
HAARP Array Generates Earthquakes Using Infrasound Resonance
Analysis Low-frequency atmospheric manipulation by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer...

And thats the point where the whole argument falls apart.
The induction magnetometer is not a device for "manipulation". It is a coil of wire that *receives* a signal to display on a computer screen. There is no transmitter in it.
Its so simple you can build one at home.

Here is a PDF file with instructions...

Here, make a magnetometer using a soda bottle...

Many other plans exist.

The poster clearly didnt have a clue what a magnetometer is. Blaming earthquakes on one doesnt make any sense at all.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:41 AM
I remember hearing about one Tom Bearden talking about "ELF waves" (Extremely Low Frequency) all the way back in the very early '80's (and I think late '70's.) If the R&D blackworld was tinkering with that stuff then, I have no doubt what devastation they could cause now!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by simone50m
I remember hearing about one Tom Bearden talking about "ELF waves" (Extremely Low Frequency) all the way back in the very early '80's (and I think late '70's.) If the R&D blackworld was tinkering with that stuff then, I have no doubt what devastation they could cause now!

Indeed, I have no doubt either: precisely none.

At one point ELF was used for communicating with submarines. But bandwidth is too low and transmissions are only one way. Nowadays, they have floats which go to the surface and link with satellites.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 01:10 PM
Would someone please explain to me why so many think HAARP is responsible for many of earth's tornado's, earthquakes, disasters etc.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by caladonea

Because then someone is to blame for it.
It's very comforting.
I guess.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant
HAARP Array Generates Earthquakes Using Infrasound Resonance

Analysis Low-frequency atmospheric manipulation by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer was recorded for more than 2 days, as presented in the video above, right before the 7.0 earthquake destroyed Haiti's capital, Port-Au-Prince. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was certainly one of the most vocal world leaders to publicly state what is well-known to many in the scientific community, that the devastation of Haiti was not natural disaster, but an atrocity committed by US government 'special forces'. This was accomplished by a combination of land-based HAARP antennae in conjunction with sea-based Naval vessels using inaudible infrasound resonance technology developed from designs of Nikola Tesla that had been stolen by George Scherf Sr., 'Curious' George Scherf Jr., Otto Skorzeny and Reinhardt Gehlen. Otto Skorzeny made a deathbed confession admitting as much, and gave an account of his participation in the assassination of Tesla in 1943, which became published in a book called "The Bush Connection" in 2003, and detailed in Veil of Invisibility, by this author.

Some familiar posters from this thread on another ATS thread defending HAARP.
HAARP and Severe Weather: The Physics of HAARP, Scalar Weaponry, and Hurricane Katrina

Though there are more than a few "experts" on what HAARP doesn't do -
very few of them will tell you what it does.

edit on 29-5-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

Otto Skorzeny,
That's a name to conjure with. A remarkable and clever man it seems, and it also seems he died twice, once in 1975, and again in 1999. Also part of the 'real' Odessa, whatever it was called variously. The trouble with the death-bed confession is that it was when he died in 1999, or was it 1975?

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