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Current Transformation of Planet Earth - Scientific Members Wanted.

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 07:15 PM
This is all mind blowing stuff - hope some of you Scientific members can dissect this Scientific Report/Paper that was put forward in 1998.

It appears to be a dire warning as to what is happening in our space environment - it's a long read but it certainly makes one sit up and think. This Professor of Science who's credibility cannot be denied is making very clear warnings to the changes that are currently occurring. To our whole Solar System and what it is going to mean for us on Earth very shortly as we pass through this Solar Cloud that we have - it appears already entered.

"Such disturbances cause, and create, energy and matter transfer processes between the ether media and our three-dimensional world. The multitude of such phenomena, which is rich in it's quality and variety, is already growing quickly. Hundreds of thousands of these natural self-luminous formations are exerting a increasing influence upon Earth's geophysic fields and biosphere. We suggest that the presence of these formations is the mainstream precedent to the transformation of Earth;an Earth which becomes more and more subject to the transitional physical processes which exist within the borderland between the physical vacuum and our material world."

Are these the so called UFOs 'self-luminous formations' he describes as all being part of the transformation we are currently experiencing.

"All of this places humanity, and each one of us, squarely in front of a very difficult and topical problem; the creation of a revolutionary advancement in knowledge which will require a transformation of our thinking and being equal to this never-before-seen phenomena now presencing itself in our world. There is no other path to the future than a profound internal experiential perception and knowledge of the events now underway in the natural environment that surrounds us. It is only through this understanding that humanity will achieve balance with the renewing flow of the PlanetoPhysical States and Processes."




Published in Russian, IICA Transactions, Volume 4, 1997

*Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, and Chief Scientific Member,

United Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Mineralogy,

Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Expert on Global Ecology, and Fast -Processing Earth Events.

Russian to English Translation and Editing:

by A. N. Dmitriev, Andrew Tetenov, and Earl L. Crockett

If any members have the heart and intelligence to take a look at this report and perhaps summarise it for us - I am sure we will get to some juicy information that may well give us the heads up as to what we can expect in the very near future.

Mod Note: External Source Tags – Please Review This Link.

edit on Wed May 25 2011 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 07:40 PM
I read some of it.
It's too late to piece it together now,
But what I feel it is saying, is something about the (magnetic) poles movements and how they are speeding up.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 07:53 PM
Ok, I lied,
I went through it a bit more, Picked out some interesting things:

"There is a growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago"

10,000 years ago was when the last ice age was if I am not mistaken, What the paper is hinting at here, is that we may rapidly go into an extreme climate.

"It has already been observed that the growth in the concentration of CO2 has stopped, and that the methane content in the atmosphere has began to decrease [45] while the temperature imbalance, and the common global pressure field dissolution has proceeded to grow"

So What we all knew already, here is says global warming (to do with Co2/methane) has nothing to do with the changing climate, in fact it is do to with something else entirely. (The fact our solar system is moving into a dense "cloud" of gases/radiation in space. The paper goes on to say:

"The Earth's temperature regime is becoming more, and more, dependent on external influences. The representative regulating processes, or basis, of these general climatic rearrangements are: 2.2.1. A new ozone layer distribution. 2.2.2. Radiation material (plasma) inflows and discharges through the polar regions, and through the world's magnetic anomaly locations. 2.2.3. Growth of the direct ionospheric effects on the relationship between the Earth's meteorological (weather), magnetic, and temperature fields. There is a growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago. This not so ancient major instability was revealed by the analysis of ice drilling core samples in Greenland [51]. The analysis of these core samples established: 2.2.4.That annual temperatures increased by 7 degrees centigrade. 2.2.5.That precipitation grew in the range of 3 to 4 times. 2.2.6.That the mass of dust material increased by a factor of 100."

"The submission of the ozone's dynamic regime and space distribution to the above unknown source of HO2, signifies a transition of Earth's atmosphere to a new physico-chemical process. This is very important because non-uniformity's in the Earth's ozone concentrations can, and will, cause an abrupt growth in temperature gradients, which in turn do lead to the increase of air mass movement velocities, and to irregularities of moisture circulation patterns[46,59]. Temperature gradient changes, and alterations, over the entire planet would create new thermodynamic conditions for entire regions; especially when the hydrospheres [oceans] begin to participate in the new thermal non-equilibrium. The study [53] supports this conclusion, and the consideration of a highly possible abrupt cooling of the European and North American Continents. The probability of such a scenario increases when you take into account the ten year idleness of the North Atlantic hydrothermal pump. With this in mind, the creation of a global, ecology-oriented, climate map which might reveal these global catastrophes becomes critically important."

Starts sounding like something out of "the day after tommorow" Movie. scary stuff, I guess time will tell

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 07:53 PM
is this for real? because from as far as i read this sounds exactly what the 2012 ascenscion not doomsday.

but instead of souding mad, this paper puts its in very acurate and easy to understand for a scientific paper.

hardly any jargon that anyone on ats wont be used to.

im still reading but this seems to be about, life rearranging itself, from a micro to a macro level, those atoms who can evolve to the higher frequency will define the direction of life, those that not will be consumed.

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 07:59 PM
Reply to post by AnotherYOU

im not done yet.

but this is really like new age talk under a scientific perspective.

there is some doom implied, but maybe its just me, this is sounding good and positive, too good even.

could confirm some of the wildest theories.

its a nice read, but im pretty sure someone gonna call hoax or attack credibility.

still a very nice read.

and lol@the millenium group

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by AnotherYOU

Totally agree with you, and this paper is from 1997.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:03 PM
Not sure how to embed videos... But this coincides with that research.
edit on 25-5-2011 by dadank because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:13 PM
I didn't read the paper but I will. I skipped to the conclusion and from the last two sentences:

"There is no other path to the future than a profound internal experiential perception and knowledge of the events now underway in the natural environment that surrounds us. It is only through this understanding that humanity will achieve balance with the renewing flow of the PlanetoPhysical States and Processes."

It is easy to see that this DR. Alexey N. Dmitriev is an empiricist and I am looking forward to reading it.

Thanks for putting this out there.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:16 PM
I'm so pleased that this thread has at least attracted some of you - I read quite a bit of it and intend trying to understand it all. When I was younger I would have sat myself down and refused to beaten until I understood - but you know time moves on and it gets harder.

Keep it up - I am soooo interested in this and Thank you for the responses!

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Corrupted Data

I wonder! Is it not already telling us?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by AnotherYOU

Sounds scary but very exciting - I wonder where we are heading? The next stage of evolution of life???? Or am I getting carried away?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:41 PM
Reply to post by Seekeye2

ok, i read it fully twice.

it is very good, a gloomy yet hopefull and optimistic paper.

if i could resume it, would be: get back in tune with nature and the planet or get erased from the genetic database of the planet.

theres some dire warnings, and some interesting connections to other subjects and theories.

but still, i look at this paper in a positive way. what is happening is beyond our control anyway, we just agravated it.

harmonize and life will find a way.

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:48 PM
also taking the date into account seems that this scientist's plea was ignored.

the paper sort of calls for a type of nwo to deal with these issues.
but it seems that all the ptb have done is act like the south park cop.

"Nothing to see here, move along"

our so called leaders dont want us in what does seem a brave new world.

this reading made feel good, confirmed doom, but its part of the process.

the outcome is what we make it to be.

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:54 PM
for a scientific paper it is also a pretty safe reading for those religious or spiritual.

i have a feeling this paper will generate even more threads on ats, especially the ufo debates, the haarp syndrome, heck i saw too many possible links to other topics here, all in a nice and well put up package.

and who is this millenium group?

thank you for this op, a nice read for a change.

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:05 PM
has anyone reached the bit about that magnetic anomaly running thru the great lakes to the gulf? hmm
i need anyone else's opinion besides mine.

i want to understand this paper objectivelly and not project my own views into it.

but is anyone reading this the same way i am?

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:13 PM
That article has been circulating for quite a while (an ATS search for "Dmitriev" finds a lot of threads dating way back).

The 'self-luminous formations' he describes are not UFOs (not alien craft anyway). They are natural phenomena (ball lightning and the like). He describes them in this earlier paper. He discusses various ideas about their origins and effects.

The claims about climate change occurring throughout the solar system have been brought up a lot (mostly by those denying AGW) but they don't really hold much water. There are stronger explanations for the warming which is observed on other planets, explanations local to the planets, not requiring external influences.

edit on 5/25/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:21 PM
Reply to post by Phage

yeah im not saying all of this is accurate, but the whole paper is solid if one is allowed to equate this to some other yet unproved physical models.

but this was back then, any more studies or papers by this guy that you know of phage? more recent that is.

and yeah while reading i recognized parts of this used for agw debunking, but never had read it fully.

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Phage
That article has been circulating for quite a while (an ATS search for "Dmitriev" finds a lot of threads dating way back).

The 'self-luminous formations' he describes are not UFOs (not alien craft anyway). They are natural phenomena (ball lightning and the like). He describes them in this earlier paper. He discusses various ideas about their origins and effects.

The claims about climate change occurring throughout the solar system have been brought up a lot (mostly by those denying AGW) but they don't really hold much water. There are stronger explanations for the warming which is observed on other planets, explanations local to the planets, not requiring external influences.

edit on 5/25/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Hi phage - That's why I said 'So Called UFOs' as I have always wondered - especially as they appear to becoming a more common sight - Are they some type of Energy - that our current space environment is projecting now. I don't know - I guess none of us do. But I am taken by this guys scientific perspective.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:11 PM
Hey, I want to read this article, but I can't find this guy's name on anything other than conspiracy sites like ATS, godlikeproductions, etc. I searched his name on wikipedia and google, using the full name and as many variations as I could come up with. I hate to sound like a 'doubting Thomas' but... is there any official site that cites his work (or existence?) I really want to know before I read it... help me out here, people!

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Seekeye2

I wouldn't put to much stock in the "scientific perspective" of the article.
One major premise of the article is that things are getting worse (something often heard on ATS but remember this was in 1996). But the data he uses seems to be questionable.

In addition, we must point out the abrupt growth of meteorological/weather catastrophes in recent years. In the Atlantic region alone there were 19 cyclones in 1994; 11 of which became hurricanes. This is a 100 year record [ 60]. The current year, 1996, is especially laden with reports of flooding and other types of meteocatastrophes. The dynamic growth of significant catastrophes shows a major increase in the rate of production since 1973. And in general, the number of catastrophes has grown by 410% between 1963 and 1993. Special attention must be focused on the growing number and variety of catastrophes, and to their consequences.

First, in 1994 there were 12 cyclones (7 named), 3 of which became hurricanes. Not particularly noteworthy and certainly not a record.

But the 2000's have shown in increase in the number of storms (after the article was written). But this increase seems to coincide with an increase in sea surface temperatures. Is that due to global warming (artifical or natural)? I would venture to say yes.

Our results indicate that the sensitivity of tropical Atlantic hurricane activity to August–September sea surface temperature over the period we consider is such that a 0.5 °C increase in sea surface temperature is associated with a approx40% increase in hurricane frequency and activity. The results also indicate that local sea surface warming was responsible for approx40% of the increase in hurricane activity relative to the 1950–2000 average between 1996 and 2005.

As to the other consequences he talks about, he doesn't really provide much in the way of what data he is using, just "catastrophes". It seems that he ties it into population and GNP. With the growth of urban populations, it's hard to clearly tell whether there are actually more events or just that the events which occur have greater impact because of the population increase.

edit on 5/25/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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