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UK-U.S Relations, no respect or UK hanging on?

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posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:44 AM
It seems that the US have become very friendly with the French as soon as they become one of the biggest members of the EU and share our army, coincidence? The UK has helped the US through thick and thin, didn't even get a thank you or a DVD in the right region to watch. Don't bother reading any secret documents or whislte blowers, the real relationship and reasons behind it are quite obvious when reading this telegraph article on Obama's top ten insults to Britain.
Obama's top ten insults to Britiain.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by Trolloks

Who cares?

There will be nothing special about the U.S. in a decade or so either. They will be just one of many powers in a multi polar world.

We need to broaden our political & economic relationships with the Commonwealth and other rising nations and stop fussing about our relationship with the U.S.A.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:54 AM
IMHO regardless of spin doctoring we are tucked up in each others pockets.. especially when discussing wars military and weapons.. more especially when you include Nuclear tech and facilities but with the UKs treaty with the French it all kinda comes across to me as a new Triple Entente has already happened and we know how those things end up.

So whatever the spin is... I don't think the outcome of the new relationship with Europe will be a pleasant one.

edit on 24/5/11 by thoughtsfull because: for clarity

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:54 AM
History tells many stories of the empire that got too big and top heavy with power.
it just takes one well placed stone to topple the giant.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Trolloks
It seems that the US have become very friendly with the French as soon as they become one of the biggest members of the EU and share our army, coincidence? The UK has helped the US through thick and thin, didn't even get a thank you or a DVD in the right region to watch. Don't bother reading any secret documents or whislte blowers, the real relationship and reasons behind it are quite obvious when reading this telegraph article on Obama's top ten insults to Britain.
Obama's top ten insults to Britiain.

Make no mistake about it, the Illuminati in positions of power in the UK and the Illuminati in positions of power in France and US ALL have the same agenda....part of which is to screw and kill the people. It's possible there may be some in-fighting going on - but NONE of them is working in our best interests. On the contrary, they want billions of us to die.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 07:19 AM
I wish I could say I was surprised but I am not.

Looking back through history the UK has been shat on by the USA government for years.

After world war 2 Britain was far ahead in nuclear research than America, so a deal was done where technical know how and scientists would be shared between both countries.

Once America started to advance more than the British then the research became a black project and US government put a stop to any research information coming back to the UK.

So the UK continued nuclear research leading up to Grapple X and Grapple Y nuclear bomb tests.
This demonstrated that the UK could make nuclear bombs.
After that the deal was back on, provided the UK brought US nuclear bombs and missiles.

Yeh thanks on the part of British stupidity, ineptitude and congratulations on American perception and sales techniques.

The Jet engine
Frank Whittle designed the jet engine in the UK (about the same time Ohain also developed the jet engine).
What did the UK government do ?
We gave it to America as part of the repayments for the lend lease agreement from WW II.

So these are two examples that show if there ever was a special relationship with the American government, it was in America's favour.
It also shows the UK governments stupidity and complete lack of foresight.

So no I am not surprised at all with Obama's dislike for the UK.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 07:20 AM
I don't think it matters what President Obama says at all - look at his recent chat with Mr Netanyahu! There is something very wrong about that man and someone, somewhere knows and is pulling his strings. I don't feel he has ever had the 'solid presence' of an American President, he doesn't seem to inspire confidence.

Those 10 things don't make any difference to the warm relations between the American and British publics. We all know that our governmenst are having a temporary smothering by various groups that think they run the world. Their time will come and once they are stripped away we will get our governments back. There are too many people protesting about the banks and policies that don't make sense and it will only get worse till things change.

One insult back from Britain just to Mr Obama, your wife has a very big a e! That's the rudest I have got on ATS and although it feels good, I won't do it again. Sorry folks.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Trolloks

Well join the club then! Remember when the French were doing nuclear tests at Mururoa Atoll in the 1990's? The Australian and New Zealand governments protests to the French government fell on deaf ears! They looked to the British government for a bit of support on this important issue and got none! That was because the British were getting the results "data" so they would not have to test themselves. The public down this part of the world felt the same way you are complaining about as the ANZACS had stuck with the UK through all kinds of wars!

The point is it happens! get over it we did!

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 07:27 AM
Not hanging on - the US is the Uk's biggest business investment as the UK is Americas

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 07:29 AM
Obama should of stayed in Ireland supping Guiness and shouting "yes we can" to whoops and cheers.

There is no special relationship, I cringe when prominent people in the UK keep mentioning it.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 07:31 AM
good.. its about time we ended this anglo american relationship anyway.. it never really benefited us anyway, the ball was always in the americas court.. and they do what suits them, screw everyone else..
we are a powerhouse of the EU.. which as a state is on par with the u.s in terms of influence and power.. especially in recent times of decline for america..
im sure it wont be long before america comes back with its tail between its legs when it needs more help or support for one of its phoney wars..
i say tell obama to stick it where the sun dont shine, we dont need anything from him anayway..

btw.. this is no way an attack on the american people.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 07:37 AM
Great reply's and insight from everyone, esspecialy diddy1234, some good info there. I would like to point out that this thread has no intention on offending american or uk public, purely diplomatic political topic. I just dont see why the UK is still dishing out everything to the US, while getting nothing in return. As the matter for the EU, we aint as influential as you may think, mainly because we still use sterling and not the euro. The situation just annoys me, while Obama is here i hope we serve him beans on toast for his dinner, before letting him out to do his speech so he farts continuously through out.

Also, when will the UK finish off the debt to the US for WWII? Just curious, because we've been paying that back for the last god damm 65years.
edit on 24-5-2011 by Trolloks because: WWII question.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 07:57 AM
I could be wrong but I thought the UK finished paying back America (Lend Lease agreement) back in 2008 (two years late due to late payments and interest rate changes).

Or was it Canada the UK were paying back ?

Either way, the financial collapse 'just' happened after this.
Slightly convenient.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:06 AM
I think our 'Special Relationship' goes way beyond governmental levels, which really isnt that important anyway as im sure the governments will be gone soon, lol.

The real, more important relationship is between the people of both of these countries which kind of comes about naturally, we speak the same language (well nearly, lol), we enjoy similar social passtimes, similar religions, etc..

Also not forgetting that UK chicks tend to dig US Guys and US chicks tend like us guys from the UK... A perfect match right there if you ask me, lol.

Oh.. and we both think our governemnts suck, lol

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:09 AM
I wouldn't mind having a special relationship with America if either of our governments were competent and actually cared about making the world a better place. As it stands, they don't, so I could not care less if the "special relationship" is over.

still, Obama throwing the bust of Churchill out of the Oval Office is pretty damn disrespectful and unnecessary.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 09:25 AM
I gather that the US needs the UK more than it's given credit for. The UK is the door opener around the world. It still has diplomatic influence, unlike the US, which blunders about and is percieved to just bomb anyone who doesn't fit in with it's corporate agenda.wit

The UK is still held in high esteem in many strategically important countries around the world.

We still invent a hell of a lot of important stuff. Cosidering we are a minute little island, we did once have the biggest empire. The Brits didn't do that with the US rewriting the movie like they did with WW2.

If indeed there is ever a shtf scenario, I guarantee us Brits will have a little moan about it and simply get on with prettying up the cave and roasting a hog, while the Americans will be having nervous breakdowns and running round shrieking like they do on their awful telly programs.

My tuppence worth

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 09:55 AM
I liked the comment on the Beeb... that Britain has the same kind of special relationship with America and Obama as Mexico and China..
haha and that was the Beeb talking up the relationship between Britain and the US..

So if I was to take that seriously I guess the bombs and missiles are already aimed this way..

edit on 24/5/11 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Trolloks

I think you may be mistaking who it is that is actually running this show. Never underestimate the Wettin's, or as some of them now preffered to be called, The Windsors.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 03:31 PM
Who are the British media kidding? Britons want Socialism and out values are contrasted to everything the Americans value. We're far more compatible with any other number of nations the world over. Plenty on our European door stop.

America likes to tout itself as the big daddy, but they're dependent on Europe, Britain, Australia etc. If people stopped bowing to their demands, they'd crumble.

The special relationship is pathetic. It's an embarrassment to British democracy and freedom. I'd sooner be allied with Venezuela

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 03:35 PM
It's sad that we are so obsessed in this country with Obama uttering the words "special relationship". The British press are gagging for those words like little lap dogs , its embarrassing. Lets just be happy with the reationship we have and leave it that, it's like the behavior of a needy girlfriend.

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