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U.S to protect Pakistani Nuclear Plants...

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posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I still can't believe we got away with the raid on Osama's mansion.

That violated so much International Law it's crazy...I really can't believe more nations weren't up in arms. Am I missing something?

Madness Gazrock really is, looks like special forces have BEEN IN pakistan since 2009 WIKILEAKS must read:

ISLAMABAD: Contrary to Pakistani military's persistent assertion that it will not allow foreign troops to operate within the country, US special forces were embedded with Pakistani troops for intelligence gathering and were also deployed on joint operations in their territory, according to secret US diplomatic cables.

The cables released by WikiLeaks said that US special operations forces were embedded with Pakistani troops for intelligence gathering by the summer of 2009 and deployed with them on joint operations in Pakistani territory by September the same year.

The issue has gained heightened sensitivity in the wake of the US raid against Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad. The revelations go against the Pakistani military's claim that it will not allow foreign troops to operate within the country for operations to flush out the Taliban and other militant elements.

"We have created intelligence fusion cells with embedded US special forces with both SSG and Frontier Corps (Bala Hisar, Peshawar) with the Rover equipment ready to deploy," then US ambassador Anne Patterson was quoted by Dawn newspaper as saying in a cable to the state department in May 2009.
Time s of India

international Law, Justice Honesty all of the governments are lyng to their and other people, there seems to be no adherence to truth or law anywhere in the world politically at the mo.

Kind Regards,


posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

Yep, and it's a VERY slippery slope. At this rate, if terrorists don't yet have a nuke, they will extremely soon...

Granted, non-action would probably have the same effect...but I can't help but feel we're going to get a LOT of international heat (especially from Arab nations) if we put troops in to protect Pakistani nukes.

It's strange, that the average bloke on the street probably has NO idea about how dangerous the world will be getting in the next few weeks....

Of course, from a legal standpoint, the Obama administration just got away with murder, a government sanctioned assassination on foreign soil without that nation's I guess they're feeling pretty ballsy at the moment...

(I have to laugh, because it's better than the alternative, which is the instinct to worry incessantly)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:24 PM
It's not their home.
edit on 11/04/11 by LaTouffe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf

Originally posted by Gazrok
I still can't believe we got away with the raid on Osama's mansion.

That violated so much International Law it's crazy...I really can't believe more nations weren't up in arms. Am I missing something?

Madness Gazrock really is, looks like special forces have BEEN IN pakistan since 2009 WIKILEAKS must read:

ISLAMABAD: Contrary to Pakistani military's persistent assertion that it will not allow foreign troops to operate within the country, US special forces were embedded with Pakistani troops for intelligence gathering and were also deployed on joint operations in their territory, according to secret US diplomatic cables.

The cables released by WikiLeaks said that US special operations forces were embedded with Pakistani troops for intelligence gathering by the summer of 2009 and deployed with them on joint operations in Pakistani territory by September the same year.

The issue has gained heightened sensitivity in the wake of the US raid against Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad. The revelations go against the Pakistani military's claim that it will not allow foreign troops to operate within the country for operations to flush out the Taliban and other militant elements.

"We have created intelligence fusion cells with embedded US special forces with both SSG and Frontier Corps (Bala Hisar, Peshawar) with the Rover equipment ready to deploy," then US ambassador Anne Patterson was quoted by Dawn newspaper as saying in a cable to the state department in May 2009.
Time s of India

international Law, Justice Honesty all of the governments are lyng to their and other people, there seems to be no adherence to truth or law anywhere in the world politically at the mo.

Kind Regards,


I figured such.. I mean, they are giving billions in US Aid.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 03:12 PM
The pakistanis are not stupid people, theyre just very careless and stubborn...they are smart..they know what they are doing..

but i might be usa mistake,,,

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 03:25 PM
We really have to question the timing of things happening in Pakistan. Here is another recent event that would be of concern that goes far beyond reactors.

SINGAPORE May 15 (Reuters) - Pakistan's successful test of a missile able to carry short range nuclear weapons threatens to raise tensions in a region already nervous that the death of Osama bin Laden will create more instability. Tactical nuclear weapons, as these are called, are often seen as more dangerous than the traditional strategic weapons because their small size and vulnerability to misuse. Theft makes them a risk to global security. The biggest concern is that these low yield weapons are seen as less destructive and therefore more likely to be used than other classes of weapons, forcing most nuclear states to minimize the risk by cutting back stockpiles.

Scary stuff.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 04:01 PM
It's not a coincidence that this Alleged 'Raid' and 'Assassination' of Osama was done on Pakistan Soil.

Just one more Chess Move

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 08:11 AM
I think the United States had no right to do what they did.

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