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This is a question for all you single men if a shtf....

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posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by saltdog

Originally posted by Misterlondon
All you guys making these threads and replying to them.. Look at the bigger picture.. If we were In an apocalypse situation.. You wouldn't be worried about getting your end away.. You will be more concerned about your survival and where your next meal is coming from..
These threads are a little pointless to be honest, you just wouldn't know how you will react in that situation..

Oh but they do because they played it out in a video game and leaped from building and burnt up people with bolts of lightning from there eyes and an atom boom from there butt....

The majority of the responders must be like oh 12-17 years old...atleast thats the mentality of them anyway.

I bet most of them still live at home with mommy and would get grounded if mommy knew what they were

Well, I can agree in some ways but my reality is that I do know myself and being 3 decades past the 17 yr olds, I can say that I do know what I would do and how I would react.

That's what you get from age, the ability to look at yourself and ask "What would I do?" and based on your life experience, being able to answer.

Also, what about the question of who the Women will CHOOSE to be with? They're a pretty good judge of character and they'll see the true person behind the mask very quickly.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by CanadianDream420

Would you........?

What the hell are you talking aboot..?

Log off and get outside dude...apparently interacting with opposite gender has alluded you so far.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
I really wanted to know the answer to my question, but it seems this thread will be about "getting back at women" ....or how you will rape them, or hate them for whatever reason...have fun boys, I'm outta here. I'm disappointed.

Hang in there...we're not all Rape-Crazy Neanderthals. I won't stereotype you if you afford me the same courtesy..

Your input is needed on this thread.

edit on 20-5-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by thegoods724
no kidding, its more like use a woman to full capacity, since thats all women do with guys, call it karma sweet revenge whatever you want, women are worse than guys and deserve nothing more than to be used.
edit on 20-5-2011 by thegoods724 because: (no reason given)

Jaded much?

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by CanadianDream420
Would you be able to approach woman more easily?... Be aggressive sexually?
Would you lower your standards dramatically just to have someone to care for and release sexual desires?..
Would you risk your own life to save a random female stranger?..

Honestly, being married already I can tell you a couple things about standards if it's looks and charm you are talking about - I married once previously for beauty (not solely of course I loved her as well) but I juggled prospective mates based on looks for sure. It was important to me that I have a trophy type wife. All my peers did.

Being married to the first wife, who was 8 years my junior was more like having a child than a wife. She was pretty and all sex was a fantastic thing but she couldn’t balance a check book or manage money and when I deployed she was a wreck. She turned to others and alcohol because I was deployed so often.

Second time, married someone my age, with experience and skills, she grew up on a farm and can manage money and is independent. She is also a former Army Engineer Officer and combat veteran. Is she a beauty queen - nope but she has a girl next door charm that in combination with her level head and other things that make her an ideal mate choice. She is smart independent and most of all trustworthy.

If for some reason she were to pass away and I were to lose her I doubt I would look for a replacement especially if our child is out of the house. I'd rather hire a live in household manager and cook than find another wife.

I don't think anyone could ever replace her in my heart.

I guess I might look for a new mate if our child were still at home when it happened depending on how she reacted but looks would be the least of my concerns - character is what matters.

I would risk my life for a stranger probably since I did it for a living most of my life depending on the situation. I certainly would risk it to save someone male or female from a bondage/rape/captivity scenario. I would not take undue risk and have a skill set that would enable me to do more than some others might with less risk.

Companionship is good and I wouldn’t want to be alone but a good solid friend, be it male or female who has some skills at survival would be preferable to a simple sexual release device. I was born with two of those already if you know what I mean. I don’t have to feed them extra or protect them from stupid decisions either.

Good Post, i learnt that in the hard way too !

edit on 20-5-2011 by grinitagi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:39 PM
In a SHTF scenario, yes. I would be able to approach a woman more easily. Hell I could approach a man more easily. This is a catastrophic situation and I share a common species and genus with them. It doesn't have to be about sex.

Would I be aggressive sexually? Not anymore than I am now. Rape doesn't really appeal to me, so I doubt it would happen. But rough sexual activity is fine by me. If the situation warrants it and we're both feeling that way, why not?

I could always release sexual desires on my own. And I doubt my standards would really mean anything when I have a million other things to worry about. Standards do not apply to caring for someone the same way they do for copulating with someone. Only if a choice presented itself would my standards mean anything. IF that even happens.

Honestly, I do not know if I would risk my own life. I've never had to, so I do not know if I'm capable of such. I'll make that decision when it happens.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

Hey! I take offense at that remark!
I know you weren't casting all men into this class. To answer your question, I would not behave that way. I couldn't. Goes against my grain. I'm built to protect, not harm. That being said, sometimes protecting one person means one has to inflict harm on another, so for anyone claiming they'd roam around the landscape doing untoward things to women... or any fellow human for that matter, you won't survive long in my territory.

I place rape and cannibalism in the same class. Once you've reached either of these levels in a disaster situation, you've already lost your humanity, thus losing your reason for existence.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:42 PM
Why I think the obvious answer would be to have another male as your mate. Think about it, have another strong guy to help hunt, build, track, skin, etc. and either of you could cook the food you have. If it came to sexual needs, those could be gratified in many ways AND with no consequence of having a child who will need care, attention and food to survive. You wouldn't want a child if those type conditions were occurring anyway...not to mention all the PMS! That alone should drive you to a guy!

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by dreampsi
..not to mention all the PMS! That alone should drive you to a guy!

Not all women have PMS.

Im actually impressed with a lot of the answers. And I think it is just a maturity thing. Some people never do mature, but those that do realize that looks, money, all of that, is not as important as character and loyalty in the long run.

I pick my friends that way too. Never based on what they are or what they have, always based on who, deep down inside, they are.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by jstanthrno1
I intend to go caveman... club the spouse of choice and drag them back to my hideout...

concur. Might as well turn the clock backwards to the beginning

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by hp1229

Originally posted by jstanthrno1
I intend to go caveman... club the spouse of choice and drag them back to my hideout...

concur. Might as well turn the clock backwards to the beginning

Better sleep with one eye open in that cave.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 05:42 PM
When the SHTF its not going to be like it is now. Its going to brake down like tribes or gangs of people and it will be hard to meet anyone and trust them.

People will be playing people even harder, tricking them into doing things to get the upper hand. Love is about trust and its will be hard to fall in love when the SHTF

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by saltdog

Oh but they do because they played it out in a video game and leaped from building and burnt up people with bolts of lightning from there eyes and an atom boom from there butt....

The majority of the responders must be like oh 12-17 years old...atleast thats the mentality of them anyway.

I bet most of them still live at home with mommy and would get grounded if mommy knew what they were

Well its very disappointing to see people casually discussing rape as an acceptable option in any situation but I still appreciate the honesty of the Internet. It is like the ultimate peek inside the men's lockerroom lol you get to hear what they really think. Too bad its usually so nasty.

The internet revealed to me that men's egos are much more fragile than I imagined possible, and that some men can harbor very long, deep grudges against women for things that seem so trivial to me. Something about wounding a man's vanity I just don't get it, but then again neither gender will either get the other.

And anyone discussing rape as a serious option, please don't. Grow up. Thanks.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 08:50 PM
It wouldnt change my attitude towards women a single bit ...
I would respect them as much as i do now ... and would be unlikely to sleep around or 'make do' with anyone, just as i am now ...
If anything, the only instinct that would kick in, would be to protect them all .. i love women

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 08:53 PM
Give and receive care,companionship, mutual survival and save the children.
Start a school to educate the next generation.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 09:45 PM
Personally (as I stated in another one of these threads) I would avoid women like the Plague. And I'm a straight man that loves women.

Several reasons for this. First being, I would imagine various "gangs" would use women as bait to lure in people, to enslave them, steal there stuff, whatever else. You see a cute girl walking down the road all alone, you think "hey, she might be down for the nasty considering our situation" or the less evolved will think "hey, she might be an easy victim, time to do the nasty!" Either way it ends the same. You approach her, and BAM! Her group of thieves descend upon you like locusts on a field, killing you at taking your chit. I would be too paranoid having anything to due with women, always thinking they were being used as a ploy to trap people.

Next reason, assuming you meet a girl who actually isn't plotting against you, you two start liking each other, and before you know if start doing the nasty. She, however, forgot to mention she has a myriad of STDs, and you spend the rest of your apocalyptic days in severe discomfort and perhaps die an early death. Or, say you knock her up. Now you feel obliged to take care of her and the child (at least I would) and you end up loosing your life because you are towing around a woman with child.

Third reason, say you find yourself a nice girl, clean as can be, and you two roam the wasteland together as soul mates. Say you then meet another group, or another person, who unfortunately for them were not so lucky, and they want your girly. So they proceed to kill you in order to steal your new mate. Maybe they wouldn't bother with you just to steal your stuff, but the thought of a woman is too much for them to move on, so your screwed.

Or you do something to piss her off, and she cuts your junk off, kills you, or otherwise harms you because "hey, there are no police! I'll get away with it!" Pulling a bobbit in the PAW would be easy. Too scary.

There are just so many reasons to not get involved with women after TSHTF. The only situation where I would, is in some sort of commune or something along those lines. But not any lone traveler or even small group type deal. Even then my goal would not to be repopulating the earth, how are we to know the Earth NEEDS repopulating? Maybe there are still millions of people alive all over the world, and your little sexual escapades aren't going to have any effect on the future of the human race. I mean, dropping for 7+billion people, to say 12 million is basically getting rid of everybody, but 12 million people is still a LOT of people.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:03 PM
Would you be able to approach woman more easily?... Be aggressive sexually?

No more cautiously as they would be on alert. If by sexually aggressive you mean rapey No!

Would you lower your standards dramatically just to have someone to care for and release sexual desires?..

No. Why would I care for someone when no one cares for me? As for sexual desires my hand and a healthy imagination do the job well, I'm sure it will be the same then.

Would you risk your own life to save a random female stranger?..

Yes, been in this situation already. Unfortunately my heart is noble.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Partygirl

Originally posted by saltdog

Oh but they do because they played it out in a video game and leaped from building and burnt up people with bolts of lightning from there eyes and an atom boom from there butt....

The majority of the responders must be like oh 12-17 years old...atleast thats the mentality of them anyway.

I bet most of them still live at home with mommy and would get grounded if mommy knew what they were

Well its very disappointing to see people casually discussing rape as an acceptable option in any situation but I still appreciate the honesty of the Internet. It is like the ultimate peek inside the men's lockerroom lol you get to hear what they really think. Too bad its usually so nasty.l

The internet revealed to me that men's egos are much more fragile than I imagined possible, and that some men can harbor very long, deep grudges against women for things that seem so trivial to me. Something about wounding a man's vanity I just don't get it, but then again neither gender will either get the other.

And anyone discussing rape as a serious option, please don't. Grow up. Thanks.

These so called men discussing rape are nothing more than hairless monkeys acting off base desires and instincts. These are the same creatures who let women run their lives long as they can get some every once in awhile and hopefully get a son out of the deal. Most people men or women are just annals with little spiritualality or substance to their character. Lost souls that society idolize.

Men holding grudges lol I've seen women hold em for years over the stupidest crap. In fact my family no longer has reunions do to such monumental crap between women.

You did get one part right us real men get hurt deeply by women that we loved cared and sacrificed for to later be thrown away like Kleenex. And we are unlikely to forget such immense pain. Women who have been molested know this pain. Unfortunately it seems as if its just passed back and fourth between genders as readily as STDs.

I love women and hate them. And for all the love I experienced the pain is what haunts me most.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:34 PM
I was celibate in my twenties for three years due to wanting to be a priest. That didn't work out. I have been celibate once more for the past two years, and now I'm close to my forties. In a SHTF situation, I would help where I was needed. But as far as a woman in a sexual manner, I could live without. Although it would be nice to have sexual relations with a woman. I would not sacrifice the survival of my son or myself for that. Just a rescue is all. Being a man is more than screwing for a rescue.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:04 AM
what is wrong with you people?!?!?!?!!! you talk about rape like its nothing
how would you like it if a guy forced his dik in your as? i shure as hell wouldnt like it.. i wood prolly shoot ma self the second i had the chance! yall need to listen to that tupac song.. you no the one that gos "we all came from a woman got our name from a woman.." shyiiiit.......
as for the questions, i am already very confident with wemon, i dont sit arround on a computer all day in my moms basement(no offense), i have work, gym, ladies, and the beach keeping me busy so im pretty social.
and i would never rape a woman, i mean if i wanna get ma dik wet i would just find a nice girl, protect her and get to know her first, IS THAT REALLY SO DIFFICULT??
i like to think that i would put my life on the line to save a lady, if anyone was in trouble man or women i would do what i could to help them, but i have to admit i would try alot harder if that person was jessica alba

i hope all you rapists out there get some crazy stds and are the first to die in shtf. or worse you try to break into the walmart that ill be livin in, then youll really get messed up.

"i kno your fed up ladies.. but keep your head up"-da late n' great 2pac(im white dont judge me

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