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serious question please answer with respect.

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posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

via what you said .
i will add this.
she said my part in all of this is to spread the word.
and jesus told her i would in turn turn to god for answer's..and find him.

to be honest i am having my doubt's as of late..i assure you that.

also i have no idea about Noah.
i have never read more than 3 pages of the bible in my life.
and i am being honest here.
i may have skimmed it ect.. never read the book.
so i got no idea.
edit on 19-5-2011 by TheAmused because: (no reason given)

That's O.K. =]

the Bible can seem very intimidating. What you want to do is skip to the ' New Testament ' of Jesus Christ =]

first read John 3:16 .. and proceed to the beginning of the New Testament.

Ask GOD sincerely before reading to allow you to understand.
He is so glad you're opening your heart to Him!

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by steven704

Ask in my name   (King James Version)

John 14:13 " And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. "

According to His will.
Ask Our Holy Father in Jesus name that you may understand His Word.

here is a pretty neat online Bible quote finder as well. just enjoy

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Scales
reply to post by TheAmused

"They did not revive a small child after she died from polio. Im sorry, but the time that polio was around, people werent even 100% sure of where food goes after you eat it...

That is probably one of the most ignorant comments I have ever seen on ATS.

Poliomyelitis was first recognized as a distinct condition by Jakob Heine in 1840.[5] Its causative agent, poliovirus, was identified in 1908 by Karl Landsteiner.[5] Although major polio epidemics were unknown before the late 19th century, polio was one of the most dreaded childhood diseases of the 20th century. Polio epidemics have crippled thousands of people, mostly young children; the disease has caused paralysis and death for much of human history. Polio had existed for thousands of years quietly as an endemic pathogen until the 1880s, when major epidemics began to occur in Europe; soon after, widespread epidemics appeared in the United States.[6]

By 1910, much of the world experienced a dramatic increase in polio cases and frequent epidemics became regular events, primarily in cities during the summer months. These epidemics—which left thousands of children and adults paralyzed—provided the impetus for a "Great Race" towards the development of a vaccine. Developed in the 1950s, polio vaccines are credited with reducing the global number of


I'm pretty sure the medical establishment, not to mention people in general, knew where food went by 1840 or 1910. Polio wasn't even much of an issue until the 20th century.

edit on 5/19/2011 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

I'm not all that familiar with most mental disorders but I am very familiar with Alzheimer's and what you described sounds nothing like Alzheimer's.

I believe we mere humans have no clue what all there is to know. She has proven herself to have prophetic ability in the past so maybe this is going to have some truth to it even if not the whole ball of wax is true.

Exercise patience with her because either way, she needs your support. Keep us posted with what is happening with her.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:10 PM
I really think this thread should be read by eveyrone. We have heard of many things in the past and it does mention in the bible about people becoming prophets at the end of times seeing visions ect..

I had an experience a few years ago that i still have a hard time beliving but as a previous poster replied you dont know which side it comes from.
My experience was lots of info all jammed into a few days i lost it.. couldnt take it, couldnt sleep,, so i stayed away from the net for many months. then took it up again only to find all that was revealed to me ( that i could not take in at the time) actually happened, stuff i was shown that has been happening the last few years

I have to say it was weird as i knew things about stuff that had not been revealed yet.. but as the years have been progressing what i was shown is actualy happening now.. ok weird i know but its kind of hard to put in words on a PC.

A few key things were weird to me then but now make lots more sense now.

I feel you should let your mother know that what whe sees as happening in the very near future, could actully be years away. ( i could be wrong). From my experience it was happening then and that was five years ago and as the years have passed it is now becoming more clear to me. As the things i was shown are happening now and the last few years.

ok weird i know sorry if it is off topic.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by SavedOne

Originally posted by ldyserenity
Wait we're all the seed of Abraham? What about the Jewish peoples weren't they the seed of David? That would make two factions? Two Gods?

You are correct, but you misunderstand why there are "two factions" as you put it, both factions are under one God. I'm going to try and describe in a paragraph what should really be a novel, but the short version is that there are two dispensations at work here. In the Book of Daniel there is a description of God's dispensation with the Jews (seed of David), it is otherwise known as the "70 weeks of Daniel". A week is a period of 7 years. 69 of those "weeks" transpired up to the time the Jews rejected Jesus and He was crucified, at that time God placed His dispensation with the Jews on hold and began His dispensation with the Gentiles, or the "church age" that we currently live in. Those who follow Christ are the seed of Abraham:

Galatians 3:16
Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

The Jews are not:

John 8:39
They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

So we're not talking about actual bloodlines here, we're talking about spiritual lines. The event commonly referred to as the rapture will be the removal of Christ's church from the earth. This event will end God's dispensation with the Gentiles. His dispensation with the Jews will resume at that point, and it will last one "week" (seven years). This is the event known as the Tribulation. I hope that makes sense, it's a complex subject and tough to cover in a brief summary

Thanks for clearing that up.
I guess I took it literally as bloodlines.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by TheAmused
i have asked her flat out the date.
She says she isnt allowed to utter the date.

Last night she started talking about my cousin we only see him once a year at the family reunion.
we don;t even talk during the year.
Well she got in the zone no idea what to call it at this point.
Told us to tell my cousin his wife of 6 year's is pregnant.
She like me posting before made me call him and tell him to check.
said the voices told her it will validate she isn't lying.
and make us believe her.
It was a awkward conversation.
But he relize's my mother is sick and try's to help by playing along.
He said we will go to get a test tonight and tell you later.
i said ok man ect..
This morning he called and yes in fact she is pregnant.
he said tell ya momma thanks and i said alight man and congratz.

But here is more i refuse to tell him.
my mother is mad at me for not telling him.
and i am sorry it isn't right.
She wants me to tell him jesus said not to worry that he would take care of there son in heaven.
and that she would miscarry at 6 months.
and give's details how and where via a car wreck.
and that we all would rejoin them soon and not to worry for they will get to hold him soon afterwards.
But there is no way i am going to tell that part to him or her.

I just thought i would add that to the evidence locker so to speak.
what to make of it i got no idea.

So lets say she is correct about tribulation's. too
if correct my cousins wife will miscarry in 6 months .
and we all are gonna go home as she puts it soon after wards to my calculation thats the 11th month or 12th.
but like i said she wont give a date.

Wow that is a pretty intense premonition, and you were right not to tell your cousin about the possible miscarriage, afterall the future is never 100% written in stone.

So I am curious. Can you be more specific, what exactly her message is? Since you said your mother isnt allowed to tell the date, since she is using you as her sounding board- and this website as the medium. Can you have her translate it for you and explain that the people here on this website would like to know in more detail what the message is? A little more than - read the bible and prepare for the end of the world etc etc...

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

Alright... well after reading everything on here your mother sounds confused and terrified but to my standards not crazy. She needs love, comfort, support, and help with her abilities. If she wishes you to relay painful information perhaps some good will come of it. Who are you to judge what your mother wishes and what she tries to do and accomplish. The dead shall walk.... the dead already walk. Dunno why that came to mind but it did. From what I can tell your mom is very religious... and I feel that the people she spoke with have a reason to not be named. She is only following her duty and destiny and if you think thats an easy pill to swallow it isn't. I feel for your mother and wish her support. Btw... just curious... ask her if she spoke with an Orrin and tell me what she says. I'd be curious to hear.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

But here is more i refuse to tell him.
my mother is mad at me for not telling him.
and i am sorry it isn't right.
She wants me to tell him jesus said not to worry that he would take care of there son in heaven.
and that she would miscarry at 6 months.
and give's details how and where via a car wreck.
and that we all would rejoin them soon and not to worry for they will get to hold him soon afterwards.

Dude, tell him.

If she isn't crazy, he might have an opportunity to change the outcome. He might also have less guilt afterwards if it does happen. Besides, how are you going to explain things if it does happen and you knew before hand, and you didn't try to help? That could end your relationship with your brother, he might even blame the wreck and miscarriage on you!

Tell him exactly the way you told us.

There is no such thing as too much information. My wife knows this. If the dress makes you look fat, it makes you look fat. Speak the truth and let the cards fall where they may. Be gentle, but you better tell him.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused
Ok my mother has always had a gift of seeing the future.

She once woke up from the nights rest and told my father he couldn't go to work.
he said why?
She said i heard it on the radio a tornado hit your plant and kills 9 people ...
He argued with her so long because she was frantic he was 15 minutes late for work.
8 people died in a tornado that morning..he saw the roof lift of the building.

That sort of gift.
what ever you call it.

Well today my mother has to me lost her mind.
She is talking to dead people

who ever you are , stop putting this ramble ourt there. no, the world is not going to end. Sometimes when you get old you say things, so what. UNTIL, i see it first hand, only then will i be a believer, but still a sceptic.
telling everyone we are the seed of Abraham.
and god is a alien.
and the dead are going to rise from the dead and walk the earth very soon cause god told her.
That basically the tribulation is coming soon.
and that god told her to tell us to tell everyone...thus why i am here...

She even told us all the people's name she is talking to.
over 8 separate people and tell us exactly what they keep telling her.
Some things she wont say cause they are bad to her...some she tells us.

i think my mother of 60+ years of age has lost her mind and i even took her to the doctor.
she was doing jumping jacks and dancing for the doctor and joking around.
but she had polio and can barely move...the doctors are like how are you doing this?
she tells them the lord healed her to spread the word tribulations is coming soon.
She is dead serious.
She gives great detail's..far to much for me to even will make your head explode.

So my point is if she is right as she has been before.
Heaven help us all.
Worse case scenario for me is i loose my mother to a mental illness.

but wither way i fulfill my promise to my mother by spreading the word the end is near.
and i am right with that.

But is she crazy?
or is she a prophet?

My mother has never lied to me in her life.
and beg's with tears for me to believe her.

And the doctors are stumped how she is walking and doing jumping jacks..she had polio and died when she was young from it..the revived her...and gave her the cure for it.
and here i am telling this story.
But she couldn't walk with out she can do the twist...jumping jacks ect....

all i can say i am tore up .
i think i have lost my mother.
edit on 18-5-2011 by TheAmused because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by cloaked4u

I made my reply, and i got edited out. There will be nothing that will happen.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN


I can identify with this, 1 month ago, I was sitting in my living room and suddenly got a very deep and very urgent feeling in my gut/pit of my stomach that I needed to tell my daughter about how Christians will be taken right before the public's eye.

I haven't had this 'feeling' in a VERY long time. I went over some scriptures with her and told her that anyone claiming the Christian faith will will fully believe w/o question and on their death bed that they will be taken.

Yes, it's going to happen. When, I'm not sure. but I do know that those that died in Christ will rise from the dead (how exactly is unknown, will we see them is unknown, will they remain here as they did when Jesus arouse?, Unknown) FIRST and we who are alive and remain will be taken afterwards (how long after the first event will we have to wait to be taken? UNKNOWN but, assumed it will be fairly immediate.)

Now, here's a few things to deeply consider, according to scripture of the Holy Bible,

Matthew 27:52-53 "and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many."

and of one account, which after reading the entire book of Gospel of Nicodemus, left me weeping in tears instantly at a Barnes and Nobel bookstore which to this day, to me is credible because I was posed with the question after finding a corner to hide my tears in public till I could find a restroom...the question to me during my tearful encounter was..

"what in those passages of scripture made you weep so?" ..

the question was almost a rhetorical one but, with a twist, for a lack of a better word. I know, when I weep after reading normal scripture out of the Canonical Holy Bible, I know it's God that is speaking to me, I have a confirmation in my spirit & mind that it is the truth. (For the Holy Spirit will guide you into ALL truth)

here's short paragraph from the Gospel of Nicodemus

The Gospel of Nicodemus, Vol 8, Chapter I:

Then Rabbi Addas and Rabbi Finees, and Rabbi Egias, the three men who had come from Galilee, testifying that they had seen Jesus taken up into heaven, rose up in the midst of the multitude of the chiefs of the Jews, and said before the priests and the Levites, who had been called together to the council of the Lord:

"When we were coming from Galilee we met at the Jordan a very great multitude of men, fathers who had been some time dead"...And they went, and walked around all the region of the Jordan and of the mountains, and they were coming back without finding them. And, behold, suddenly there appeared coming down from Mount Amalech a very great number, as it were, twelve thousand men, who had risen with the Lord.

And though they recognized very many there, they were not able to say anything to them for fear and the angelic vision; and they stood at a distance gazing and hearing them, how they walked along singing praises, and saying; "The Lord has risen again from the dead, as He has said; let us all exult and be glad, since He reins for ever." Then those who had been sent were astonished and fell to the ground for fear, and received the answer from them, that they should see Karinus and Leucius in their own houses. And they rose up and went to their houses, and found them spending their time in prayer.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

old us to tell my cousin his wife of 6 year's is pregnant. She like me posting before made me call him and tell him to check. said the voices told her it will validate she isn't lying. and make us believe her. It was a awkward conversation. But he relize's my mother is sick and try's to help by playing along. He said we will go to get a test tonight and tell you later. i said ok man etc.. This morning he called and yes in fact she is pregnant.

I've had God tell me on 2 occasions that my sister-in-law was pregnant and the other occasion was a close friends wife was pregnant. Both came true.

I can assure you, your mom is NOT crazy, but is moving in the spirit as God leads. Now, somethings, such as the car wreak, I would have to definitely pray about that.

I know I've been told a few things that I was told NEVER to mention and this day, will not until told to do so. I would LOVE to meet your Mom~!

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by Komodo
reply to post by BO XIAN


I can identify with this, 1 month ago, I was sitting in my living room and suddenly got a very deep and very urgent feeling in my gut/pit of my stomach that I needed to tell my daughter about how Christians will be taken right before the public's eye.

I haven't had this 'feeling' in a VERY long time. I went over some scriptures with her and told her that anyone claiming the Christian faith will will fully believe w/o question and on their death bed that they will be taken.

Yes, it's going to happen. When, I'm not sure. but I do know that those that died in Christ will rise from the dead (how exactly is unknown, will we see them is unknown, will they remain here as they did when Jesus arouse?, Unknown) FIRST and we who are alive and remain will be taken afterwards (how long after the first event will we have to wait to be taken? UNKNOWN but, assumed it will be fairly immediate.)

The verse you cite regards the end of the age when Jesus raised all at the great white throne judgment. The relevant verses concerning the disappearance of Christians in full public view (which I find interesting mind you) are as follows:

Luk 17:34 "I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left.
Luk 17:35 "Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left.
Luk 17:36 "Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left."

1Cr 15:51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed--
1Cr 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
1Cr 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on immortality.

1 Thessalonians 4:15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
1 Thess 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1 Thess 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

1 Thess 4:18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Scales
reply to post by TheAmused

How is she a prophet if she heard this on the radio lol?

My understanding of the post was that she heard a message before the event occured - whether she thought it had come through the radio, or whether she knew it was not but claimed she heard it on the radio to make her husband believe her, is not clear from the post.

To the original poster:

I think the idea of sitting down with her and a decent video camera and recording a session might be interesting. If you do that, please don't make it a straight interview - if nothing else, this is a chance to record some memories with a loved one, and should the chance to discuss life, love and everything important to you both. I'm sure there is a lifetime's worth of stories that she would love to share with you. Ask her what she is happy for you to share with others.

Having said that, try to have an idea of what you want to cover and how to get there. Let it flow, don't ask her questions that suggest an answer ('leading questions') and make sure she has the opportunity to say as much as she wants on a subject.

If anything comes from it, don't post the video on Youtube. If she makes predictions and nothing can be identified as accurate, do you really want your last recorded memory of her to be widely known as "that crazy old lady on Youtube"?.

Carefully and accurately(!) make a transcription. If it weren't for the personal nature of the talk then I would say it needs to be completely unedited. In this case you may wish to edit out the parts that are too personal or that she isn't happy to share, but leave as much as possible intact. Post it so that the time/date of the information is established.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

She could have Alztheimers, Dimentia, schitzophrenia etc. Or she could also (as you said) be some what of a prophet. If the doctors are baffled, believe what she is saying. My mom can also tell the future (some what of course...Like when her phone is going to ring etc.) Your mother, no matter what the age, could actually be receiving messages from God.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 02:56 PM
Bringing up a few month old thread because I am curious if your mother is saying anything new these days. It is about that timeframe that something was supposed to happen according to the OP.

Anything new from your mom OP?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by TheAmused
serious question please answer with respect.

She once woke up from the nights rest and told my father he couldn't go to work.
he said why?


But is she crazy?


or is she a prophet?


Did I follow the OP's directions properly?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 03:44 PM
Hope the OP is still kicking around, I would love to read what more he can get out of his Mom.
Interesting read for sure!

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by schuyler

I haven't shared this story with my father, because I think it would be hurtful to him, but when his mother (my grandmother) was dying, she often saw terrible things. He is aware of that fact, she was constantly afraid, and the things she described were disturbing images of insects and hands and torment.

My mother-in-law at the time was a nurse in a nursing home. She had sat with many people as they died, and she said they always went one way or another. Either peacefully with a smile or a sigh at that last moment, or they went tortuously, moaning and writhing about painfully. She always assumed it was an indication of their heaven or their hell.

If it can be any comfort to you study the life and death of the prophet Elisha....not to be confused with Elijah. He shows what may look to some like forms of sanctioned maddness and he died after fighting a protracted illness.

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