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Come On Truthers! Show you Commitment to the Truth....

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posted on May, 17 2011 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by wcitizen

I don't think it is reasonable to equate being interviewed on a major news channel, however much you think they have a slant , with being interviewed on the Alex Jones show. The latter being notorious as a conspiracy lunatic; although I do wonder how much he actually believes.

So far as what Pieczenik said, he says he got it from an unknown prominent general. That is total bunk unless we are told who the general is, that the general corroborates it , and the general was in a position to know.

I think it's perfectly reasonable to compare the two - except that it's an insult to Alex Jones. The MSM are the GREATEST purveyors of government propaganda, lies and deceit on the planet.

They are the GREATEST TRAITORS, because if they were doing their job properly and reporting truthfully, we would not now be in the terrible mess we are in.

When the Cabal comes down, I will be one of millions who demand that the Media be tried for treason.

Regarding what Pieczenik says, it's infantile and arrogant to dismiss it as total bunk. He has an extraordinary amount of experience and inside knowledge. He has given a witness testimony, not hearsay, and has stated he's willing to sign an affidavit.

edit on 17-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by wcitizen

I don't think it is reasonable to equate being interviewed on a major news channel, however much you think they have a slant , with being interviewed on the Alex Jones show. The latter being notorious as a conspiracy lunatic; although I do wonder how much he actually believes.

So far as what Pieczenik said, he says he got it from an unknown prominent general. That is total bunk unless we are told who the general is, that the general corroborates it , and the general was in a position to know.

I think it's perfectly reasonable to compare the two - except that it's an insult to Alex Jones. The MSM are the GREATEST purveyors of government propaganda, lies and deceit on the planet.

They are the GREATEST TRAITORS, because if they were doing their job properly and reporting truthfully, we would not now be in the terrible mess we are in.

When the Cabal comes down, I will be one of millions who demand that the Media be tried for treason.

edit on 17-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

Is that right ? Please remind me who rooted out Watergate and Iran Contra ?

Perhaps you are expecting them to uncover something which doesn't exist. Hardly fair.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1

I think it's perfectly reasonable to compare the two - except that it's an insult to Alex Jones. The MSM are the GREATEST purveyors of government propaganda, lies and deceit on the planet.

They are the GREATEST TRAITORS, because if they were doing their job properly and reporting truthfully, we would not now be in the terrible mess we are in.

When the Cabal comes down, I will be one of millions who demand that the Media be tried for treason.

edit on 17-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

Is that right ? Please remind me who rooted out Watergate and Iran Contra ?

Perhaps you are expecting them to uncover something which doesn't exist. Hardly fair.

Yes, it's absolutely right. Watergate and Iran Contra happened years ago. Since then investigative journalism and journalistic integrity has died a terrible death.
edit on 17-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

But 9/11 was years ago too. And in that near decade not a single piece of hard evidence of an inside job has surfaced and absolutely no-one has talked.

I suggest to you that if either of those things appeared you would actually have an MSM feeding frenzy. But with every day that passes that is more and more unlikely.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by wcitizen

But 9/11 was years ago too. And in that near decade not a single piece of hard evidence of an inside job has surfaced and absolutely no-one has talked.

I suggest to you that if either of those things appeared you would actually have an MSM feeding frenzy. But with every day that passes that is more and more unlikely.

I think you would be well advised to look into what happened in the media landscape since Iran contra. How many hands were the us meida concentrated in 30 years ago. What is the situation today, how many people lead the us mass media? Is it more than five?
edit on 17-5-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

I can't speak about the US media, nor about how the media used to behave back when the Iran-Contra affair came to light. I can tell you that, here in the UK, one of our political journalists - Andrew Gilligan - was forced to resign from the BBC, together with the corporation's Director General and Chairman, after concerted pressure from the government following Gilligan's claim that the dossier used to garner support for the war against Iraq was 'sexed-up'.

Rather worrying, given that the BBC is supposed to be independent, and given also that his claims were, quite obviously correct.

edit on 17-5-2011 by coughymachine because: clarity

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by wcitizen

But 9/11 was years ago too. And in that near decade not a single piece of hard evidence of an inside job has surfaced and absolutely no-one has talked.

I suggest to you that if either of those things appeared you would actually have an MSM feeding frenzy. But with every day that passes that is more and more unlikely.

Oh, for goodness sake, Alfie, your point about 9/11 makes no sense with regard to my comments about the MSM, and I'm not going to assist you in getting this thread off topic and into a discussion about 9/11.

Today's MSM is a propaganda mouthpiece for the government and has abandoned investigative journalism and integrity. If you can't see that, there's no point in discussing anhything further

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by wcitizen

But 9/11 was years ago too. And in that near decade not a single piece of hard evidence of an inside job has surfaced and absolutely no-one has talked.

I suggest to you that if either of those things appeared you would actually have an MSM feeding frenzy. But with every day that passes that is more and more unlikely.

Oh, for goodness sake, Alfie, your point about 9/11 makes no sense with regard to my comments about the MSM, and I'm not going to assist you in getting this thread off topic and into a discussion about 9/11.

Today's MSM is a propaganda mouthpiece for the government and has abandoned investigative journalism and integrity. If you can't see that, there's no point in discussing anhything further

I don't believe there is any truth in that. I think the MSM are just as aggressive as they ever were. Individual journalists just as keen to win Pullitzer prizes as ever. You are just pissed because none of them seems to believe in your 9/11 "inside job " conspiracy.

Even if it was true that the US domestic news media was under some invisible control how would that account for the deafening silence from the rest of the world's media ? Why aren't the French yelling about it ? they were opposed to the Iraq war, or the Germans or the Russians or even the Chinese ?

No, you just have to accept that there is no substance to your allegations and serious journalists have real stories to cover.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Alfie1

I don't believe there is any truth in that. I think the MSM are just as aggressive as they ever were. Individual journalists just as keen to win Pullitzer prizes as ever. You are just pissed because none of them seems to believe in your 9/11 "inside job " conspiracy.

Even if it was true that the US domestic news media was under some invisible control how would that account for the deafening silence from the rest of the world's media ? Why aren't the French yelling about it ? they were opposed to the Iraq war, or the Germans or the Russians or even the Chinese ?

No, you just have to accept that there is no substance to your allegations and serious journalists have real stories to cover.

As I said, I see no point in discussing this further.

Namaste. Peace.
edit on 17-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 01:33 PM
funny the way dave has become silent but his little puppets alfie an co are still here waffling on

give it a rest eh

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by kaya82
funny the way dave has become silent but his little puppets alfie an co are still here waffling on

give it a rest eh

You give it a rest. Why do you allow yourself to be sidetracked by people who are obviously only here to derail any conversation and will not aknowledge any points ever that challenge their believe system. You might as well go to the Vatican and preach about how Earth is but one of Trillion planets and that god probably is fiction.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 04:57 PM
i have bit my tongue many a time on this forum replying to ppl like dave because they will never change their veiw point and its a complete waste of time trying to tackle them, infuriating at best but on this ocation i stupidly did. get off your high horse eh. i have noticed alot of times that you have done the exact same thing retaliated to ppl like him, im not going to preach to anyone so dont know where your silly little rant has arose from

i will always come on these forums seeking the truth and i wont give that a rest

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by kaya82

Yes I might have done that myself. It isnt that they wont change their viewpoint, it is that they do not want to change their viewpoint no matter what anybody says. I guess both sides of the story have those people, but while there are less people active on here who champion the OS, they compose a higher pecentage of people with that trait in that particular group.
edit on 17-5-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 05:49 AM
Yeah i know love your right we should just all ignore them. I wont make such remarks in the future

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by kaya82
if i had a pound for every time you typed this pathetic sentence id be living on my own island living the high life. Do you ever get bored of typing the same non sense? Your like a cracked record. Let us believe what we want what do you care?

For one thing, this is a conspiracy discussion forum and it's blatantly obvious you conspiracy people are getting all your bad information from those damned fool conspiracy web sites, When some pathological liar on one of those web sites claims "do the orders still stand" means "stand down order", they *are* damned fool conspiracy web sites whether you appreciate the condemnation or not. My mentioning this is necessarily going to be as frequent as mentioning Hitler on Holocaust discussion sites.

For another, I don't care whether you personally believe the towers were destroyed by lasers from outer space, pixies live under your bed, or Paris Hilton has a viable singing career. It's when you people attempt to bring your fantasies kicking and screaming into the real world and foist them upon unsuspecting people that I object to. We've already had one guy shoot up the Pentagon over these conspiracy theories and I've heard tell of another going on a hunger strike demanding an independent investigation. Over and over I see how you conspiracy people are passing off outright lies in the attempt to convince others to be as equally paranoid as you yourselves are, so if you're gonna go that route, you shouldn't be upset when people like me show up and point out the lies you're passing off.

Instead of grumbling that I'm repeating myself, how about trying to show why anything I'm saying is actually incorrect...?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by coughymachine
What's your 'win' here, Dave? Why do you spend so much time talking to a group of people you clearly have no respect for? Do you really see yourself as an educator? Maybe you're hoping to be convinced they are right?

I don't know how many times I need to explain this...I'm not here to insult you or to make you feel bad about yourself. I have said many times I believe as a whole the conspiracy theorists are intelligent and articulate people. My umbrage is with the damned fool conspiracy web sites passing off utter drivel and the lunatics and con artists who run them (I.E. Alez Jones, Dylan Avery). It's clear from the outrageously bad information they're pushing that they'r agenda isn't to learn what the facts of the 9/11 attack actually are. Their agenda is to get peopel to be paranoid over shadows regardless of what the facts actually are. When someone takes "Do the orders still stand" and attempts to pass it off as "stand down order", there's no flipping way this could have been manipulated like that accidentally. You people certainly aren't stupid. You yourselves are merely the victims in their con.

"Some ideas are so very wrong that only someone so very intelligent would believe them", as Heinlein once said.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
You give it a rest. Why do you allow yourself to be sidetracked by people who are obviously only here to derail any conversation and will not aknowledge any points ever that challenge their believe system. You might as well go to the Vatican and preach about how Earth is but one of Trillion planets and that god probably is fiction.

Now that's an absurd statement, coming from you. I specifically stated that NYC firefighters reported the fires in WTC 7 were burning out of control and were causing massive bulging in the side of the structure, and YOUR response is to accuse the firefighters of being secret disinformation agents. I offered you evidence, and you offered more make believe in an attempt to justify your previous make believe. It's obvious despite your rants that your conspiracy claims are more faith based than they are based upon sincere criticial analysis. You *want* these sinister secret conspiracies to be true.

My question is- how did you get so subseptible to suggestion where even claims of "secretly planted controlled demolitions in three heavily occupied buildings" make perfect sense to you?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by kaya82
i have bit my tongue many a time on this forum replying to ppl like dave because they will never change their veiw point and its a complete waste of time trying to tackle them, infuriating at best but on this ocation i stupidly did. get off your high horse eh. i have noticed alot of times that you have done the exact same thing retaliated to ppl like him, im not going to preach to anyone so dont know where your silly little rant has arose from

i will always come on these forums seeking the truth and i wont give that a rest

What do you mean, "trying to tackle people like me"? When have you ever remotely attempted to tackle people like me? Every time I mention things like NYC police helicopter pilots flying eye level to the towers reported the steel supports in the building were glowing red from the fires and looked like they were about to collapse, you people uniformly...

a) Run away the same way three card monty platers do when the cops show up, or
b) accuse them of being secret disinformation agents like you do everyone else who disagrees with you

If you conspiracy people can't even get your conspiracy claims past a nobody like me, then how do you think you'll fare in any independent investigation if you ever do get one?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 01:56 PM
This is the very last time i will respond to your posts. Nothing you will say will change my mind ever. If you have kids i feel dreadfully sorry for them

Goodbye badoldave

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
My umbrage is with the damned fool conspiracy web sites passing off utter drivel and the lunatics and con artists who run them (I.E. Alez Jones, Dylan Avery). It's clear from the outrageously bad information they're pushing that they'r agenda isn't to learn what the facts of the 9/11 attack actually are.... You people certainly aren't stupid. You yourselves are merely the victims in their con.

So, I have to ask you again: "what is your win here?" You certainly can't stop these "damned fool conspiracy web sites" from springing up all over the place, and the pain you must have from smacking your head against the proverbial brick wall will surely have taught you that you ain't gonna change peoples' minds.

I'm not sure tarring us all with the same brush and then damning us with faint praise is particularly constructive either. Especially when it is you who may be the victim of the biggest and most disgusting con of all.

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