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Alarm! HAARP Signals Off The Charts!! New Madrid Quake Imminent???

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posted on May, 14 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by triplereiki
a new thread saying thousands of walleye dead at lake erie.....
Could it be those haarp signals changing the water temp rapidly enugh to kill the fish? Not boil them, but kill them?

You took the words out of my mouse.

And I believe the OP's warnings are correct.

I think this is even bigger than that: This upcoming 'spectacular' is going to rip open the USA right up to the Gulf of St Lawrence. That's why the fish are dead in Lake Erie; Lake Ontario next.....Then RIP! a zipper, all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico. The corpses will float like Lake Erie's walleye, all across the new inland Sea of Mississippi...

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 05:33 PM
Lol @ the 3 off topic posts on page 1.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:01 PM
The ATS truth is that not one major conspiricy has even been proven, none, zero, nada, not one.The list is so vast that it would fill volumes, yet none of you can recite even one historical or scientific, conspiricy that has been proven. ATS is new world, high tech version of the same failures that questioned the Lindberg kidnap trial, or thought WWII was the end of days. The reality is you give humans far more credit than they deserve when it comes to control. The bottom line always is simple, blood and bullets.
edit on 14-5-2011 by MissingRonnieR because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by kellynap43
reply to post by stevcolx

And one thing I cant wrap my head around. The united states has billions of dollars in loans with Japan, when Japan has been effected like they have, their currency depreciates and declines in value, along with the US Dollar. So why would the US attack Japan, our only Ally in Asia by the way, and depreciate our dollar? Again no sense can come of any answer anybody provides. Because all claims on this thread are more insane than Manson.

The response I see often to that is that this was being done by "them" (whoever that is) to harm the U.S. economy so that "they" can rule the world from Asia instead of North America now and reduce the population of North America
. Doesn't make any sense to me, but people believe what they want.
edit on 14-5-2011 by Hastings101 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by OrphenFire
Lol @ the 3 off topic posts on page 1.

This is off topic!
You are out of Order!
I'm out of Order!
We are all out of Order...

I believe HAARP installations exist for a reason.

I believe this technology was to create small earthquakes so large earthquakes would not occur or this is a very good cover story

I believe that a NWO exists, that all we are seeing is simply a furthering of the plans that were already in place.
The noose is slowly placed upon the neck...

It is like talking about aliens on a "normal" forum...

They want to make this forum "normal" don't they?

The biggest lie........ so the truth that is least likely to be believed.... is likely to be closer to the truth..... oh dear.....

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by MissingRonnieR
The ATS truth is that not one major conspiricy has even been proven, none, zero, nada, not one.The list is so vast that it would fill volumes, yet none of you can recite even one historical or scientific, conspiricy that has been proven. ATS is new world, high tech version of the same failures that questioned the Lindberg kidnap trial, or thought WWII was the end of days. The reality is you give humans far more credit than they deserve when it comes to control. The bottom line always is simple, blood and bullets.
edit on 14-5-2011 by MissingRonnieR because: (no reason given)

There ya have it folks.... Were all crazy!

edit on 14-5-2011 by princeguy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by dadgad these panic stricken fear mongers should be banned from the net. Im so sick of them, ruining my life, my peace, my sanity, they are always wrong, every time I fall for it, its enough, i wont even read the sources.

I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown, don't feel bad. I haven't been sleeping right, eating right and every time I hear a sound I'm ready to grab my bag and run out of the house screaming "In the name of Jesus." don't feel bad sweetheart, you are not alone.


posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Damian-007
Will the op apologise to us for wasting our time, reading all the crap he posted, when it's proven that HAARP has nothing to do with any environmental occurrences??

I doubt it. I don't need it proven to me because I'm a realist, not a Looney. HAARP has nothing to do with Earthquakes. I can't see how RF (Radio Frequency) can have anything to do with it and anyone who knows anything about RF will come to the same conclusion.

ATS needs to warn or ban these "Fear Threads" unless there's proof to back it up.

OP, learn a bit about the subject before you start telling everyone "The Sky Is Falling".

You're welcome to your opinion, but when you state such absurdities as 'it's proven that HAARP has nothing to do with any environmental occurences', that's just plain bunk, that's not *proven* at all and you know it, and while the proof is still out, your absurd assertion does go against even what Eastlund claimed a system like HAARP (and stop ignoring the many others around the world like it) in his patent stated it could be able to do.

I don't advocate 'banning' even disruptive hopelessly challenged 'flat earthers" and paid government sockpuppets and trolls, even those people may serve a usefull purpose in the end, but if anything your fear of open discussion perhaps should be 'banned' by yourself. You can downplay these things all you want, but if you have nothing really usefull to add but obstruction why not change the channel.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:29 PM
So let me get this straight...

Now, HAARP.. a high power transmitter, has the ability to:

Boil fish in lakes
Cause hurricanes and tornadoes
Cause earthquakes
Destroy buildings
Shoot planes out of the sky
Create holograms
Create crop circles

Are you effing kidding me?

You folks have no clue what HAARP is, or what it can do.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by MissingRonnieR
The ATS truth is that not one major conspiricy has even been proven, none, zero, nada, not one.The list is so vast that it would fill volumes, yet none of you can recite even one historical or scientific, conspiricy that has been proven. ATS is new world, high tech version of the same failures that questioned the Lindberg kidnap trial, or thought WWII was the end of days. The reality is you give humans far more credit than they deserve when it comes to control. The bottom line always is simple, blood and bullets.
edit on 14-5-2011 by MissingRonnieR because: (no reason given)

The fact is you must either have Alzheimer's (memory problems?) or not be able to read, conspiracies are a dime a dozen, people have conspired constantly over thousands of years for ever more money control and power and all things in between, and are still at it today, history has uncovered hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of all sorts of nefarious conspiracies, many have been discussed at great lenght here on ATS, your post is extremely disingenous and reeks of sock-puppet-ism.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:55 PM
WOW, I just recovered my password so I could write a reply. It's been a LONG time since I have logged in. I do, however, visit the site daily. To tell you the truth, as a guest I do not see all the avatars... some of the alien ones scare the poop out of me.

I live in Indianapolis. If and when the big quake hits... will the Canadian boarder be open? I must assume it would stay open till marshal law is declared. I figured the best bet would be to jump in my car and high tail it to Canada, immediately following the quake. From all the "maps" I have seen, it looks like Indianapolis would become a coastal city. I find that kinda interesting. But the chaos that would ensue would be deadly.

I am in the inactive reserve, but I DO still have a military affiliation. So I dunno if I would ever be sent to a FEMA camp, if they exist. I may be able to dodge that bullet because they would need me to "serve". That would just buy me more time to figure out what to do. Perhaps a political refugee/asylum to another country. I will say that I have NEVER been trained or briefed on any "police" type requirements/duties that may be needed. I have a secret security clearance, not very high but most people have none. I will tell you flat out that I am an aircraft mechanic. I have zero desire to shoot people, foreign or domestic.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by jyze420
the days are counting down. Manitoba is flooded, ontario will get hit soon enough. I need to prepare, I went to crappy tire and they didn';t have bugout bags

I wonder if the water in Quebec has gone down yet, they were flooded too. I'm starting to think the best preparation would be to have a houseboat - the kind with the big pontoons - docked in the back yard, with an anchor.....

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by daynight42
reply to post by stevcolx

Tone down your thread title and its content, and people may be more willing to listen. The nature of your arguments should be in the form of text too, instead of "just take time to watch the videos."

I was reluctant to even post this and give your thread added attention, but I figured I should say something.

I agree, too many things going on at once. Each one may deserve it's own thread and research, however, It does no good to get everybody all worked up. We need hard evidence not rumors and supposition.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:47 PM
Yet more uneducated harp on Harpo.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:17 PM
I want to start out that I have read all 8 pages and decided to add my two cents . Fema can do anything they want too. But I really wish they would decide to just GO AWAY!

There is a temporary Fema camp less than two miles from my door step at our local elementary school. On April 27 we had a class 3 tornado come through my town. My family was extremely lucky to not have any considerable damage. To make a real long story short.. we have been under a 7 pm curfew since the 28th. Meaning that if you are out driving or walking you will be stopped by the police and made to show your ID and proof that you live in the area. Everyone has had to stop at the Fema center and get a piece of zeroxed paper with the homeland security logo printed on it and our name and address. They said this makes it easier for the sheriffs to recognize locals from the sight seer's and the looters.
Its been about 3 weeks and yesterday a man from Fema came to our home, asked a bunch of questions, told us that we were ineligible for assistance (we never wanted nor needed any in the first place) then he starts taking measurements of our home and photographs
He also wanted to come inside and see if we had any damage on the inside. My husband and I told him repeatedly that we didnt. What makes is all unbelievably creepy is two days before a Fema inspector had already come out to our home to see if we had any damage and we said no, just some downed trees (102 of them to be exact) but we needed no assistance. So my question is why did this other man need to come and take pictures of our home?????

I can post pictures and links if anyone is interested.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by lostsock

So you have had this curfew for 3 weeks you say? From your estimation, how have the conditions in your area fared? (Improved or gotten worse) Would you say the curfew was needed at some point? There is a lot of distrust of gov agencies and the like but they also have to do their job...know what I mean? I am not trying to sound like a sheeple or what have you, but it is their job to *try* to help and make things run smoothly...its when you have a curfew for a suspiciously long time after the disaster/incident took place that raises a red flag as it were.

I hope I made sense here.
edit on 14-5-2011 by Sundowner because: typo fail!

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Heartisblack

Originally posted by dadgad
these panic stricken fear mongers should be banned from the net. Im so sick of them, ruining my life, my peace, my sanity, they are always wrong, every time I fall for it, its enough, i wont even read the sources.

I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown, don't feel bad. I haven't been sleeping right, eating right and every time I hear a sound I'm ready to grab my bag and run out of the house screaming "In the name of Jesus." don't feel bad sweetheart, you are not alone.

That's just what stuff like this does, right? While trying to maintain your rationality, you open a door which leads to another door, and another door, and so on, until you get to the point that you don't know what's up or down, and the options you arrive at are so crazy you'd almost rather just ignore everything you learned. It's maddening. It makes you "mad". I'm not saying the answer is to bury your head in the sand, but I think the only way to deal without going zombie or crazy, is figure out your core values and just stick with them regardless of where the rabbithole leads. It's a gut check.

And yes, It's having a hit on my health too.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:57 PM
look at march 3rd-4th data from alaska haarp site and compare to May 12th data. very similair hyperwave activity. Exactly 7 days before march 10th japan earthquake. testing everything out 7 days before it again. So guessing 7 days till new madrid goes.

March 3rd e=20110303&Bx=on

May 12th e=20110512&Bx=on

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Avyuir

this is far too hysterical to take seriously,

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by TheyWontBelieveU

This must have took a long time to gather all of this research. Nice effort, I'll be keeping my eyes and ears open the next few days.

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