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Ever had miraculous escape or experienced a timeslip ?.... There could be a link , but I need your h

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+46 more 
posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:11 AM
With all the recent threads regarding timeslips or timeline changes and literally hundreds of ATS members reporting anomolies with time, I think it is about time that the subject be given some serious study.

Firstly , my thanks to ATS member Neon Haze for providing the inspiration behind this thread. I will be quoting him later.

Here are some of the most common anomolies reported by ATS members.
1) Celebrities who were once dead but are now alive.
2) Changes in recent historical events.
3) Changes in movies , books etc.
4) Changes in the location of or sudden appearance of buildings , roads etc.
5) Changes in location of landmasses.

My theory ( and it's just a theory ) is this.
When we experience an event that should have resulted in death, ie an accident or illness, in this timeline that is exactly what happened . Now what if after death in this timeline , our conciouness, spirit , call it what you will , is placed in a timeline where the outcome was survival , because the the events in that timeline were different. This would explain the following cases.
a) Accidents where the victim miraculously survives , even though he/she knows that there was no way they should be alive afterwards.
b) Miraculous recoveries from illness , even when there was no hope of survival.
c) People experiencing timeslips or changes in the timeline.

Now it's time for a quote from Neon Haze , who I think explains it a lot clearer than myself.

""The universe as you know it is one potential out of literally an infinite number of other potential realities.
The so called flow of time is not what most think and relate to. The concept of time as we have come to know it is an illusion.
Let me quantify...
If there are an infinite number of potential outcomes then each potential exist at the same point.
So there is for example a reality where the challenger accident occurred in 1983 and others where it occurred in 1986.
Movement from one potential to another is what we have become accustomed to think of as time.
But what happens when we die?? The potential for our existence reaches zero within this Reality but what about all the other potential realities??
What I am getting at is that when you cease to be in one reality you don't know it but your consciousness just goes on in a different reality... ""

I have to say that I am a little excited while writing this post , simply because I feel there is a lot more to this subject than meets the eye.

Now this is where you come in .
If you have ever experienced a time anamoly , chances are you have also experienced a miraculous escape , so I need you to write about it .
The more attention this subject recieves , then the more chance of it being taken seriously and hopefully be given some serious scientific study.

Please , no juvenile one line replies .
If you have nothing to offer then please move on .
I will report all off topic replies.

Some useful links

edit on 27/04/2011 by tpg65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27/04/2011 by tpg65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27/04/2011 by tpg65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27/04/2011 by tpg65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27/04/2011 by tpg65 because: (no reason given)

+20 more 
posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:32 AM
Okay, I will bite.

This is going to be rather long, so I hope you bear with me.

My parents and my brothers have told me many times throughout my life that when I was seven years old, I should have been dead. I was, apparently, running across the street to go to a park, when a car, cruising at a very fast speed down the street, was bearing down on me.

My parents fully expected to have to pick up my lifeless body, however, an instant before the car would have hit me, something, a force of some kind, literally picked me up and threw me backwards out of the cars away. I landed on my butt, scared, but safe.

While my parents have told me about this story many times throughout my life, and we are glad that I was able to somehow miraculously survived a potentially horrific accident, I, personally, have no memory of this. The explanation why is simple.

I remember absolutely nothing before this event in my life occurred. It is a complete blank. My first memory is of me, at seven years old, standing in front of a mirror stating my name over and over and saying, "I am Ira."

I do not know when the car event happened compared to the mirror event; however, given the fact that it is in the same year of age, it is possible that it could have been during the same time period.

Another strange circumstance to go with this story is that before the time period of my mirror event happened, I had blonde hair and blue eyes. There are many pictures showing this fact. However, after these events occurred, my hair inexplicably changed to brown, as did my eyes. Now, while many people experience color changes in their hair throughout their life, it is, I think, an exceedingly rare occurrence for eye color to change at that late stage in life. Especially in such a dramatic way and in such a short period of time.

In thinking about these events throughout my life, as well as after having had other experiences, I have come up with a couple of different possibilities to explain these events.

One possibility, and one that I am strongly attuned to, is that I am what is known as a "walk in".

If, for some reason, the soul that was originally occupying this body that I am currently in gave up on life, or moved onto a new one, and the soul that I currently am entered into this body and took it over, it would explain a great deal. While I am not 100% positive on the fact, it does pose a few intriguing questions to myself.

Now, saying all of this, and getting onto topic of this thread, I have, as well, experienced a great many "Timeslips" in my life. The most obvious, and currently occurring, is the Billy Graham event.

As I have explained in a couple of threads before, including that thread that is in existence right now on the top threads area, I, myself, as well as my mother and my wife, distinctly remember Billy Graham dying some years ago.

My mother is a very religious person, as was my father. They were very big followers of Billy Graham. We all remember that he died, of heart failure, some years ago. We even remember watching his funeral on television as an ABC special, with the president of that time, which was Bill Clinton, taking part in the event.

This event sticks out in my mind quite strongly, because I remember my mother crying her eyes out over his death, and saying that a great man was lost to the world.

There have been other Timeslips that it happened to me, as well, which I will not get into here. Suffice it to say, it has happened.

I do hope that this thread does not devolve into haters and debunkers coming in and throwing stupid comments in, which is an obvious distraction technique to divide people away from this extremely interesting, and potentially earth shattering, information.

I do have some ideas as to what may be causing it, which I will get into if requested.

Thanks for the post.
edit on 12-5-2011 by Jomina because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:40 AM
I've actually had that same theory cross my mind before. Because I've had 2 near-death experiences. I wondered if it was possible that I died in one reality and slipped to a different one.

And now that you mention it, I have had a time-slip before. I was watching an episode of south park and I swear it was different than the previous time I had seen it. Nothing majorly different, but slight deviations.

Well, then there's this little thing I noticed a few months ago. The mole on my hand has moved significantly. When I was younger I'm positive it was in the very center. Now it's way on the side of my hand.

I'm really going to have to look into this time-slip stuff in more detail tomorrow. I've seen it mentioned before but never really thought anything of it or read into it at all.

Heck, even one of my near-death experiences had a "weird time-slip". I'm diabetic and went into ketoacidosis.
I was very near death. Now, I remember being in the hospital for 2 days. A year ago, my mother mentioned how I was in the hospital for 5 days. I'm pretty sure I wasn't in a coma for 3 days.

edit on 12-5-2011 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by Jomina

Thank you so much for taking time to write your reply.

I found your experience to be fascinating and I can't wait to hear more .
Just as a side.... Have you ever considered hypnotic regression ? It may give you some answers to the missing first 7 years .


posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by Ghost375
I've actually had that same theory cross my mind before. Because I've had 2 near-death experiences. I wondered if it was possible that I died in one reality and slipped to a different one.

And now that you mention it, I have had a time-slip before. I was watching an episode of south park and I swear it was different than the previous time I had seen it. Nothing majorly different, but slight deviations.

Well, then there's this little thing I noticed a few months ago. The mole on my hand has moved significantly. When I was younger I'm positive it was in the very center. Now it's way on the side of my hand.

Thank you so much . Yours is the exact kind of reply I was hoping for . where "near misses" and "timeslips" go hand in hand .


posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:45 AM
Funny this thread should pop up - yesterday was my bday, and my girlfriend and I were talking about close calls and I said "Damn, how many lives do I got?"

I have experienced all of what the OP has posted, check my posts for now and I'll add some more to this thread when it's not so late. Great thread OP.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:47 AM
Hey OP I had a timeslip yesterday involving a black plane. I wrote a thread about it, I'll post it in here, it involves a black plane which was weird, but the plane was emanating a blue light which was INSANE.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:47 AM
hi ive had some close shaves in my time.
the one that pops into my head now is when i was 14 (33 now)

my brother and i was living with foster parents in a tiny village in england.
we spent a lot of timeplaying outdoors in the countryside and large wooded areas.
We done what most kids do, building dens and treehouses..
then one day i had an old broken tennis raquet, took the string of and made my brother and bows and arrows.
i made the arrows from canes with nails strapped to the end, then went into the woods to c if we could get a
any way i was about 20-30 yards away from my brother wen i noticed he spotted something and as he took aim
it ended up pointing in my direction and he let the arrow fly...
this is where it tripped me out...everything slowed down i could see my brothers shocked face having let go to early
at the same time i could see this arrow heading towards my face, it was so slow i could see the back end of the arrow making big circles because the flight had come of it got nearer and nearer and caught my outer eye, it brushed past my eye and my ear leaving a small graze...i count myself so very lucky, but its so wierd that time seemed to slow right down and i was aware of what was going on...
any sorry if that was a rant but i wanted to share with the op

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:50 AM

Theres the thread i was talking about OP. I'm still trying to think about how this could have happened. I should mention the TV was on and it replayed the same part of the news TWICE. It was Sky Sports News if your interested.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by davesmart

Thanks for your reply , Dave .
Have you experienced any other time anomolies since this event ?



edit on 27/04/2011 by tpg65 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by R3N3G4D3

Theres the thread i was talking about OP. I'm still trying to think about how this could have happened. I should mention the TV was on and it replayed the same part of the news TWICE. It was Sky Sports News if your interested.

Thank you for your post . I can't wait to read it .


posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:56 AM
what famous celebrity's are now alive that where supposed to be dead...?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by
what famous celebrity's are now alive that where supposed to be dead...?

Try clicking the links, buddy . There is loads of info the the 4 threads


posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:02 AM
I have had at least one odd experience -
There was one time I was riding a bike - just starting to learn how to handle high speed turns around 20+ mph.
I was around thirteen-fourteen years old, and remember having successfully "made" the turn - going from a downhill slope into a straight road. I remember passing the utility post, and then felt a "jolt" as if the bike had hit a rock. The next thing I knew, the bike was heading straight for the post, which would have been a 120'o turn - except it was at the wrong angle, and then collided. I ended up on my back three feet away, apparently having flipped over the handlebars and hit the post itself. The bike's front wheel was a complete loss and the impact of the helmet left a dent - in a wooden pole. At the time, there was no pain at all and I remember being more concerned about the bike then my own health/injuries, but spent weeks pulling tar splinters out.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:04 AM
My friend was driving in the country in England near near his home one evening returning from work.
As he was approaching the only sharp bend in the one lane road, stupidly he didn't slow down as the road was always empty at that time of day. The road only provided access to a few properties, his included.

As he came round the bend, he found his car only inches from another car. He told me he saw was his car about to hit hers at quite a fast speed. The last memory he had was of seeing the woman who was driving the other car brace herself for impact and he instinctively did the same closing his eyes too waiting for the crash.

He reaslised some seconds later that nothing had happened, he opened his eyes and he had passed the bend in the road. The woman and her car was nowhere to be found - presumably she had kept driving around the corner.

He said he pulled over because he was shaking so badly. He has no idea how his car missed hers. He said it was just completely impossible, there was no way 2 cars could pass on that bend, both sides of the road had too many trees right up to the road, there just wasn't the space for it.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by tpg65
reply to post by davesmart

Thanks for your reply , Dave .
Have you experienced any other time anomolies since this event ?



edit on 27/04/2011 by tpg65 because: (no reason given)

hi yes i have but cant think of a specific one at the mo,they accur often, i will post later..regards...dave

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by Bee2010

Hi Bee
I had a very similar experience, multiple witnesses ( around 30 ) .
I was driving my MX5 as part of a convoy and I too took a bend to quickly . Next thing a Merc SL was heading straight for me . The freaky thing is , there is no way that 2 cars could safely pass each other on that bend , because it is barely wider than 1 car . I braced for impact , closed my eyes , but it never came and to this day neither myself or the people watching from behind , know how I survived .

Until now ........

+1 more 
posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:21 AM
When I was a child, about 5-6 years old, there was a lake behind my house in Colorado. I remember this vividly because I used to try fishing off of my patio almost DAILY. It was so close that my mother would hadly let me go off of the patio. I remember just like *snap* one day I woke up and that lake was about 500 yards to the east and there was a townhome complex in it's place!!! I kid you not it's bothered me ever since then (about 15 years). I remember panicking, asking my mother what happened, everybody in my house, yet nobody seemed to really know, or even care.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by
When I was a child, about 5-6 years old, there was a lake behind my house in Colorado. I remember this vividly because I used to try fishing off of my patio almost DAILY. It was so close that my mother would hadly let me go off of the patio. I remember just like *snap* one day I woke up and that lake was about 500 yards to the east and there was a townhome complex in it's place!!! I kid you not it's bothered me ever since then (about 15 years). I remember panicking, asking my mother what happened, everybody in my house, yet nobody seemed to really know, or even care.

Thanks for taking time to write your experience.
It will be very interesting to discover wether you had a near miss or an illness at this time.
Maybe you could ask family members ?


posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by tpg65

I remember I swallowed a penny and it got lodged in my wind pipe. *shrugs* Probably the biggest thing that happened to me when I lived there according to my memory.

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