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Don't Be Fooled

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
reply to post by hawaii50th

So your response to my legitimate critiques is to give a 'you'll be judged' sermon? I'm sorry, but that doesn't work. Christianity is just as dangerous at its core as Islam, Islam merely has yet to be domesticated in the same way that Christianity has.

It's not my intention to give you any sermons that you'll be judged, that's between you and God. Another point made, when I mentioned how people will try to side step or point the finger to sway attention away.
And if you think your critique is legit than fine for you if that's what you think.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

I'm not side-stepping the point. Islam is dangerous. In its current form it is one of the greatest threats to humanity.

All I'm saying is something you should be familiar with: Get the plank out of your eye before telling someone about removing the splinter from theirs.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by hawaii50th
reply to post by wildoracle13

Ones like the Westboro Baptist church does give Christianity a bad rep, their tactic is very wrong.
As for finding out the truth when we die is a perfect point. I think it's a hidden fear in people that don't like to hear the truth of the matter, and so they get offended when it is said in a point blank and as a matter of fact way.
A true Christian will come forward in a loving way, but at the same time he or she will not water down Christianity to satisfy or bring false comfort to anyone.
In life and in all circumstances where someone is walking down the wrong path and the truth is told to them, they will 90 percent of the time get angry. The truth always hurts, and most times people don't want to hear the truth when it pertains to them.

Jihad has been misunderstood and taken to extremes in the EXACT same way that the Westboro whatcha-ma-callems took the wrath of your god way too far. It happens. People are crazy lunatics about religion. I believe we can agree to disagree on that premise. On another note, I also believe that people accept religion (including Christianity) as a way to explain and make them feel better about the unknowns of death. I am not hurt or angry by your comments of my burning in hell for all eternity. If that makes you feel righteous then so be it. Let's look for something positive in this life! We are here and living right now, so enjoy. Don't fear it.

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