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Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama. ~ Tapasyogi Kalathi Adiyen Aadi Nandhi

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 06:51 AM
Yogic Insight on Ahimsa

This Article is About how Karma Works.

Ahimsa is the practice of not harming or killing any living being. Yet, the Dalai Lama said, Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting what happened. If something is serious and it is necessary to take counter-measures, you have to take counter-measures. Photo: Abhikrama This is common sense in the reality we live in today. Known for his practice and advocacy of Ahimsa, this statement from the Dalai Lama might seem contradictory. There is however a deeper yogic wisdom to the principle of Ahimsa. Our world is energy. Balancing the world is about balancing energy. Looking into the yogic insight on the three basic states of energy called gunas, with reference to history, sheds light on the applicability of the Ahimsa principle in our times. There are three states of the mind. The first is the Tamasic mind, which means darkness and is a mind characterized by ignorance, violence, and destructive tendencies. The second is the Rajasic mind, which is characterized by action and momentum fueled by greed and selfishness. The third is the Sattvic mind that is pure, illumined, and without impurities. The Sattvic mind is rooted in the principles of Ahimsa. When World War II broke out, Mahatma Gandhi wrote to Hitler, trying to persuade Hitler away from being an aggressor. The letters reached Hitler just before his invasion of Poland. Hitler chose to ignore the letters and simply went ahead invading and annexing Poland. Mahatma Gandhi’s Ahimsa principle had fallen on deaf ears.


edit on 11-5-2011 by Arcot because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-5-2011 by Arcot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 06:54 AM
I don't trust blue people.
Particularly blue people who post blue text,
but have no comments of their own, and don't set the tone for the discussion.

David Grouchy

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

You're kind of a downer.

Maybe you should make your mood blue!

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
I don't trust blue people.
Particularly blue people who post blue text,
but have no comments of their own, and don't set the tone for the discussion.

David Grouchy

Hope you are Doing Well

Rajas will have to be employed to limit Tamas - and Rajas means Resistance and Counter-action. This isn't justification of violence or 'an eye for an eye' - this is simply saying - Giving in without resistance (Ahimsa) is not the way to go and action has to be taken when we are faced with Tamas (violence)

You Got your Discussion Enlighten me how much you understood about the Article

According to Ayurveda, Samkhya philosophy and Yoga, all of creation is made up of three qualities called sattva, rajas and tamas. These qualities (gunas), along with our physical constitution, influence our mental state.

Sattva – creative; clear; harmonious

Rajas – activity; movement

Tamas – inertia; dullness; lethargy

We each contain all of the gunas in varying degrees and they are in constant interplay with each other. Excessive rajas and tamas have a disturbing influence upon the mind, so the aim is to reduce them and increase sattva to about 70%.

edit on 11-5-2011 by Arcot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 07:40 AM
Sounds like a good idea.

Hitler was bad.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Arcot

You Got your Discussion Enlighten me how much you understood about the Article

At first my friends from India were interested in me because when we met I was hosting a group and sitting in the highest position. Jay told me later that he knew I was the leader because of where I was sitting. This surprised me. A former Tennis star in India, attending university in Louisiana, he introduced me to all of his friends. Pankash, Neil-oy, Shreram, and the rest. All wealthy, all well educated, all majoring in engineering.

They made us call them by those names because they said "we don't like the way American's miss-pronounce our Hindu names."

They were quite pleased when I introduced them to the local mushroom field that I had been personally tending for 2 years, and we talked quite a bit about how similar our home climates are. As we would gather for ceremonies, I would lead with story telling, dreams of the future, and a world made fair by brilliant engineers who built cities that alleviated all of societies problems. We all became fast friends. Even them teasing us about Jesus, and us teasing them about going for a hamburger and getting caught by the Hindu-meat-police.

One day when a bunch of the girls were over at my house, a local friend of mine saw a large cockroach and got indignant and went over to step on it.

Sutapa said "Don't!" went over, picked it up, and put it outside.

My friend was taboo shocked that she touched it and just stared at her.

She said "What? The big ones like that like the outdoors much better. If one is in the house it is just lost."

My friend just backed away.

I spoke to him. "Why is it that liberal Americans will bleed in their hearts over nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare. But when it comes to insects and bugs they will reach for Agent Orange without batting an eye. Did you know that in Hindu, everything has a soul, and killing is killing. Even if it's roach. And if transmigration of the soul is true, then it is entirely possible that every single one of us is actually the same person. And as we die we come back as a better, or as a lesser person. Until finally after a perfect life we get to come back as a Jesus or Buddha and achieve nirvana. What are you stepping on when you squash a roach. Part of yourself? Why are you willing to nuke it with a can of raid, but think you are civilized. If a bug is lost and scared, help it get home. You can always use a sheet of paper, or just wash your hands afterwards."

And with that he calmed down, and later Sutapa introduced me to her hot little sister Sumana.

Oh the times we had together dreaming about her future and talking about her hero Benazir Bhutto.

Years later I was the only person I knew in Louisiana who said a ferverent prayer for her soul when I heard about the assassination of Bhutto in the open top limo. A brave woman. A brave soul. A symbol for us all. The entire world is paying for her death even now.

David Grouchy
edit on 11-5-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-5-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:00 AM
maybe if hitler did read those letters the whole world would have fallen?
maybe cos he didnt thats why he didnt take over the world...
ever think of that?!

well did ya?!

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:03 AM
hitler wasnt as quarter as bad as stalin or saddam or hosni mubarak or bush.

I've studied hitler and so many lies and disinformation and misinformation has been spread about that 1 man.

in other words anyone that wants to look good or wants people to agree with them would use hitler in their argument.

poland was sitting on german territory which split germany from east prussia, this meant more bad economy for germany. why? because transport and other public improvements would take twice the time and double the cost. not only that but the city of danzig and the german populated areas that germany wanted back had over 95% germans, almost all wanted to be reunited with the reich, why should the poles stop them?

after hitler annexed poland with the soviet union, the french and british didnt even say a word about the soviet union. instead they rejected germanys peace offer.

i'm not going to go in details about the whole war, but there were sick people in power who manipulated and changed everything.

germanys new strategy would be quick with less causalities on both sides. this was true when it was compared to ww1. causalities for a battle were down to as low as 85%. so the war ended quickly, but that wasnt good enough for the zioinists now was it?

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

That was a wonderful story. I have served in the military and sadly have taken the lives of fellow men. I live with these haunting memories on a daily basis. Only after a very rough time in my life did I begin the practice of Ahimsa.

My friends and family are all taken back when I ask them not to kill a fly or I help an ant from a puddle. And sadly many have distanced themselves from me because I refer to the Dalai Lama as His Holiness. They tell me I will spend "an eternity in hell for not worshipping Christ." Oh the ignorance of some. So quick to chastise and scorn those who do not follow their own beliefs.

Gandhi said it best, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

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