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If You Think Birthers Are Crazy...Think Again

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:35 PM
Never ever let facts stand in the way of what you want to be facts. If you close your eyes real tight and click your heals together - you may just reach that alternate universe where reality doesn't really matter. I wish it were I wish it were I wish it were.

Actually supporting your country instead of just playing lip service might be the way to go.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by UcDat

Everything you just said is wrong. Birthers have been around since he announced candidacy. I just said he spent money dealing with the problem while he was actively running.

Worst liar? Well that completely subjective, and I'd argue we have some people in the last several years who lied and were more diabolical than anything this guy has done. To say that he's worse than the people running the W Bush presidency would just nullify any credibility you have in my eyes. If you'd like reasons for that, I can give them to you, but thats not the reason for this thread.

I see it on the site each day guys.. You can't deny a large percentage of birthers are racist. Not just secretly either. I saw a post today saying that he originally had the brain of a howler monkey.

Another telling sign is that people get into this movement simply because they don't like his policy. Kind of pathetic, no?

I'm not saying you individuals are racist, but you are getting your information from racists, and it was racists who began this movement to begin with.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
Reply to post by happykat39

When are people going to realize that this left-vs-right nonsense is dividing us even further?

Grow up and perhaps the grown-ups will be more privvy to a discussion.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

I actually think that those who still buy into the left/right BS must be a little crazy too.
edit on 8-5-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
reply to post by Paschar0

He never changed his name. His step father wrote his name like that on a completely unofficial document. Barry himself, had nothing to do with it.

I also think an eclectic worldly upbringing is something that is pretty refreshing to see in a leader.

I understand your concern with my thought on this, but for you to not acknowledge the inherent racism involved in the VERY IDEA OF HIM BEING FOREIGN is hilarious to me. None of this would be an issue if the man was white and was named Bobby O'Brian.

Also, these legal fees birthers bring up is also laughable. His court fees were 2 million dollars during his campaign to fight birthers (amongst other things he needed lawyers for at the time, just for being a candidate).. McCain's legal fees at the same time? Around 1.5 million. On the other hand, in the last year Sarah Palin's legal fees have exceeded 3 million. I wouldn't even want to see Trump's yearly legal expenditures.

Can you please tell me how many other presidents have spend millions hiding the details of their past, to the same extent that Obama has.

Being the first black president, don't you think he would have been proud to allow those details to be known?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
reply to post by UcDat

Everything you just said is wrong. Birthers have been around since he announced candidacy. I just said he spent money dealing with the problem while he was actively running.

Worst liar? Well that completely subjective, and I'd argue we have some people in the last several years who lied and were more diabolical than anything this guy has done. To say that he's worse than the people running the W Bush presidency would just nullify any credibility you have in my eyes. If you'd like reasons for that, I can give them to you, but thats not the reason for this thread.

I see it on the site each day guys.. You can't deny a large percentage of birthers are racist. Not just secretly either. I saw a post today saying that he originally had the brain of a howler monkey.

Another telling sign is that people get into this movement simply because they don't like his policy. Kind of pathetic, no?

I'm not saying you individuals are racist, but you are getting your information from racists, and it was racists who began this movement to begin with.

Are you seriously suggesting that all criticism of Obama is simply based on racism?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by SantaClaus

It's clear you are blindly defending Obama. His name WAS different, whether he changed it or not isn't the issue, he DID live in other countries, yes these things matter to people in our country as they should, he serves the people, and the people have every right to know about anyone they elect, that's what vetting is supposed to be all about. It might be a good thing to have lived in many different cultures, it might also not be, which is why questions arise. Making excuses for this man in the face of so many questions is why millions and millions of AMERICANS are starting to realize somethings is very wrong here. Maybe we're not the ones with the blind spot.

I also love how you excuse his lies, by comparing them to another liar (Bush), really? that's your stance? I'd love to spend another couple of days just trying to get you to open your eyes a little, but your objective doesn't seem to be learning any new truths, enjoy your youth.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:12 PM
I love the fall back argument that anyone who questions the BC is a racist. Get a grip hypocrites Obama is white and black. Just because he favors the black side on appearance does not negate his white side. To claim Obama is black is racist also
If you want to get technical he is mulatto. It serves better to mislead with the BHO is black doesn't it? Simple minds will judge based only on appearance, he has dark skin so he must be black
To be honest I could give a rats hindquarters about the BC, I want to see the school documents. How does a mediocre student get into Harvard anyway?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus

Where do I see race? Simple. He's the first black president and there has NEVER been a president who's background has been so highly scrutinized. Ever. Please pick out another president who's very first few years of life analyzed and every moment since, and I'll fall off the face of the earth. If you don't see a racial issue there, you're the one being willfully ignorant, not me.

Pick out another President with a father that is not American.
I think it's simple, really. His mother was under-age and his father wasn't American.

Maybe it's the people who are so quick to pull the race card that are the real racists. They focus so much on the color of skin that they'll excuse the nationality.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Paschar0
It's clear you are blindly defending Obama. His name WAS different, whether he changed it or not isn't the issue, he DID live in other countries, yes these things matter to people in our country as they should
And it’s clear your argument consists entirely of how you personally feel about those things.

So what if his name is different? So what if he lived in other countries? You apparently feel that it matters, but — and since you decided to speak for all Americans — they must not matter for most American voters, seeing as they elected Barack Obama.

But, ultimately, how you feel about these things is completely irrelevant to the conditions necessary to hold office. He was born in the United States, he is over 35 years old and has been a resident of the United States for over 14 years. Until his term is over he is legitimately the President of the United States.

You have doubts, suspicions and feelings about Obama? You are free to not vote for him.

Originally posted by SourGrapes
His mother was under-age and his father wasn't American. They focus so much on the color of skin that they'll excuse the nationality.
You just listed another two irrelevant factors to the constitutional question. Also, Obama’s mother was 18 when he was born.

You people rant on about the race card, but all you have to offer in support of your demands for “more documents” is how you personally feel about things that aren’t even conditions to hold office.

Not to mention that he isn’t required to provide any more documentation. He wasn’t even under the obligation to publicly disclose his birth certificate at all.

Birthers need to accept reality and move on, or at least get a tenable and substantive argument other than “I am suspicious of that guy because he has a foreign name and lived in foreign countries.”

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Can you please tell me how many other presidents have spend millions hiding the details of their past, to the same extent that Obama has.

Being the first black president, don't you think he would have been proud to allow those details to be known?

No I think downplaying his race was fairly classy.

Secrets by other representatives?

What about Reagan committing high treason AGAINST the US during the Iran Contra. He spent MILLIONS covering that up. Thousands of people died, and he hid all the evidence. And yet he's considered one of the greatest president. He was essentially a drug dealing gangster along with Oli North.

Newt Gingrich spent plenty of dough trying to hide the fact that he was cheating on 2 of his wives.

Kennedy and brother led a secret drug-addled life that eventually took the life of one Marilyn Monroe, who they both slept with.

Jefferson spent a TON of money housing his secret family with one of his slaves.

Need more? There are more.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
I not only support the idea that birthers are crazy, but I still think most of them are racist. The dude says almost forwardly, that its strange that our first BLACK president has problems showing identification numbers. I want to know if ANY of you sincerely would be asking these questions if the man wasn't black and had a foreign name.

The birth certificate thing is laid to rest, and I don't care to know the guy's name. The doctor's name on my BC is completely unintelligible, I checked. Barack Obama does have an eclectic background with many homes, but that's also because he had a pretty rough go at childhood and was from a broken home.

Any president or representative of this country has full right to change his SSN whenever it has been compromised with little or no reason for doing so. That's just the law, guys. If he changes it, you really have no right to contest that under US law.

But finally, why do I think birthers are crazy? Logic... If this guy was some corrupt megamind who stole the WH, well I can't see any signs of him getting away with anything.

Obama is no more or less successful than any of the shills who have taken office in the last 20 years. With so little affected, why would I even care where he was born? He's not accomplishing anything.

Oh except that my kids will still have healthcare when they're 26. Little victory for me there.

Brilliantly put, this is such a non-issue it's ridiculous .. if you don't want him in office people, don't vote for him next time .. until then stop whining about it, it's only dividing people further and getting nowhere... why not take all of these energy and put it behind a candidate you truly support for 2012? ..

Even if they did find out he wasn't a natural citizen, and I believe he is .. what is going to happen? I doubt they'd take him out of office and put biden in there.. ( ha ) .. he would, at most.. lose his eligibility to run in 2012 in my opinion.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:54 PM
He was born at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children* in Honolulu, HI.

Read more:

A lot of peoples socials do not match their state, and their have been threads on this site about it.
Also, the name of the doctor that gave birth to Obama is on the long form birth certificate.

So yes, I think birthers are crazy, and that includes yourself

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
What about Reagan committing high treason AGAINST the US during the Iran Contra. He spent MILLIONS covering that up. Thousands of people died, and he hid all the evidence. And yet he's considered one of the greatest president. He was essentially a drug dealing gangster along with Oli North.

Yeah it always interests me to see how many people have omitted that from their memory, Reagan has gone down as one of the best presidents of all time in the minds of millions .. and I don't deny I liked the man, not as a president so much but he was one of the best speakers and probably one of the best personalities to take office.. he did however do some really terrible things that people tend to forget.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:58 PM
The reason I think this is silly is because its never based on a glaring question, only things that people have dug up (AKA made up). This is such an Alex Jones argument. Its all heresay and digging. You can tell people have nothing when they have to dig so thoroughly.

According to public record, Obama is an American citizen. If I didn't hear all this stuff about his policy within these threads, you might have a leg to stand on. The fact that I so often see birthers who hate Obama for ulterior motives, makes your struggle to find conspiracy an emotional one, not based in reality.

I want to see one birther who actually just wants to know the birthing stuff and still approves of his policy.

Until then, you just seem like you're a bully grasping at straws and trying to get your way by bringing up some conspiracy. I don't know, it just seems very convenient that all birthers hate Obama. Its not a clean argument then.

In fact, I bet if Ron Paul was a dual citizen or came from a European country as an infant, you'd say birthers were ignorant a-holes.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

You are right. Think again...They are crazy and dangerous.

Thanks for the heads up.

Didn't watch more than the first few minutes of the video because it was made by a birther.
It is a propaganda piece like the rest that comes out of the "birther - whiter" movement.
(Call it what it is, why don't we?)
And I don't tolerate drugs or crazy people very well because of the effect they have on my mood.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
I not only support the idea that birthers are crazy, but I still think most of them are racist. The dude says almost forwardly, that its strange that our first BLACK president has problems showing identification numbers. I want to know if ANY of you sincerely would be asking these questions if the man wasn't black and had a foreign name.

Sigh...if he was half Mexican and half Chinese what race would he be?....He is half WHITE and half BLACK...why do you choose to only notice his skin color...but you think most of the birthers are racist? I have some questions about his background and I'm black...sooo is that okay....for me to do? It sounds like you are saying most of the birthers are white....?....So if he wasn't black with a foreign name you doubt anyone would ask him these questions?...What if he was Hispanic with an American name who avoided it for as long as the "black" guy did...I think people would sincerely ask these same question regardless of race or name...your post had a quite of bit of racism under the surface...not calling you one but there was alot of racism going on for you to be hinting at another group of people being racist

edit on 8-5-2011 by txraised254 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
reply to post by Paschar0

Given that most of my news comes from the Guardian or Al Jazeera, I think I'm probably far less affected by the American MSM than most.

Where do I see race? Simple. He's the first black president and there has NEVER been a president who's background has been so highly scrutinized. Ever. Please pick out another president who's very first few years of life analyzed and every moment since, and I'll fall off the face of the earth. If you don't see a racial issue there, you're the one being willfully ignorant, not me.

it is because of his chequered upbringing which YOU yourself stated, not because of the colour of his skin- could there be racists in the movement, sure, there are racists anywhere and of any colour, but it is not what it is driving this.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by tyson

A foreign marxist?

Where do you people come up with this #? Do you just pull it out of your asses and post it?

Birthers ARE crazy. Deal with reality and you might just be able to join the rest of us!

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
reply to post by Paschar0

Given that most of my news comes from the Guardian or Al Jazeera, I think I'm probably far less affected by the American MSM than most.

Where do I see race? Simple. He's the first black president and there has NEVER been a president who's background has been so highly scrutinized. Ever. Please pick out another president who's very first few years of life analyzed and every moment since, and I'll fall off the face of the earth. If you don't see a racial issue there, you're the one being willfully ignorant, not me.

ok so because there is a "possible" correlation with race means you completely ignore some problems with credentials? I don't particularly think that is good precedents to set either way.

Ignoring credential problems because of of race is no better than seeking out problems because of race...

having said that, I truly do believe that if there was nothing to hide, nothing would be hidden and if everything was cut and dry like it should be for presidential credentials we would not still be having dialogue over any of this.

but because there is room for doubt naturally there is....and I don't think its because he is black...I think its because paperwork wise some things aren't adding up for some people...I think this whole issue really is that simple

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
reply to post by Paschar0

Given that most of my news comes from the Guardian or Al Jazeera, I think I'm probably far less affected by the American MSM than most.

You're just affected by the MSM of other countries instead.

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