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Fox news focus groups - paid actors to slant public opinion?

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:29 AM
Say it ain't so - Frank Luntz and Fox news surely wouldn't set up fake focus groups to direct people to think exactly as they'd like them to. Would they?

You'll all remember Frank from "F*** YOU, FRANK!" infamy (a shout out here to Penn & Teller's Bulls##t episope on polling, etc.), and looks like the old dog still might not have learned any new tricks.

It's a shame they work, though. Here's a video from the previous election cycle showing what appears to be likely paid actors for Frank's 'random undecided voters' focus groups:

People, please just be sure to check any candidates out on your own and don't just absorb the opinions presented by the media - you'd be surprised what "un-electable" candidates can win if everyone stops listening to the tripe and votes for who they'd actually like to see in office - not who they think is a strategic selection for some other reason.

As regards the republican debate last night, I did prefer Cain to Pawlenty (came across as channeling Mike Huckabee, too slick and oily - POLITICIAN, not statesman) and Santorum (when did the terminator and Bob Saget sire offspring? I got nothing but typical Bush-style republicanism out of him). Pawlenty and Santorum, in my opinion, both pandering and politicized, without being real.

I'd like to see some more from Cain. His relationship with the Federal Reserve definitely bothers me, and I'd like to see him learn more about these issues on his own and decide on a right course instead of just appealing to the wonderful advisors he'd rely on - if you've been following US politics at all for some time, you know this pretty much always ends up being hangers-on from former administrations...the same hangers-on who have kept us dealing with the exact same garbage for so long. I see him being run by Washington, not vice versa.

Gary Johnson - poor guy. He got "Ron Paul'd" last night with little attention and funny questions, and didn't come off well. I like a lot of his views and his history, but no so much his foreign policy opinions. I believe he is one of the wiser ones out there, though, and he's got experience and proven success.

And Ron Paul - my man. Could have got more questions, but I think he was enjoying himself and did well with what he got. Now, as far as what most 'conservative' republicans will think, who knows. Hopefully more exposure of his views on the pressing issues we're dealing with will come as he understands most of the issues we're dealing with clearly and knows the actual rights of presidential authority and what he would actually be able to do, as well as the steps needed. I'm biased, of course, but I see no one else with as much knowledge or presenting any sensible options based in realistic understanding.

Digging further into this online, it looks like at least some of Frank's focus groups are made up of volunteers who sign up on his website to be part of the group. As such, I'll say it's possible that there is no collusion or deception intended on the part of any media outlet, etc., but just ask all as I stated previously to NOT put such weight behind what these groups, or any others, state or advise as far as affects your opinions. The way to win is to vote one's heart and conscience and encourage others to do the same, and not try to 'pick a winner' since we all have been ending up as losers when doing so!
edit on 5/6/2011 by Praetorius because: Addendum

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:37 AM
Do you have any proof of paid actors? If so list the source please or this like 99% of the other threads on here is crap.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Soldier of God

Please view the video above and read my line "Here's a video from the previous election cycle showing what appears to be likely paid actors for Frank's 'random undecided voters' focus groups".

It appears likely that these focus groups are not random voters selected at the locations these events are taking place. I offer no 'proof' of anything here beyond the video I posted showing at least one random undecided voter at two different debates in two different states 4 months apart during the last election cycle.

It makes one wonder, and would not be the first time the media has tried to sway public opinion for political reasons, historically.
edit on 5/6/2011 by Praetorius because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Praetorius

I'm sorry but one guy does not make a conspiracy. Pay stubs from Fox proving they were "actors", now that would prove something.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Praetorius

What does this video prove?


It only shows one man. Does this mean he is a paid actor? You're telling me Fox News can't find people to be part of a focus group out of all the viewers they have?

Secondly, where's the evidence this man is a paid actor? You do realize that some people show up to focus groups more than once?

Speculation, not PROOF.

I'm not saying he isn't. I'm saying there's no proof.

Jesus Christ
edit on 6-5-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Soldier of God

I'm sorry but one guy does not make a conspiracy. Pay stubs from Fox proving they were "actors", now that would prove something.

I definitely agree with the latter, but never claimed the first. It is certainly suggestive, though, and with what we have received from the media previously, does not seem unlikely nor out of character.

Regardless, none of this detracts from the intent of my post, either. Please re-read my paragraph originally posted above and take it to heart as it is sage advice, regardless:

People, please just be sure to check any candidates out on your own and don't just absorb the opinions presented by the media - you'd be surprised what "un-electable" candidates can win if everyone stops listening to the tripe and votes for who they'd actually like to see in office - not who they think is a strategic selection for some other reason.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:52 AM
This thread is an example of a Fox News bashing thread gone wrong.

It is completely possible for one guy to go to a focus group in one state and 4 months later travel to another state to participate in another. This isn't the middle ages where traveling tha big of a distance was a life and death decision.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Becoming

Fair enough, perhaps it's nothing and I'll definitely admit that. As I said, I offer no proof of anything beyond the video itself and ask people to form their own opinions through their own research instead of letting anything like this influence our political opinions ("Oh, THEY like this guy as the obvious favorite, so I should too!"), especially when it seems strange, to me at least, that the same person would happen to end up on the focus group multiple times.

And, admittedly, things Fox (and pretty much all other news outlets) have done before make me somewhat suspect.

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