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2011 NFL lockout...what do they know?

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:25 AM
No football is the end of the world.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 02:29 AM
I had no clue this was going on.

That's what 5 years of no radio or tv will do to someone.

But so, for realz?!

I second the above post. This is the end of the world!!

I'm obviously not a fan of sports, but I mean...bread and circuses...this IS the circus!!

So, where will all the old school alpha males vent their aggression?!

On the streets.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 03:12 AM
This lockout has been in the works for quite some time. I will attempt to give the Reader's Digest version...

The 1992 case with the Players vs the Owners brought about what is known as the SSA (Stipulation and Settlement Agreement) which was recently described by players in filed court documents as a partnership that "required trust from players and honor by the owners". The Players "trust" was that the owners would use their business skills to to obtain the most profitable TV contracts possible and the Owners' "Honor" describes their obligation to do just that. The SSA was working very well. The result of the SSA is what we see today in the record profits and salaries enjoyed by both the Owners and the Players. However, 2 years ago, the Owners announced that they were unhappy with the terms of the deal and wanted to replace it with a new agreement when it expired in March of 2011.

So the lockout we see today has been planned by the owners for at least 2 to 3 years. It is not about the end of the world. It is not about earth changes, incoming comets, planet X, or anything SHTF scenario. What it is about is the same thing we have seen from powerful people since the beginning of time. It is about Greed.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 09:36 AM
If the planet was ending, you would be safer to expect them to resolve this little spat a lot quicker, so as to milk the general public for a few more pennies before they were crushed to death by earthquakes or vaporized by meteors. I doubt that, in such a scenario, anyone in power would be wringing their hands over all the poor little people that might get hurt in a stadium. No, as usual, they'd be inching their way to the escape hatch while spending every last available second cashing in on Humanity's demise.

OP gives these people way too much credit.

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