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The TRUTH about Osama Bin Laden

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:52 PM

The TRUTH about Osama Bin Laden

Read the full story here

Osama bin Laden is dead. According to news sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the fugitive died in December 2001, and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's president, confirmed the information. Whatever remains of Osama's crew has remained quiet, probably to keep Osama's ghost alive...

(Five years ago) The Central Intelligence Agency has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants. The unit, known as Alec Station, was disbanded and its analysts reassigned within the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center. [New York Times 07/03/06]

I think he's been dead for quite a long time now.
Of course a little DNA testing comes right in time for the election, right?

edit on 2-5-2011 by woghd because: CLASSIFIED

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by woghd

Osama Bin Dead
Obama Bin Lying
edit on 2-5-2011 by mileslong54 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:01 PM
Just in time for the election a year from now? I highly doubt it.

If Osama has been dead for 10 years, why release the news now? Why wait? If Bush had killed Osama he would have been so proud he wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by de Thor
Just in time for the election a year from now? I highly doubt it.

If Osama has been dead for 10 years, why release the news now? Why wait? If Bush had killed Osama he would have been so proud he wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret.

Bush works for the same powers that Barry works for. They were saving Usama's body for a time when it was needed most...which is now...Barry is going down, down, down.....and Regie is lov'in
edit on 2-5-2011 by Caji316 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:12 PM

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:17 PM
Please add your discussion to one of the many existing Osama death threads. Choose one of the following or many more not even listed here.

Osama Bin Laden Killed in U.S. Raid

Picture of dead osma faked! Real evidence?

Years of Deceit: United States Openly Admits Bin Laden Long Dead

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