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Reality Check: Why Bin Laden's Death Means Nothing

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 08:35 AM
The Death of the Boogeyman

I was there in front of the television last night trying to get info on the NFL Draft. I flipped through the channels and came upon a breaking report.

"Osama Bin Laden Killed by U.S. Forces."

I had to stop for a moment. Did I really just hear that? Did I just hear the news that the man that has eluded capture for almost 10 years was finally cornered like a rabid animal and shot? If you had asked me five years ago, I would have been in the crowd at the White House chanting "U.S.A.!" at the top of my lungs.

I'm older and wiser now, and to be honest, I know better.

All of us have to stop and take a collective look at the situation at hand. The question that comes to mind is: "Why here, why now?" What is the benefit that we as U.S. citizens have received from the death of this man? What about the world community? What about the victims of 9/11, the terrorist bombing victims around the world, the soldiers that have come back from war missing limbs, or in body bags? How have these people benefited?

I'm sure that the death of Bin Laden has given people of all walks of life the catharsis that they have been looking for. I'm sure that it gave many Americans a sense of patriotism that they "needed." I'm sure that the victims feel "vindicated" now. While all that is well and good, US Forces are now lacking a common enemy. The boogeyman has been defeated, so when do we stop military action and bring our troops home?

Oh yes, the excuses are there: "He's only one man in a bigger network," "We must remain vigliant," "Truthseeker1984, if you aren't celebrating, you aren't a patriot." Please, save me from these statements, because I don't want to hear them.

The Cost of War

Let's change the course of this thread for a minute. Let's talk about the dollar signs. Let's talk about the amount of money that the US has spent since 9/11. As of today, the United States has spent 1.1 trillion dollars on the "War on Terror." 1.1 trillion dollars is the combined total of the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. The war in Iraq has cost up to this day 787 billion dollars, while the war in Afghanistan has cost 400 billion dollars, and lots of change (no pun intended).


To give you an idea, thats about 100 billion dollars a year since 9/11 that the US has been spending on this war.

Let us not forget the amount of soldiers, civilians, contractors, et al. that have paid for this war in blood. Let us also not forget the people in our own country that have been affected by this "War on Terror."

I won't get into the hardcore conspiracy angle on this, because it is irrelevant in this particular thread.

Where Do We Go From Here?

I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach last night after hearing the initial reports of Bin Laden being shot dead. It wasn't a good feeling to say the least. My initial reaction to the people celebrating in front of the White House was one of disgust. Those saying that "God" helped the US to kill this man made me even more sick.

I am reminded of the Five Minutes of Hate from the book "1984." Although, I never thought I would actually see life imitating art, especially in this capacity.

With record high gas prices, rising food prices, unemployment at a realistic 16%, a defunct government more concerned about bickering between themselves than helping their constituents, an insurmountable national debt, et al., what has really been achieved by killing the boogeyman?

Seeing this whole situation as a chess game makes me think that things are only going to get worse. While I'm not going to make a prediction, because that is not my place, I am certain that we will not see the end of the Patriot Act, the troops will keep on fighting an invisible enemy, and the TSA will continue to provide molestations free of charge.

Oh, and this has secured Obama's re-election. You can quote me on that.

I honestly don't know if this whole thing is a Psy-Op, or if it's true (why would they give him a burial at sea instead of bringing the body back here to be analyzed to be 100% sure that it really is him?). I'm usually a "pics or it didn't happen" person, and seeing as the first picture that was released was a fake, and proven to be a fake, we really haven't seen any evidence that this whole thing isn't a Psy-Op.

In the long scheme of things, nothing has changed.

In conclusion, all I have to say is this: Heavens help us all for whatever may come in the near future. This whole thing isn't over yet, and this is the first time in my life where I am experiencing true fear of what is to come.

Be well, my friends.

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 08:40 AM
I agree wholeheartedly...may Qhadaffi's NATO murdered grandchildren RIP...let us not forget...expect a false flag operation in retalliation of this crap

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 08:47 AM
For me i think I had subconsciously attached the bin laden character to all of this war, big brother, patriot act, bankruptcy stuff and part of me was holding onto this juvenile and naive idea that he was the one thing keeping us from returning to sanity.

Like the politicians were killing this country hunting after their own white whale.

I knew as the reports were being made that whether bin laden was killed a week ago, years ago or at all the death of that white whale wasn't going to stop Ahab from sinking the ship.

And seeing the cheering crowds made me feel like the crew will be too happy to oblige The captains suicidal madness.

Now I just need to find a lifeboat or radio and get my ass out of here.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
For me i think I had subconsciously attached the bin laden character to all of this war, big brother, patriot act, bankruptcy stuff and part of me was holding onto this juvenile and naive idea that he was the one thing keeping us from returning to sanity.

Like the politicians were killing this country hunting after their own white whale.

I knew as the reports were being made that whether bin laden was killed a week ago, years ago or at all the death of that white whale wasn't going to stop Ahab from sinking the ship.

And seeing the cheering crowds made me feel like the crew will be too happy to oblige The captains suicidal madness.

Now I just need to find a lifeboat or radio and get my ass out of here.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

I couldn't have said it better myself. The allusion to Ahab and the Great White Whale is perfect in this situation. The blatant willingness to destroy the ship to hunt this whale is only trumped by the willingness of the "crew" to follow along.

Heavens help us all...

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 08:58 AM
I to have had the same feeling as you today after hearing the news. I also read from i think it was a wikileaks article that while they held al-Qaeda prisoners at guantanamo bay, they said that if osama bin laden is ever caught or killed they would launch nuclear war on the world.

Hope to god this isnt true.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by CharterZZ
I to have had the same feeling as you today after hearing the news. I also read from i think it was a wikileaks article that while they held al-Qaeda prisoners at guantanamo bay, they said that if osama bin laden is ever caught or killed they would launch nuclear war on the world.

Hope to god this isnt true.

I have heard the same thing in the past. The question is: do they actually have the materials to do such a thing, or is it just an idle threat? I really hope it isn't true too. Like I said, this whole thing isn't over yet...

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:03 AM
It does mean something...

It means Obama is good at something , Obama is good at picking people out and killing them. He is going to use drones, he is going to use special ops, he is going to use smart bombs, and he is going to use them no matter how much anyone kicks and screams about it. If I were thinking about doing anything high profile and violent to the U.S., I would have second thoughts as long as Obama is President because I know there would be a drone with my name on it, no matter where I hide, and no matter how many human shields I have.

But as people continue to fill up their cars with $5 a gallon gas, as people continue to lose their jobs to China, as people continue to see the cost of goods go up to the profit of Wall Street, all Osama's death will mean is that Obama is a good assassin and nothing else.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Vikus

You present an angle that I thought about addressing, but I didn't. You are 150% correct. The only thing that Obama has proven in his 2.5 years in office is that he can kill anybody he wants at any time, even while his own people are jobless, being kicked out of their homes, and paying $4+ dollars a gallon for gasoline to get to their minimum wage jobs (if they even have them).

Thanks for bringing that point up.

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:10 AM
Fabulous post, truthseeker. I completely agree and feel the same nagging fear that you do.

I'm copping smack over on my Facebook page, because of my distaste for the dancing in the streets I'm seeing on the news. I don't think death is something to be celebrated ever, but I couldn't help but feel that many of the people partying at ground zero and in D.C. haven't actually stopped to contemplate what this situation - Bin Laden's death - will ultimately cost them or the world, for that matter. The same passion that drove the masses to support the Iraq and Afghanistan invasion is the same one we're seeing today. It's simplistic and fundamental and completely driven by emotion, without even an ounce of logic and that makes it dangerous - for lack of a better word.

And yes, the instant I saw/heard President Obama's speech and in particular, his passionate choice of words, my thoughts went straight to the up-coming election.

"Why now?" Indeed.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:11 AM
I agree with the OP. I've been reading a lot of blogs and many Americans are excited about this when in reality it means nothing. Just another story to distract the masses for a few days, nothing is going to change.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:15 AM
BL was only a figurehead it was Ayman al Zahkawi who was the real head of AQ and a KGB operative to boot, so his death means very little in the real world.

And no - justice has not in any way been done, the Western world has wasted countless lives and $billions in war against a 'tactic'.

Justice! - would have been to nuke Mecca and the Kremlin 5 mins after 911!

And that is why you need someone like Trump as president.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Vikus
It does mean something...

It means Obama is good at something , Obama is good at picking people out and killing them. He is going to use drones, he is going to use special ops, he is going to use smart bombs, and he is going to use them no matter how much anyone kicks and screams about it. If I were thinking about doing anything high profile and violent to the U.S., I would have second thoughts as long as Obama is President because I know there would be a drone with my name on it, no matter where I hide, and no matter how many human shields I have.

With them dumping the body at sea all it really means is that the 2012 presidential campaign has begun.
By not bringing his body back to U.S. soil with hundreds of media present to document the body then we may as well say he ran off the Argentina and is chillin' with Hitler.

I think that was the dumbest thing they could have done. They say it was in accordance with Muslim law that the body had to be buried within 24 hours of death. Good thing non Muslims are afforded the same rights, eh?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:28 AM
to Truthseeker: Yeah.

to Everyone else: What he said.

Truthseeker, thanks for posting this (saved me the trouble). Now, when I first heard it, I awoke my husband, and felt about 2 minutes of a sort of "Wow!" and "They got him!" . Then I started thinking: Uh Oh.


We who post to this important thread will be seen as paraiahs, no doubt -- of course, on the news it's already being announced heightened threat level - US travel warnings (I have young adult family members traveling this summer to Germany and China) --

"If you are in an area of possible anti-US violence" they are saying RIGHT NOW ON CNN - "stay indoors!"


Also, did anyone else notice that in every locale pictured on CNN and elsewhere of jubiliation
the celebrants
ARE YOUNG PEOPLE. Youth. They were in grade school when it happened. They are the ones saying people over 50 are out of touch, should not be allowed to vote. THey are out there making themselves vulnerable to retaliation that is not just "possible", but, IMO, "PROBABLE."

Good grief. We are in a big, big tarpit, folks.

I also noted that Obama said "

Tonight, we give thanks to the countless intelligence and counterterrorism professionals who've worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome. The American people do not see their work, nor know their names.

Make no mistake, folks, I was glad, surprised, dubious, shocked.....all within seconds. Wow, I repeated over and over.
But..........dare I say it?


edit on 2-5-2011 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:30 AM
Completely agree with you OP. I too feel sickened and disgusted by the influx of Tweets and Facebook status updates expressing joy over the death of Bin Laden.

It's alarming what the average US citizen thinks to be true.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984
reply to post by Vikus

You present an angle that I thought about addressing, but I didn't. You are 150% correct. The only thing that Obama has proven in his 2.5 years in office is that he can kill anybody he wants at any time, even while his own people are jobless, being kicked out of their homes, and paying $4+ dollars a gallon for gasoline to get to their minimum wage jobs (if they even have them).

Thanks for bringing that point up.

Peace be with you.


1. Healthcare Reform
2. Dodd-Frank
3. Lilly Ledbetter
5. Auto Bailout
6. Obama tax cuts
7. Extension of Bush tax cuts
8. Illegal immigration at lowest level in decades
9. No longer defending DOMA
10. First hispanic woman on supreme court
11. Getting OBL - something he promised in 2008

Those are quite a few accomplishments. Not everyone agrees on how positive each single one is - but I can tell you out of that list I'd say just about everyone in this nation benefited from these in some aspect. I didn't post this so someone could pick apart each item; I'm saying taken as a whole this list has something for pretty much everyone to be happy about.

But you are correct - Obama needs to work more on getting American's jobs. He needs to return to Clinton era tax rates on the wealthy (even increase them), invest hundreds of billions in our crumbling infrastructure, increase the minimum wage (again), eliminate tax loop holes so mega-corps like BoA and GE actually pay their taxes, lower the retirement age to squeeze out older, more expensive workers while allowing younger ones to fill the gaps, supporting legislation that empowers unions - who are the only ones out there defending the middle and lower class Americans from corporate hegemony, and adding in a public option.

The problem is with a radical right-wing House that supports a budget that will literally explode the deficit by trillions upon trillions of dollars, increase taxes on middle class/seniors/poor, and eliminate Medicare as we know it by replacing it with a useless voucher system, passing meaningful legislation that will help Americans is going to be difficult.

I honestly don't know if this whole thing is a Psy-Op, or if it's true (why would they give him a burial at sea instead of bringing the body back here to be analyzed to be 100% sure that it really is him?). I'm usually a "pics or it didn't happen" person, and seeing as the first picture that was released was a fake, and proven to be a fake, we really haven't seen any evidence that this whole thing isn't a Psy-Op.

Did you want them to bring the body back to be publicly analyzed? Muslim tradition dictates that the body be buried within 24 hours of death. If they buried him on land somewhere, it would have become a place of pilgrimage for terrorists.

I think we can safely assume that releasing an actual picture will do absolutely nothing to satisfy most of the people who don't believe or don't like Obama. Refer to the birth certificate craziness if you need any proof of that.

With record high gas prices, rising food prices, unemployment at a realistic 16%, a defunct government more concerned about bickering between themselves than helping their constituents, an insurmountable national debt, et al., what has really been achieved by killing the boogeyman?

His death has meaning on several levels - I know your thread is more concerned with the economy (rightfully so), but I'm hoping it shows that no terrorist is safe from the US, that it discourages other terrorists, that it demoralizes radical Islamists, that it helps lower gas prices (it has), and that finally it means we can end our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan that much sooner.

Simply by returning to Clinton tax rates and ending our presence in Afghanistan and Iraq, we solve over half of our deficit problems. Hardly "insurmountable" and hardly a difficult task.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Anjin
With them dumping the body at sea all it really means is that the 2012 presidential campaign has begun.
By not bringing his body back to U.S. soil with hundreds of media present to document the body then we may as well say he ran off the Argentina and is chillin' with Hitler.

I think that was the dumbest thing they could have done. They say it was in accordance with Muslim law that the body had to be buried within 24 hours of death. Good thing non Muslims are afforded the same rights, eh?

As the story is unfolding and that burial at sea came to light, I am starting to agree that something very weird is going on.

The Muslims hated Osama and those that would care if we displayed Osama on a pike hate us either way. Other, probably most, Muslims would cheer if Osama's body was "disrespected".

By giving Osama an Islamic burial, we are equating Osama, the terrorist mastermind, to Islam.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Avenginggecko
1. Healthcare Reform
2. Dodd-Frank
3. Lilly Ledbetter
5. Auto Bailout
6. Obama tax cuts
7. Extension of Bush tax cuts
8. Illegal immigration at lowest level in decades
9. No longer defending DOMA
10. First hispanic woman on supreme court
11. Getting OBL - something he promised in 2008

Those are quite a few accomplishments. Not everyone agrees on how positive each single one is - but I can tell you out of that list I'd say just about everyone in this nation benefited from these in some aspect.

Most of the people that benefited are corporate fat cats, Wall Street insiders, rich medical insurers, and other crony capitalists.

The illegal immigrant thing is a BS number based on arrests that they can only do at certain periods. Why should we care about a hispanic woman in the Supreme Court, I thought we should judge people by character not on race.

And getting OBL and dumping him into the sea so quickly....I was giving Obama credit for this but something is starting to stink.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:28 PM
This video exposes many of the myths about Bin Laden and Al Quadea. Very interesting watching in hindsight. It's from an old ATS thread.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:54 PM
Thank you to everybody that has posted! I think most of us can agree that something stinks (and it's not just Bin Laden's corpse).

I'm still at a loss as to why this happened here and now. I mean, the most obvious reason is for Obama's political campaign, but what were the inside or behind the scenes factors? I wish I could speculate more on the whole thing, but, like I said, I'm still at a loss. Quite honestly, I'm still shocked over the news, and I'm still worried about what this means in the near future.

Any more thoughts?

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Vikus
Most of the people that benefited are corporate fat cats, Wall Street insiders, rich medical insurers, and other crony capitalists.

I would argue that many people who were not corporate fat cats benefited greatly from DADT, fighting against DOMA, Lilly Ledbetter, the Obama tax cuts, the extension of the Bush tax cuts, and the 45 million or so who are going to have health care because of the HCR. Yes, fat cats did benefit greatly from a lot of those things, but so did a lot of normal people. But like I said, the list wasn't given to be picked apart into individual pieces. It was given as an example of a broad spectrum of legislation in which each item has in some way benefited pretty much every American citizen in some way.

The illegal immigrant thing is a BS number based on arrests that they can only do at certain periods. Why should we care about a hispanic woman in the Supreme Court, I thought we should judge people by character not on race.

Again, the list wasn't meant to be picked apart item by item. But if you are an American citizen who is Latino, seeing someone like you in a high position within the Federal government is a hugely positive influence on your life. So, yes, some people do actually care that there is a hispanic woman on the supreme court.

And getting OBL and dumping him into the sea so quickly....I was giving Obama credit for this but something is starting to stink.

It's politics and government, something always stinks about it. Fact still stands that he's dead, and Obama is getting most of the credit for heading up the effort. He campaigned on it, devoted resources towards it, and executed the plan.

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