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Stop bashing the rothchilds. These quotes about them are lies. no conspiracy at all

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posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 10:41 PM
People keep quoting Nathan Rothschild. but do any of these people actually look up to see if he actually said it. the truth is that these quotes come from a book written without any facts and contains many historical errors.

If you want to excite readers of pulp fiction conspiracy books, offer a quotation from a Rothschild. Ellen Brown wants her readers to get excited.

" Nathan Rothschild, who controlled the Bank of England after 1820, notoriously declared: I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.[Web of Debt, p. 65.]"

She offers no footnote.

Ellen Brown's book, The Web of Debt, contains numerous historical errors. Chapter after chapter contains one or more bogus quotations. I survey these errors in this subdepartment of Ellen Brown vs. Gold.

Nathan never crashed the english bond market after waterloo. He just bought and held. The lie that he crashed the bond market and bought on the cheap was a lie from nazi germany in a film called "Aktien auf Waterloo".

edit on 30-4-2011 by Foodman because: change of title

+83 more 
posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 10:54 PM
I could care less about the book you are referring to. The Rothschilds are the head of the monster and therefore the enemy.

So you are on their side I'm taking it? Do you have any idea who they really are? Who in their right mind would ever try and protect these people from anything?

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Foodman

Nathan never crashed the english bond market after waterloo. He just bought and held. The lie that he crashed the bond market and bought on the cheap was a lie from nazi germany in a film called "Aktien auf Waterloo".

Stop bashing the rothchilds. These quotes about them are lies. no conspiracy at all

Well thanks for clearing that whole mess up for me. What a relief. You wouldn't believe how much information I was about to research about these people. Now that I know it's all full of lies and venom, well forget about it. Thanks man.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

so you could care less about the truth. i am not protecting anyone. just writing the facts. you call them monsters? you got proof. what crimes have they done. i provided the data with my posts. where is yours. plz no infowars as your proof.

lol stop watching alex jones. he provides no facts at all.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by jackflap

no problem. knowledge is power my friend. read the book the 'ascent of money'. it details the history of world money. Nathan was a good man, but his name has been trashed by conspiratorial people with no data other then a book with no actually references. just writings of a person with no education. simple as that. im glad i could help you.

+14 more 
posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:04 PM
you haven't really proven anything

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:04 PM
So this one quote means that they are just hunky dory squeaky clean people?
They LOVE money...Money is the root of all evil.
Therefore, I believe they are evil. I believe they've started wars for their own gain, just as others have done for themselves.

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Foodman
reply to post by Smell The Roses

so you could care less about the truth. i am not protecting anyone. just writing the facts. you call them monsters? you got proof. what crimes have they done. i provided the data with my posts. where is yours. plz no infowars as your proof.

lol stop watching alex jones. he provides no facts at all.

The Truth?? Seriously??

So you found a book that possibly makes some comments made about the Rothschilds wrong?


That makes them any better how?

I hope I'm more clear in where I'm coming from........

edit on 30-4-2011 by Smell The Roses because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by antmax21

im sorry to hear that. however here are the facts.

the Rothschilds dont start wars. they are to risky. that is why they did not invest in the american civil war. Nathan almost lost all of his familys wealth during 1815 by buying gold thinking the war would last much longer. however after the battle of waterloo, gold sold off as the war was over. nathan put the remainder of his gold in english bonds, and held them for over a year. simple as as that. He learned the lesson not to invest in countries that go to war, as bonds can lose value very fast.

the more you know

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:09 PM
De Nile is a river in egypt. These guys need to be arrested along with the Royal Family, there are others, but those are the first two on my list, and even saw it done in a vision. If we pull in our good by giving to others, refusing to follow bad orders or laws and stand up, be love, never harm, then things will change.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

im still waiting for you to list the crimes that have committed and the proof of it. until then, you are just accusing them with no data.

edit: im heading out for the night, so i wont be able to respond to any further posts till i come back. i expect some data too when i come back, no more bashing. just facts. ok.
edit on 30-4-2011 by Foodman because: change

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses
I could care less about the book you are referring to. The Rothschilds are the head of the monster and therefore the enemy.

So you are on their side I'm taking it? Do you have any idea who they really are? Who in their right mind would ever try and protect these people from anything?

Do you? Please humor me: who are they, really, and how do you know this? I'm talking about knowledge, not speculation.

I also love your false dilemma: that to expose fallacies of accent about them is to be on "their side".

+22 more 
posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:16 PM
this is called Rothschilds damage control.

They've created the damage
and are now losing control

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by antmax21
So this one quote means that they are just hunky dory squeaky clean people?
They LOVE money...Money is the root of all evil.
Therefore, I believe they are evil. I believe they've started wars for their own gain, just as others have done for themselves.

How do you know they "love money"? Love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself. They may have money but how do you know they love it?
edit on 30-4-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

+4 more 
posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Foodman

I really hope you got paid for this.
Otherwise, this is the worst waste of time I've seen on ATS
In a LONG time.

Good work, at getting paid. Unless you aren't getting paid. Then you should probably work for us instead.'
Though you're obviously not interested in the truth, are you.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Foodman

And where is your proof on all of this subject matter? .....It is a pretty well known fact that this family failed twice before finally getting the Federal Reserve instituted in America around the early 1900's.

+14 more 
posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:22 PM
Oh thank you sooooo much.

I guess tomorrow you will post how the bilderbergers are just a group of people competing in a PAPER, ROCK, SCISSORS tournament.

Then the zionists are just trying to spread hummus for the world to enjoy.

And perhaps finish off the series with how the CFR/IMF/BIS are merely protecting the world's currencies from the threat of Chuck E Cheese coins becoming the world reserve currency.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Foodman
reply to post by jackflap

no problem. knowledge is power my friend. read the book the 'ascent of money'. it details the history of world money. Nathan was a good man, but his name has been trashed by conspiratorial people with no data other then a book with no actually references. just writings of a person with no education. simple as that. im glad i could help you.

They are extremely wealthy and live in and control the same economy that the rest of us live in. Only....they are the most wealthy in the world.......and the rest of the world is struggling just to survive because of the increasing prices of EVERYTHING! They keep getting richer...the rest of the world ....poorer. I don't even need to pick up a book or read quotes to know who to hate. There is a reason they keep getting richer and the rest of the world poorer......because they are stealing from the rest of the world, because they contro, the financing of the world. How they got to be in control of the world's finances...WHO CARES! The fact is that even an idiot could see from the actual day to day proof of living in the world who is corrupt and in control and whos bleeding the world. Who needs quotes? All these posts and only one flag.......everyone but you knows they are crooks.
edit on 30-4-2011 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Foodman
reply to post by Smell The Roses

so you could care less about the truth.

Yes, we do care about the truth, how about you go have a look at some of the Rotschilds from our time instead of a ghost....

i am not protecting anyone. just writing the facts. you call them monsters? you got proof. what crimes have they done. i provided the data with my posts. where is yours. plz no infowars as your proof.

Have you got proof they have NOT committed crimes? How about some facts about that?

lol stop watching alex jones. he provides no facts at all.

lol, who mentioned Alex Jones?

+25 more 
posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Foodman

First of all you spelled their name wrong.

And second, you're an idiot if you think what you posted disproves anything.

They control the central banks of the world... Prove they don't. The U.S., England, Swiss, French, Naples, Austrian, Germany and probably plenty more. You can't prove anything as they have never been audited. They were instrumental in the creation of Israel, see the 'Balfour Declaration.' They have funded both sides of almost every major war, and every empire since Rome has collapsed due to debts they accumulated while trying to expand and police their empire. Read up on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and you will find that it collapsed primarily because of the debts they owed European banks. Israel could not have been created if the Ottoman Empire did not fall around WWI.

Now it’s possible that it wasn't all them, and they could possibly be a face or front for 'TPTB' or the 'Money Changers’ while the elite of the elite remain in the shadows, but one thing for sure is that at have had a huge amount of power, wealth, and control in the past and it would be silly to assume they lost it all as everything has always been kept in the family.


(The History of the House of Rothschild)

(Rothschild family)

(Power of the Rothschilds)

(History of Central Banking in the U.S.)

edit on 30-4-2011 by tooo many pills because: (no reason given)

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