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Gold $ Silver: A 30-Year Snap Shot

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posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 03:25 PM

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by rstregooski

MAN I wish I would have been smart enough to buy big into both just before 9/11!

2nd line.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 03:48 PM
With 'hindsight' we would all change the world.... so don't beat yourself up over it !!!

According to the 'Kieser report', a TV show on RT channel with Max Keiser (a financial jouno)... he is suggesting Silver still has some way to go......

The idea being that a bank, Morgan Stanley or the other load of crooks have 'exposed' themselves on significant Shorts on silver and because the price of Silver is increasing then that means MEGA losses for that bank...... It was rumoured that a Russian Billionaire has bought more SIGNIFICANT amounts of silver so as to push the price up further and HURT these banks whom has already HURT US......

I think there is a little battle behind the scenes going on which US mortals don't know much about............

Have a look for the Keiser programme, it was linked to on another thread on ATS....makes interesting reading / viewing.....



posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Yea, I've seen a few Kieser reports.. Interesting look at the 30-year silver graph versus gold...

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Thank PDUK - yeah, I've seen interesting prediction of silver up to as much as $150 in the next few months, and apparently with all the tungsten parading around in the gold markets (plated), the true value of gold based on volume should be anywhere up to like $115k/oz. - ridiculous, eh?

Anyone with market insight have any input on that last bit? I remember headlines from some time back talking about the plated tungsten bars they were coming across.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 03:59 PM
Yeah..... the 30 year graph is already at a peak and yet Max Keiser is Completely Adamant that it will go higher............ Like I said before there appears to be some behind the scenes shananigins going on..

The question is .... Do we, as mere mortals who can't really afford to lose our money get invloved in the 'game' or not ??



edit on 30-4-2011 by PurpleDog UK because: Really pathetic gramma !!! d'oh

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by rstregooski

I think part of what you're seeing is gold prices pushing investors into silver as a more affordable commodity.
Small investors recently entered into the markets can't justify the entry price in gold - speculators would rather play in more-but-less-costly futures contracts and are primarily responsible for the volatility in ALL markets IMO.
It's wag the dog economics where the casino gamblers betting on the future availability of largely non-existent commodities are in control of the price to the market - typical economic principles like supply and demand don't really enter into the equation any more in determining the economic outlook.


posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 07:13 PM
Does the 30 year graph take into consideration inflation? So if Gold was worth, just for the sake of example, $300 an an ounce in 1982, by today's standards, that may be close to $1000 - or whatever inflationary effects would have it.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by surrealist

I don't have the exact figures on hand, but if my memory isn't failing me, the inflation adjusted prices right now would be Silver $140/oz, Gold $2400/oz.

There may or may not be truth to the JP Morgan short rumor, but I don't think anyone disagrees that the market itself is totally manipulated. The paper gold and silver futures market (which determines the spot prices) is a derivative scheme just like the mortgage backed securities scheme. It's going to blow up at some point when people find out that their paper silver and gold is worthless. But even if JP Morgan was short, they will manipulate the price of silver as needed to allow them to go long and eventually bet against the positon their bank is holding. This is what all the banks did with their mortgage securities, I have no doubt they will do it again with Gold and Silver - IF it appears that the dollar cannot be saved.

That's why people like Keiser say it will still go up - once the paper market is exposed, the valuations will adjust and who knows how high Silver/Gold could go then. Alternatively, inflation fears will force the paper market up and up. And if inflation ever turns into hyperinflation, at least part of your wealth is protected by holding physical.

Never underestimate your opponent, however, especially when that opponent is an insanely rich criminal bankster syndicate with control of the Fed, SEC and the White House. I hold both metals, but I'm holding them until I die or a new monetary system is implemented. If you're looking to "make profit" then you're investing in the physical for the wrong reason, IMO.

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