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Windows coders write buggy code - ON PURPOSE.

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posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 07:35 AM
I think that coding is so difficult that bugs are unavoidable. Logic, loops and variables require careful definition. I think that Microsoft would probably have strict programming guidelines and rulebooks setting out standards for their programmers to follow - and that when their employees write buggy code that is attributable to them through the strict changelogs and coding logs Microsoft keeps, then they will be demoted or possibly sacked. We just don't hear about the ramifications of each "patch" on the internal Microsoft staff, due to confidentiality clauses in contracts.

I also think buggy code is uneconomical. Microsoft would appreciate that its market monopoly would be threatened if its coding was consistently below par.

If Microsoft was minded to make "backdoors" for government and security agencies, it seems to me that rather than be a "bug", it would be a properly coded and unbuggy point of access and egress.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by wooretan

You know that is just exactly what I believe they do. Vulns, IMO are nothing more than "erroneous" loopholes left in for people of purpose. Being a SE, I know that out of hundreds of thousands of lines of code you cannot debug them all leaving a 100% stable architecture. Nothing is perfect, but in this case they are creating their own brand of job security.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by HolgerTheDane

What was your point? Other than you support M$? What I meant was, I have Open Office to do my business on, if I choose to, I have a choice of many games that comes via synaptic package manager, Firefox runs with a proxy to protect me, and no one can track me around because I do not allow cookies to be stored, or anything else for that matter. I never, ever get a blue screen, or a Windows error, and my Windows registry never gets buggy, because Linux does not have one.

I repair computers for a part time living, and they come here with viruses, Trojans, and with their hard drives filled with web pages and cookies, and people asking why add companies spam them all the time. They come here slow as molasses in winter, with every program coming up on Windows start. Yes, that is a good way for me to make money, and lots of it. Keep right on running windows, and by the way, never try to customize your OS, M$ would not like that.

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