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Do you believe that extra-terrestrial life exist?

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:41 AM
This "weird life" is thought to exist on many moons and planets, with Titan, one of Saturn's moons, named as the most promising source of extra-terrestrial beings.

The scientists went on to claim that some weird life may also exist here on earth, and have urged people to "go exploring with our eyes wide open".

Do you believe that extra-terrestrial beings exist, or are they a science-fiction fantasy?

Is it possible that in a universe so large ours is the only inhabited planet?

Should scientists receive funding to study in this field or would the money be better spent elsewhere?

Please post if you believe in extra-terrestrial life and if you had an experience with UFOs.

Me personally i do believe in extra-terrestrial life, how can we be the only intelligence life in the universe? I have not seen any UFOs with my own eyes but that hasn’t stopped me believing.


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:45 AM
It's out of character for me to be blatently rude but here goes nothing....

You're on a conspiracy website.

Do you really feel its necessary to ask this question?

I don't want to sound rude but... some of these threads need to stop, its dumb and a waste of time on your part and my part.

Have a good week =)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:46 AM
well it had to come from some where either truth being sold to the public or just a big cover upwith the govrnmt not realy knowing what they are or if they are bad and dont want us to know

its like rap came from rock.. RAP had to come from somewhere it wasnt really just made up

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:54 AM
how many of these threads do we need?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by litterbaux
It's out of character for me to be blatently rude but here goes nothing....

You're on a conspiracy website.

Do you really feel its necessary to ask this question?

I don't want to sound rude but... some of these threads need to stop, its dumb and a waste of time on your part and my part.

Have a good week =)

Being on a conspiracy website doesn't automatically mean everyone here must believe in extra terrestrial life. In fact from what I've read there's a large portion here that are actually arrogant enough to believe that in this Universe we are the only intelligent life.

As I said in the ghost/alien thread, I find it inconcievable that we are the only intelligent life. That's not to say I believe we've been visited because that's a different issue, but I definately don't believe we are alone.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by DJKris

Originally posted by litterbaux
It's out of character for me to be blatently rude but here goes nothing....

You're on a conspiracy website.

Do you really feel its necessary to ask this question?

I don't want to sound rude but... some of these threads need to stop, its dumb and a waste of time on your part and my part.

Have a good week =)

Being on a conspiracy website doesn't automatically mean everyone here must believe in extra terrestrial life. In fact from what I've read there's a large portion here that are actually arrogant enough to believe that in this Universe we are the only intelligent life.

As I said in the ghost/alien thread, I find it inconcievable that we are the only intelligent life. That's not to say I believe we've been visited because that's a different issue, but I definately don't believe we are alone.

Instead of asking a simple question whether or not you believe, maybe you could have asked why we believe. I agree with the poster who said this kind of thread really doesn't need to be started here on ATS, there is a whole section devoted to UFOs and Aliens

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:28 AM
Stay cool, guys,

The poster is either really new to these concepts or a plant.

It should be duly noted that there are already probably thousands of threads on this site addressing this issue.

But we must remember that in the popular public mind it's still a good deal up in the air.

And how many of us can log on and say: "Yea, my friend next door's from Mars. We talk about it all the time!"?

So it's not like we have an easy answer. It's just that: There is a TON of evidence pointing in the direction of a well-populated universe. Poke around and I'm sure you'll find some!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:18 AM
Without a doubt:
Millions of galaxies
100 billion Stars in a galaxy average
We can see 9 planets round our sun 1 contains life, others may have
on our planet the diversity of life is astounding.
What a waste of Universe if there was not
Based on these odds, there must be

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:18 AM
I agree to be playful here to make people feel welcome. Welcome to the real world. Lets all be nice and hope for the best!

All that read that... this is how it really is.

For those that like to read between the lines.... Man up... take care of your kids, take care of your wife. Do what you think is right. If you made the wrong decision... you gotta man up to that too.

We gotta teach our kids morals, stat!

It's the only hope.

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