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Crowley is speechless at the GOP agenda

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posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:26 PM

I think he is totally right....100 days in, and the GOP majority has yet to bring up 1 bill for more jobs, after spending the whole campaign season complaining about no jobs.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:30 PM
that's beautiful...I think what's going on right now has left a lot of people speechless...myself included...I can't believe what these crooks are doing to our country...I really think something big NEEDS to happen soon...don't know what...but this has to stop

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by here4awhile

So you think we should ingore the deficit and debt and just keep spending money we do not have? Do you think it will be worse if we have Obama crash the economy and dollar? It would be.

All your precious socialist hand outs would be gone. We need to show the owners of our debt and those who still use our currency that we are trustworthy and will cut back on deficit spending. This cut was a joke - it was so small compared to what we need to do to pull out of the crash.

If you are dependent on government handouts, get yourself weaned and fast.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by sara123123

I totally agree, the size of government must be cut. Everything we got going on today is the result of borrowed money and it looks like the tap is being slowly turned off and the currency is inflating. Not too much talk about ending the wars and the military spending from either side (except for a few senators and congressman). Which is kinda sad.

Yes it sucks that government employees will lose their jobs, but one has to ask how much their jobs are really needed anyways.

The states can handle things too. The federal government doesn't need to do everything.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

And Crowley doesn’t get it!

The government can’t create jobs.

There has never been a “jobs bill” that has created more jobs than it has destroyed.

The only thing that can create jobs is for the government to get out of the freaking way.

We put the republicans in there to be obstructionist. I want things to grind to a halt. The only problem I have had with the republicans is they have been bending too much and letting things pass that they should not be letting pass.

That budget should not pass unless it is cut far more than it has been. I would have been perfectly happy if they had let the government come to a grinding halt.

A day in which the government wasn’t screwing something up. That would be a day to rejoice.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

What a loon this guy is. I hope today's downgrade woke some people up...but I doubt it.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:04 PM

All your precious socialist hand outs would be gone
reply to post by sara123123

well maybe if there were jobs people would not need socialist handouts.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Mr Tranny

what do you mean specifically by obstructionist?

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:20 PM
The Republicans want to cut spending of everything but the big war machine. The Tea Party wants to cut spending on everything. The democrats want to raise spending on everything and act like they are cutting so they can get re-elected and tax the rich at 100%.

Here is my plan for Job creation. Remove the useless regulations that are set to protect us against the big carbon dioxide monster that doesn't exist, this will create more jobs and put more Americans to work than any other act. Cut the government monster than collects taxes only from the top 50% of Americans. Get rid of income tax - convert to a flat consumption tax. This will give all citizens a vested interest in electing moral leaders instead of politicians. As it stands now the plan is to buy votes with tax cuts on the top and free money on the bottom and this just squeezes the middle. Move all social program responsibilities to the states. Increase social security pay roll taxes to sure up social security or remove the 106k cap or both. Balanced budget amendment is a must, and a debt repayment plan is also a must.

Just my two cents.

Thanks for reading.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:33 PM
i am echoing mr T since hes the only who has gotten anything right in this thread so far

no matter what some people think in this country it is not the congresses resposiblilty to create jobs it is to get the hell out of the way so they can be created and that comes from the private sector which is where all the wealth comes from in this country.

it doesnt come from the government the government gets their cut from it ie taxes

jobless in america has many reasons

address those and everything else that is going wrong in this country will fix itself.

jobs leave this country for the simple fact its cheap to go elsewhere in the world.

outsourcing we all know but none can ever seem to agree on the root causes of

overregulation that destroys more jobs than most people will ever recognize

unions the creation a very few high paying jobs instead of the hundreds of thousands of lower(not greed lower) paying jobs

human resource element and educational levels and a people so hungry and hungrier and will to do anything to make a living.

welfare todays welfare has gotten to the point where its so easy just to sit back and have everyone else pay everything else for them

unemployment todays works have found it more easy just to sit back and wait there 100 weeks of sitting back and getting paid for nothing so they do not look for a job

which leads us to the inescapable conclusion half the country works and the other half doesn't

address globalization and outsourcing and end them that action in itself will increase job creation in this country which also in turns has an even greater effect that if more people are working the more they are paying tax revenue to said government and that also means that the more people working the less they need government subsidies as per welfare.

its so simple its stupid

edit on 18-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by sara123123

Maybe you should DENY IGNORANCE and stop spouting such crap?

THIS is what happens when Faux trolls are allowed to post on ATS.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

I want them to do everything in their power to stop, delay, or reduce the amount being done by the government. Try to cut stupid junk out of bills. Try to delay votes, and try to prevent bills from being passed all together.

Obama has passed a lot of crap over the last couple years, If you can’t repeal it, then it needs to wither away at the vine via lack of funding. If no money is spent on a program, then that program won’t exist.

Shutting down the government if the democrats won’t cut crap out of the spending bill is what we put them in there for!!!!!!!

edit on 18-4-2011 by Mr Tranny because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Mr Tranny

hahaha oh my wow! So your not for working together you all about going back into the left right divide my side can win? right. I have to get my way or I am throwing a fit like a child. I mean thats what it is. I mean it seems you don;t want compromise.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:18 PM
like it or not there are Americans out there who voted for democrats. Now would you like it if the block or segment of American's that voted for some of the democrats that are currently serving not have thier voices heard,. To just get things your way?? I mean I would agree with you that yeah it should be the republican way or the highway if the republicans took the senate but they didn't. I think the democrats deserve a say as to what is put into bills and what is not cut and what is cut.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

I have gotten sick and tired of “compromise”.

That is why the MSM talking about all this “compromise” is falling on def ears.
We have compromised too much as it is.

It is time to put a halt to the stupidity. People may whine and moan like stuck little pigs, but the experience will do them good in the long run. It’s time to run the ship aground before we get any closer to the water fall.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by sara123123

have you served in the real military? army or usmc? if not you don't have any right offering an opinion as you haven't earned it..

i depend on what you would call "govt handouts" and look forward to continuing to sit at home and receive them. Do you ever stop and think how many veterans, spouses, children, grandchildren of veterans depend on "govt handouts" as yu call them? The sacrifice of brave and courageous americans in order to allow millions of freeloaders (those that haven't served in the armed forces) to have a job that pays more than $2 a day is just, honorable and needs to continue. In our country spineless "enteprenuers" who have never served nor have their parents served should be making minimum wage before any cuts are made.

i served in times of war and conflict, sustained injuries and received medals. this country can afford to pay people like myself first, let everyone who hasn't served in the military live in squalor if that is what it takes.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Mr Tranny

the govt CAN create jobs

do you know anything about the works projects during the last great depression?
did you know many THOUSANDS of jobs were created during the 30's - 40's?
many dam projects, roads, schools, hospitals, power plants, national parks, and on and on? the entire infrastructure of the nation was overhauled due to the govt creating jobs

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by sara123123
So you think we should ingore the deficit and debt and just keep spending money we do not have?

Yes. Absolutely, when has shutting down the government or reducing it ever done anything good for this country?

You're being lied to every day by the richest people in this country. They're not going to help you out when you need it, they're going to tell you and everyone below them to suck it up or die off. It's sick, disgusting, inhumane and un-American.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by sara123123

Want to talk tough on socialism? How about we talk Interventionist policies and hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign bases and wars abroad instead. How about we talk tough on the reckless policies of the past that made today in America possible. Let us talk tough, let us get angry and curse and condemn the people that need help because of things like outsourcing and deregulation, bailouts and wreckless spending...

I am anything but a socialist... On that note when the capitalists change the rules and swindle the lifestyles, hopes, dreams and aspirations from out under the people; I think a little compassion and focus is needed, that is unless you're cold enough to let them die, if not physically, mentally.


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by neo96

unemployment todays works have found it more easy just to sit back and wait there 100 weeks of sitting back and getting paid for nothing so they do not look for a job

edit on 18-4-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

I'm not sure that's accurate.

My wife was on unemployment for 6 weeks before she found another job. Her unemployment didn't pay a huge amount (certainly not enough to sponge off of the people for 100 weeks) and she had to submit applications to 5 or 6 places a week and go on a certain amount of interviews a week(month?). I'm not sure that there are enough businesses in the area to keep that up for 100 weeks without getting hired somewhere. There certainly aren't that many in her particular field.

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