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Dog the bounty hunter threatens arrest for....

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posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Dog the bounty hunter threatens arrest for....

On Tuesday night in Wailuku Maui, Tommy Russo spotted Bounty Hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman in the public parking lot near his office.

"I just wanted to get a snapshot because I thought it was cool," says Russo.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:50 PM
Dont make much of the title. The headline does not say much about the story. The article does not say any thing about dog threatening him but, I am in contact with the person that got the footage. He is apart of the Austin we are change group and just sent out a email titled.

"I was called and threatened with arrest by DOG the bounty hunter!!!!!!!‏"

In the email he says
> I'm so amped up!! I went out for about an hour and while I was gone my
> girlfriend said someone kept calling and saying I had entered a radio
> contest and it was an 808 number. I knew immediately it had something
> to do with this incident. Well, my girlfriend had picked up the phone
> and called him back and he was in a stupor, screaming, yelling, he
> said"put your drunk ass boyfriend on the phone" which is funny because
> I don't drink. I grabbed the phone and he was saying Oh you're big and
> bad Johnny and saying that I had threatened him, I told him no one had
> threatened him, that "we the people" had threatened to be "we the
> people". I took control of the coversation at this point, I asked him
> if he's ever heard of Alex Jones, he paused for a second and said "i
> used to live in Texas Mother#er etc..." I must have said "calm
> down" ten times in a row. I scolded him for thinking he can tell
> people to turn their cameras off and he ended the conversation with
> "if you call me again you'll go to Jail!!"

"After speaking with him last night, I can tell you, Dog is totally
freaked out, doesn't know what he's dealing with, he's very confused"

I dont really care to much about celebrity's but I do care about people brain washing the masses into thinking robo cops are normal. [snip]
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:54 PM
I think this is video of the incident,caution,strong language.

I'm more miffed about the cops action than Dogs but I'd like to see more of the entire incident.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

i like DOG all except for his haircut....he just bonded out Nic Cage last night....he does alot of good getting the people that deserve to be back in jail where they belong

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by gdaub23
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

i like DOG all except for his haircut....he just bonded out Nic Cage last night....he does alot of good getting the people that deserve to be back in jail where they belong

Alot of the people he catches are just non-violent drug offenders who shouldn't be locked up in the first place. Dog just helps feed the prison industrial complex and for that he can go straight to hell IMO

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:08 PM
well if the bounty hunter(or crew) is going around telling people they cannot film in public, then they are no better than the other cops who do the same. i don't know what happened that led to the inncident but regardless the way the guy filming is treated is disgusting, escpecially by the police at the end taking a whack at the camera.
dos'nt matter what the guy with the camera was doing it was unwarrented.

i'm a bit shocked, because they always came across as caring and kind to people when i use to watch them on t.v.
will have to wait and see if anything else comes up, ie: the otherside of the storey.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:16 PM
That was stupid. I mean, I understand why the cops would be a little miffed, but policemen are not supposed to lose their temper. If you're being videotaped, then act like an upstanding cop! It gives you a reason to look good. Instead, he gets pissed and tries to take the phone. And that bounty hunter show (if I'm thinking of the right thing), they're just a little ridiculous. I don't give a crap about their problems.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:21 PM
Dog The Bounty-Hunter is fake anyways. I've seen better, watching COPS.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:23 PM
Aren't there bigger fish to fry?

To me it seems as both parties are participating in some good old harassment/borderline stalking fun!
I don't think it's right to video tape, photograph someone you don't know or who doesn't know you're doing so and if they ask you to stop, why continue? Why intrude someone's personal space?
The only reason people do this is because of course they feel they have something to gain from it and feel they can get away with it when a "famous" or "infamous" person is such an oddity.

But how would you like it if someone did this to you? or if you laugh that off or invite that kind of attention how would you like someone following your child around taking pictures and video taping them to post god knows where?'s their right to do so?

The only reason this is seen as ok is because Dog is not a liked individual and I am in no way sticking up for him as I think he's a fake and a fraud who's character and attitude is something left to be desired but it still doesn't make it right.
Which I don't get why anyone would really care enough about this guy to video tape him?
Unless they are trying to gain something from this may it be money or ATTENTION.

I just don't understand why both parties needed to agitate the situation, it happened both parties acted foolish move on..

People just seem to becoming less and less civil.

The "Do you know who Alex Jones is" made me laugh ..

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Pastafarian

Alot of the people he catches are just non-violent drug offenders who shouldn't be locked up in the first place. Dog just helps feed the prison industrial complex and for that he can go straight to hell IMO

I take it you haven't experienced a person doing crystal meth for days, because that person has a real high chance of being violent. Also a drug offender is not in his right mind especially if he is up for days they start having DT's that could make them do anything to get money for drugs by any means they can. They can be violent.

Also Dog isn't the one that is locking up these people in the first place, in fact he is helping to keep the population of the jail by bonding them out. The offender is the one that is helping to feed the prison by not doing what the terms of his/her bond agreement. Dog is just doing his job.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:38 PM
I see alot of anti Dog posts here. Now let me ask this did anyone hear Dog say anything in this video? The only one you hear is Beth his wife. She is one loud person that get's them in some negative thoughts by other people.Don't get me wrong here,because I know things are done for the tv show,but do you actually think Dog would act that way especially after dealing with his own comments.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by pop_science

I don't think it's right to video tape, photograph someone you don't know or who doesn't know you're doing so and if they ask you to stop, why continue? Why intrude someone's personal space? The only reason people do this is because of course they feel they have something to gain from it and feel they can get away with it when a "famous" or "infamous" person is such an oddity.

if somebody asks not to film them that is one thing, but telling them to turn the camera off in a public area?
and i really do not get what the problem was to begin with, they go around with camera's filming rather embarrasing situations for some people but then complain when somebody turns the camera on them?
i doubt dog was having a bad hair day, they are plastered all over the t.v. everyday, i just think it was a bit of a over reaction from what i have seen so far. and could of been dealt with better by all parties.

the cop at the end oversteps the mark completly and assualts the guy, yet the guy filming in public is such a danger to everybody?.

it happens in the u.k. to, why are they so paranoid about people filming in public? whats it all about?
yet they are hypocrits, because they film us with c.c.t.v. everyday, and the bounty hunter would never of been heard of without sticking camera's in peoples faces.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by sabbathcrazy

I dont really care to much about celebrity's but I do care about people brain washing the masses into thinking robo cops are normal. So F$%k you dog the bounty hunter.

"Dog" has done a great job glamorizing the prison indusrial complex.
Thanks to him and his "biker chic", many are no longer limited to those boring brown shirts.
One can express their all-important individuality while maintaining uniformity yet still blend in with the criminal element.
Don't forget, following a fashion is a fascist favorite. .

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Thanks for posting this story.

From the video it's hard to know what actually transpired, both before and during the officer's intervention.

On the surface it appears that neither 'Dog the Bounty Hunter', nor the police officers at the scene, appreciated someone filming Dog in a parking lot. The person filming stated they were press, and that it was their lawful right to film a public space.

There then followed what appeared to be a rather abrupt, aggressive grab for the camera on the part of the police officer. Like others here, I am wondering why they acted in this manner. Was this act meant to be a catalyst for something else? This could have turned very nasty, very quickly had that camera been confiscated without the owner's consent.

I also respect people getting cheesed off with being filmed in a public place, but look at it this way. Dog the Bounty Hunter is broadcast to it's going to happen. Dog puts himself in the public eye on a regular basis.

There is no doubt more to this story than meets the eye and hopefully the full picture will emerge. Including Dog's side.

In the meantime if any police officer gets off acting like an ape, then in my opinion it's time for them to quit.
edit on 17-4-2011 by Ross Cross because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 07:00 PM
Where does it say your thread title in the article headline? "Dog the bounty hunter threatens arrest for...."

It doesn't on the link you used. And Dog didn't do anything - in what the article says.

Just saying. Aren't you supposed to use actual headline?

edit on 17-4-2011 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 09:13 PM
Dog the bounty-hunter threatens arrest for ...

...touching his kibbles & bits! lol

(You know like on the head-lines on Jay Leno show?)

Just saying though. At work; my boss is a former member of the narcotics task force with the local sheriffs department and he can tell you up front that Dog The Bounty Hunter's show is so fake it ain't even funny.

edit on 4/17/11 by Marked One because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 09:16 PM

> I'm so amped up!! I went out for about an hour and while I was gone my
> girlfriend said someone kept calling ...


What happened to Beth?

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by sabbathcrazy

I would like a little more clarification on the parking lot itself. A parking lot belonging to a business is private property that is open to the public. However it does not mean a person who enters that parking lot cannot be asked, told, or forcibly removed for failing to comply (tresspassing).

The second piece if information I would like to see is Hawaii law for bail bondsmen / bounty hunters. The Supreme Court of the US has ruled time and again in favor of the actions of bailbonds / bountyhunters, and at time they have more authority than law enforcement does when trying to apprehend parole obsconders / people with warrants etc.

As far as the MPD reaction to the cameras, they need to get over it. The only issue I can possibly see that justifies the officers actions is the fact the camera guy (who was threatened by dog securty) was no longer a 3rd party. He beca,se part of the investigation the moment the police showed up, and as such was detained until the MPD could figure out whats going on.

When you are detained (temporarily seized under the 4th amendment) you lose your freedom of movement, up to and including recording.

Now, with this being sais im not taking anyones side.. I would like to see more info though before forming my opinion.

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 02:17 AM
Excuse me, miss, but... if I may, that portion of dialog was coming from the man who videotaped dog, not dog himself. So do not fear, m`ladi, Beth has gone nowhere. This is a commonly used tactic (by bounty hunters, and I suppose, criminals too...) to try to get someone to show up somewhere so that you may apprehend them. Makes it a lot easier than hunting down a criminal... The police themselves have used this many times to round up fugitives, people with warrants... Kinda scary when you think of the implications of a criminal using these tactics...
Don`t Ever believe that you`ve won something for "free" unless you do all the background work first. Don`t believe anyone about anything unless you do all the background work first! But alas, some people are just like a deer in headlights when they hear that magic mind-control trigger word "free"... If something is free... well then we simply must have it, no matter how many hoops are necessary to jump through. Flaming hoops? Ok, no problem, where do I sign? some things turn out not to be so "free" after all...
As far as dog, the guy said they were by dogs office, otherwise I would say maybe they were in the middle of a stakeout and the guy with the camera was blowing their cover. But if they were by the office, I don`t know, maybe they were shooting footage for the show an dthis guy was ruining it. Or maybe a fugitive got away that day and they (or Beth, as the case may be) were a little on-edge returning to the office. I dunno... Guess it seems like the cops have a hard-on for dog though. Maybe they have a deal of some sort...

posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 02:59 AM
At around 1:25 in this (NSFW) recording of his infamous racist rant he talks about people trying to record him in parking lots, who I guess he presumes are trying to get his bigoted slurs on tape. I wonder if this had anything to do with this incident.

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